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I'M Thinking About Buying A Gun For Home Security


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Except for going to a shotting gallery once when I was working in dubai, I've never shot a gun in my life!

Me and the wife bought a few rai on the River Kwai and have built a home and plan to live here full time.

The problem is, the past year there have been some horrific crime in the area, infact one case of a woman and her young daughter murdered all for 2 baht gold and 2000 baht cash!

There seems to be quite a yaba problem in the area and indeed there has been a neibourhood watch system set up because of the increasing crime.

I often work away from home and getting quite worried about home security to the point of getting the Mrs a gun license and training her up at the local gun club.

I know it sounds drastic but I have a 6 year old son to concider too!

Am I talking <deleted> here? over paranoid?

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I prefer a semi or pump action shotgun, I have a Beretta, not easy for a child to chamber one up and not necessarily fatal injuries from a distance. Aim is not such an issue when the adrenaline is pumping.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

That's interesting, can I ask were you bought it? Is it in your wife's name?

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I can understand you thoughts on protection. Of the suggestions above I would go with dogs. You need to make sure that you train them properly and you have a system to "verify" your visitors by introduction. This way you can be sure that the most important thing happens and that is word spreading that you have these extraordinarily well trained dogs in the house that have to be introduced to people to stop them ripping out throats. In reality it wouldn't really matter that the dogs are complete pussies that you can happily leave with your wife and child.

Propaganda...it is powerful!

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I can understand you thoughts on protection. Of the suggestions above I would go with dogs. You need to make sure that you train them properly and you have a system to "verify" your visitors by introduction. This way you can be sure that the most important thing happens and that is word spreading that you have these extraordinarily well trained dogs in the house that have to be introduced to people to stop them ripping out throats. In reality it wouldn't really matter that the dogs are complete pussies that you can happily leave with your wife and child.

Propaganda...it is powerful!

Exactly how I feel about it.

When we have friends round I lock the dog in the cage, by the way the cage is 10 metres by 3 metres before someone jumps on it,

and tell them it's better if the dog stays locked up.

The dog has a good reputation in the area now.whistling.gif

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Over the years back home I had 3 German shepherd dogs. Never a problem with burglaries as everyone knew I had the dogs. Plenty of barking when people came to the house and plenty of scared callers too. I'd make callers wait until the dog was put into the kitchen before letting them in to add to the idea that it would be safer.

As said above, propaganda works. Fear is the key too and much better than a gun. Add to that that if your wife and your son are good with the dog the dog is liable to be very protective of them.

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I think it is better to keep the druggies out of your property, rather than hope to shoot them before they harm you and your family.

I recommend you build a high wall topped with barbed-wire, keep your garden well lit at night and buy some guard dogs / tigers.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Its about layered defense/deterrent.

Fence, lights,dogs, pump shotty.

Keep it on a high shelf with no round chambered, safety on and a six year old will have no issues.

Even better, keep it in a custom built hidden compartment.

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Its about layered defense/deterrent.

Fence, lights,dogs, pump shotty.

Keep it on a high shelf with no round chambered, safety on and a six year old will have no issues.

Even better, keep it in a custom built hidden compartment.

Agreed -

Solid fence / wall (Electric fence running the permitter of the wall.

An infra red sensor - anything bigger than a cat on the walls and the lights come on.

Alarm System

Guard Dogs

Last Resort - a Pump Action shot gun with non-fatal Rock Salt shot.

The shot gun can be kept at a height readily accessible by you or your wife, but not by your child (the child doesn't even need to know its there).

I like the idea of an easily accessible hidden compartment.

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If your area is fenced a much better option would be dogs. You can teach them to accept food only from you, so you don't have to worry about someone throwing them poison, not easy but can be done.

Get the right dog that can stay in the house at night when you're not there, anyone near the house will soon move when they hear it if they come near the door, for me you can't beat a well trained German Shepherd.

The majority of break-ins by junkies are not planned and dogs can be enough to make them move to the next easier option. Movement activated lights can help but many things here can switch them so you have to think about placement etc.

I love rifles, had a 7.62 SLR for twelve years, but that's what I was issued with. Wouldn't have one in the house.

Sent from my 1960's Marconi Oceanspan with variable Mu Pentodes

Good idea about the dogs . . . although the OP could end up being equally paranoid about have a big dog around a small child. There usually a few newspaper stories about dogs trying to eat the family every year.

Just had a mental picture of the OP knocking himself on his arse as he bangs into the SLR which he is holding across his chest . . . the stock and the business end of the gat being too far apart from each other to make it through the door way in the darkness during a rush. biggrin.png

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I prefer a semi or pump action shotgun, I have a Beretta, not easy for a child to chamber one up and not necessarily fatal injuries from a distance. Aim is not such an issue when the adrenaline is pumping.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

That's interesting, can I ask were you bought it? Is it in your wife's name?

You can also load the cartridges up with non-lethal loads. Salt is an obvious one because it would sting like buggery without killing the blighter and the bang would still be just as loud and terrifying, but it's corrosive and would make cleaning your gun quite a chore. There is probably lots of information on the internet about other non-lethal loads.

In the UK gun license holders are required to have purpose built child-proof safety cabinets so there should be plenty of resources for you to tap should you pursue this course of action.

Future-proofing for a Mad Max world notwithstanding, I still think moving is probably a better idea because a firearm is practically pointless, nay, downright dangerous for the household unless you know how to use it and constantly train with it to prevent skills fade.

Edited by Trembly
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If you must live in this area with your family, then get a couple of nasty dogs kept at the perimeter fence.

Electric fence on top of the 7 ft wall.

CS gas and pistols in vehicles and rooms.

Let of a round every night as a warning.

Then you are still not 100% safe.....Personally i would try to live somewhere safer.

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1 good trained outside dog, a yapper inside and if you feel comftable with a rifle/gun, just a .410 on a small shelf above the door with a duck shot or if you can get it ratshot might be better, either won`t kill them but they will spend a couple of busy days with tweezers pullin out lead shot

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Let's be realistic here! YOU ARE NOT BEING PARANOID- you had to ask the question but subconciously you know the answer. Criminals in your area are probally already eyeing up the golden goose farang and his family already. They will bide their time and wait for the oportunity.Maybe it's when your family are home alone or your nipping out to the shops or a saturday night when they've run out of sang som money. It's not a case of "IF" but "When". If you choose to stay then there is some good advice above.

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I prefer a semi or pump action shotgun, I have a Beretta, not easy for a child to chamber one up and not necessarily fatal injuries from a distance. Aim is not such an issue when the adrenaline is pumping.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

You keep a pump-action shotgun in the house in the UK ? I thought UK gun laws were tougher than that sad.png

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Its about layered defense/deterrent.

Fence, lights,dogs, pump shotty.

Keep it on a high shelf with no round chambered, safety on and a six year old will have no issues.

Even better, keep it in a custom built hidden compartment.

Agreed -

Solid fence / wall (Electric fence running the permitter of the wall.

An infra red sensor - anything bigger than a cat on the walls and the lights come on.

Alarm System

Guard Dogs

Last Resort - a Pump Action shot gun with non-fatal Rock Salt shot.

The shot gun can be kept at a height readily accessible by you or your wife, but not by your child (the child doesn't even need to know its there).

I like the idea of an easily accessible hidden compartment.

Got that from Tony Soprano thumbsup.gif

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Do you know how to use a firearm - of any type ?

More important still - can you shoot someone if it comes down to that ?

If the answer to either of these questions is not a resounding YES then you have no business having one.

Many people shot by their own gun - the thief takes it away from them because they can not go the final step and pull the trigger.

Rock salt ??? When push comes to shove you will want OO buck - right between the nipples.

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I would also vote for the shot gun. Or maybe a shot gun and a normal 9 mm, maybe a Glock.

Important is to train the kid as early as possible. If it goes with you every 2 weeks or so shooting and the weapons aren't something secret than they are much less interesting.

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Do you know how to use a firearm - of any type ?

More important still - can you shoot someone if it comes down to that ?

If the answer to either of these questions is not a resounding YES then you have no business having one.

Many people shot by their own gun - the thief takes it away from them because they can not go the final step and pull the trigger.

Rock salt ??? When push comes to shove you will want OO buck - right between the nipples.

To learn how to safely use a gun is a matter of 15 min and some repeat exercise.....All that millions of gun users aren't Nobel price candidates.

And shooting in the air will do the trick most of the time, and I guess with the drug addict in front of you and your child behind no one has a problem putting a few bullets into the scam.

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