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The Old Think Park Site - Stalled?


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The development on the site where the Think Park used to be seemed to have almost reached completion, but when I drove past the other day it looked like work has stopped with the entrance on Nimmenhamen boarded up in a no-nonsense fashion.

Anyone know the story?

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They have theatres there? I thought it was a small upscale mall much as the one they are doing across the road on part of the Amari site.

The whole intersection is marred by a lack of sidewalks and safe opportunities to cross any of the roads. Cars queuing in Nimmenhamen pull onto the wrong side of the road in the face of oncoming traffic to beat the lights and the rest of the time it's full of incoming traffic. What is needed (but probably won't happen) is a couple of footbridges, one across Nimmenhamen and one across Huay Kaew Road making access easy from the three busiest pedestrian areas.

The serious development on the north west corner is going to have parking (it's a multiplex and shopping centre for those who were wondering) and I doubt if foot traffic will increase past the Think Park site in any meaningful way - you take your life in your hands skirting the road for the last 30 metres of Nimmen - and the failure of most of the retail spaces along that last part probably proves the point.

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I think you could have really nice foot bridges with an intersection at the top. I have seen great footbridges in Washington DC and Singapore. It could definitely be done well and a fairly gradual slope without steps. Of course without steps if would be a problem to prevent motorbikes from trying to exploit it.

Maybe throw a few steps in the ramps to prevent the motos.

Really you would think the investors of Amari and southwest side (Think Park) would pay up to build a decent covered walkway from the Mall to their hotel etc.

I wish I had a crystal ball to see the future... It could be so much better.

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The weather could be a factor; If they have hundreds of metres of external wall rendering or painting, the rain is going to ruin it.

Then again it maybe for security....are they "fitting out" inside but have ordered special windows on a mega lead in time. so to enable them to carry on they protect for security and from the rain.

Then again; the sub contracted next trade in (for example electrics) may be running behind on a previous project giving a knock on effect to this one.

Worst suggestion would be the main contractor has gone tits up

You can literally make a dozen or so scenarios fit the question you ask...all legitimate.

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