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This Will Make You Laugh


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My lads 18 and home for the weekend from uni ,well i had to go and get something from royal mall so he said he would come ,off we went and while there stopped for a coffee,as we sat down an older farang woman and i presume her husband looked at us and said in quite a loud voice "look at the guy with the young boy ,its not right" i assume she meant that i was his boy friend ,but the funny bit was when my lad (who lived in Britain most of his younger life ) got up went to her table and said"what's not right about having a coffee with my dad" you could have lit a fag off her face,someone at the next table laughed out loud and she and her husband rushed to pay and leave without a word ,priceless.

Had a similar situation myself. Was having a burger with my 15 year old stepson in McDonalds and I had that unnerving feeling that someone was watching me. I look around and see some old western skank looking at me with disgust and I thought, I know exactly what you're thinking you pre-judgmental old bitch. Then her male partner gives me a similar stare. I took it all in good stride on the outside and the look on their faces was priceless when my wife walks with our two daughters and sits down. It was then my turn to turn around and glare daggers at them. All of a sudden it's sullen looking faces and no more eye contact in our direction and a hasty departure. I hope they learnt their lesson but I doubt it. Leopards don't easily change their spots.

Sent from my iPhone 3 using ThaiVisa app

Edited by Garry
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Its not good to be judgemental but its not a bad thing that these people are seeing what they initially perceive to be a dodgy situation and giving you a hard time about it.

There would be something more wrong if they saw that they perceived to be an older farang with a young Thai Boy and started giving you the thumbs up and saying well done.

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Carry on, please. You're giving me a good laugh again.

Really, looking at post 20 it it seems to me that you're getting a bit worked up.

@ siampreggers

You have obviously (hem hem) never been to Cambodia. The women there frequently wear pyjama-type outfits as day wear.

Only been there about 10 times for visas over the years. I find it quite cute.

Though having a female partner who's the height of a child sport them in one of the major child-sex destinations... and then go onto poke fun at it by 'demanding ice-cream' and calling their older looking Western partner 'papa' does not incite ignorance and stupidity, it incites people believing that you are a child molester with a young child who's wearing bedwear.

I'm sure that would be hilarious to some.

I'm not sure what type of person, but some none the less.

Awww......Please lighten up..... It's a happy thread looking at people's msiconceptions. of innocent situations.TNS (and others) have been able to laugh about what happened to them... Why can't you see the funny side of this? There was no incitement, IMO as the people had already jumped to their erroneous conclusions, so a little wind-up at their expense brightened up what could have been an uncomfortable time for Mr & Mrs SD,

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Excellent TNS, would love to have been there to see that.

About 16-17 years ago in Pattaya, I suppose I could have been classed as one with their attitude. I will never forget walking down Beach Road in Pattaya quite early in the morning and seeing a white male walking hand in hand with a young Thai kid, maybe 12-13 years old.

If I had done what I was thinking at the time, I would likely still be in prison and him still in hospital. I felt so strongly about what I saw at the time.

Later that day, I called into my (at the time) 'local' for a cup of coffee. And there is the guy sitting there. With his Thai wife and 12-13 year old son that he had been out with earlier for a walk along Beach Road! I honestly felt so ashamed at what I had been thinking of him earlier; that was the last time I have judged the proverbial book by its cover, a real lesson learnt.

Years later, when my son (Thai) and I would walk down to the shops, as was his want, I often thought what the locals who didn't know me thought seeing the white guy and the young Thai kid.

To be honest i think the locals realize that you are with your son or daughter as it is so common these days (unlike 20 odd years ago when i was first here) its just the tourists who read all about Thailand in the press and assume that its common for a westerner to be with youngsters.

True. If I am sitting with my Thai stepdaughter, now 17 but bought up in the UK, locals recognise the situation instantly. Tourists , forget it, last year she offered her phone to two girls (backpackers) in a cafe and asked them if they would like to take a pic as they hadn't stopped glaring since we sat down. A hurried red-faced exit with no apology ensued. Quite fun to watch how flustered they were biggrin.png .

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My mom came to Thailand to spend some time with our youngest, 6 months old. Mom was 71 at the time. So me and my wife and my mom head for lunch. My wife was holding our youngest when the waitress chatted her up and commented on the age of the mother, said that it didn't feel right that someone that old should have a baby, and that it looked bizarre that I was so much younger. "The old hag was probably filthy rich", as she described it. I was watching my wife as she looked at her in a confused way.

After a while I realised she thought that my mother and I was the couple with a baby and that my wife was the nanny (my wife was 36 at the time).

We left the restaurant an hour later without ever explaining to the waitress. lol

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When talking about kids it is better to error on the side of caution. I have a nine year old daughter and I know people take a second look. I think that is normal given some of the things that go on in this part of the world and the reputation Thailand has. Nobody has ever said anything to me like the example in the OP, but I am not surprised that it happens.

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I think if you read the thread you will find at least two people being just as judgmental as the people in the OP. The rest should be along shortly. It is not really their fault. They just can't help it. It is there day to watch out for ewwwww perve alert. Nor is it PC to make fun of PC people so I am sure I will get slammedbiggrin.png

It is cutural conditioning. Next will be the ones who don't like the guys with younger wives. Even if she is over 21 she is still too young ewwwww!bah.gif

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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When talking about kids it is better to error on the side of caution. I have a nine year old daughter and I know people take a second look. I think that is normal given some of the things that go on in this part of the world and the reputation Thailand has. Nobody has ever said anything to me like the example in the OP, but I am not surprised that it happens.

How do you err on the side of caution? If I see you walking with your daughter should I call the police?

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When talking about kids it is better to error on the side of caution. I have a nine year old daughter and I know people take a second look. I think that is normal given some of the things that go on in this part of the world and the reputation Thailand has. Nobody has ever said anything to me like the example in the OP, but I am not surprised that it happens.

How do you err on the side of caution? If I see you walking with your daughter should I call the police?

No, but you should note whether or not the child is showing signs of distress or anything else that puts up red flags. A very tricky situation to do anything about, but who knows one day you might be in a position to help a kid.

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Problem is, it is hard to tell.

Its not that difficult if you've lived here for a while.

Tourists on the other hand, understandably find it a lot more difficult as they assume any old Western male/female with a younger Thai person fits the stereotype.

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Problem is, it is hard to tell.

Its not that difficult if you've lived here for a while.

Tourists on the other hand, understandably find it a lot more difficult as they assume any old Western male/female with a younger Thai person fits the stereotype.

Now that's the problem. How do they get the stereotype? Everyone is not a dirty old man. I have 4 daughters. The first two I never had any problems. The second two, times had changed. Not me. I have two daughters in their 20's and two in their 40's. Something happened in those 20 years to change the West. I didn't do anything different. It is no wonder so many men my age have moved. Some one or something crept in and told everyone in the West that men are bad and old men really bad. Men under 50 are not going to notice any different because they have been conditioned to feel bad about being a man but us older guys remember when it was not a bad thing to be a man.

Dunno...but the stories you write on Stickboy don't help you with your arguments.

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Problem is, it is hard to tell.

Its not that difficult if you've lived here for a while.

Tourists on the other hand, understandably find it a lot more difficult as they assume any old Western male/female with a younger Thai person fits the stereotype.

Now that's the problem. How do they get the stereotype? Everyone is not a dirty old man. I have 4 daughters. The first two I never had any problems. The second two, times had changed. Not me. I have two daughters in their 20's and two in their 40's. Something happened in those 20 years to change the West. I didn't do anything different. It is no wonder so many men my age have moved. Some one or something crept in and told everyone in the West that men are bad and old men really bad. Men under 50 are not going to notice any different because they have been conditioned to feel bad about being a man but us older guys remember when it was not a bad thing to be a man.

Dunno...but the stories you write on Stickboy don't help you with your arguments.

What are you implying?

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You really haven't got the hang of this thread, have you?

I think he has and I'd agree that your situation is different from the humorous stories being told. They were passive participants in the story where you decided to be the active one with your partner asking for ice cream and calling you papa.

If you can't see the difference then perhaps that is the problem

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You really haven't got the hang of this thread, have you?

I think he has and I'd agree that your situation is different from the humorous stories being told. They were passive participants in the story where you decided to be the active one with your partner asking for ice cream and calling you papa.

If you can't see the difference then perhaps that is the problem

I beg to differ. If you read my post carefully you will see that we were getting the hostile looks before my girl decided to wind them up. Up to that point we were just another couple strolling along the beach. We had already been judged and she decided to respond to their looks of disgust in her own inimitable style.

What they thought after that I can imagine, but couldn't care less about. I'm glad that none of them made the mistake of saying anything to our faces as they would have been surprised by the response.wink.png

Welcome back, by the way. Haven't seen you around the forums for some time.

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Welcome back, by the way. Haven't seen you around the forums for some time.

thumbsup.gif Cheers.

Work has been quite plentiful - no, I'm not complaining smile.png - and it is now taking me to places like Dubai, Tokyo and everywhere in between again, after I'd hoped to lessen the travel. Free time is better spent with family.

Keep up the cheer and for goodness' sake buy your partner some real pjs! thumbsup.gif

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Something happened in those 20 years to change the West. I didn't do anything different. It is no wonder so many men my age have moved. Some one or something crept in and told everyone in the West that men are bad and old men really bad. Men under 50 are not going to notice any different because they have been conditioned to feel bad about being a man but us older guys remember when it was not a bad thing to be a man.

That is so true.

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Welcome back, by the way. Haven't seen you around the forums for some time.

thumbsup.gif Cheers.

Work has been quite plentiful - no, I'm not complaining smile.png - and it is now taking me to places like Dubai, Tokyo and everywhere in between again, after I'd hoped to lessen the travel. Free time is better spent with family.

Keep up the cheer and for goodness' sake buy your partner some real pjs! thumbsup.gif


'Those' pj's are long since history. What she needs is a padlock for her mouth. I've seen BiB wither and die under her verbal assaults...blink.png

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I was overseas with my bird who is 5 years my junior, I overheard a bitter and twisted young western woman who would have been the same age as me saying: ' another one with a mail order bride' to her friend.

I replied 'Isnt she great? By the way Im Muslim so I have 3 more cleaning around the house now'

Im actually an anglo saxon devout athiest but I just loved the look on their faces

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I hope this isnot of topic if it is the mods can delete it ok.

When I was back in Canada this year I was boasting about what a fine woman I had found here. I also mentioned how she was previously married to a Thai man who was an alcoholic,a gambler,womanizer,took her land and beat her. An elderly woman at the table looked at me and said"and how often do you beat her". I was at a friends house so just left. After discribing how much I cared for the woman and what a great woman she was, all this old hag could do to justify her bad attitude towards me and men is say that. And they wonder why I and many other men prefer feminine Asian women. Need less to say that was the straw that broke the camels back on that holiday. The next day I changed my flight to leave immediately and came back to Thailand.

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Me and my father are new to Bangkok having just recently explored our new soi and home. Im an 18 year old man, i look pretty young and have a slim, muscular frame and are a pretty boy. My father is big and burly, we dont look related at all. We were sitting at a bar having a beer together celebrating our new adventure with my mother, him and our dog. We were recieving looks from multiple parties and i simply stared back, i looked at my dad and told him everyone is staring at us. The bartender looked at us and asked us were we lived and how long we have been together. I pointed in the direction of our condo and inquired as to what she meant about our time together, she retorted as you all might expect. I laughed and voiced very loudly, THIS IS MY FATHER. A few people laughed, the bartender gave us a free round of heineken for the misunderstanding. People are far, far to judgemental.

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Me and my father are new to Bangkok having just recently explored our new soi and home. Im an 18 year old man, i look pretty young and have a slim, muscular frame and are a pretty boy. My father is big and burly, we dont look related at all. We were sitting at a bar having a beer together celebrating our new adventure with my mother, him and our dog. We were recieving looks from multiple parties and i simply stared back, i looked at my dad and told him everyone is staring at us. The bartender looked at us and asked us were we lived and how long we have been together. I pointed in the direction of our condo and inquired as to what she meant about our time together, she retorted as you all might expect. I laughed and voiced very loudly, THIS IS MY FATHER. A few people laughed, the bartender gave us a free round of heineken for the misunderstanding. People are far, far to judgemental.

I have a parrot that says that a lot.

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