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Things To Mitigate Dissatisfaction In Thailand For Gf


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1. I would suggest rather than going to Bed, go to events such as art / design exhibitions, fashion shows, embassy cocktails, and the like. Sober events with no BOOM BOOM music where there is some pre-selection built-in. I wish I could help you out with this, but I haven't been in Thailand for long and mostly focused on work now, so my social circle isn't that developed. But when I look for friends (anywhere), this is what I do.

2. It doesn't take a grand or two to have a nice weekend outside BKK. I've had weekends at Le Meridien Samui and it was very nice for 5000 a night (one floor of private villa, very well built, jacuzzi, private pool, etc). I've also been at Six Sense Samui at 22,000 bhats a night and that was very nice too. Was it 4 times nicer? No. I know which one to choose when I'm trying to save cash.

There are also closer places (Samet, Hua Hin etc) where you don't have to fly, just take a taxi for 1500-2000 and get there door-to-door. Bottom line, it's very possible to have a cool relaxing 2-nights-3-days weekend for 15K bhats, martinis included. Of course, you have to accept not staying at "the very most exclusive" resort in town, but who cares? Do your research and find some cool value-for-money spots. God knows there are out there in Thailand, maybe more than anywhere else.

And actually, renting a basic-but-clean 300 bhats bungalow right on the beach at a little resort far from anything can be a lot of fun too. Some of my best memories are in such a place, run by an old German hippy lady in Phangan. It's not all about the money one spends. Sometimes luxury places can be more isolating than anything, and actually preclude you from having a good time.

3. No, not drugs. Will PM you details.

5. You have a point there, and almost make me feel bad about living in Asia. It's true, it's a lot harder to have an articulate discussion on politics etc with the average person here. Or to find driven polished individuals in general. I think I'm less worried than you about this though. For me the trade offs are worth it.

6. I'm not sure why this GF thing concerns you so much though since there is only a couple of weeks left. I hate Beijng but I could live there for 3 months with my girlfriend. It's 3 months, how hard can it be?

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What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

I have just been promoted from newbie to member clap2.gif and I guess that means I can slowly build up my own opinion about things.

What caused this discussing to go off topic, and to become quite personal, is the way Aurellian defended himself. I think all will agree to that.

English isn't my native language, but I would have been able to make a better point without the bragging and without talking about X grand per visa run, YYYY for utility bills (or should this now be considered bragging as well?).

I think I can also get the message across that I am an ok guy without putting on the table where I have my sushi, mojito and champagne. For the record: I don't like champagne so don't drink it.

There is no second chance for a first impression and Aurellian didnt score well on that first impression.... bah.gif

I still have serious doubts about Aurellian's story but it's time to get the discussion back on topic and refer the personal stuff to PM.

My age isn't important but I have a 29 year old Thai gf that is 26 years younger then me. I guess that puts her in the same age category as Aurellian's missus.

She is a 5'2" Thai pitbull that doesnt care how tall his gf is, doesnt care how good she looks and I'd be surprised if she's interested in her cup size. She is a teacher and she is studying to get a master's degree,. she takes care of me (not an easy task I assure you), her mother and a youger sister. She is loyal to her roots, which are in a slum area around Bangkok's Rama 3, and that's where she stays when she is in Bangkok. Not in a hotel or condo.

What I am trying to say is that she is an intelligent, hardworking, both feet on the ground girl that will not be impressed by the model's looks nor will it make her feel uncomfortable or make her stare at the gf. She will judge your gf on how she really is. She has a number of friend that do just that.

I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

Thank you very much for your post. I wish you all the best.

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I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

I suspect Pattaya isn't exactly Aurelllian's scene.

Even in Pattaya you can have a civilized good time. Agree, you have to put in a bit of extra effort but if you really want it it can be done!

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I think the best thing you can do is to send her to a beach resort (for example Phuket or Koh Samui) for those 2-3 months you are talking about. It's to short time to find a new BFF anyway.

Rent a motorbike so she can explore on her own. Encourage her to speak with "ordinary" people in the beach. She may even find some hot tourist girls that meet her standards, I've seen them (most will be Russian though).

I'm a little confused about you financial status. In some posts you come across as quite affluent and in others like you have to think twice about every Baht spent.

It's not that expensive to rent a condo/room in a beach resort for a couple of months. I do it every year on an average salary in my home country and can also afford the air fare from Europe and spending money (plus mortgage etc at home). The domestic air fares in Thailand are not so expensive.

She may not be very happy with this solution but maybe a little happier.

I conclude that she doesn't have any money of her own, because she needs either to stay in you condo in Bangkok or Vegas or you have to pay for her accomodation elsewhere. Does she have any family were she can stay until the situation in Vegas is solved? Unless it is essential that she stays in Thailand, of course.

In my opinion these are your options. It's not perfect and it will cost you some, but may be worth it.

Sorry for any language mistakes. English is not my first language.

Good Luck!

Hi. Thanks.

Maybe I will do that. Cheaper than staying at a Marriott property. I will need a car though and don't like driving in foreign countries. ..but having four residences is not what i need to do now.

I like Bangkok and don't like the beach.

My financial situation is what it is. I am not good with money...I spend like a drunken sailor on leave...kinda has to do with my line of work.

I am also niggardly. Its complex. Like I will fork out 4 grand for a C-Class ticket yet not buy water in the airport because I can get it for 1 buck cheaper.

basically, I can afford to do what i want but am now realizing that when I am not on contract spending thousands of dollars flying around the world depletes a bank account very fast. I don't really budget..and going to the Olympics was a lot more expensive than I thought.

Get it?

Edited by Aurelllian
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What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

I have just been promoted from newbie to member clap2.gif and I guess that means I can slowly build up my own opinion about things.

What caused this discussing to go off topic, and to become quite personal, is the way Aurellian defended himself. I think all will agree to that.

English isn't my native language, but I would have been able to make a better point without the bragging and without talking about X grand per visa run, YYYY for utility bills (or should this now be considered bragging as well?).

I think I can also get the message across that I am an ok guy without putting on the table where I have my sushi, mojito and champagne. For the record: I don't like champagne so don't drink it.

There is no second chance for a first impression and Aurellian didnt score well on that first impression.... bah.gif

I still have serious doubts about Aurellian's story but it's time to get the discussion back on topic and refer the personal stuff to PM.

My age isn't important but I have a 29 year old Thai gf that is 26 years younger then me. I guess that puts her in the same age category as Aurellian's missus.

She is a 5'2" Thai pitbull that doesnt care how tall his gf is, doesnt care how good she looks and I'd be surprised if she's interested in her cup size. She is a teacher and she is studying to get a master's degree,. she takes care of me (not an easy task I assure you), her mother and a youger sister. She is loyal to her roots, which are in a slum area around Bangkok's Rama 3, and that's where she stays when she is in Bangkok. Not in a hotel or condo.

What I am trying to say is that she is an intelligent, hardworking, both feet on the ground girl that will not be impressed by the model's looks nor will it make her feel uncomfortable or make her stare at the gf. She will judge your gf on how she really is. She has a number of friend that do just that.

I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

Thank you very much for your post. I wish you all the best.

One of the few serious replies and this is what you have to say... I'd wish you all the best too, but I am afraid that won't be enough... Cya

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The club you mentioned several times and places abroad you also mention are places of a similar ilk. Full of social climbers, yes ? So that's the kind of people you will most likely meet there. You complain the people only want to know you're girlfriend to increase their social status so obviously the places you go aren't working out for you in helping your girlfriend make friends and confirming my point.

. Although I struggle to see how on earth a farang or Thai (for that matter) air hostess could increase anyones social status. The meetings you've asked for on here are at places like this, yes ?

If you don't want to integrate where will you meet friends ? If she hasn't got a job here then she's going to be bored. Thailands great for a holiday or nights out, but during the day if you don't work it's boring, much the same as everywhere which leads to frustration and unhappiness to some degree. When your in this state and looking miserable it's much harder to make friends and people don't want to approach you.

What places do people usually meet new people in the west : work , sports, social clubs, through existing friends and families ? It's the same here.

It seems your social life consists of BASC etc and you playing with your x-box on your own. Maybe if she hasn't got friends to go out with to other places to make friends you should take her to other places , not send her, as you say. Be the person who makes the first move in meeting other people so people can get to know her personality and not just her looks.

I have no clue why someone's looks would increase another person's social status. None at all.

Social Climbers do go to posh places but all posh places are not exclusively inhabited by social climbers.

I am not a social climber in the sense that you envision.

I do like partying with good looking and beautiful women. That's the extent of my fascination with the nightlife at posh places...that and some good hip-hop or rock.


What is BASC?

I've got no idea on the looks increasing someones social status either, but I seem to recall you posted it's the only reason Thais want to know her, somewhere way back in the thread.

BASC initials of the club you posted about going to again way back in the thread somewhere.

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The club you mentioned several times and places abroad you also mention are places of a similar ilk. Full of social climbers, yes ? So that's the kind of people you will most likely meet there. You complain the people only want to know you're girlfriend to increase their social status so obviously the places you go aren't working out for you in helping your girlfriend make friends and confirming my point.

. Although I struggle to see how on earth a farang or Thai (for that matter) air hostess could increase anyones social status. The meetings you've asked for on here are at places like this, yes ?

If you don't want to integrate where will you meet friends ? If she hasn't got a job here then she's going to be bored. Thailands great for a holiday or nights out, but during the day if you don't work it's boring, much the same as everywhere which leads to frustration and unhappiness to some degree. When your in this state and looking miserable it's much harder to make friends and people don't want to approach you.

What places do people usually meet new people in the west : work , sports, social clubs, through existing friends and families ? It's the same here.

It seems your social life consists of BASC etc and you playing with your x-box on your own. Maybe if she hasn't got friends to go out with to other places to make friends you should take her to other places , not send her, as you say. Be the person who makes the first move in meeting other people so people can get to know her personality and not just her looks.

I have no clue why someone's looks would increase another person's social status. None at all.

Social Climbers do go to posh places but all posh places are not exclusively inhabited by social climbers.

I am not a social climber in the sense that you envision.

I do like partying with good looking and beautiful women. That's the extent of my fascination with the nightlife at posh places...that and some good hip-hop or rock.


What is BASC?

I've got no idea on the looks increasing someones social status either, but I seem to recall you posted it's the only reason Thais want to know her, somewhere way back in the thread.

BASC initials of the club you posted about going to again way back in the thread somewhere.

Ahh, bed, you mean bed supperclub I think.


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I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

I suspect Pattaya isn't exactly Aurelllian's scene.

It works for the top of society in Thailand and the world. I certainly don't know why not.biggrin.png

are you serious? pattaya serves the best in the world. <deleted>..okey dokey.

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What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

I have just been promoted from newbie to member clap2.gif and I guess that means I can slowly build up my own opinion about things.

What caused this discussing to go off topic, and to become quite personal, is the way Aurellian defended himself. I think all will agree to that.

English isn't my native language, but I would have been able to make a better point without the bragging and without talking about X grand per visa run, YYYY for utility bills (or should this now be considered bragging as well?).

I think I can also get the message across that I am an ok guy without putting on the table where I have my sushi, mojito and champagne. For the record: I don't like champagne so don't drink it.

There is no second chance for a first impression and Aurellian didnt score well on that first impression.... bah.gif

I still have serious doubts about Aurellian's story but it's time to get the discussion back on topic and refer the personal stuff to PM.

My age isn't important but I have a 29 year old Thai gf that is 26 years younger then me. I guess that puts her in the same age category as Aurellian's missus.

She is a 5'2" Thai pitbull that doesnt care how tall his gf is, doesnt care how good she looks and I'd be surprised if she's interested in her cup size. She is a teacher and she is studying to get a master's degree,. she takes care of me (not an easy task I assure you), her mother and a youger sister. She is loyal to her roots, which are in a slum area around Bangkok's Rama 3, and that's where she stays when she is in Bangkok. Not in a hotel or condo.

What I am trying to say is that she is an intelligent, hardworking, both feet on the ground girl that will not be impressed by the model's looks nor will it make her feel uncomfortable or make her stare at the gf. She will judge your gf on how she really is. She has a number of friend that do just that.

I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

I suspect an offer that Aurelllian will resist

Can do Bangkok too but have the feeling he will pass on that too...thumbsup.gif

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What started out as a post looking for ideas turned into Aurelllian getting called out on almost everything he said. He simply defended himself, albeit in a confident, if not cocky manner.

I have just been promoted from newbie to member clap2.gif and I guess that means I can slowly build up my own opinion about things.

What caused this discussing to go off topic, and to become quite personal, is the way Aurellian defended himself. I think all will agree to that.

English isn't my native language, but I would have been able to make a better point without the bragging and without talking about X grand per visa run, YYYY for utility bills (or should this now be considered bragging as well?).

I think I can also get the message across that I am an ok guy without putting on the table where I have my sushi, mojito and champagne. For the record: I don't like champagne so don't drink it.

There is no second chance for a first impression and Aurellian didnt score well on that first impression.... bah.gif

I still have serious doubts about Aurellian's story but it's time to get the discussion back on topic and refer the personal stuff to PM.

My age isn't important but I have a 29 year old Thai gf that is 26 years younger then me. I guess that puts her in the same age category as Aurellian's missus.

She is a 5'2" Thai pitbull that doesnt care how tall his gf is, doesnt care how good she looks and I'd be surprised if she's interested in her cup size. She is a teacher and she is studying to get a master's degree,. she takes care of me (not an easy task I assure you), her mother and a youger sister. She is loyal to her roots, which are in a slum area around Bangkok's Rama 3, and that's where she stays when she is in Bangkok. Not in a hotel or condo.

What I am trying to say is that she is an intelligent, hardworking, both feet on the ground girl that will not be impressed by the model's looks nor will it make her feel uncomfortable or make her stare at the gf. She will judge your gf on how she really is. She has a number of friend that do just that.

I'll give you a 2nd chance for a 1st impression: come over to pattaya's dark side for the weekend and we will help her get a life here...

I suspect an offer that Aurelllian will resist

Can do Bangkok too but have the feeling he will pass on that too...thumbsup.gif

Thank you for your kind offer sir. Congrats on being promoted from Newbie to Member. Have a blessed day.

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I think the best thing you can do is to send her to a beach resort (for example Phuket or Koh Samui) for those 2-3 months you are talking about. It's to short time to find a new BFF anyway.

Rent a motorbike so she can explore on her own. Encourage her to speak with "ordinary" people in the beach. She may even find some hot tourist girls that meet her standards, I've seen them (most will be Russian though).

I'm a little confused about you financial status. In some posts you come across as quite affluent and in others like you have to think twice about every Baht spent.

It's not that expensive to rent a condo/room in a beach resort for a couple of months. I do it every year on an average salary in my home country and can also afford the air fare from Europe and spending money (plus mortgage etc at home). The domestic air fares in Thailand are not so expensive.

She may not be very happy with this solution but maybe a little happier.

I conclude that she doesn't have any money of her own, because she needs either to stay in you condo in Bangkok or Vegas or you have to pay for her accomodation elsewhere. Does she have any family were she can stay until the situation in Vegas is solved? Unless it is essential that she stays in Thailand, of course.

In my opinion these are your options. It's not perfect and it will cost you some, but may be worth it.

Sorry for any language mistakes. English is not my first language.

Good Luck!

Hi. Thanks.

Maybe I will do that. Cheaper than staying at a Marriott property. I will need a car though and don't like driving in foreign countries. ..but having four residences is not what i need to do now.

I like Bangkok and don't like the beach.

My financial situation is what it is. I am not good with money...I spend like a drunken sailor on leave...kinda has to do with my line of work.

I am also niggardly. Its complex. Like I will fork out 4 grand for a C-Class ticket yet not buy water in the airport because I can get it for 1 buck cheaper.

basically, I can afford to do what i want but am now realizing that when I am not on contract spending thousands of dollars flying around the world depletes a bank account very fast. I don't really budget..and going to the Olympics was a lot more expensive than I thought.

Get it?

Got it!

I understand about multiple residences very well, I currently have three and last weekend I had four, because I took my wife on a trip to make her happy.

I still think it may be worth it, if your girlfriend like the beach. Maybe you can suffer a little to make her happier?

You can do it for 1000 USD a month if you want (I understand money is not the problem).

Otherwise I think you have to tell her to suck it up and try to survive until you can move to Vegas.

Three months isn't a long time when you're 25 and with someone you love.

Take care!

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Aurellian, you have had your fun, your 15 minutes of fame (and flame).

people in here have offered so many possible solutions for you, and you have found some spurious escape from all of them. It seems pretty clear that the root of the problem is that you want everything your own way, so no wonder you can't find happiness.

It has been fun, but the last three pages of posts have, in my opinion, shown you up. A line from an old film springs to mind to some up your responses.... "I'll thkweam and thkweam and thkweam until I am thick". Grow a pair, boy, and stop letting your woman stamp on them. Listen to the people who have tried to help you, and stop being such a spoilt, attention-seeking little brat. I was right a long time ago...you have proven yourself to be shallow and self-obsessed.

If you do not have the nause to look after your woman, then maybe you do not deserve to have her.

I genuinely hope you find happiness, but I suspect that you won't until you open up to a lot of perceived wisdom offered by kinder hearts than mine. Sorry, but you have finally bored me. Your thread has run its course (maybe a long time ago).

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Would you mind re posting that pic of your gf ? I'd like to have something to droll over today to remind me of my pathetic life

sorry, no, that was pretty lame of me to do it yesterday.

i bet you are happier than i am, bro:)

you're the one dating the supermodels, me I don't even dare going near them. I have zero social skills with women and it totally ruined my life, got my heart (not wallet) beaten up badly by a Amsterdam Thai hooker and I left it all to live like a bum in Pattaya wacko.png Stop complaining and enjoy what you have thumbsup.gif

Edited by yoslim
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I regretfully must also inform you that I am bowing out.

Only one or two posters appear to be anywhere near qualified to answer your question and this thread should really never have been longer than one page.

Your girlfriend has very unusual looks. Most posters have experience of living with partners that have normal looks ergo, they can't really know what the solution to your problem is.

Oh well, as you mentioned, it was a long shot, which kind of unsurprisingly missed its mark. I suggest you increase your rangetime.

Edited by 15Peter20
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Aurellian, you have had your fun, your 15 minutes of fame (and flame).

people in here have offered so many possible solutions for you, and you have found some spurious escape from all of them. It seems pretty clear that the root of the problem is that you want everything your own way, so no wonder you can't find happiness.

It has been fun, but the last three pages of posts have, in my opinion, shown you up. A line from an old film springs to mind to some up your responses.... "I'll thkweam and thkweam and thkweam until I am thick". Grow a pair, boy, and stop letting your woman stamp on them. Listen to the people who have tried to help you, and stop being such a spoilt, attention-seeking little brat. I was right a long time ago...you have proven yourself to be shallow and self-obsessed.

If you do not have the nause to look after your woman, then maybe you do not deserve to have her.

I genuinely hope you find happiness, but I suspect that you won't until you open up to a lot of perceived wisdom offered by kinder hearts than mine. Sorry, but you have finally bored me. Your thread has run its course (maybe a long time ago).

You're off base. Very.

No viable solution has been proffered. What? go to the beach more...go to the gym...go to Pattaya and hang out with some old crusty euro dude and his very own flower of Issan. She loves him...riight...

"Grow a pair" Dude, you act like I am whipped and fawning over her because she is hot. far from it...

"Shown up"..you are delirious. I have proved bonafides and replied to the cockamamie advice and asinine suggestions.

"Deserve to have my woman"...Does she deserve to have me? People normally get what they deserve I have found.

Shallow? nahh, at times superficial but not shallow. I am not a trust fund daughter obsessed with designer handbags. Self-obsessed? What person is not.

what decade was that movie from? I have no cultural reference to it.

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Would you mind re posting that pic of your gf ? I'd like to have something to droll over today to remind me of my pathetic life

sorry, no, that was pretty lame of me to do it yesterday.

i bet you are happier than i am, bro:)

you're the one dating the supermodels, me I don't even dare going near them. I have zero social skills with women and it totally ruined my life, got my heart (not wallet) beaten up badly by a Amsterdam Thai hooker and I left it all to live like a bum in Pattaya wacko.png Stop complaining and enjoy what you have thumbsup.gif

Keep your head up, mate. Social skills smocial skills. You live and you learn...and I bet the sex was good. ..so no wallowing about on this thread.

Stay busy in Pattaya....a lotta ladies there to entertain you. TGIF.

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Aurellian, you have had your fun, your 15 minutes of fame (and flame).

people in here have offered so many possible solutions for you, and you have found some spurious escape from all of them. It seems pretty clear that the root of the problem is that you want everything your own way, so no wonder you can't find happiness.

It has been fun, but the last three pages of posts have, in my opinion, shown you up. A line from an old film springs to mind to some up your responses.... "I'll thkweam and thkweam and thkweam until I am thick". Grow a pair, boy, and stop letting your woman stamp on them. Listen to the people who have tried to help you, and stop being such a spoilt, attention-seeking little brat. I was right a long time ago...you have proven yourself to be shallow and self-obsessed.

If you do not have the nause to look after your woman, then maybe you do not deserve to have her.

I genuinely hope you find happiness, but I suspect that you won't until you open up to a lot of perceived wisdom offered by kinder hearts than mine. Sorry, but you have finally bored me. Your thread has run its course (maybe a long time ago).

go to Pattaya and hang out with some old crusty euro dude and his very own flower of Issan. She loves him...riight...


Try keeping up with this old crust... My better half is born and raised in Bangkok although definitely not in the better part of town and as far as hanging out is concerned: my offer is withdrawn and i stick to the first impression.

I'd rather invite a bus load from Isaan then an a$$ who cant pay his electricity bill because he spends his money in Koi and Bed in an unsuccessful attempt to be cool...


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Your drowning in a sea of pompous pseudo intellectual bullsh..t

Your lifestyle is unlikely and improbable and your so called problem with your girlfriend is inconsequential and unworthy of comment . Your only claim to fame is the talent you have developed for being both profoundly irritating and profoundly amusing at the same time. If there was a prize for the waste of finely honed brain power then you would win it.

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The problem isn't Thailand, the problem is attitudes.

In addition, at the moment she sounds like she isn't contributing much apart from unhappiness, looking nice and being someone you're scared of losing as she has options.

You mentioned she isn't economically dependent on you. Have a heart to heart discussion. Ask her to choose where she wants to go, and then she contribute significantly to financing it until you get your own finances in order, such as selling one of your condos. No point having the Thai condo while you and her are a couple - just a waste of resources. Renting the condo out just risks you repeating your mistakes from the US.

Obviously choosing where she wants to go includes cutting her cloth as well as yours according to her/your joint means, + includes options like having to live with parents/ relatives or take a much smaller/cheaper place etc in a country you like until you get back on your feet financially.



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