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Thank You, Thais, From The Bottom Of My Heart: Stoppage Time


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...here corruption remains blatant and obvious, as such it is a far lesser evil to the carefully orchestrated web of deceit weaved in the UK, US and Europe.


But there are degrees of corruption (and transparency).

According to this index, New Zealand has the greatest transparency (least corruption) with a score of 9.5. Thailand is 80th with a score of 3.4. Nevertheless, Thailand is still in the top half of the table of 182 countries. (Somalia and North Korea are at the bottom.)

I'm sorry but given that corruption is an underhand, deceitful, non transparent practice, IMHO the very notion of an accurate index ranking countries in such a manner is laughable. How do they get accurate statistics given that a successfully corrupt practice is by it's very nature out of the public eye?

One might gather from this that New Zealand is the best at keeping it's corrupt practices hidden or that the index is about as useful as a solar powered torch...

It's a Corruption Perceptions Index, which is not the same as a "Corruption Index".

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Dear Corruption, you are an amateur, over here in the u.k., we pay people extra for doing their job and call it a bonus, and if you're useless enough at your job and manage to bring a bank near to bankruptcy, we'll pay you millions, you can't get corrupter than that! Then we'll not elect a government, then this not elected government will reward their banker friends, who have nearly bankrupted the western economies, by cutting their taxes and getting the money back off the poor and sick and unfortunate.

Khun Corruption, you have a lot to learn.


Democratic free market capitalism.

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