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Red Bull Heir Did 'coke' Before Bangkok Accident


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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

I say he will get tried in a quiet way with minimal public witnesses. Then sentenced, then photographed being taken away in custody. Then we will never hear from him again as he is quietly released, ignored, officially forgotten about, etc.

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^ the ole' Paris Hilton treatment. Not saying the crime was the same but some bs reason like 'poor health' was given to the public (after she was releasted after a couple of days of a 2-3 month jail sentence) and then it was forgotten/glossed over.

It's sad that so many people fervantly believe the marketing that people somehow have a right to the same special preferences earned and paid for by those with more wealth and power. Whether you want to cut to the front of the line at your favorite club/restaurant or get out of jail, you have to 'make it rain' first.


Edited by Heng
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I simply just cannot understand everyone here! Hoping & dying with their heart to see this rich young man do hard prison time!??

Well you're either drunk, trolling, very green or nuts. Going by your av' I vote all four. Would you be so nonchalant if some drunk dude on coke just flattened your father? Thought so, and yet you bandy 'hypocrisy' about with reckless abandon.

It has everything to do with him being rich and thus probably getting off because of that, and eff all to do with 'sour grapes' (do you mean envy?) with most here people I'd say. How long have you been here?

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There never was a rule of law in this feudal kleptocracy .

Move on , nothing new here .

This little turd will never see a prison cell .

He knows he is above the law, so why should he bother going to the police station when he is summoned for questioning ?

Why he should go to Police for questioning???

I m pretty sure he has a very good Lawyer, there is no need for him to speak with Police he would probably just incriminate himself further.

Any Issue can an most likely will be cleared in Court or in a out of Court settlement.


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Reminds me of what the US college football coach said to his star player:

Coach: "You're flunking all your subjects at school. You're either very dumb or you just don't give a sh!t."

Player: "I don't know and I don't care."

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Most of these blogs were put on on the 20th Oct, i have read the latest news on the 3rd of Nov, cause im a time traveler, and he has shown up to the police for interview, or whatever. Also now the pol are saying that the test for cocaine maybe inconclusive, and another test maybe required ! anybody getting my drift on what way the case is starting to go, yea. watch this space.

To those who have said he is the red bull heir, why? he is the youngest son ! His grandfather, with an Austrian businessman set up the company many years ago, the grandfather had nothing . One day the Austrian told the thai that he was feeling tired and the thai gave him a drink mixed with herds and more, it gave him the lift and from that moment the two shook hands and the birth of red bull happened.

The Austrian took the ingredients back home with him, where he was already making soft drinks, and the rest is history.

So if it was'nt for this chance encounter this bastard would maybe be a pig farmer, his grandfather must be turning in his grave.

The deals with F1 , were through the Austrian family who are fans, not this lot of bengal lancers !

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This will go the same way as the MooHam case, and the other crash on the tollway last year. You. Have the money, you,pay your way. Doesn't matter what you do. End of, and it's not as if the current government leads by example on this

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