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Jatuporn Links Men In Black To Army


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Err... quite, nothing like splitting hairs is there?! Is your point that he was acting out of blind belief much like a religious zealot, with no actual knowledge that the enemy even existed, just blind faith?!

The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't know existed?

Is that somehow more palatable?

He didn't say that there weren't armed people supporting the red shirts there. He said he didn't know if the MIB existed.

There is no splitting hairs between KNOWING something and BELIEVING something. They are quite different.

And having his soldiers act on being shot at and blown up, it's irrelevant what you call the people that are doing it.

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Err... quite, nothing like splitting hairs is there?! Is your point that he was acting out of blind belief much like a religious zealot, with no actual knowledge that the enemy even existed, just blind faith?!

The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't know existed?

Is that somehow more palatable?

He didn't say that there weren't armed people supporting the red shirts there. He said he didn't know if the MIB existed.

Yes, quite, we could all hazard guesses at what he didn't say but that seems rather irrelevant.

I just made the point that OzMick misread the OP and attributed the statement incorrectly. Sorry if that has offended you. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake.

Yes it's fairly clear Prayuth said he didn't know if the MIB existed, I think that was established in the 1st post I made when I quoted the OP.

Please feel free to split hairs and spin away to your hearts content...

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Err... quite, nothing like splitting hairs is there?! Is your point that he was acting out of blind belief much like a religious zealot, with no actual knowledge that the enemy even existed, just blind faith?!

The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't know existed?

Is that somehow more palatable?

He didn't say that there weren't armed people supporting the red shirts there. He said he didn't know if the MIB existed.

Yes, quite, we could all hazard guesses at what he didn't say but that seems rather irrelevant.

I just made the point that OzMick misread the OP and attributed the statement incorrectly. Sorry if that has offended you. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake.

Yes it's fairly clear Prayuth said he didn't know if the MIB existed, I think that was established in the 1st post I made when I quoted the OP.

Please feel free to split hairs and spin away to your hearts content...

The problem was that you quoted the OP and then went on to say something different.

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Err... quite, nothing like splitting hairs is there?! Is your point that he was acting out of blind belief much like a religious zealot, with no actual knowledge that the enemy even existed, just blind faith?!

The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't know existed?

Is that somehow more palatable?

He didn't say that there weren't armed people supporting the red shirts there. He said he didn't know if the MIB existed.

Yes, quite, we could all hazard guesses at what he didn't say but that seems rather irrelevant.

I just made the point that OzMick misread the OP and attributed the statement incorrectly. Sorry if that has offended you. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake.

Yes it's fairly clear Prayuth said he didn't know if the MIB existed, I think that was established in the 1st post I made when I quoted the OP.

Please feel free to split hairs and spin away to your hearts content...

The problem was that you quoted the OP and then went on to say something different.

Ok. We're back to he didn't know they existed but Whybother speculates that he believes they existed. Does that sit better with your pedantic peculiarities?

Spin on... a regular merry go round here!

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Credit Yingluck for once. Even she finds Jatuporn an embarrassment.

True, but is rewarding him (maybe appeasing him) with a cabinet post a good idea?

According to another thread, she's not.

Splitting hairs maybe, she (or rather big brother) is:

The highlight of the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle is expected to be the appointment of Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, as promised by big boss Thaksin.

Earlier, Yingluck reportedly rejected her brother's request to bring in Jatuporn on grounds that she did not want to increase the number of red-shirt leaders in the Cabinet for fear that the government's image would be affected. She reportedly feared that the red-shirt leaders would draw attacks on the Cabinet, so she tried to resist the request of her brother to give a seat to Jatuporn.

She tried to convince red-shirt leaders to make do with one seat, by having Jatuporn talk to Natthawut Saikua as to who should be a minister. Natthawut was eventually named deputy agriculture minister.

However, Thaksin has reportedly promised Jatuporn that he would be made a deputy interior minister.

Ultimately, Yingluck has had to yield to Thaksin and give the position to Jatuporn because her government cannot afford to infuriate the red-shirt movement.

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In yesterday's BP, Jatuporn referred to one (single) person seen on security video wearing a black shirt while entering an army base in a police van. No indication that this person was armed, wearing a balaclava, or otherwise disguised - just a poor sartorial choice given 20/20 hindsight. That's it - his only proof that the MIB were connected to the RTA.

Given the photographs and video evidence, he then denies the MIB existed.

Perhaps less frothing at the mouth and more reading required.... "Prayuth said he didn't know if the men in black were real."

That's General Prayuth Chan-ocha, the Army chief, you know, the army? The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't believe existed? Makes perfect sense...

"Prayuth said he didn't know if the men in black were real."

Prayuth meant that the MIB could have been the red-shirts?

Is that a question Nicky?!

""Prayuth said he didn't know if the men in black were real."

I am quoting the OP but it seems you are quoting your imagination...

You don't get it Fer?

Could Prayuth mean that the MIB could have been the red-shirts? If there are no MIB, somewhone must have killed his people? You still don't get it?

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When is all this nonsense going to come to an end, and when is this prat going to finally shut up?

He believes that photographs exist of men in black standing alongside Army personnel, but he doesn't know where these photographs are.

What I believe is the footage and pictures that I saw of the men in black standing and fighting alongside Red Shirts. Those images do exist and we have all seen them.

The problem with idiots like this one is that they are very much aware of the short memory syndrome that is prevalent within Thai society, and he knows just how to use it to his own advantage.

It's time he faced the charges against him and went away for a long time.

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When is all this nonsense going to come to an end, and when is this prat going to finally shut up?

It's time he faced the charges against him and went away for a long time.

Fat chance of that.

The court did not revoke his bail out of FEAR. And Jatuporn knows this and uses this fact at every opportunity.

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"Prayuth said he didn't know if the men in black were real."

Prayuth meant that the MIB could have been the red-shirts?

Is that a question Nicky?!

""Prayuth said he didn't know if the men in black were real."

I am quoting the OP but it seems you are quoting your imagination...

You don't get it Fer?

Could Prayuth mean that the MIB could have been the red-shirts? If there are no MIB, somewhone must have killed his people? You still don't get it?

No I don't get you at all Nicky. Could Prayuth mean that the MIB could have been the red shirts when stating that he didn't know they existed?! Hmmm, I don't know Nicky, I guess he could have meant that the moon is made of cheese using the common sense that you apply to proceedings.

I'd prefer to take what he actually said rather than your speculations alluding to a hidden meaning. From the bizarre to the ridiculous.

What is 100% clear is that OzMick applied the statement to the wrong person in his post... I think that's pretty abundantly clear now we've rehashed the issue over and over again, thank you Nicky.

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When it comes to politics, people tend to have remarkably short memories. Despite that fact, the Redshirt leaders still had to wait two years before coming out with this claim. Otherwise, people would recall that the blackshirts were being referred to as "Ronin Warriors who are here to protect the Redshirt protesters" by the very same people who are now claiming that they were army provocateurs!

This is quite a common feature for terrorists to try rewrite history when they are in power.

After this democratic (not so) election victory, they feel they can do everything. I am sure that sometimes, they will pay dearly for misleading their people

“the ends justifies the means”

Niccolò Machiavelli

“History is written by the victors.”

Niccolò Machiavelli

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The objective of Jatuporn and the Thaksin forum supporters is first to decry the evidence as a put-up, second promise evidence of their own which they fail to do and thirdly quibble over nit-picking of their own invention in order to kick the matter into the long grass. Their objective is to protect the nonsense peaceful reds fired upon story. Blackshirts? Not us, oh no!

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Funny how Korkeaw says the black shirt were organized by the Democrats, and Jatuporn says they were Army people. So which one is it?

Their so-called "evidence" is so thin it is laughable.

... and K. Chalerm claims they were police.

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The class dorks do have a way of coming out.

Last week the Democrats made a statement to the effect that the 'Men in Black' were a product of the Red Shirts.

Now please digress with me to a time many years ago, but sot so many so that a lot of you will still remember .

Remember when you were a youth in school and maybe got in a dissing match with one of your fellow students, and for the sake of talking recall that student was the 'DORK' of the class.

The first one would say something really nasty to the liking of "well your mother wears combat boots. Then the dork with little or no mental capacity, being a few bricks short of a load, and not having the ability to come up with any come back, would say something original like "well your mother wears combat boots too".

So now back to today and I read that now the Reds are saying the 'Men in Black' were the .... Army, Dems, Yellows, Police.

So now after so many years of wondering, I have found out what happened to the 'DORKS'


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Funny how Korkeaw says the black shirt were organized by the Democrats, and Jatuporn says they were Army people. So which one is it?

Their so-called "evidence" is so thin it is laughable.

... and K. Chalerm claims they were police.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

Now, who was it that denied their existence?

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When it comes to politics, people tend to have remarkably short memories. Despite that fact, the Redshirt leaders still had to wait two years before coming out with this claim. Otherwise, people would recall that the blackshirts were being referred to as "Ronin Warriors who are here to protect the Redshirt protesters" by the very same people who are now claiming that they were army provocateurs!

This is quite a common feature for terrorists to try rewrite history when they are in power.

After this democratic (not so) election victory, they feel they can do everything. I am sure that sometimes, they will pay dearly for misleading their people

Weeeeell to be fair, it's the "winners" that have always written history, and not always with the "right" hand on the bible. Unfortunately that's how history gets written ... much to my dismay, it's rarely factual until the scholars get their hands on it and even then may be the product of some bias. Turns out we decipher history as best we can with the knowledge we have, and in this case friend and foe alike are writing their own versions as is seen before our eyes on this forum and elsewhere.

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Funny how Korkeaw says the black shirt were organized by the Democrats, and Jatuporn says they were Army people. So which one is it?

Their so-called "evidence" is so thin it is laughable.

... and K. Chalerm claims they were police.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

Now, who was it that denied their existence?

Pretty much everyone (at one time or another) who could get some mileage from deniability, which kinda' leaves the the Dems out of the pic.

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No doubt Jatuporn is being paid handsomely for his choice of words, and things would get very risky for him if he chose the truth. In his defense, at this point in the game he really has no choice; the ship of truth sailed long ago.

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Err... quite, nothing like splitting hairs is there?! Is your point that he was acting out of blind belief much like a religious zealot, with no actual knowledge that the enemy even existed, just blind faith?!

The ones using live ammunition against a foe that apparently he didn't know existed?

Is that somehow more palatable?

He didn't say that there weren't armed people supporting the red shirts there. He said he didn't know if the MIB existed.

Yes, quite, we could all hazard guesses at what he didn't say but that seems rather irrelevant.

I just made the point that OzMick misread the OP and attributed the statement incorrectly. Sorry if that has offended you. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake.

Yes it's fairly clear Prayuth said he didn't know if the MIB existed, I think that was established in the 1st post I made when I quoted the OP.

Please feel free to split hairs and spin away to your hearts content...

Please stop the BS. I didn't mis-read the OP, I referred to an article in the BP. Any reference and subsequent error regarding the OP was yours, and came from you mis-reading my post.

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blablabla blablabla blabla blabla, who cares what this monkey says.

Many voters!

Sad isn't it, that "many voters" are that uneducated and ill-informed as to give this moron credibility? Not likely to change though, why destroy a perfectly good voting block.

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When it comes to politics, people tend to have remarkably short memories. Despite that fact, the Redshirt leaders still had to wait two years before coming out with this claim. Otherwise, people would recall that the blackshirts were being referred to as "Ronin Warriors who are here to protect the Redshirt protesters" by the very same people who are now claiming that they were army provocateurs!

This is quite a common feature for terrorists to try rewrite history when they are in power.

After this democratic (not so) election victory, they feel they can do everything. I am sure that sometimes, they will pay dearly for misleading their people

Weeeeell to be fair, it's the "winners" that have always written history, and not always with the "right" hand on the bible. Unfortunately that's how history gets written ... much to my dismay, it's rarely factual until the scholars get their hands on it and even then may be the product of some bias. Turns out we decipher history as best we can with the knowledge we have, and in this case friend and foe alike are writing their own versions as is seen before our eyes on this forum and elsewhere.

And who's to say history wasn't rewritten every time the "winners" were defeated by the new "winners".

For all we know, everything that we know about our history could be total b****cks!

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When it comes to politics, people tend to have remarkably short memories. Despite that fact, the Redshirt leaders still had to wait two years before coming out with this claim. Otherwise, people would recall that the blackshirts were being referred to as "Ronin Warriors who are here to protect the Redshirt protesters" by the very same people who are now claiming that they were army provocateurs!

This is quite a common feature for terrorists to try rewrite history when they are in power.

After this democratic (not so) election victory, they feel they can do everything. I am sure that sometimes, they will pay dearly for misleading their people

Weeeeell to be fair, it's the "winners" that have always written history, and not always with the "right" hand on the bible. Unfortunately that's how history gets written ... much to my dismay, it's rarely factual until the scholars get their hands on it and even then may be the product of some bias. Turns out we decipher history as best we can with the knowledge we have, and in this case friend and foe alike are writing their own versions as is seen before our eyes on this forum and elsewhere.

And who's to say history wasn't rewritten every time the "winners" were defeated by the new "winners".

For all we know, everything that we know about our history could be total b****cks!

Could very well be GeorgeO, but still boils down to being written by the winners no matter how long it took. The school books will generally tell the winners tale, even if it is "total b****cks.

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