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Opinions On Bathtubs...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well here is a strange twist to this story.

As per my previous post I ordered this bath tub over a month ago (paid in full) with the stipulation that they would come to install it in 3-4 months when the bathroom was ready.

We get a call yesterday telling us: "There is only one bathtub left and we will not be getting any more, if you want it you have to take it now". Something about "moving warehouse...no where to keep it.."? Now despite the fact they are reneging on the sales conditions. This brings up a couple of worries:

1) Why are they not getting more? Possible faulty product?

2) Why have they "nowhere to keep it"; maybe the supplier is going out of business, it which case the warranty is basically worthless?

Either way I told when in no uncertain terms that they better find somewhere to keep it, as my building site is no suitable place to have a 50K jacuzzi tub sitting around for months.

But considering points #1 and 2 I'm thinking maybe this was a bad choice and I should just push for a refund instead?

Edited by dave111223
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You may want to consider resale of the property. I despise bathtubs and wouldn't consider buying a place with a bathtub unless the price was cheap enough that I could afford to tear it out and put in a shower.

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