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Opposition Sleuths: Outrageous Thai Govt Graft Uncovered


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most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

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most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

Sorry to burst your bubble but TV did not create a devil. Thaksin was and is a creation of his own actions. One conviction and he goes into self imposed exile and becomes a citizen of another country. He is welcome to come back only he faces a jail term here along with many other charges. We had nothing to do with that.

Many of these other biggest crooks are in his employ. Look at the list of people who go to visit him when ever their is a plum position open. He calls into cabinet meetings. Name one other person who can take part in a Cabinet meeting who is not in it by calling in from another country. When the red shirts came to an agreement for the end of hostilities it was Thaksin who said no deal on the agreement.

No we did not create him he did it himself. It was easy for him to do there are so many uneducated Thais that can not see what is happening only hear promises and when they don't appear not remember them. For instance they were all going to be rich 6 months after his return. It has been 15 months.

The education level in Thailand is to low to see what is happening too them and it is backed up by a few gullible farongs.

Edited by hellodolly
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most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

Sorry to burst your bubble but TV did not create a devil. Thaksin was and is a creation of his own actions. One conviction and he goes into self imposed exile and becomes a citizen of another country. He is welcome to come back only he faces a jail term here along with many other charges. We had nothing to do with that.

Many of these other biggest crooks are in his employ. Look at the list of people who go to visit him when ever their is a plum position open. He calls into cabinet meetings. Name one other person who can take part in a Cabinet meeting who is not in it by calling in from another country. When the red shirts came to an agreement for the end of hostilities it was Thaksin who said no deal on the agreement.

No we did not create him he did it himself. It was easy for him to do there are so many uneducated Thais that can not see what is happening only hear promises and when they don't appear not remember them. For instance they were all going to be rich 6 months after his return. It has been 15 months.

The education level in Thailand is to low to see what is happening too them and it is backed up by a few gullible farongs.

I also thought that this part was funny. "By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed."

Isn't Thaksin the one that creates smoke-screens in order for his clan to rob the country? He misleads the people with his propaganda while the country is being raped.

I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

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most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

Sorry to burst your bubble but TV did not create a devil. Thaksin was and is a creation of his own actions. One conviction and he goes into self imposed exile and becomes a citizen of another country. He is welcome to come back only he faces a jail term here along with many other charges. We had nothing to do with that.

Many of these other biggest crooks are in his employ. Look at the list of people who go to visit him when ever their is a plum position open. He calls into cabinet meetings. Name one other person who can take part in a Cabinet meeting who is not in it by calling in from another country. When the red shirts came to an agreement for the end of hostilities it was Thaksin who said no deal on the agreement.

No we did not create him he did it himself. It was easy for him to do there are so many uneducated Thais that can not see what is happening only hear promises and when they don't appear not remember them. For instance they were all going to be rich 6 months after his return. It has been 15 months.

The education level in Thailand is to low to see what is happening too them and it is backed up by a few gullible farongs.

Hellodolly my inference was not that this ploy has been created by Thai Visa! It is however being merrily sucked up and spouted by quite a few members on here who are happy to swallow the deliberate media tit bits they are fed and react as intended. When someone questions what they are being force fed by the media day in day out, they are branded "red-shirt supporters" or "Thaksin apologists" despite doing nothing of the sort. It seems keeping an open mind and questioning what we are told is not acceptable to TVs finest, we must all just repeat the mantra the media are putting in front of us without question or thought.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

We all are force fed information daily pointing the finger at Thaksin and his cronies; the convenient national scapegoat. We are only too well aware that particular devil exists, to the point where the real puppet masters are free to act with impunity. Think about it.

People need to start trying to think for themselves and stop following each other like sheep. Anyone with a decent Western education should be able to read between the lines and not simply swallow the text fed to them hook, line and sinker. Look at the source, question the source, look at the motivation behind each piece, who's writing it, what side their loyalties lie etc. Remain particularly wary of those that react to such free thought by name calling and branding thumbsup.gif

Edited by Ferangled
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I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

Exactly Nicky, you're slowly getting there. Why is that I wonder?!

"By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand."

Frengle please help me out by providing some names of those biggest crooks.

I know it is all our fault, we have created Thaksin and have given the biggest crooks free reign..coffee1.gif

Edited by Nickymaster
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I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

Exactly Nicky, you're slowly getting there. Why is that I wonder?!

"By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand."

Frengle please help me out by providing some names of those biggest crooks.

I know it is all our fault, we have created Thaksin and have given the biggest crooks free reign..coffee1.gif

Nicky you can't even get my name correct when it's spelled out in every single post I make, what chance that you'll actually be able to engage your brain and think outside of the carefully worded news articles that are force fed to you daily?

The real crooks don't make headline news, they sit back and enjoy the confusion they create amongst the masses and reap the rewards. I'm afraid that as a people we have become so lazy and so dependant on others to do our thinking for us that we only accept what is written in black & white and put directly under our noses. Engage your brain and with any luck your mouth might follow...

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How is bringing Thaksin back a free and clear man going to help stop corruption?

That is what her government is primarily concerned with.

You think so?

Seems to me that's a smokescreen whilst the real priority is wealth creation.

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I'm not sure what Ferangled angle is but he certaintly seems to just want to disagree and confront everyone reducing many of the threads he contributs to personal insults and slander, most people here give opinions and offer reasons reaching those opinions, that is a how a normal discussion progresses and the odd time there may be hard evidence provided also - he seems to like to listen to himself so perhaps if everyone just put him on ignore then that's what he will get - only himself, very disruptive person

Moderator please delete if I have crossed the line, i just think it needed to be said

I appreciate the attention Smedly, if it promotes you to actually think about things before posting and see past deliberate agendas it's all good.

If you feel I have personally insulted anyone or indeed slandered anyone (really? are you actually reading my posts?) then I suggest you report it or hey, why not follow your own advice and provide some hard evidence to back up your own assertions? I take it you understand the term hypocrite?

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I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

Exactly Nicky, you're slowly getting there. Why is that I wonder?!

"By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand."

Frengle please help me out by providing some names of those biggest crooks.

I know it is all our fault, we have created Thaksin and have given the biggest crooks free reign..coffee1.gif

Nicky you can't even get my name correct when it's spelled out in every single post I make, what chance that you'll actually be able to engage your brain and think outside of the carefully worded news articles that are force fed to you daily?

The real crooks don't make headline news, they sit back and enjoy the confusion they create amongst the masses and reap the rewards. I'm afraid that as a people we have become so lazy and so dependant on others to do our thinking for us that we only accept what is written in black & white and put directly under our noses. Engage your brain and with any luck your mouth might follow...

So, for all your pontification on another post, here you are patronising posters and attempting to berate and belittle them.

What a supercilious post

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the name calgaryll sems to spring to mind upon reading Ferangled posts.

The twisted logic, the arrogance and the patronising attitude do have a remarkable resemblance in style to the aforementioned banned poster.

Somewhat remarkable is it not ?

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