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Aussies Warned About Phuket Scamsters


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Same old scams.

Same old extortions.

Same old rip offs.

Same old corruption.

Same old lack of action by Government here to fix what is clearly having a negative impact on the tourism industry and on tourists in general.

The Sydney Morning Herald is a very widely read publication and website in Australia. The article doesn't describe Phuket as a great place for a holiday, especially the death statistics towards the end of the article, although some of those deaths would be from natural causes.

If Phuket truly wants to "brand" itself, it needs to raise the quality of the product they are advertising and marketing to the world, or face a declining market share in the future. In fact, I would say they have already lost a lot of the western tourist market to rival places in Thailand, and neighbouring countries.

Through this article, and many other similar articles, the Australian and British Government are informing their citizens that Phuket is not a quality product/place for a holiday, yet nothing has been done at a local level to address the issues that has plagued Phuket for years.

From memory, I can not think of any other tourist desination in the world where the Ambassadors of two countries have to go to the public media to release safety and security warnings to their citizens. The amount of victims here are obviously draining the Embassy's resources to cope.

The general attitude of officials here is it's the tourists fault for getting scammed, robbed, extorted, assualted etc. They view tourists with utter contempt.

I, like many others, have given up hope for positive change here. That said, the only question that remains is, just how bad are they going to allow it to get here????

Sad to see a great place slowly slip down the S bend.

So True and what an absolute Shame , this was my original destination in Thailand , and I absolutely adored the place ..Even Patong at the time , gradually I become far less enthusiastic with regards Patong as this appeared to be the " G- spot " of all corruption . But it appears things have begun to get far worse .

Although Highly unlikely ..It certainly is time for a " Re brand " . And as Ive told all Australians previously NEVER for any reason attend Full Moon parties , this has just become an event where Nothing good EVER happens ..only problems .

And Yes , I did chuckle at " Aviod Lanes ... poorly lit Soi's ..Crowds ..Markets ..ha ha ha .... So Im going to spend my 2 week holiday in a Room somewhere ?? ..Oh Dear . It really has hit crisis point unfortunately . Especially Tuks Tuks and Taxi . Be extremely aware Aussie Tourists .

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I've never been to Phuket, and with all the things I've heard I never intend to - it doesn't sound much like the places in thailand I know and love to visit.

its a real shame to see this sort of thing - especially when there are actually wonderful places to visit with lovely people living there.

Phuket just sounds like a cesspool though...

Yes, it's a cesspool. Don't come here. clap2.gif

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Yes, I view this is a positive article because the only way we are going to see things improve is if various consulates project travelers warnings and people stop coming here.

Only then will the powers that be do something about the problem.

But with tourist numbers continually growing, I doubt anything will be done.

C'mon America, Canada, Western Europe, etc. find some balls and follow in these guy's footsteps.

Sorry, don't agree.

It wouldn't matter if tourism dropped to zero.

They still wouldn't learn.

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Back in '81 I assisted a Norwegian lass who was mixed up in a motorcycle scam in Corfu. She spoke little English, we went to tourist police who were powerless. The bike owner had her return ticket as security. I advised her to leave the island and phone the airline claiming the ticket was stolen. She was issued a new ticket and was a winner in that case. So it's not just Phuket.

Regarding the police, I know it as a fact that for a policeman to get a posting in pattaya, Phuket or similar, a payment of 1 million (info from a few years ago) baht will get the job. In essence, this means that the opportunity to extort foreigners is the carrot, and this payment money, probably borrowed, needs to be paid back somehow and certainly cannot be paid on a regular cop salary. Even start up jobs in local Amphur offices, schools etc have a buy in price. I know this as fact, my son had a job at a local primary school, was told to re-apply, sit exams (he'd already doen this) and lost the job to a payer who didn't in the end come up with the money or was incapable, then he was offered the job back, a boy of principles it turns out, as he told them where to stick their job.

Before I get slagged for my inside info on police, my bro in law is a captain who was the driver/security for one of bkks top cops.

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Back in '81 I assisted a Norwegian lass who was mixed up in a motorcycle scam in Corfu. She spoke little English, we went to tourist police who were powerless. The bike owner had her return ticket as security. I advised her to leave the island and phone the airline claiming the ticket was stolen. She was issued a new ticket and was a winner in that case. So it's not just Phuket.

Regarding the police, I know it as a fact that for a policeman to get a posting in pattaya, Phuket or similar, a payment of 1 million (info from a few years ago) baht will get the job. In essence, this means that the opportunity to extort foreigners is the carrot, and this payment money, probably borrowed, needs to be paid back somehow and certainly cannot be paid on a regular cop salary. Even start up jobs in local Amphur offices, schools etc have a buy in price. I know this as fact, my son had a job at a local primary school, was told to re-apply, sit exams (he'd already doen this) and lost the job to a payer who didn't in the end come up with the money or was incapable, then he was offered the job back, a boy of principles it turns out, as he told them where to stick their job.

Before I get slagged for my inside info on police, my bro in law is a captain who was the driver/security for one of bkks top cops.

Interesting, I have Thai family working as teachers (2) and in the Amphur (3) in Nong Prue, Chon Buri, none of whom had to buy their jobs.

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PLease don't equate all that happens to all of Phuket, there are plenty of nice places on this island.

Just cause shit happens in Patong an karon/kata does not mean the whole island is lost ( YET)

Really? I'm in Phuket now and invite you to name a few.

Sorry, I would... but I don't want them to turn into another Patong, Karon, Kata...

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Until there is a significant shift in the Governments moral and ethical attitude and a complete dismantling of the so called Royal Thai Police, Thailand will continue on the current path of decline. The lack of integrity and honesty within the Thai police is a cancer which is destroying the quality of life for all in this country. They are beyond useless.

With the two embasy's coming out with travel alerts it is good to see that there are still people in positions of influence who have the courage and gumption to tell it like it is.

I for one would like to see the international media castigate this country for their corruption and rampant dishonesty as I feel that this is the only way to get the local population to wake up to the actual realities of their Government, or the lack there off.

Yes. The perpertrators of the scamming, rip-offs and mistreatment of tourists (and expats) will continue to flock to places like Phuket because they know there is no detriment or consequence to their actions. Just when you think you've seen it all, something even more sinister ramps up but it seems to be simply taken onboard as though it's some sort of progression rather than further degeneration. One wonders how far it can go before someone says enough is enough, although it appears the two ambassadors may be of the opinion that the fuse has already burned long enough. Good on them for speaking out.

A conman from Loei can very profitably ply his trade in Phuket - he knows it, the tourists can't avoid it, the authorities in Phuket CAN stop it .... but don't. It's time for Phuket to take a good, long look in the mirror.

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Back in '81 I assisted a Norwegian lass who was mixed up in a motorcycle scam in Corfu. She spoke little English, we went to tourist police who were powerless. The bike owner had her return ticket as security. I advised her to leave the island and phone the airline claiming the ticket was stolen. She was issued a new ticket and was a winner in that case. So it's not just Phuket.

Regarding the police, I know it as a fact that for a policeman to get a posting in pattaya, Phuket or similar, a payment of 1 million (info from a few years ago) baht will get the job. In essence, this means that the opportunity to extort foreigners is the carrot, and this payment money, probably borrowed, needs to be paid back somehow and certainly cannot be paid on a regular cop salary. Even start up jobs in local Amphur offices, schools etc have a buy in price. I know this as fact, my son had a job at a local primary school, was told to re-apply, sit exams (he'd already doen this) and lost the job to a payer who didn't in the end come up with the money or was incapable, then he was offered the job back, a boy of principles it turns out, as he told them where to stick their job.

Before I get slagged for my inside info on police, my bro in law is a captain who was the driver/security for one of bkks top cops.

Remember only a few months ago hundreds of wannabe were caught paying 300,000b just to get inside knowledge and cheat on the police entrance exam.

That would be about 3-4 years of their starting salary.

It is a society and country that is rotten to the core.

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The TOT does not care, get over it. If you think the government gives a s--t about protecting the tourist, you are mistaken. This has meen going on for over 40 years. It only has gotten worse, and the only government that tries to do anything was under General Prem. You have many people in the present government thet are police, this includes Big Brother, no entertainmemt place, grocery store, shop can not oprtate without paying protection money. This is almot like Illinois, exceot in Illinois the government serves two terms, one term in office, one term in jail. beatdeadhorse.gif

Edited by tomross46
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Posted 2012-06-22 16:40:28

Chalerm vows to get rid of mafia in tourism businesses

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Friday has vowed to get rid of the mafia groups in the tourism business within three months.


At least he is making an effort to deal with the problem in the Democrat stronghold of Phuket. Unlike the Abhisit government, not much was said and even less done, to deal with the situation. You can label me a cynic, but IMO one of the reasons that the southern Democrat bigwigs have such hatred towards the PTP is that the PTP in its various incarnations has made an effort to protect the Issan and Surin migrant workers from their exploitation by the Phuket mob. Have a look at who controls most of the Phuket concessions, holds the key business leases and skims off the profits. My understanding is that it is all going to the handful of families that make up the oligarchy who are the backers and key players of the Democrats in the region.

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Years ago I used to think that Phuket would be a nice place to take a holiday . I have been there once to catch a plane and spent an afternoon at a beach near the airport while waiting for the evening flight . Today I would never dream of going there , nor Pattaya . I prefer the region of Krabi , or other places that are not high profile resorts .

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Back in '81 I assisted a Norwegian lass who was mixed up in a motorcycle scam in Corfu. She spoke little English, we went to tourist police who were powerless. The bike owner had her return ticket as security. I advised her to leave the island and phone the airline claiming the ticket was stolen. She was issued a new ticket and was a winner in that case. So it's not just Phuket.

Regarding the police, I know it as a fact that for a policeman to get a posting in pattaya, Phuket or similar, a payment of 1 million (info from a few years ago) baht will get the job. In essence, this means that the opportunity to extort foreigners is the carrot, and this payment money, probably borrowed, needs to be paid back somehow and certainly cannot be paid on a regular cop salary. Even start up jobs in local Amphur offices, schools etc have a buy in price. I know this as fact, my son had a job at a local primary school, was told to re-apply, sit exams (he'd already doen this) and lost the job to a payer who didn't in the end come up with the money or was incapable, then he was offered the job back, a boy of principles it turns out, as he told them where to stick their job.

Before I get slagged for my inside info on police, my bro in law is a captain who was the driver/security for one of bkks top cops.

Interesting, I have Thai family working as teachers (2) and in the Amphur (3) in Nong Prue, Chon Buri, none of whom had to buy their jobs.

Good to hear about someone getting a job based on merit rather than corruption or nepotism. I also have family members with government jobs based on merit. The school job was entry level in the office, not as a teacher.

While on the subject of school teachers, our 2nd son failed origami and unless he/we bought a bag of fertiliser for the teacher he would not have progressed to the next class!

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Yes and all the other scams as well go there at your own peril

i say, have been there for holidays and will not go back

only the newbies go there till they learn then i doubt most would go back

so true, I hate phuket now, have been 3 times, I kept trying to give it a chance since I love the beach, but each time was worse, and if you don't go along with the scammers they get aggresive. <Snip!> Phuket and all the crazy abhorrent habitants there, will not go back. even the weather is crazy there.

Edited by metisdead
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Just a question - if you were to be accused of damaging jet ski. Could you just contact your travel insurance company. Most have public liability insurance?

you really asking that? they ask for all the documents to prove the accident and damage, and the scammers don't provide documents, they want cash up front or else they will harm you. that's why it's called a scam.

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Some people don't want to know the throught. Some people like to believe that these places are heaven on earth.

I tried to wright about negative things with Thailand on a Norwegian forum called Asiaforum but the administrator kicked me out of the forum.

I could hurt many people's feelings was his excuse.

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Posted 2012-06-22 16:40:28

Chalerm vows to get rid of mafia in tourism businesses

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Friday has vowed to get rid of the mafia groups in the tourism business within three months.


At least he is making an effort to deal with the problem in the Democrat stronghold of Phuket. Unlike the Abhisit government, not much was said and even less done, to deal with the situation. You can label me a cynic, but IMO one of the reasons that the southern Democrat bigwigs have such hatred towards the PTP is that the PTP in its various incarnations has made an effort to protect the Issan and Surin migrant workers from their exploitation by the Phuket mob. Have a look at who controls most of the Phuket concessions, holds the key business leases and skims off the profits. My understanding is that it is all going to the handful of families that make up the oligarchy who are the backers and key players of the Democrats in the region.

Pray tell , dear gKid, what has our Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm actually done regarding the 'situation' in Phuket ?

Mind you, he seems to have been succesful in getting rid of the jetski maffia in North-Eastern Thailand, although the 'drugsfree' campaign there seems an ongoing struggle. Nothing to do with being the Heartland of Pheu Thai of course. rolleyes.gif

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PLease don't equate all that happens to all of Phuket, there are plenty of nice places on this island.

Just cause shit happens in Patong an karon/kata does not mean the whole island is lost ( YET)

Really? I'm in Phuket now and invite you to name a few.

Kamala beach Nai Yang, Mai Khao, Nai Thon, Tamaparo Bay, Po Bay to name a few

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In my opinion, it is unfortunate that tourist numbers keep rising. Only when they start falling will there be action, it all comes down to money. As long as they keep coming, the treatment of visitors will continue to deteriorate. There will be a tipping point, where the treatment of tourists becomes so awful the word will even get out in Russian newspapers (they are a hardier mindset the Rusks). Only when there is a measurable fall in income will Govt act. Sad, pathetic and true.

Phuket resident 10 yrs.

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Great to see international governments getting involved with these age old problem, as usual it is the British and the Aussies at the forefront, probably supported by the Dutch, German and Irish Consuls, the rest of the consuls on Phuket are a compete waste of time. Does Mark Kent have a brother named Clark? Maybe he could helptongue.png

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Great to see international governments getting involved with these age old problem, as usual it is the British and the Aussies at the forefront, probably supported by the Dutch, German and Irish Consuls, the rest of the consuls on Phuket are a compete waste of time. Does Mark Kent have a brother named Clark? Maybe he could helptongue.png


No, he is the newish ambassador. Good to see he's making the right noises so early in his posting.

As someone more or less said above, nothing will ever change without these noises - and nobody else with any 'pull' ever seems to make them.

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Just a question - if you were to be accused of damaging jet ski. Could you just contact your travel insurance company. Most have public liability insurance?

I think that would make it difficult for the operators and the police to divide up money at the ATM.

An interesting response and one I have seen many times. It seems that unless there is a huge overhaul in the conduct of the police by an "ethical standards" bust then nothing will ever change. And the likelihood of that happening any time soon is incredibly low.

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So be careful everywhere basically...or just stay in your hotel room

Mr Kent said travellers should be cautious in "crowded markets, tourist sites, bus or train stations and festivals". "It is best to avoid isolated neighbourhoods, shortcuts, narrow alleys and poorly lit streets, especially late at night," he said.

Apparently, if you are in Phuket, then the answer is yes!

Had never been there so took a short "vacation" from Chiang Mai to visit Phuket last summer. Definitely regret it. I thought of it as worse than Pattaya (scam and rip-off wise) and twice as expensive. The place reminded me of that famous quote from the original Star Wars movie. The one where Obi Wan (played by Alec Guinness) turns to Luke Skywalker and says "Phuket Island. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” giggle.gif

This year I've been to Kanchanaburi, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Bangkok. Liked all four much better than Phuket. Yes, with the MRT, two BTS lines, the ARL, the Chao Phraya River providing transport and a number of really neat spots to visit, I even liked Bangkok much better than Phuket!

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Posted 2012-06-22 16:40:28

Chalerm vows to get rid of mafia in tourism businesses

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Friday has vowed to get rid of the mafia groups in the tourism business within three months.


Does that mean he wants to retire and go back to Scandinavia? Edited by TackyToo
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PLease don't equate all that happens to all of Phuket, there are plenty of nice places on this island.

Just cause shit happens in Patong an karon/kata does not mean the whole island is lost ( YET)

Really? I'm in Phuket now and invite you to name a few.

Kamala beach Nai Yang, Mai Khao, Nai Thon, Tamaparo Bay, Po Bay to name a few

Shut up, Rich! rolleyes.gif

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Not just Aussie's but kiwi's, yank's, brit's, Jap's all asian ethnic groups et.. Should just the fine people of Australia be warned or should they focus on all Tourist's from around the world? I feel a bit slightedsad.png

Edited by MILT
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