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Plan To Dissolve Top Courts And Key Govt Agencies Shows Thai Govt's ' True Intent'


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This is the route to another coup, and the reason behind the last.

It is well known Thanksin does NOT know when to stop and has

an ego of monumental proportions that must constantly be fed.

This is not about the poor getting a leg up or "Red Democracy".

This is about clan power and the ambitions for revenge and

power accumulation and use of one liege lord and his clique,

to displace the old guard, for their own profits.

Sure they use new means, but to the same old face making ends.

I doubt there will be another coup soon and when Asean begins the likelyhood would seem to be even more remote.

Still the PAD want a war with Cambodia.

Well you perhaps hope it is the route to another coup.

However it all seems quite sensible to me.

Make all senators elected. Good move.

Remove the powers invested in the coup appointed constitutional court to ban political parties.

Imagine in USA Democrats and Obama being banned from office because their Chicago mayor was accused of serious corruption.

This is the current position in Thailand really.

Remove the right for frivolous attempts to seek to unseat the government by groups such as the PAD bypassing the Attorney generals office which decides the efficacy of such complaints.

Clip the wings of un-elected quangos such as the National Anti-corruption group.

What happened to the 15 billion baht they claimed was smuggled into Hong Kong?

It was news to the Hong Kong authorities.

against the government.?

That's right. Unfounded allegations. Smear campaigns essentially.

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The cat is out of the bag early, that means there will be all the rhetoric from the wise and wonderful. What they should have done is copy the wes:

Margaret Thatcher was so insistent on her policies ( later known as Thatcherite) that even the UK civil service was thinking right wing... 'Get on your bike' ruled

Tony Blair nearly toppled the monarchy and certainly removed the final legal( conservative) veto from the House of Lords by retiring some conservatives and appointing sympathetic to Labour in their place. pawn the bike and live off the nanny state new socialist dawn ( Dawn a single parent got free housing, Dawn fell over and got a wellfare officer on her case, Dawn got married and men got maternity leave...) all in the interest of party continuity, a new constitution by stealth.The joke was on labour as Blair in fact moved the Labour party from left wing to central politics while increasing the welfare state.

let him who is without guilt cast the first stone

Yes Thatcherite policies are even popular in China.

The top 20 utilities have been privatised!

Meanwhile in yellow land in Thailand the yellows are bitterly opposed to privatisation. They just want everything in the hands of the few.

Ain't feudalism great? It's what you came here for innit?

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This is the route to another coup, and the reason behind the last.

It is well known Thanksin does NOT know when to stop and has

an ego of monumental proportions that must constantly be fed.

This is not about the poor getting a leg up or "Red Democracy".

This is about clan power and the ambitions for revenge and

power accumulation and use of one liege lord and his clique,

to displace the old guard, for their own profits.

Sure they use new means, but to the same old face making ends.

eee its lovely scansion.....not sure about the content but its a pleasure to let them words trip off the tongue. One observation it would be better ammended to """ that must be constantly fed""""" ..

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The cat is out of the bag early, that means there will be all the rhetoric from the wise and wonderful. What they should have done is copy the wes:

Margaret Thatcher was so insistent on her policies ( later known as Thatcherite) that even the UK civil service was thinking right wing... 'Get on your bike' ruled

Tony Blair nearly toppled the monarchy and certainly removed the final legal( conservative) veto from the House of Lords by retiring some conservatives and appointing sympathetic to Labour in their place. pawn the bike and live off the nanny state new socialist dawn ( Dawn a single parent got free housing, Dawn fell over and got a wellfare officer on her case, Dawn got married and men got maternity leave...) all in the interest of party continuity, a new constitution by stealth.The joke was on labour as Blair in fact moved the Labour party from left wing to central politics while increasing the welfare state.

let him who is without guilt cast the first stone

Yes Thatcherite policies are even popular in China.

The top 20 utilities have been privatised!

Meanwhile in yellow land in Thailand the yellows are bitterly opposed to privatisation. They just want everything in the hands of the few.

Ain't feudalism great? It's what you came here for innit?

You caught me on the hop by mentioning yellow. of course you're right yellow is feudalism the wierd thing is faranges with their anti feudal attitudes should be red, but ee hech they dont arf dislike Thai reds..............

if we get past Thaksin who is/not going to murder us all in our beds we have a progressive party leading SE Asia. and its red.

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Gotta love this never-failing blazing yellow propaganda on this forum. Never fails to amuse me, especially coming from clueless foreigners. Abhisit, Prem and the military brass appreciate your help.

Grossly inaccurate generalisations aside, you are in support of the removal of these standard democratic checks and balances because...?

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I'm sorry, but who is proposing "reverting back to an illegitimate government", in the OP or comments ?

And this "military junta responsible for endless coups", there's been only one junta-appointed government in the past twenty years, and they properly handed back power to an elected-government in December-2008, more than four years ago. Since the junta-appointed government of former-PM Sorayud there have been two elections (2008 & 2011) and four elected-governments (under Samak, Somchai, Abhisit & Yingluck).

I would suggest that the military have increasingly been taking a back-seat role, since the bad old days, and I welcome this.

Unfortunately some seem to be working to disrupt this trend, and remove rather than strengthen the necessary checks-and-balances, democracy here is fragile and the panel's proposals seem to me to be a retrograde step. I hope PM-Yingluck will show some leadership, and reject their ideas, in favour of more-moderate and positive changes.

Apologies, the post-junta election was of course December-2007, which is five years ago, not a year later. My mistake. wai2.gif

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Actually not only should the courts be dissolved, the judges should stand trial. One has to look only to the cover up after the Youtube scandal in which is clearly shown how corrupt and self serving the judges and the establishment is. The Nation is happy to serve as a puppet for the establishment and Thai newspapers in general should be read as you would do with tweets and blogs. It is biased and serves the interest of the rich families owning the newspapers.

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The cat is out of the bag early, that means there will be all the rhetoric from the wise and wonderful. What they should have done is copy the wes:

Margaret Thatcher was so insistent on her policies ( later known as Thatcherite) that even the UK civil service was thinking right wing... 'Get on your bike' ruled

Tony Blair nearly toppled the monarchy and certainly removed the final legal( conservative) veto from the House of Lords by retiring some conservatives and appointing sympathetic to Labour in their place. pawn the bike and live off the nanny state new socialist dawn ( Dawn a single parent got free housing, Dawn fell over and got a wellfare officer on her case, Dawn got married and men got maternity leave...) all in the interest of party continuity, a new constitution by stealth.The joke was on labour as Blair in fact moved the Labour party from left wing to central politics while increasing the welfare state.

let him who is without guilt cast the first stone

Yes Thatcherite policies are even popular in China.

The top 20 utilities have been privatised!

Meanwhile in yellow land in Thailand the yellows are bitterly opposed to privatisation. They just want everything in the hands of the few.

Ain't feudalism great? It's what you came here for innit?

You caught me on the hop by mentioning yellow. of course you're right yellow is feudalism the wierd thing is faranges with their anti feudal attitudes should be red, but ee hech they dont arf dislike Thai reds..............

if we get past Thaksin who is/not going to murder us all in our beds we have a progressive party leading SE Asia. and its red.

We were watching Mr Slater's favourite program on CNBC the other day "Squawk Box."

There was a representative of a turkish mobile phone company describing how once Pay as you go telephony gets up and running across Turkey and how the turkish government relied on the revenue from the phone companies but that revenues will increase exponentially with these new services and therefore fee levels paid to the government should fall as overall revenues will rise.

I seem to recall that is what Thaksin did reducing the fees from 25% to 20% payable to TOT and CAT and to the newcomer DTAC only 17% initially.

Furthermore he insisted the monies first be paid to the government before TOT and CAT were reimbursed as monies were mysteriously disappearing en route to the government into VIP pockets.

This for what they took all his money Abby and his courts.

Apologies for earlier remarks.

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You caught me on the hop by mentioning yellow. of course you're right yellow is feudalism the wierd thing is faranges with their anti feudal attitudes should be red, but ee hech they dont arf dislike Thai reds..............

if we get past Thaksin who is/not going to murder us all in our beds we have a progressive party leading SE Asia. and its red.

What party would that be?

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Actually not only should the courts be dissolved, the judges should stand trial. One has to look only to the cover up after the Youtube scandal in which is clearly shown how corrupt and self serving the judges and the establishment is. The Nation is happy to serve as a puppet for the establishment and Thai newspapers in general should be read as you would do with tweets and blogs. It is biased and serves the interest of the rich families owning the newspapers.

They're like some weird right wing version of Pravda.

Worst are the english language press.

I do remember during Abby's reign the owner of Matichon (the biggest selling newpaper in Thailand) sacking both the daily editor and Sunday editor too as in his view he they were leaning too far towards the reds position.

Not even Rupert Murdoch would go that far.

As to the judges well they just brushed aside any question of them resigning. It's like they said "What are you going to do about it?" They're untouchable.

It's Do as we say not do as we do.

They brown-nosed for their position. They're fronting up for the amart. Their position is crucial as with the appointed senators.

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The cat is out of the bag early, that means there will be all the rhetoric from the wise and wonderful. What they should have done is copy the wes:

Margaret Thatcher was so insistent on her policies ( later known as Thatcherite) that even the UK civil service was thinking right wing... 'Get on your bike' ruled

Tony Blair nearly toppled the monarchy and certainly removed the final legal( conservative) veto from the House of Lords by retiring some conservatives and appointing sympathetic to Labour in their place. pawn the bike and live off the nanny state new socialist dawn ( Dawn a single parent got free housing, Dawn fell over and got a wellfare officer on her case, Dawn got married and men got maternity leave...) all in the interest of party continuity, a new constitution by stealth.The joke was on labour as Blair in fact moved the Labour party from left wing to central politics while increasing the welfare state.

let him who is without guilt cast the first stone

Yes Thatcherite policies are even popular in China.

The top 20 utilities have been privatised!

Meanwhile in yellow land in Thailand the yellows are bitterly opposed to privatisation. They just want everything in the hands of the few.

Ain't feudalism great? It's what you came here for innit?

You caught me on the hop by mentioning yellow. of course you're right yellow is feudalism the wierd thing is faranges with their anti feudal attitudes should be red, but ee hech they dont arf dislike Thai reds..............

if we get past Thaksin who is/not going to murder us all in our beds we have a progressive party leading SE Asia. and its red.

We were watching Mr Slater's favourite program on CNBC the other day "Squawk Box."

There was a representative of a turkish mobile phone company describing how once Pay as you go telephony gets up and running across Turkey and how the turkish government relied on the revenue from the phone companies but that revenues will increase exponentially with these new services and therefore fee levels paid to the government should fall as overall revenues will rise.

I seem to recall that is what Thaksin did reducing the fees from 25% to 20% payable to TOT and CAT and to the newcomer DTAC only 17% initially.

Furthermore he insisted the monies first be paid to the government before TOT and CAT were reimbursed as monies were mysteriously disappearing en route to the government into VIP pockets.

This for what they took all his money Abby and his courts.

Apologies for earlier remarks.

This is just gibberish & as far as I can translate - off topic.

The topic is yet another PTP group with a crazy idea that dictatorship = democracy.

I love Thailand & I know Thais are mainly mild-mannered people who easily forgive & forget. But I don't think they will tolerate this sort of Zimbabwe-style rule. Thaksin has always pushed for the sort of power held by Lee Kwan Yu but with his own & his family's enrichment thrown in.

I would be totally ashamed to support this attempt as it demonstrates that warped thinking expats have no better grasp of the pillars of democracy than the idiots who are suggesting it.

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Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

This remark is not constructive. The democrats and Yellow Shirts have repeatedly stated that Thailand is too immature to be a democracy. That of course is rubbish. Why? When the USA's constitution was written and adopted there were only nine states. Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships. Like some of your peers you seem to want Thailand to have an eternity of conflict and confusion. The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government. Whichever party is in power. For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.
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Khunken said:

"This is just gibberish & as far as I can translate - off topic.

The topic is yet another PTP group with a crazy idea that dictatorship = democracy.

I love Thailand & I know Thais are mainly mild-mannered people who easily forgive & forget. But I don't think they will tolerate this sort of Zimbabwe-style rule. Thaksin has always pushed for the sort of power held by Lee Kwan Yu but with his own & his family's enrichment thrown in.

I would be totally ashamed to support this attempt as it demonstrates that warped thinking expats have no better grasp of the pillars of democracy than the idiots who are suggesting it."

I don't believe you really believe what you say.

You're just on here as a wind up merchant aren't you.

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Khunken said:

"This is just gibberish & as far as I can translate - off topic.

The topic is yet another PTP group with a crazy idea that dictatorship = democracy.

I love Thailand & I know Thais are mainly mild-mannered people who easily forgive & forget. But I don't think they will tolerate this sort of Zimbabwe-style rule. Thaksin has always pushed for the sort of power held by Lee Kwan Yu but with his own & his family's enrichment thrown in.

I would be totally ashamed to support this attempt as it demonstrates that warped thinking expats have no better grasp of the pillars of democracy than the idiots who are suggesting it."

I don't believe you really believe what you say.

You're just on here as a wind up merchant aren't you.

You have been doing far more winding-up (aka spinning) on this topic than anyone else. I don't believe a word or what YOU say because you are just adding strings of meaningless sentences & wandering off topic to the thread.

I've lived here through the Thaksin years & it is patently obvious to the open-minded what he has been aiming at & the Op just fits into his power crazy plans. I feel sorry for your lack of understanding of Thai politics, not to mention a semblance of democracy.

I've seen pictures of Yingluck flirting with Obama and the impression I get from her is she's not some "Zimbabwe style" dictator in the making.

These "power crazy plans" you allude to are just the imaginings,ravings of the thai-elite controlled media foisted on us as per this article.

6 years ago there was a coup and since then where's the evidence of Thaksin's deceits and corruptions.

It's so all pervasive no-one can be bothered to name one! The most evil man in all of history told and untold!No corruption then there wold be no excuse for the coup.

After all every coup has been about removing corruption but with what effect?

Semblance of Democracy?

This is a feudal state. This is a police state.

I don't expect though the red bull heir to go to prison either.

We know from Wikileaks that before the coup the heads of the civil service were ordered not to obey government instructions.

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]This remark is not constructive. The democrats and Yellow Shirts have repeatedly stated that Thailand is too immature to be a democracy. That of course is rubbish. Why? When the USA's constitution was written and adopted there were only nine states. Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships. Like some of your peers you seem to want Thailand to have an eternity of conflict and confusion. The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government. Whichever party is in power. For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.

Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships

Who's said that?

The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government.

dam_n, we see things differently lol. No . . . they are attempting to remove a large proportion of the checks and balances that are needed to keep Govt in check so that big brother can come back and put his sticky little fingers in the public coffers again.

For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.

On this one I agree wholeheartedly, I'm just sure that this is not what the current Govt has in mind.

the so-called checks and balances are codswallop.

They are designed to constrain, to hamper any true democratic development for this country.

Incidentally when the american constitution was written and voted for the vast majority of americans were illiterate.

Yet we see the PAD wanting to restrict voting rights only to those with university degree and then that was only for 30% of parliamentary seats!


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