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For The Birds !


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Worked it out. They fly back and forward across this little bay in to the tree just in front of the house (right side). Awesome sight: strange flying bird with that long tail. Typical though, I take my binoculars every where we go but this trip I forgot them.


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Black crested Bulbul in one of the national parks that charge us 10 times more than Thai people. Wonder how that is working out for them.

I was back from Singapore yesterday

Flying to Europe on Thursday (Biz)

Flying to Australia the same day I'm back from Europe (Biz)

Back in the day it would all have been with Thai Airways, now none of the flights are with Thai.


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Nothing to do with Thailand. I just came back from Singapore. And of course, I didn't brought my camera as I never expected to see any exciting stuff in Singapore. But suddenly, there was a Hornbill and I only had my Scooby Doo camera


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