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37-Year-Old African Man Arrested In Bangkok's Soi Nana For Drug Dealing


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What's he got to lose? Thai prison or life in Lagos (assuming he is Nigerian that is). As long as Thai prison is one step above street life in Africa, these guys will just keep coming.

Er... he's from Mozambique. Several thousand miles from Nigeria.

It's always a good idea to read the articles before sounding off on internet forums.

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It's a known fact that if you want some recreational extras that the supplier is usually of African descent.

That's <deleted> for a start.

If you're stupid enough to buy drugs on the street then, for sure, the person most likely to sell them to you in that area will be of African descent but I don't think anyone with half a brain could seriously harbour the notion that these idiots sell to all the drug users in Thailand.

The fact of the matter is this: 99% of the contraband sold in this country is sold to Thais by Thais. Whenever I've seen drugs delivered to the door, it's always been delivered a Thai. Whenever there's a big bust, the people sitting at the hastily-assembled tables with Thai cops standing behind them posing for the cameras, are Thais.

The Africans are just far more visible because they sell to the passing trade on Sukhumvit and the overwhelming majority of that passing trade is made up of white men and Thai hookers.

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How is he accessing the ingredients to make this ice?

Surely its not obtainable over the counter.

I believe it is made from cold medicine which can be bought over the counter here and in US, UK. How do I know? Because I watch too much TV!! In US I believe that people are restricted as too how mutch they can buy per day

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If African looking people are hanging around street corners for years on end its really not hard to work out what they are doing

yes but in Europe, the police must first check 2 white one hanging around on street corners, before they can check the black one.

Else the police would get punished for being racist. (no joke there is already a law that police checks based on race profiling is illegal. So the police stays at some places sees the black dealer and can't do anything)

Ah. So, you approve of racial profiling ?

What other racist policies do you approve of ?

I am really sickened that this type of threads provides the racists among the forum users to express their bigotry openly.

If a white guy is arrested for drug dealing, there are some bigoted comments, but very few. However, if a black guy gets arrested for it, there are maybe at least five times more of those bigoted comments.

I like this forum in general but the high no. of bigots really turns me off at times.

Surely, condemn drug dealing (I condemn it too) but for phuck's sake, leave your racism out of here !

For a refreshing non racial outlook on life I believe they all should get death no matter what their race, colour, or creed is.

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Because he was making and selling his own ya-ice, police said Mr. Philes sold the drug at a much cheaper price to his customers than the street market value, because he was eliminating the suppliers and lower-level dealers who want a big cut of the profits.

Ahh... so that's why he was arrested.

indeed, not very smart at all.

you will note also he was from Mozambique, rather than Nigeria as seems to generally be the case.

it does not pay to be an outsider.

What do you think the chances are, that his meth lab contaminated rental home goes right back up on the market and the next tenant gets a bonus exposure to toxic chemicals without any mention?

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It's a known fact that if you want some recreational extras that the supplier is usually of African descent.

That's <deleted> for a start.

If you're stupid enough to buy drugs on the street then, for sure, the person most likely to sell them to you in that area will be of African descent but I don't think anyone with half a brain could seriously harbour the notion that these idiots sell to all the drug users in Thailand.

The fact of the matter is this: 99% of the contraband sold in this country is sold to Thais by Thais. Whenever I've seen drugs delivered to the door, it's always been delivered a Thai. Whenever there's a big bust, the people sitting at the hastily-assembled tables with Thai cops standing behind them posing for the cameras, are Thais.

The Africans are just far more visible because they sell to the passing trade on Sukhumvit and the overwhelming majority of that passing trade is made up of white men and Thai hookers.

The majority of the charlie moving around Bangkok is coming from Africans and has for years. Deliveries are generally made by Thai women, usually chubby ones.

Meth seems mostly to come from Thais.

i would agree that the majority of drugs dealt in the kingdom is Thai on Thai.

I believe the poster meant in Bangkok, or in that area.

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Amazing how many of you guys are saying "kill him" or lock him away for life! How short-sighted. The only people that he sells to are people that choose themselves to buy the drugs! Whether you agree or disagree with drug use/selling why would you think the correct punishment is life imprisonment or death?

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Amazing how many of you guys are saying "kill him" or lock him away for life! How short-sighted. The only people that he sells to are people that choose themselves to buy the drugs! Whether you agree or disagree with drug use/selling why would you think the correct punishment is life imprisonment or death?

If they were not there nobody would buy would they. coffee1.gif
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Amazing how many of you guys are saying "kill him" or lock him away for life! How short-sighted. The only people that he sells to are people that choose themselves to buy the drugs! Whether you agree or disagree with drug use/selling why would you think the correct punishment is life imprisonment or death?

If they were not there nobody would buy would they. coffee1.gif

Of course they would. They'd just find another supplier.

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Amazing how many of you guys are saying "kill him" or lock him away for life! How short-sighted. The only people that he sells to are people that choose themselves to buy the drugs! Whether you agree or disagree with drug use/selling why would you think the correct punishment is life imprisonment or death?

If they were not there nobody would buy would they. coffee1.gif

Of course they would. They'd just find another supplier.

Yes, out in the sticks IF the scum were cleared out. thumbsup.gif
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If African looking people are hanging around street corners for years on end its really not hard to work out what they are doing

yes but in Europe, the police must first check 2 white one hanging around on street corners, before they can check the black one.

Else the police would get punished for being racist. (no joke there is already a law that police checks based on race profiling is illegal. So the police stays at some places sees the black dealer and can't do anything)

Ah. So, you approve of racial profiling ?

What other racist policies do you approve of ?

I am really sickened that this type of threads provides the racists among the forum users to express their bigotry openly.

If a white guy is arrested for drug dealing, there are some bigoted comments, but very few. However, if a black guy gets arrested for it, there are maybe at least five times more of those bigoted comments.

I like this forum in general but the high no. of bigots really turns me off at times.

Surely, condemn drug dealing (I condemn it too) but for phuck's sake, leave your racism out of here !

Yes I approve of racial profiling.

Please explain why its racist?

Not racist at all, just glad I live in a country that hasnt been overrun by western PC BS.

The ratio of comments is probably based on the racial profiling of those being apprehended, when was the last time a farang scum drug dealer was caught in the area?

Have you ever visited the area?

The Thais got so fed up with it they put up a sign in a bar saying no blacks.

There was a bar further down on soi 5 that became their unofficail HQ, ever been in it.

Ever paid a visit to soi 13 in the evening, if so please let me know how many farangs you saw loitering around?

Now please tell me how many blacks you saw loitering around?

Nothing to do with bigotry or racism, its to do with REALISM not idealism.

Yes I condem drug dealers irrespective of their colour, I am an equal opportunities discriminator, race colour religion or creed doesnt blind me, neither does sexual preference.

Absolutely right..100% spot-on. Well said.

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To all the do-gooders pulling out the race card. Do you have any friends that are from Africa? Do you have them round to the house to meet the in-laws? Do you go out drinking and socializing with them? Do you hang out in any sports clubs with them? The answer is NO. So quit harping on about how they are choir boys because deep down you know exactly what they are up to hanging around the streets of Bangkok

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This git deserves whatever the Thai "authorities" dump on him.

Just another fine example of one dumbass n....errrr....African.

I think the next time - rest assured it won't be too long - yet another white man is wheeled out in front of the press for paedophile offences, I'll rock up and call him a dumbass cr . . . er . . . Caucasian

Eeeeeeeeeer, wrong topic. coffee1.gif

Not for bigotry, it ain't

Bigotry and common sense really are two different things. smile.png
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This git deserves whatever the Thai "authorities" dump on him.

Just another fine example of one dumbass n....errrr....African.

I think the next time - rest assured it won't be too long - yet another white man is wheeled out in front of the press for paedophile offences, I'll rock up and call him a dumbass cr . . . er . . . Caucasian

No no, please call him a farang, or dumbass farang if you want.

Agree with the kiddy fiddler comment.

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So transam, it's common sense to allude to a derogatory term for black people, right?

Thanks for clearing that up for us.

Have l mentioned black people anywhere. ?

Nope but the comment to which I responded made by "sunshine51" , did.

Well blow me down, thanks for pointing that out, black eh. coffee1.gif
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Yeah it's gotta be frustrating for some of the TV posters to exist without being able to let rip with the racist terms.

All this PC <deleted>, eh?

As I've always said: it's only "PC <deleted>" when you and yours aren't affected.

Don't understand your comment, please explain, even just for a NON drug seller like me, AND, you don't know what color l am eh. thumbsup.gif
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Yeah it's gotta be frustrating for some of the TV posters to exist without being able to let rip with the racist terms.

All this PC <deleted>, eh?

As I've always said: it's only "PC <deleted>" when you and yours aren't affected.

Don't understand your comment, please explain, even just for a NON drug seller like me, AND, you don't know what color l am eh. thumbsup.gif

You've got something of a persecution complex there, haven't you?

It was a general comment aimed at those who've seen fit to use this topic as an opportunity to voice their pent up bigotry.

I don't give a monkey's what colour you are; you're a tool for suggesting that sunshine51's - not your - allusion to a derogatory term for black people constitues "common sense".

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Because he was making and selling his own ya-ice, police said Mr. Philes sold the drug at a much cheaper price to his customers than the street market value, because he was eliminating the suppliers and lower-level dealers who want a big cut of the profits.

Can't be having that. you're nicked son.

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Yeah it's gotta be frustrating for some of the TV posters to exist without being able to let rip with the racist terms.

All this PC <deleted>, eh?

As I've always said: it's only "PC <deleted>" when you and yours aren't affected.

Don't understand your comment, please explain, even just for a NON drug seller like me, AND, you don't know what color l am eh. thumbsup.gif

You've got something of a persecution complex there, haven't you?

It was a general comment aimed at those who've seen fit to use this topic as an opportunity to voice their pent up bigotry.

I don't give a monkey's what colour you are; you're a tool for suggesting that sunshine51's - not your - allusion to a derogatory term for black people constitues "common sense".

Well, you can think what you like regarding me, not an issue. AND, sunshine51 is nothing to do with me either. I don't care what color folk are selling dope but it seems certain folk stick out a mile. Wonder why. Hmmmmmmmm. If you can't grasp that then l am sorry. coffee1.gif
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