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My Rant Today......thais Don't Follow Up!


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Trying to get things done in Thailand work a little different to the UK and probably other countries too. For instance, lets say your going to a restuarant and you want good service, I have always found it helpful to ring up the restuarant and find out the name of the manager. Then make your reservation.

When you turn up, ask for the Manager and say how good it is to see them again, ask can you buy them a drink.

From my own experience, (Edward) who is the restuarant manager of the Shangri La Hotel in Chiang Mai, will often seat me near the air conditioning and personally serve us, the rest of the staff see the mutual respect shown and now go out of their way. A few years ago a very old farang (since passed away), said "In Thailand saving face is everything to the Thais".

If making friends doesnt work, then just discreetly get out your wallet, when dealing with those who can help, but wont, it usually works, not always, but usually.

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^^ Good to see no problems with Australians.

We're a nice bunch of guys ... laugh.png


Everything in Oz is overpriced, so why would anyone want to do business with Australians?

It did our exporters no favours whatsoever when the Fed started printing more money, but its not that long ago when the AUD was nowhere near parity with the USD. Still hasnt worked entirely in our favour for anything other than internet purchases, and who is going to buy a pair of Levi 501s without being able to try them on ?? They *should* be a standard size, but I'm just not prepared to shop for clothes over the Net.

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