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The Myth Of The 'take Care Thai Girl'


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Just read a now closed thread on why asian women are so favoured by white men....

have to say it is utter hogwash in my opinion and glad it is closed but then got me thinking to what my Mum experienced and heard from people whilst she holidayed in Thailand.

For example there were 2 western women in the same hotel in a beach resort south of Thailand she spoke to and one of them has a brother who has settled in BKK, now she went on to say about her brother and how his Thai wife (they are always referred to as thai wives never just 'wife' are they!) has absolutely everything done for him by this lady and pretty much she followed him about with a dust pan and brush and wiped his backside etc, you get the picture...

My mum who visited me on many occasions whilst I lived and worked out there and has friends back here in the UK who are mixed thai/western relationships, is quite experienced with thai people whilst being removed from any close relationships herself likended this story to the sad old fellas who go down the pub back home in the UK and tell all their mates how the missus is randy and can't leave him alone etc and he is getting it every night....

My views on this as much as I love my missus(thai wife ;) ) I can't help but feel that looks aside a woman is a woman and theres no set model you get in terms of them being trained up to take care of their man especially after marriage....

anyone else agree that this 'thai girl take care' thingy is just a myth and made up by fellas who want to convince themselves they are special?

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Mate ... have read your post twice now ... but still don't understand either your anecdote nor your question ... coffee1.gif

I presume it must be a deficiency on my behalf.

Maybe less coffee and more beer might help with my comprehension ... ?


not really asking a question per se.....just like to hear others experiences?

But as you require a question....does your thai wife wipe your backside and pick the fluff out of your belly button and sniff it?

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Just read a now closed thread on why asian women are so favoured by white men....

Yes, I guess it was closed for a reason. Why bring it up again? blink.png

because that closed topic got me thinking to something else and was slightly relevant....is that ok with you?

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I really did try hard to understand your POV ... thinking that maybe I miss-read or failed to comprehend your ...

a woman is a woman and theres no set model you get in terms of them being trained up to take care of their man especially after marriage....

But sadly, at this juncture ... I became lost ... care to re-phrase?

I did however say ... I presume it must be a deficiency on my behalf. ... so rather then troubling you further ... I'm off for a beer.

Cheers ... biggrin.png


Edited by David48
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I really did try hard to understand your POV ... thinking that maybe I miss-read or failed to comprehend your ...

a woman is a woman and theres no set model you get in terms of them being trained up to take care of their man especially after marriage....

But sadly, at this juncture ... I became lost ... care to re-phrase?


not really no....cheers

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Mate ... have read your post twice now ... but still don't understand either your anecdote nor your question ... coffee1.gif

I presume it must be a deficiency on my behalf.

Maybe less coffee and more beer might help with my comprehension ... ?


not really asking a question per se.....just like to hear others experiences?

But as you require a question....does your thai wife wipe your backside and pick the fluff out of your belly button and sniff it?

That's gross, surely no wife does that?

I'd understand a bit of bum wiping if you were incapacitated, but picking fluff and smelling it.....sick.gif

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Old stereotypes die hard, I guess.

Just saw a news story about a Vietnamese woman who was jailed here in Oz for leaving her child to die in a car - windows wound up in the hot sun, a terrible way to die. Do I think this makes a 'myth' of the notion that Asian people are dedicated to family ? No, because that has always been a convenient generalisation. I know a Thai woman who has made no attempt to care for either of her kids - one is being cared for by the father, another by a friend who lives one Soi further down Suk. The antithesis of the 'caring mother' stereotype, and I doubt that she ever sent a satang to her parents. Seriously off the rails, but this is 2013 not 1983.

Another girl quit her job in a Soi 4 bar to work for considerably less money in a salon when she realised she was pregnant to her Thai BF : her girlfriend later showed her how to sell clothes from Chatuchak on E-Bay and I have never seen her as happy as she was to have control of her own life. No Farang, no barfine quota - just her friends and enough money to take care of herself and her baby. Why would she want to add a geriatric Farang to the list of people she needed to take care of, regardless of whatever pot of cash he might bring to the party ? A lifetime of raising smaller siblings, being responsible for her parents, and now some old geezer wants the same treatment ? Please ....

Let's agree to take care of ourselves. Failing that, don't leave the nanny state.

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I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

Is that courtieous enough?

You spelt courteous wrong.................. Sorry, couldn't resist...tongue.png

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I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

Is that courtieous enough?

You spelt courteous wrong.................. Sorry, couldn't resist...tongue.png

I am feeding the grammar and punctuation cretins thumbsup.gif

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All my relationships Thai and farang I have never wanted anybody to take care of me, my mother was the only one required to do that up to a certain age. Just a relationship where both do for each other, and share and care. I am not sure how many loving relationships would last here if the farang money tree died, and the financial burden of life fell on the Thai lady 100%. I know in the UK it was never a problem here, I think a lot of care and attention would be up the road asap.

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Old stereotypes die hard, I guess.

Just saw a news story about a Vietnamese woman who was jailed here in Oz for leaving her child to die in a car - windows wound up in the hot sun, a terrible way to die. Do I think this makes a 'myth' of the notion that Asian people are dedicated to family ? No, because that has always been a convenient generalisation. I know a Thai woman who has made no attempt to care for either of her kids - one is being cared for by the father, another by a friend who lives one Soi further down Suk. The antithesis of the 'caring mother' stereotype, and I doubt that she ever sent a satang to her parents. Seriously off the rails, but this is 2013 not 1983.

Another girl quit her job in a Soi 4 bar to work for considerably less money in a salon when she realised she was pregnant to her Thai BF : her girlfriend later showed her how to sell clothes from Chatuchak on E-Bay and I have never seen her as happy as she was to have control of her own life. No Farang, no barfine quota - just her friends and enough money to take care of herself and her baby. Why would she want to add a geriatric Farang to the list of people she needed to take care of, regardless of whatever pot of cash he might bring to the party ? A lifetime of raising smaller siblings, being responsible for her parents, and now some old geezer wants the same treatment ? Please ....

Let's agree to take care of ourselves. Failing that, don't leave the nanny state.

good examples...

I used to just see geriatrics with thai or asian wives from time to time in the UK but the husbands are getting younger and younger these days, some mid twenties so its really just a stereotype that its some old boy with his mail order bride but its a stereotype those in the west love to stick with.

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I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

Is that courtieous enough?

utterly agreed on that. there are many english linguists in here.

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