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Why Do Westerners End English Sentences With Thai Words


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I don't find these inflections particularly annoying, coming from Thai people (and I don't speak to Thais in English at all). After all, Thai is a very "sensible" language. From the Westerners, it's a whole different story altogether. As a joke, maybe, but no way otherwise :)

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ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

I don't know why. I have never heard a Thai say Kop after thank you

That would be really silly." Kop khun kop" "Thank you thank" ??

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The odd Thai word here and there used to be handy when the kids were around and you didn't want them to understand what we were talking about, little buggers understand everything now.

Oh well, som nom na.

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ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

I don't know why. I have never heard a Thai say Kop after thank you

That would be really silly." Kop khun kop" "Thank you thank" ??

I didn't say they said kop after "kop khun kop," I said they say kop after "thank you." Can't you read?

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ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

I don't know why. I have never heard a Thai say Kop after thank you

That would be really silly." Kop khun kop" "Thank you thank" ??

I didn't say they said kop after "kop khun kop," I said they say kop after "thank you." Can't you read?

Yes I can read.

I was simply pointing out that I have never heard a Thai say kop after Thank you. Ie. I have never heard a Thai say Thank you kop. Didn't you see it in my post ? I have made it bold in the quote to be sure that you can see it.

I won't accuse you of being unable to read, I will just assume that you didn't read my post properly.

Thank you kop would mean "thank you thank" No Thai would say that.

You probably mean that they say Krup or krap However you want to spell it with or without the r, it sounds nothing like Cop.

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One word that I often use is 'greng jai' which there is no direct English translation.

What is your reason for using it often, as it's one of those words if used out of context, actually makes you sound a bit silly.

When I say often, I mean more than other Thai words/phrases.It's usually, or nearly always or maybe frequently with my wife, and she knows I'm a bit silly so I don't care. Anyways, I think I understand when and in what context to use it.

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ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

The only Orientals would be Thais. I certainly don't think it's obnoxious, the opposite, in fact.

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ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

I don't know why. I have never heard a Thai say Kop after thank you

That would be really silly." Kop khun kop" "Thank you thank" ??

I didn't say they said kop after "kop khun kop," I said they say kop after "thank you." Can't you read?

Can't you write with better clarity ? - I too thought your sentence somewhat odd until re-reading it a number of times in an attempt to grasp your meaning.

Now I understand your point, I agree. Saying "Thank-you, Krup" would sound quite silly, but its also one of those 'Thai-addons' I hear quite regularly from Westerners in Thailand.

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Kilgore, you actually should be more alarmed than you currently are - because that Kop that you hear is actually crap (silent r). So they are not actually referring to you as a policeman but something else. Think about it and perhaps it would be a good idea to learn a little bit of Thai.

ending "na" with every sentence because they think its cute, particularly when writing. See this on facebook for example. Some farang guys replies along the lines of "how are you today na?"


I also think its equally obnoxious when orientals put ka or kop after thank you

I feel the need to remind the males that i am not a police officer

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Personally, I pretend to be deaf and dumb when approached by an unknown Farang. For some reason their story always ends with: Can you help me out with some money? sad.png

the last time i was approached by a westerner outside a mall, he told me he needed help as his wife had sold his baby and asked me what he should do.

3 answers were given,

why tell me, go home and sort her out(not as kindly as that) and p off idiot.

cant believe the things you hear in thailand.

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This is when foreigners know 5 words of Thai but try to use them frequently to appear as if they are fluent. Same people who end every other Thai word with "mak mak". They need to be euthanized

Tis a lovely sentiment lad, but kun puut mak maak na...

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Each to the own, I can understand if the OP gets irritated by it; though it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I often hear Thais mixing languages (Thai, English, Khmer) and that doesn't bother me either.

Depends how it's done, if done in a fun sort of way, nothing wrong at all. I don't think it's the farang trying to prove he is fluent, not at all, just wants to practice the Thai that he/she does know.

As said though, I can find why some other people would find it annoying, in my view, I find the farangs who think they are Thai or try to act Thai, 100 times more annoying and embarrassing. Constantly telling people how they should act, how fluent they should be in Thai etc etc a real bore (unless it's because someone's not respecting the culture or misbehaving, then fair enough).

Edited by Hawkman
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Each to the own, I can understand if the OP gets irritated by it; though it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I often hear Thais mixing languages (Thai, English, Khmer) and that doesn't bother me either.

Depends how it's done, if done in a fun sort of way, nothing wrong at all. I don't think it's the farang trying to prove he is fluent, not at all, just wants to practice the Thai that he/she does know.

As said though, I can find why some other people would find it annoying, in my view, I find the farangs who think they are Thai or try to act Thai, 100 times more annoying and embarrassing. Constantly telling people how they should act, how fluent they should be in Thai etc etc a real bore (unless it's because someone's not respecting the culture or misbehaving, then fair enough).

I find acting thai annoying to,love my country Australia so much.

if you were in a roundabout way refering to me i dont act thai, hopefully we can talk open here and be upfront and not hint at things.

no desire to act thai, spend half my time there, love the country, culture and history.

will not act thai however because besides my fantastic thai wife whose my best mate, most thai's I would certainly not wish to be like, I will not express here how I feel about most thai people, best not said as its quite harsh and not needed.

many have lost there culture.

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My wife's mother speaks Thai, Khmer and Souy all mixed up and only the family can understand her. She is pretty old. But they take care of her. So who cares? How could anyone love a country? A person fine or a dog or a horse but a country of millions of people you can't possibly know!!! Don't be silly.

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