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Thai Bum Gun Or European Bidet?


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I came across one in a hotel once which had extremely high water pressure, I aimed, fired and roared, although no damage was done it fairly made my eyes water.

Following this close call I now aim slightly off centre of the bulls eye so as the initial pressure surge is hitting a spot of slightly less importance.

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For about 6 months out of the year, the water temp in Chicago is not conducive to using an unheated bum gun. Trust me on this.

Real men use bum guns even in winter!

OK this is really going to make you vomit but if you take a crap before taking a shower you can use the heated water from the shower...... in the shower.....sick.gif ....OK that's bad I know, but that's why I never understand people who say they miss Thai Bum Guns when they leave LOS. Solutions do exist people!

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This thread seems to be the fountain of knowledge and hopefully won't get a bum steer with my request..

Where can I get in TH the Japenese Electronic toliet seat with a wand. I want to bring one back to the UK so my TH GF "feels" at home when she comes over to stay. Must have a inline heater so the water can be warm rather than UK Mains Cold! Even in the summer our water still has a chill about it and don't want to putthe girl into shock!



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For about 6 months out of the year, the water temp in Chicago is not conducive to using an unheated bum gun. Trust me on this.

Real men use bum guns even in winter!

OK this is really going to make you vomit but if you take a crap before taking a shower you can use the heated water from the shower...... in the shower.....sick.gif ....OK that's bad I know, but that's why I never understand people who say they miss Thai Bum Guns when they leave LOS. Solutions do exist people!

no shower i just let it float in the bathsick.gif

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The Thai bum gun by far. I've seen the bidets in hotels I have been at, but tI didn't quite know how to use so I avoided. (Looked kind of creepy.)

I must also say that Thai bathroom technology is far superior to Western bathroom technology.

The Thai bum gun is yet only one example. Simple and effective. The other major superior advancement is having a drain hole in the bathroom. Like why can't anyone in the West think of that. Like a Thai bathroom, all you have to do is use the bum gun and spray down the entire bathroom and it all drains out. The entire bathroom is clean very quick and efficiently. A Western bathroom you can't just spray down with water cause there's no place for it to drain. I mean what kind of thinking is it that you already have a drain for the bathtub and shower, yet don't put in a drain to spray down the entire bathroom?

Well let's see. First, LOS would need to consider putting some d@mn cabinets and a closet with shelves in a bathroom so you could put some things away for krise sake. Next, after a shower it's really nice to stand on carpet and pad while I shave, comb my hair, get dressed, etc. Third, I can close the blankety blank shower doors and not make a mess of the place. Fourth, if you want to use a bum gun at my house, you crap in the sink, use the garbage disposal and hose to clean it down, and you don't need to make a mess all over the @#% hardwood maple floor. init? tongue.png

Well, at least 2 civilized people here.

The reason that Thais do like a wet-room (hoong naam) is that they do have the habit NOT to use water hoses, but buckets or smaller water-throw-containers, or whatever they're called. They splash all over and if you ever have seen a Thai taking a "shower" you understand their "hoong naam" habits and you understand why there is a drain............ONE drain only in an original Thai hoong naam.

Being civilized, you do have a separate shower-area, a bath-tub (or both) and that is the wet-area in a bathroom; no real need for an extra drain.

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For about 6 months out of the year, the water temp in Chicago is not conducive to using an unheated bum gun. Trust me on this.

Real men use bum guns even in winter!

OK this is really going to make you vomit but if you take a crap before taking a shower you can use the heated water from the shower...... in the shower.....sick.gif ....OK that's bad I know, but that's why I never understand people who say they miss Thai Bum Guns when they leave LOS. Solutions do exist people!

And that's why I hate staying in hotels when I leave Thailand!


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This thread seems to be the fountain of knowledge and hopefully won't get a bum steer with my request..

Where can I get in TH the Japenese Electronic toliet seat with a wand. I want to bring one back to the UK so my TH GF "feels" at home when she comes over to stay. Must have a inline heater so the water can be warm rather than UK Mains Cold! Even in the summer our water still has a chill about it and don't want to putthe girl into shock!



I have seen these for sale in Homepro

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^^I just can't use anything like that. It creeps me out. Like you know someone has pooped or peed on the squirting mechanism...and it's like squirting someone else's poop or pee up your bum...it's just not right.

I thought it odd enough to warrant a photo, but you do bring up another point, which is just, how clean do you suppose the bum guns in public toilets are? I mean, people are often using their hand(s) to clean things in addition to the bum gun. (Muslims consider the left hand to be unclean because it's the hand used for... cleaning?). Which is just to say that if you use a bum gun in a public toilet, best be sure to wash your hands well after.

Always seemed like a good idea to me under any circumstances.

"Which is just to say that if you use a bum gun in a public toilet, best be sure to wash your hands well after."

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My pal owns a bathroom company that does a bit of wholesale, he reckons he is now selling about 60 of the Thai bum guns a week. I was thinking of getting them installed in my thouse but I was worried that the water would be too cold.

The waters kinda lukewarm in Thailand so that's pleasant enough, I'm not so keen on freezing pipe water in Scotland. unsure.png

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I came across one in a hotel once which had extremely high water pressure, I aimed, fired and roared, although no damage was done it fairly made my eyes water.

Following this close call I now aim slightly off centre of the bulls eye so as the initial pressure surge is hitting a spot of slightly less importance.

Here in Greece, bum guns aren't available, so I picked up one of those garden water spray jobbies with the trigger (not the multi-head type), but it had a nozzle that throws out a wide spray. I had to drill and adjust the nozzle to get the right profile jet, but with a bit of experimentation managed to achieve what I was attempting. The only problem with it is that the jet is a bit fierce, so unless you're gentle with the trigger you end up giving yourself a high pressure enema. The water gets pretty cold here in winter (although not as cold as UK), but oddly enough, the wife has never complained about it, even though she doesn't like the cold at all. Hmmm...

I haven't used toilet paper since I was first in India in the late 60s. There, they had these containers that looked like aluminium teapots without a lid, and you'd fill it with water and take it with you to the loo (taps in loos were a luxury back then). After an initial resistance to this culture change in my toilet habits, it quickly dawned on me that it was an immeasurably more hygienic method, and I felt so much cleaner as well. Since then, when I've lived in UK or Aus, I've always kept a bottle (an old white wine bottle is ideal) next to the bog.

But bum guns are vastly superior to teapots or bottles. Much easier to use.

The thought of using toilet paper horrifies me. Ugh!

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OK serious request. Can someone give a step by step guide to using the bum gun on a western toilett. I've always avoided it because the whole procedure seemed too messy and complicated (water getting everywhere, mopping up operation etc).

A Dummie's Guide to the Bum Gun if you will. I'm sure it can be done without being too graphic!

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OK serious request. Can someone give a step by step guide to using the bum gun on a western toilett. I've always avoided it because the whole procedure seemed too messy and complicated (water getting everywhere, mopping up operation etc).

A Dummie's Guide to the Bum Gun if you will. I'm sure it can be done without being too graphic!

Just using it while you're still sitting on the toilet. Problem solved.

Ex. To use at the back, slide you body a bit front and use it at the back.

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I came across one in a hotel once which had extremely high water pressure, I aimed, fired and roared, although no damage was done it fairly made my eyes water.

Following this close call I now aim slightly off centre of the bulls eye so as the initial pressure surge is hitting a spot of slightly less importance.

Here in Greece, bum guns aren't available, so I picked up one of those garden water spray jobbies with the trigger (not the multi-head type), but it had a nozzle that throws out a wide spray. I had to drill and adjust the nozzle to get the right profile jet, but with a bit of experimentation managed to achieve what I was attempting. The only problem with it is that the jet is a bit fierce, so unless you're gentle with the trigger you end up giving yourself a high pressure enema. The water gets pretty cold here in winter (although not as cold as UK), but oddly enough, the wife has never complained about it, even though she doesn't like the cold at all. Hmmm...

I haven't used toilet paper since I was first in India in the late 60s. There, they had these containers that looked like aluminium teapots without a lid, and you'd fill it with water and take it with you to the loo (taps in loos were a luxury back then). After an initial resistance to this culture change in my toilet habits, it quickly dawned on me that it was an immeasurably more hygienic method, and I felt so much cleaner as well. Since then, when I've lived in UK or Aus, I've always kept a bottle (an old white wine bottle is ideal) next to the bog.

But bum guns are vastly superior to teapots or bottles. Much easier to use.

The thought of using toilet paper horrifies me. Ugh!

For the life of my I cannot figure out how to use an old wine bottle as a replacement for the bum gun, I have been trying all day without success, I suspect standing on ones head would work but then there is the drawback of the mucky water running down hill and collecting in your nostrils !!!sick.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Right thanks. But you need to use a fair bit of toilett paper to dry yourself off right?

You don't need to use much toilet paper at all if you get the angle right. Quick shake if ur at home, or a couple of sheets do the job if in the office. Sounds like u need a bit of practice to get your technique sorted out. I promise you won't be going back to TP once you are comfortable with the bum gun.

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  • 7 months later...
I'm an American and a bum gun fan. Every new house in America has a bum gun, the only problem is, is that it's mounted on the kitchen sink! Can't wait to see the responses

Just a fact wayned, you've heard about the piracy problems here biggrin.png Just one of those little known facts



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There are some westernized versions of those hygienic showers (hansgrohe has a bunch of them, for one). I've considered installing one at my place after first visiting TH, but found two major problems with those:

cold water is cold and getting an inline heater or water mixer valve doesn't solve the issue - there's less water throughput than, say, in the shower, where you just have to dodge the initial stream of chill water that was in the system, so you'll have to squirt the thing somewhere for a while to get to the point when water temp stabilizes.

hygienic shower heads aren't made to handle the proper (6+ bar) water line pressure and can fail any moment. That extra wetroom-style drain in the floor comes handy for these situations in TH, but in the west that's a disaster waiting to happen.

The 'proper' western way seems to be using a tap with integrated hygienic shower (you open up the tap, the water starts flowing from it, whenever you push the button on a bumgun the waterflow gets redirected from the tap to the bumgun thingie. Overall a much more fiddly solution than just slapping one on the cold water line in SEA.

Edited by Triglav
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Below. Very typical of the Australian 'Dunny in my day. Affectionately called 'The Thunderbox'. Not pleasant in the stifling heat of an Australian summer. A Bum Gun would have been handy as a weapon against poisonous spiders, snakes and blow-flies.

Not uncommon for many working class families to drill a hole through the top corner of last years phonebook and hang it in on a nail inside the dunny. That was your 4X4.

We still had a dunny like this in my family home in Victoria, Australia when I did my first trip to the Far East. The first Bidet I saw was in the French Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka Japan. it was a great novelty to us. The boys stood patiently in line to give it a workout.

We have come a long way since then - thank god.


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Below. Very typical of the Australian 'Dunny in my day. Affectionately called 'The Thunderbox'. Not pleasant in the stifling heat of an Australian summer. A Bum Gun would have been handy as a weapon against poisonous spiders, snakes and blow-flies.

Not uncommon for many working class families to drill a hole through the top corner of last years phonebook and hang it in on a nail inside the dunny. That was your 4X4.

We still had a dunny like this in my family home in Victoria, Australia when I did my first trip to the Far East. The first Bidet I saw was in the French Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka Japan. it was a great novelty to us. The boys stood patiently in line to give it a workout.

We have come a long way since then - thank god.


When I lived in Aus in the 70s, a mate of mine who lived in the Otways has a dunny very similar to the one pictured. In the summer it was a flyblown, stinking sauna, and in the winter it was like a bloody freezer. I also seem to remember that parts of old Williamstown and Alton (I lived in Williamstown for a couple of years, but thankfully with mains sewerage) still had the weekly shit truck come round to empty the buckets.

Those aspects of the past I don't feel any nostalgia for, I have to admit!

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