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Obama Calls For More Gun Control


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"...the number of rounds that can be held in a cartridge."

It's bad enough when clip is used interchangeably with magazine, but "number of rounds held in a cartridge" is just absurd and clearly shows a lack of though or research given to this article.

Also rather ironic is that Chicago already has firearms restrictions much tougher than any federal restrictions being pondered, yet the firearm homicide rate there is astronomical.

This is what happens when there is no Capital Punishment and the laws that are in place, are not enforced. Wash DC has very strict gunlaws (handgun) in place and has as more murders than most places
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Obama pushes gun control in personal speech in Chicago

By Amie Parnes

CHICAGO: -- President Obama on Friday underlined his call for Congress to allow a vote on gun control by traveling to Chicago, his hometown and the city with the second-highest murder rate in the country.

“Too many of our children are being taken away from us,” Obama said in an intensely personal speech delivered in his old neighborhood that focused on the concerns of the urban poor.

Obama discussed the hardships of being raised by a single mom and the importance of fatherhood, and his speech included nods to gun control and other proposals from his State of the Union address meant to help the poor move up to middle-class lives.

Full story: http://thehill.com/h...eech-in-chicago

-- THE HILL 2013-02-16

He's showing more understanding of the social issues connected with gun violence than many of the NRA hangers on, one of whom told Piers Morgan that the 2nd Amendment entitled her to own a tank.

Don't what's more anti social owning a tank or Piers Morgan. Obviously the will of the people is to own guns, then so bi it. Obama seems incapable of passing wind let alone bills

He is helping the poor by taking from the middle class and giving them what the middle class has worked for. Made it so all the illegals don't have to do anything except show up and get all the freebies. He has armed the drug cartels in mexico so they can import drugs to the US with impunity but he wants my weapon instead of letting me defend myself. Its not about the killing, its about fear of the politician and control of the people!
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Obama pushes gun control in personal speech in Chicago

By Amie Parnes

CHICAGO: -- President Obama on Friday underlined his call for Congress to allow a vote on gun control by traveling to Chicago, his hometown and the city with the second-highest murder rate in the country.

“Too many of our children are being taken away from us,” Obama said in an intensely personal speech delivered in his old neighborhood that focused on the concerns of the urban poor.

Obama discussed the hardships of being raised by a single mom and the importance of fatherhood, and his speech included nods to gun control and other proposals from his State of the Union address meant to help the poor move up to middle-class lives.

Full story: http://thehill.com/h...eech-in-chicago

-- THE HILL 2013-02-16

He's showing more understanding of the social issues connected with gun violence than many of the NRA hangers on, one of whom told Piers Morgan that the 2nd Amendment entitled her to own a tank.

Don't what's more anti social owning a tank or Piers Morgan. Obviously the will of the people is to own guns, then so bi it. Obama seems incapable of passing wind let alone bills

Why insult Pier Morgan? He's not likely to interview you so you have nothing to worry about

If you want a country with thousands of ridiculous guns in civilian hands and frequent massacres as a result, it's up to you. and please don't bring out the old, worn out chestnut that the many people wanting better controls in the US want to rid the country of all guns.

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"...the number of rounds that can be held in a cartridge."

It's bad enough when clip is used interchangeably with magazine, but "number of rounds held in a cartridge" is just absurd and clearly shows a lack of though or research given to this article.

Also rather ironic is that Chicago already has firearms restrictions much tougher than any federal restrictions being pondered, yet the firearm homicide rate there is astronomical.

Because they can be legally purchased over state borders. What's the point in having any laws if people can just drive them in?

So, that's something else that could be changed.

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Well what could they do? If he hadn't been an LAPD cop he wouldn't have been allowed to purchase. But he did purchase legally as he was a cop. If you tried to arrest him for having illegal weapons the defense would have been I obtained these weapons legally when I was a cop. He bought them legally because a cop is a exception and at the time he qualified to purchase because he was a cop. He cannot be arrested for illegal possession. Even when fired, he wasn't required to turn them into LAPD since these were the weapons he owned. He bought them (with his stipend) but they were legally his and registered to him. he was fired from lapd but could have found a job at another department. like a car mechanic has his tools, a cop has his. Nothing that could be done really except if he was deemed mentally unstable then the guns could be impounded.

You mean that a collection of weapons from handguns to semi-automatic assault type rifles is similar to a mechanic's tools?

I must accept, I suppose, that the present laws allow a sacked copper to keep a collection of military type guns. My suggestion is that it's wrong.

My brother was cop in one of the most dangerous high violent crime rste cities in the US before finishing his degrees joining the FBI recently. He has two pistols and a shot gun. Cops don't need AKs or ARs. I believe the law enforcement departments issues full auto assault style weapons to tactical forces when needed for certain situations, but not take home so one can sit in their couch, drink PBR and watch Wrestling while polishing their gun at night.

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A cartridge is the ammunition. The magazine is what stores the ammunition. It's common knowledge. When I read this all it makes me think is this person knows nothing about guns.

I think we all understand that they are referring to any kind of ammunition holder that can facilitate 30+ rounds to be fired in quick succession.

I'm sure you can find a better argument against than the fact that they used the wrong word in the latest of a string of articles describing some of the measures already outlined.

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"...the number of rounds that can be held in a cartridge."Also rather ironic is that Chicago already has firearms restrictions much tougher than any federal restrictions being pondered, yet the firearm homicide rate there is astronomical.

Because they can be legally purchased over state borders. What's the point in having any laws if people can just drive them in?

So, that's something else that could be changed.

Sure is.

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A cartridge is the ammunition. The magazine is what stores the ammunition. It's common knowledge. When I read this all it makes me think is this person knows nothing about guns.

I think we all understand that they are referring to any kind of ammunition holder that can facilitate 30+ rounds to be fired in quick succession.

I'm sure you can find a better argument against than the fact that they used the wrong word in the latest of a string of articles describing some of the measures already outlined.

No, it is things like that that proves guns are really safe. Guns are also safe because someone could use a pencil and stick in someone's eye or ear and cause damage. Guns are safe because cars wreck and fried food cause heart disease. So, guns must also be safe because some women out there may not know the different terminology used to described the interworkings of a firearm like the Montanna Freemen do. That pretty much sums up the NRA argument.

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Well what could they do? If he hadn't been an LAPD cop he wouldn't have been allowed to purchase. But he did purchase legally as he was a cop. If you tried to arrest him for having illegal weapons the defense would have been I obtained these weapons legally when I was a cop. He bought them legally because a cop is a exception and at the time he qualified to purchase because he was a cop. He cannot be arrested for illegal possession. Even when fired, he wasn't required to turn them into LAPD since these were the weapons he owned. He bought them (with his stipend) but they were legally his and registered to him. he was fired from lapd but could have found a job at another department. like a car mechanic has his tools, a cop has his. Nothing that could be done really except if he was deemed mentally unstable then the guns could be impounded.

You mean that a collection of weapons from handguns to semi-automatic assault type rifles is similar to a mechanic's tools?

I must accept, I suppose, that the present laws allow a sacked copper to keep a collection of military type guns. My suggestion is that it's wrong.

My brother was cop in one of the most dangerous high violent crime rste cities in the US before finishing his degrees joining the FBI recently. He has two pistols and a shot gun. Cops don't need AKs or ARs. I believe the law enforcement departments issues full auto assault style weapons to tactical forces when needed for certain situations, but not take home so one can sit in their couch, drink PBR and watch Wrestling while polishing their gun at night.

Thanks for that insight. Your view makes sense.

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Gun control has been needed for many years,now that Obama is back in power,for his last stint in office,he can afford to upset the Gun Lobby/Culture,but should have done it years ago.

Edited by MAJIC
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Really?!?!?! Why are we using the "Voice of Russia" to report on United States news. Their stuff is usually crap.

in particular a ban on the possession of semi-automatic weapons

What he ACTUALLY wanted to do was ban possession of semi-automatic weapons which mimic military weapons (i.e. like the AR-15). Big difference than what is reported as a ban of ALL semi-automatic weapons would include a ban of many hunting rifles and virtually all semi-automatic handguns (eg all non revolvers). This is what I mean by crap.

Furthermore, Obama (if you're somehow reading an expat forum on living in Thailand), prior to your election victory you made a promise to all us gun owners that you weren't going to take away our guns. You are liar, and if I had known I would have voted for Romney instead.

You couldn't see this coming in the second term, and voted for him?

I do agree, why after a week this this was news, the Russian News Agency VASS just picks up the story? And really, who cares what they think?

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I wouldn't hold my breath for significant gun control in the U.S.. As the political comedian Bill Maher repeated on his show Friday, Republicans love guns; Democrats like guns. Obviously those are the two American political parties that have to pass any new legislation.

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A cartridge is the ammunition. The magazine is what stores the ammunition. It's common knowledge. When I read this all it makes me think is this person knows nothing about guns.

I think we all understand that they are referring to any kind of ammunition holder that can facilitate 30+ rounds to be fired in quick succession.

I'm sure you can find a better argument against than the fact that they used the wrong word in the latest of a string of articles describing some of the measures already outlined.

But apparently you are not aware that no one is talking about magazines that hold 30 or more rounds. Obama wants ANY magazine or clip that hold 10 or more to be illegal. Why don't you be honest and just say semi-automatic, which means the trigger must be pulled for each shot, rather than "quick succession", trying to imply "full automatic"? If you are anti-gun, just be honest about it. Fully automatic in America has been illegal for decades.

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Well what could they do? If he hadn't been an LAPD cop he wouldn't have been allowed to purchase. But he did purchase legally as he was a cop. If you tried to arrest him for having illegal weapons the defense would have been I obtained these weapons legally when I was a cop. He bought them legally because a cop is a exception and at the time he qualified to purchase because he was a cop. He cannot be arrested for illegal possession. Even when fired, he wasn't required to turn them into LAPD since these were the weapons he owned. He bought them (with his stipend) but they were legally his and registered to him. he was fired from lapd but could have found a job at another department. like a car mechanic has his tools, a cop has his. Nothing that could be done really except if he was deemed mentally unstable then the guns could be impounded.

You mean that a collection of weapons from handguns to semi-automatic assault type rifles is similar to a mechanic's tools?

I must accept, I suppose, that the present laws allow a sacked copper to keep a collection of military type guns. My suggestion is that it's wrong.

My brother was cop in one of the most dangerous high violent crime rste cities in the US before finishing his degrees joining the FBI recently. He has two pistols and a shot gun. Cops don't need AKs or ARs. I believe the law enforcement departments issues full auto assault style weapons to tactical forces when needed for certain situations, but not take home so one can sit in their couch, drink PBR and watch Wrestling while polishing their gun at night.

Talk to your brother sometime. The police certainly do have full automatics available to them in the trunks of many police cars. They do, and should have protection in their job. Is you brother Superman, and bullets don't pebetrate him as they do normal people?

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^^Yeah, and that is one of your standard modus operandi too...whenever someone points out something not positive towards your argument and viewpoint, you say it is offtopic and irrelevant. You and F430Murci have quite the tag team going.

And you were the one that brought all this up when you said that Dorner had such a large arsenal of weapons and why can't laws be made to stop this...well he had all these weapons because he was a cop, and a normal civilian can't buy these types of guns. And then you said, "why would a cop possibly need an assault rifle", and the response was because the bad guys (including Dorner) had assault rifles"

And then F430Murci comes along and claims that only special forces are issued assault rifles. Well, they're not. The assault rifles are owned by the officers. The cops don't take them home to polish them while watching wrestling. The cops take them home (and in their patrol cars) in case they are needed. So if an emergency broke out, all the cops wouldn't have to go back to the armory to get assault rifles. Serious Murci, I don't know how someone can make up such garbage.

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^^Yeah, and that is one of your standard modus operandi too...whenever someone points out something not positive towards your argument and viewpoint, you say it is offtopic and irrelevant. You and F430Murci have quite the tag team going.

And you were the one that brought all this up when you said that Dorner had such a large arsenal of weapons and why can't laws be made to stop this...well he had all these weapons because he was a cop, and a normal civilian can't buy these types of guns. And then you said, "why would a cop possibly need an assault rifle", and the response was because the bad guys (including Dorner) had assault rifles"

And then F430Murci comes along and claims that only special forces are issued assault rifles. Well, they're not. The assault rifles are owned by the officers. The cops don't take them home to polish them while watching wrestling. The cops take them home (and in their patrol cars) in case they are needed. So if an emergency broke out, all the cops wouldn't have to go back to the armory to get assault rifles. Serious Murci, I don't know how someone can make up such garbage.

There you go, proving my point.

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Another thing about Dorner is that he seems to have been out of the police force for five years. Does the right to own military style guns, arsenal size in number, continue indefinitely after a copper is sacked? Why was he sacked by the way?

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Another thing about Dorner is that he seems to have been out of the police force for five years. Does the right to own military style guns, arsenal size in number, continue indefinitely after a copper is sacked? Why was he sacked by the way?

I already explained the guns in a previous post. He obtained them while a police officer, and they were owned and registered to him while a police officer. It was not illegal for him to possess as he bought legally, and LAPD could not force him to return the weapons as they were his own private property and not dept. property. In addition, in the interim period after being sacked, he actually moved to Las Vegas Nevada where those weapons are legal. (Nevada is a free state; Ar-15's are legal, hi capacity magazines are legal, silencers are legal, .50BMG rifles are legal, and even fully automatic machine guns are legal for civilian ownership.) I cannot tell what weapons he bought while a police officer, and what firearms he bought in Nevada. (I don't have the transfer records.) I do know as a police officer he could have legally bought the weapons in California while he was a police officer.

He was sacked as follows: Dorner graduated the academy. Prior to entering the academy, he was in the Navy. Several months after he graduated from the academy, he was recalled to active duty. So he did not do the "normal" routine a cop out of the academy does (the LAPD does not at all penalize any police officer for being recalled back to military service). Ordinarily a cop out of the academy is assigned to street patrol with a training officer who evaluates him in the field. Here Dorner took a break to go back to the military.

Once he was off of active duty, he resumed his training. At this point there was a gap between the time he graduated the academy, and the time he began being supervised on patrol. His training supervisor officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans, began noting that he had difficulty in the field. Specifically, he had requested reintigration training following return from deployment, and had requested that he be sent back to the academy. Reportedly, Sgt. Evans said she had found him crying inside the patrol car. Evans told Dorner she would be giving him a negative performance review. After Dorner was informed about his review, he then made a complaint that his training officer had kicked and attacked a mentally ill suspect two weeks previously. During the investigation, the witnesses and alleged victim denied it had happened. He was investigated for making false statements. He then had a hearing before the review board (represented by Capt. Randy Quan as his attorney), which upheld the termination. (Dorner subsequently filed for a writ of mandamus in Superior Court, which was also denied). Dorner then began a shooting spree where he shot the daughter of Randy Quan and her fiancee. He then wrote the manifesto stating he was going to wage unconventional warfare and attack certain members of the LAPD. He also said that he would identify targets (friends and family of the LAPD) with the KMA-367 plates (which includes me so I had to take them off my car).

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Ammo company threatens to leave Colorado after gun control passes. Haha, just wiener little boys with inferior complexes wanting to be bully or show they have some power by taking their toys and going home.

Okay. Sucks they put people out of jobs who perhaps have done nothing wrong just to proove a point or show they have some power. Hopefully, the next state will do the same.

NRA needs to keep acting this way and eventually those with half an operating brain cell and an independent ability to think will take power away from them.

Haha, love all the nut baggers saying people going to take their guns. Even Fox just now agreed they are nutty, but some people still act like they believe that.

The fact is, Obama and sensible people just want some form of registration, close the gun show loop holes that put the ARs in the hands of any criminal that wants one, require mental background check (which is key based on what I have seen and read), and do away with high capacity magazines and ARs or AK knock offs which are just not necessary.

Only a paranoid Montanna Freeman holding their ground against the government and IRS could see this as bad thing, but their opinion is a bit irrelevant and spurious.

People with that mentality attack the messenger because they cannot attack the message . . . Rational people, I am just gained some hope after scanning through that Fox newscast, that even the irrational will eventually understand no one is trying to take guns away, but make sure only those socially responsible have them or buy them.

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I can't see why even a cop with a job needs those guns. In fact, should cops not be limited to official issue weapons and otherwise be subject to civilian law?

I think I mentioned on a previous post that my ex gf is an LAPD officer. She called me after dorner had shot capt quan's daughter. I have LAPD kma-367 plates on my car ( plate holders cops give to friends and family to prevent other cops from issuing a traffic citation).

Excuse me for veering off topic for a moment but does anyone apart from me think that it's outrageous that the LAPD can give licence plates to their friends and family that allow them to break the law with impunity?

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This is the plate holder in question. This is from the LAPD. The KMA-367 is the FCC radio call frequency for the LAPD.


This is the Los Angeles Sheriff's department plate holder (their radio frequency is KMA-628)


This is the California Riverside Sheriff's Plate with their FCC Radio callsign:


here's the plate holder for the California Highway Patrol's 11-99 Foundation (11-99 is the call code for "officer needs assistance") and the foundation is set up to assist the families of officers killed or injured on duty. In order to get this plate holder you have to have donated at least $1,500USD:


Ok, let's clear something up. It's not just LAPD that has the plate holders. EVERY SINGLE police department and sheriff's department in the State of California (and Nevada too--because I have seen their plate holders), and probably other states as well, has the license plate holders. I couldn't find examples of all the other cities and counties (only LA, Riverside, and CHP), but each plate holder has the FCC Radio call sign of the department, which is unique to each police department. The license plate holders are supposed to be stealthy, as the general public does not know what the radio call sign signifies.

As a background, cops do not give other cops traffic tickets. Call it professional courtesy or what not, but they do not do it.

Now, the above rule only applies to actual police officers. If you know someone who is a cop, they MAY be less likely to issue a traffic ticket but THERE IS NO GUARANTEE. If you are not a cop, they may just ticket you anyways even with these plate holders. The plate holders are more a measure of "well it can't hurt".

The same way it works in life, is the same way it works with the police. In another business, if your cousin's brother/sister's/mother's friend needed your services for whatever business you do, would you offer a discount for knowing a member of the family? Probably. I have done alot of freebies for my relatives' friends, just as a favor. Put yourself in the shoes of a police officer. You pull someone over. You notice these plate holders. You talk to the driver. Turns out the driver is the mother, father, brother, sister, boyfriend or girlfriend of someone you know and you work with. Do you want to give them a ticket? Just out of human nature?

Even if there is no immediate connection, it also means that you are "down with the cause". I don't think alot of people realize how much crap the police have to put up with in order to be a police officer. Ever being in a relationship with a cop? Like you make plans and don't come home on time because they made an arrest...or you don't know where they are and you start thinking that they may be shot on the side of the road? Kind of like that. The cops know what kind of crap they have to put up with. They also know what kind of crap that they put their family through. And the rest of the world is aware of it. The plates mean "I know what kind of crap you have to go through" and "I support you" in what you're doing.

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Another thing about Dorner is that he seems to have been out of the police force for five years. Does the right to own military style guns, arsenal size in number, continue indefinitely after a copper is sacked? Why was he sacked by the way?

I already explained the guns in a previous post. He obtained them while a police officer, and they were owned and registered to him while a police officer. It was not illegal for him to possess as he bought legally, and LAPD could not force him to return the weapons as they were his own private property and not dept. property. In addition, in the interim period after being sacked, he actually moved to Las Vegas Nevada where those weapons are legal. (Nevada is a free state; Ar-15's are legal, hi capacity magazines are legal, silencers are legal, .50BMG rifles are legal, and even fully automatic machine guns are legal for civilian ownership.) I cannot tell what weapons he bought while a police officer, and what firearms he bought in Nevada. (I don't have the transfer records.) I do know as a police officer he could have legally bought the weapons in California while he was a police officer.

He was sacked as follows: Dorner graduated the academy. Prior to entering the academy, he was in the Navy. Several months after he graduated from the academy, he was recalled to active duty. So he did not do the "normal" routine a cop out of the academy does (the LAPD does not at all penalize any police officer for being recalled back to military service). Ordinarily a cop out of the academy is assigned to street patrol with a training officer who evaluates him in the field. Here Dorner took a break to go back to the military.

Once he was off of active duty, he resumed his training. At this point there was a gap between the time he graduated the academy, and the time he began being supervised on patrol. His training supervisor officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans, began noting that he had difficulty in the field. Specifically, he had requested reintigration training following return from deployment, and had requested that he be sent back to the academy. Reportedly, Sgt. Evans said she had found him crying inside the patrol car. Evans told Dorner she would be giving him a negative performance review. After Dorner was informed about his review, he then made a complaint that his training officer had kicked and attacked a mentally ill suspect two weeks previously. During the investigation, the witnesses and alleged victim denied it had happened. He was investigated for making false statements. He then had a hearing before the review board (represented by Capt. Randy Quan as his attorney), which upheld the termination. (Dorner subsequently filed for a writ of mandamus in Superior Court, which was also denied). Dorner then began a shooting spree where he shot the daughter of Randy Quan and her fiancee. He then wrote the manifesto stating he was going to wage unconventional warfare and attack certain members of the LAPD. He also said that he would identify targets (friends and family of the LAPD) with the KMA-367 plates (which includes me so I had to take them off my car).

Then, as I already suggested, changes need to be made.

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Authorities displayed several of the weapons Dorner carried as he fled police, including an imposing Remington Model 700 rifle about the length of a human leg with the word "vengeance" inscribed above the butt. Dorner had numerous assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns, as well as 10 silencers, a military-style Kevlar helmet and a tactical vest with high-capacity rifle magazines and teargas canisters attached to it, said San Bernardino sheriff's sergeant Trevis Newport. Police are investigating how Dorner obtained the weapons.

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Authorities displayed several of the weapons Dorner carried as he fled police, including an imposing Remington Model 700 rifle about the length of a human leg with the word "vengeance" inscribed above the butt. Dorner had numerous assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns, as well as 10 silencers, a military-style Kevlar helmet and a tactical vest with high-capacity rifle magazines and teargas canisters attached to it, said San Bernardino sheriff's sergeant Trevis Newport. Police are investigating how Dorner obtained the weapons.

Seems a bit OTT for a sacked copper. Or even one that kept his job.

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...including an imposing Remington Model 700 rifle about the length of a human leg with the word "vengeance" inscribed above the butt.....

Seems a bit OTT for a sacked copper. Or even one that kept his job.

Ah yes, the "evil Remington 700". Not like it is the best selling bolt action hunting rifles of all time or anything. http://www.chuckhawks.com/rem_700.htm

("bolt action" means you have to manually pull the bolt back every time you want to load a round.)

Length the size of human leg? Yes, it's got that easily concealable 26" barrel that is can be easily hidden on a person, and because it's so small it's easily fitable in a gun safe too and anyone who doesn't have a gun safe big enough to store one of those is an irresponsible gun owner. coffee1.gif

here's a picture of his actual rifle:


FYI, the Remington 700 is pretty much the standard bolt action hunting and target rifle due to it's accuracy. It is used by many police departments as a sniper rifle, and is the U.S. Army's sniper rifle (M24) and the U.S. Marine Corps. Sniper Rifle (M40).

If you're complaining about the Remington 700 I guess you two won't be happy unless all guns are outlawed.

Edited by submaniac
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...including an imposing Remington Model 700 rifle about the length of a human leg with the word "vengeance" inscribed above the butt.....

Seems a bit OTT for a sacked copper. Or even one that kept his job.

Ah yes, the "evil Remington 700". Not like it is the best selling bolt action hunting rifles of all time or anything. http://www.chuckhawks.com/rem_700.htm

("bolt action" means you have to manually pull the bolt back every time you want to load a round.)

Length the size of human leg? Yes, it's got that easily concealable 26" barrel that is can be easily hidden on a person, and because it's so small it's easily fitable in a gun safe too and anyone who doesn't have a gun safe big enough to store one of those is an irresponsible gun owner. coffee1.gif

here's a picture of his actual rifle:

FYI, the Remington 700 is pretty much the standard bolt action hunting and target rifle due to it's accuracy. It is used by many police departments as a sniper rifle, and is the U.S. Army's sniper rifle (M24) and the U.S. Marine Corps. Sniper Rifle (M40).

If you're complaining about the Remington 700 I guess you two won't be happy unless all guns are outlawed.

Don't assume. No complaints. I just cut and pasted that from an article. The body armor and silencers were more disconcerting. Dorner is poster boy for NRA with his fancy hunting rifle. Need that bullet proof hat in case deer shoot back.

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