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Smoking Stinks.


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Being a smoker myself i feel nauseous by 2nd hand smoke from other smokers close to me.

What really get my goat is sitting next to people who talk abject BS when they have, by law, been to school so there is NO excuse. I just move table.
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Being a smoker myself i feel nauseous by 2nd hand smoke from other smokers close to me.

What really get my goat is sitting next to people who talk abject BS when they have, by law, been to school so there is NO excuse. I just move table.

Especially when these talks turn into fights. Good to notice this early and split before things get worse.smile.png

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I agree 100%! It infuriates me when I head in to my favourite bars to knock back beers and to buy young whores that some joker is sitting there smoking, like just ruins the romance.

And I resent you calling those girls whores. I know a few of those girls that you would have some serious problems if you called them whores to their faces. I guess being a key board warrior is pretty easy.

Agreed, we can chat here in a civilized manner. Thank you Gary A.

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I'm with the OP. Only reasons to smoke are youthful stupidity and plain stupidity.

So what is the use of learning anything in the knowledge that you are going to die and it will all be lost? There are arguments (poor ones) so I will add another. What is the point of having a child when you know that even if they avoid all other pitfalls then the cause of the death is you having a child in the first place?
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I'm with the OP. Only reasons to smoke are youthful stupidity and plain stupidity.

So what is the use of learning anything in the knowledge that you are going to die and it will all be lost? There are arguments (poor ones) so I will add another. What is the point of having a child when you know that even if they avoid all other pitfalls then the cause of the death is you having a child in the first place?


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I'm with the OP. Only reasons to smoke are youthful stupidity and plain stupidity.

So what is the use of learning anything in the knowledge that you are going to die and it will all be lost? There are arguments (poor ones) so I will add another. What is the point of having a child when you know that even if they avoid all other pitfalls then the cause of the death is you having a child in the first place?
I must admit, you do present a very convincing argument.
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I'm with the OP. Only reasons to smoke are youthful stupidity and plain stupidity.

So what is the use of learning anything in the knowledge that you are going to die and it will all be lost? There are arguments (poor ones) so I will add another. What is the point of having a child when you know that even if they avoid all other pitfalls then the cause of the death is you having a child in the first place?
I must admit, you do present a very convincing argument.
He certainly does have a point.
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I'm with the OP. Only reasons to smoke are youthful stupidity and plain stupidity.

So what is the use of learning anything in the knowledge that you are going to die and it will all be lost? There are arguments (poor ones) so I will add another. What is the point of having a child when you know that even if they avoid all other pitfalls then the cause of the death is you having a child in the first place?

That's putting the discussion to the extreme. But a poor answer had to be expected... Nevertheless it's a good way to raise attention on your point.

It'd like to learn and discuss this. So do any smoker's think 2nd hand smoke stinks?

Edited by Dancealot
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He certainly does have a point.

Only if one were willing to acceot statements such as 'red Thai curry is the best' or 'a T-shirt is the best' or 'pink is the best colour'. All meaningless in an objective sense as is the OP. It's mindless, inane drivel and if spoken, would be a waste of oxygen.

So I'll sit there polluting the atmosphere while you and the OP put it not no good use even if it were unpolluted.

Edited by notmyself
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He certainly does have a point.

Only if one were willing to acceot statements such as 'red Thai curry is the best' or 'a T-shirt is the best' or 'pink is the best colour'. All meaningless in an objective sense as is the OP. It's mindless, inane drivel and if spoken, would be a waste of oxygen.

So I'll sit there polluting the atmosphere while you and the OP put it not no good use even if it were unpolluted.

It's not just the atmosphere. It's yourself and others. Plus you are supporting an evil industry.
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He certainly does have a point.

Only if one were willing to acceot statements such as 'red Thai curry is the best' or 'a T-shirt is the best' or 'pink is the best colour'. All meaningless in an objective sense as is the OP. It's mindless, inane drivel and if spoken, would be a waste of oxygen.

So I'll sit there polluting the atmosphere while you and the OP put it not no good use even if it were unpolluted.

It's not just the atmosphere. It's yourself and others. Plus you are supporting an evil industry.
And I use the same argument against two people sitting in a bar or restaurant talking abject nonsense which I have to hear unless I move table. I object to the perpetuation of irrationality in society and given that education is free, it should not happen. Edited by notmyself
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He certainly does have a point.

Only if one were willing to acceot statements such as 'red Thai curry is the best' or 'a T-shirt is the best' or 'pink is the best colour'. All meaningless in an objective sense as is the OP. It's mindless, inane drivel and if spoken, would be a waste of oxygen.

So I'll sit there polluting the atmosphere while you and the OP put it not no good use even if it were unpolluted.

It's not just the atmosphere. It's yourself and others. Plus you are supporting an evil industry.
And I use the same argument against two people sitting in a bar or restaurant talking abject nonsense
You should join in.
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You should join in.

Which is one of the reasons I don't go out often, last night out was 19th Feb for a birthday.

A member pointed out the health aspect with regard to children and I agree. When the smoking ban in pubs was introduced in Ireland (2004?) the GP's recorded a massive rise in child respiratory ailments because the parents (mostly fathers I imagine) were smoking more in the home. The delayed the implementation in the UK by a year but when it did happen the results were the same. New Zealand was the same in 2004 (?). If people are not going to change then better they sit in a pub or bar etc. with their fellow smokers than put it into the home don't you think?

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I just stopped smoking about a month ago. I am very sensitive to the smell of smoke or smokers around me...because it makes me want to have a cigarette.

In contradiction to non smoker's(black&white) attitudes to smokers , me as a smoker, respect your convulsion and will take into account people who just stopped by smoking away from you because i respect stopping smoking cigarettes.

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Smokers are funny, they are drug addicts in denial, so they are defensive about how repulsive they really are. I look at a smoker that forces me to smell them as the social equivelent to a person that never bathes, they both smell equally bad.

I bet you don't fart either.. coffee1.gif ...............................tongue.png

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“The Moral Statistician.”

Originally published in Sketches, Old and New,

“I don’t want any of your statistics; I took your
whole batch and lit my pipe with it.

I hate your kind of people. You are always
ciphering out how much a man’s health is injured, and how much his intellect is
impaired, and how many pitiful dollars and cents he wastes in the course of
ninety-two years’ indulgence in the fatal practice of smoking; and in the
equally fatal practice of drinking coffee; and in playing billiards
occasionally; and in taking a glass of wine at dinner, etc. etc. And you are
always figuring out how many women have been burned to death because of the
dangerous fashion of wearing expansive hoops, etc. etc. You never see more than
one side of the question.

You are blind to the fact that most old men in
America smoke and drink coffee, although, according to your theory, they ought
to have died young; and that hearty old Englishmen drink wine and survive it,
and portly old Dutchmen both drink and smoke freely, and yet grow older and
fatter all the time. And you never try to find out how much solid comfort,
relaxation, and enjoyment a man derives from smoking in the course of a
lifetime (which is worth ten times the money he would save by letting it
alone), nor the appalling aggregate of happiness lost in a lifetime by your
kind of people from not smoking. Of course you can save money by denying
yourself all those little vicious enjoyments for fifty years; but then what can
you do with it? What use can you put it to? Money can’t save your infinitesimal
soul. All the use that money can be put to is to purchase comfort and enjoyment
in this life; therefore, as you are an enemy to comfort and enjoyment where is
the use of accumulating cash?

It won’t do for you to say that you can use it to
better purpose in furnishing a good table, and in charities, and in supporting
tract societies, because you know yourself that you people who have no petty
vices are never known to give away a cent, and that you stint yourselves so in
the matter of food that you are always feeble and hungry. And you never dare to
laugh in the daytime for fear some poor wretch, seeing you in a good humor,
will try to borrow a dollar of you; and in church you are always down on your knees,
with your ears buried in the cushion, when the contribution-box comes around;
and you never give the revenue officers a full statement of your income.

Now you know all these things yourself, don’t
you? Very well, then, what is the use of your stringing out your miserable
lives to a lean and withered old age? What is the use of your saving money that
is so utterly worthless to you? In a word, why don’t you go off somewhere and
die, and not be always trying to seduce people into becoming as ornery and unlovable
as you are yourselves, by your villainous “moral statistics”?”

Mark Twain

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And you think that she deserved that? Enough said. I refuse to respond further to idiots who think they know everything and know nothing.

Didnt say she deserved it, was merely relaying the thoughts of most normal Thais who dont have family working in the p4p industry.

Yes I have witnessed a Thai women unleash a verbal tirade on one of these girls.

Most normal riap roy girls can smell these girls and want nothing to do with them.

As for knowing nothing, heres an observation, take a trip up to one of the upmarket Thai places on Thong Lor, sit back and watch as some clueless farang brings in his obvious BG, now watch the reaction of the normal Thais.

An understanding of basic Thai helps, be aware you wont be taught this language in a Thai school.

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