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Yingluck Vows To Wipe Out Discrimination Against Women In Thai Society


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It's a hell of a change. Would take at least a generation to change the attitudes of both sexes, the important task.

The problem will be, if the government is dedicated to the change, the law will go too far to "protect" and in fact create another perceived inequity, real or imagined. Equal has to be equal but nothing is ever really that "fair". Why? Because now there are probably a lot of laws in place that already "protect" both sexes but are rarely invoked because people generally want to sort things out themselves, one way or another. Probably, a lot better than having the police involved, or entering the legal system, that is perceived as unfair, expensive and bias by many, if not most.

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In the past, and maybe still now,women(worldwide)used to slap mens faces.It was often seen and heard (ouch!)in public and on films. Surely this is a violent attack on men. Should these violent women now be prosecuted? If a man even touches a woman he has charges of assult brought against him.What about charging women for slapping faces?

Are you friends with Sauliossiinthailand?

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PM vows to wipe out discrimination against women

........and corruption..........and Ivory Trading............and breeches of copyright............and mafias...........and poverty............and floods........more vowing going on than at a Moonies wedding ceremony!

Thailand...the Hub of Vows!!!

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The government has persistently pushed ahead its policy for women including setting up a women’s development fund


Yet another high visible, but poorly conceived, haphazardly implemented, and without requisite oversight, it's sliding into the same abyss as other campaign pledges like 15,000 baht guaranteed salaries for university grads.

Being introduced into the world of politics by a brother referring to her as his clone hasn't exactly moved the women's movement forward. Her latest hollow claims of being "the real PM" continues that stalling.


and just who is the Yingluck-appointed Supervisor for the Thai Women's Development Fund worth 7,700,000,000.00 baht?

Link to photo:


Minister to the Prime Minister's Office Nalinee Taveesin

Thailand PM promotes Mugabe fixer

A Thai businesswoman slapped with United States sanctions for alleged business dealings with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's wife, Grace, has been appointed a Cabinet Minister. Nalinee Taveesin was named Prime Minister's Office Minister in a cabinet reshuffle Tuesday by Premier Yingluck Shinawatra, ignoring the fact that she is black-listed by the US for business dealings with the Mugabe's wife.

Taveesin -- then an ordinary Thai businesswoman -- was added to the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in November 2008.

The US OFAC accused her of facilitating a number of financial, real-estate and gems-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe and other Zimbabweans on the SDN list.



New Zimbabwe - 18/01/2012


Having the Mugabe Fixer in charge of the 7.7 Billion Baht has apparently set a trend for the fund.

The Chairwoman of the Women's Voices Club came out today and accused this fund of using nepotism and non-transparency in the selecting of district and provincial fund committee members.

She accused politicians of directing and influencing who was chosen to administer the funds on every level from village to province.

Additional details are available in breaking news of the other paper.



Thai Women's Fund Open To All: Nalinee

Let's hope that the 15 year-old adolescent teen girls who are eligible to participate in the scheme and receive loans will have no difficulty paying back their Women Fund debts on loans provided for by the taxpayers. Mathayom 3 students are good credit risks?



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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

You should meet my wife and ask her if she is bowing down to my colonial superiority.

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They don't understand that to do this, you actually have to understand that a woman is basically capable of every thing a man is, and that women don't relish housework and changing nappies.

Yep everything, including the very basics like standing up to take a leak....................although it can be a bit messy.

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PM vows to wipe out discrimination against women

........and corruption..........and Ivory Trading............and breeches of copyright............and mafias...........and poverty............and floods........more vowing going on than at a Moonies wedding ceremony!

I have no idea if it's translation from Thai but " vow " is one the politician's favourite word and they must think it makes them sound sincre. It's like them saying " honestly or believe me, trust me ". Who would ?

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I'll believe it when my wife can sign for my marriage visa

and it will have the exact same requirements as to when

a Thai man signs for his wife's marriage visa.

Until then, Thai women will always be a 2nd class citizens in

their own country

Women in Thailand should be given full juristic power through legislation NOW

The idea that Thai people can remain racists, misogenists or feminists, into the future is ridiculous. Therefore Thailand needs a bill of rights that confirms that all Thai are equal regardless of their ethnicity, color, religeon, gender, political or sexual persuasion, dress or education.

Edited by indyuk
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They don't understand that to do this, you actually have to understand that a woman is basically capable of every thing a man is, and that women don't relish housework and changing nappies.

Germaine Greer said: "There are only two things that women don't do as well as men and that's design dresses and cook."

Edited by OzMick
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They don't understand that to do this, you actually have to understand that a woman is basically capable of every thing a man is, and that women don't relish housework and changing nappies.

Germaine Greer said: "There are only two things that women don't do as well as men and that's design dresses and cook."

Probably true. Wipe out discrimination. This whole country is riven with segregation, discrimination, one upmanship, and a belief that things are destined to be the way it is.

Nothing changes.

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I think that maybe Yingluck was only referring to Hi-So women when she said " .. Discrimination Against Women". Come on now, you don't really think she was referring to your low class, uneducated badly treated Thai women - how could anyone be so mis-guided to think she was talking about anyone else but Hi-So.

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Slipperx Rather a personal attack isn't it, to allude to medicating? Personal and rude

I agree with Me313 . Selling off the women in the infamous sex trade, and in marriages to the most sexist foreign men in the world is bound to have negative consequences in the long run .

In fact I'd say open up Thailand to foreign women, give them special incentives to open businesses, and then see a change for the positive.

Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

I think your medication needs adjusting.

Edited by MacChine
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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

Too many people on ThaiVisa.com are looking around at the sordid environs where they have chosen to live, and assuming that the rest of the country is the same. Exploitation of women is a LOT more than prostitution... but that's all you see, is it?

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In fact I'd say open up Thailand to foreign women, give them special incentives to open businesses, and then see a change for the positive.

I'm a foreign woman in Thailand, and if Thailand did attempt to "open up to foreign women" I'd tell all the foreign women I know to stay put where they are. It's not a nice place to try to call your home, if you're female but haven't had the 'advantage' of being brought up in the country and therefore seeing the inequality as normal.

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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

Too many people on ThaiVisa.com are looking around at the sordid environs where they have chosen to live, and assuming that the rest of the country is the same. Exploitation of women is a LOT more than prostitution... but that's all you see, is it?

Now don't be hasty, dear Lucie. Your comment may apply to some only and probably only the vocal ones. Anyone who has (Thai) wife, kids, and/or lives somewhere in the sticks is bound to be able to look past prostitution in reference to discrimination against women. Most discrimination is at home, on the workfloor, in Thai soaps, and yes also in prostitution where probably 95% or more percent is Thai only oriented.

Discrimination against women is still ingrained in Thai society and takes more than just a PM vowing to wipe it out. It takes education and a generation or two if really pushed consequently and consistently. With this being Thailand and looking around me, I'm slightly pessimistic, but that's my opinion wai.gif

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