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Thai Unions Appeal To Australian, U S, Netherlands Embassies Over Abuse Of Thai Workers: Bangkok


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Just because some company's are from another country, it does not mean embassy's have any control over them

Furthermore, they all operate under Thai law with Thai shareholders, so why do not they take it up with Thai government instead of embassy's?

Also why do not they visit the sites and see if those "special" skilled workers have improved their productivity or efficency?

From personal experience, all my staff who came after the new wage have been border line retarded(and i really hate to use the term, but have no option)

They are not worth any money, as they are only costing me money and no matter how many times i explain, train and show, nothing is helping.

I mean, how hard is it to copy price from the menu on to a bill?

Or does it take a rocket scientist to figure one that if someone orders food they need folk or spoon?

Anyhow, back to OP, all those who made to work longer hours and are not paid 300 baht, are clearly not the most productive employees.

I don't think general motors Thailand has even one minimum wage employee. They just don't fancy a six day week.

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Just because some company's are from another country, it does not mean embassy's have any control over them

Furthermore, they all operate under Thai law with Thai shareholders, so why do not they take it up with Thai government instead of embassy's?

Also why do not they visit the sites and see if those "special" skilled workers have improved their productivity or efficency?

From personal experience, all my staff who came after the new wage have been border line retarded(and i really hate to use the term, but have no option)

They are not worth any money, as they are only costing me money and no matter how many times i explain, train and show, nothing is helping.

I mean, how hard is it to copy price from the menu on to a bill?

Or does it take a rocket scientist to figure one that if someone orders food they need folk or spoon?

Anyhow, back to OP, all those who made to work longer hours and are not paid 300 baht, are clearly not the most productive employees.

I don't think general motors Thailand has even one minimum wage employee. They just don't fancy a six day week.

I do not think they fancy anything that requires doing anything.

Keep in mind a number of the giants, not only provide free meals, but also free room and free transport, so the 9000 per month is more like 15 000 per month

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Just because some company's are from another country, it does not mean embassy's have any control over them

Furthermore, they all operate under Thai law with Thai shareholders, so why do not they take it up with Thai government instead of embassy's?

Also why do not they visit the sites and see if those "special" skilled workers have improved their productivity or efficency?

From personal experience, all my staff who came after the new wage have been border line retarded(and i really hate to use the term, but have no option)

They are not worth any money, as they are only costing me money and no matter how many times i explain, train and show, nothing is helping.

I mean, how hard is it to copy price from the menu on to a bill?

Or does it take a rocket scientist to figure one that if someone orders food they need folk or spoon?

Anyhow, back to OP, all those who made to work longer hours and are not paid 300 baht, are clearly not the most productive employees.

I don't think general motors Thailand has even one minimum wage employee. They just don't fancy a six day week.

I do not think they fancy anything that requires doing anything.

Keep in mind a number of the giants, not only provide free meals, but also free room and free transport, so the 9000 per month is more like 15 000 per month

Having been in the factory, it's a pretty productive place. Not many in minimum in there if any at all.

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use 100% Thai inventions (cars, mobile phones, wines)

Henry Ford and a few others will turn in their graves after reading that.

I think, and I might be wrong, the Unions in the US have a motto.. Buy American.. this motto get dusted off every few years and thrown back out in the public. I have some friends who will not buy anything not American made if they can help it. Especially auto's.. They scavenge through stuff with a fine tooth comb looking for the Made in America sticker. Mostly these guys are old WWII vets. They hate anything Japanese..

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

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"The Electrolux union had asked the company to increase the pay of existing employees beyond the Bt300 minimum, grant an opportunity for subcontractor workers with over six months' working experience with the firm to take the exam for permanent positions, and give a pay raise and annual bonus."

Yes, clearly it's the 300baht minimum that shafted the workers

All this talk about Linfox upping and setting up elsewhere at the drop of a hat is rubbish. Easier said than done and one thing the company is not is . . . stupid. You can't just leave and set up elsewhere as you will both lose 100% of a business you have spent a fortune setting up over a long time and you will spend a fortune setting up elsewhere.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face is hardly in their vocabulary

One of my subjects at Uni was Industrial Law/Industrial Relations (even did internship at the BWIU in Sydney) and there are ways of working out disputes rationally, but what is required is an educated union and realistic employers.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

You seem a tad upset . . . and the workers didn't turn to foreign governments for help . . . they were protesting - in vain, of course

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

You seem a tad upset . . . and the workers didn't turn to foreign governments for help . . . they were protesting - in vain, of course

Upset? no Passionate maybe. While you studied Industrial Law/Industrial Relations at Uni. I was on the federal executive of one of the largest union in Australia at the time.

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

You seem a tad upset . . . and the workers didn't turn to foreign governments for help . . . they were protesting - in vain, of course

Upset? no Passionate maybe. While you studied Industrial Law/Industrial Relations at Uni. I was on the federal executive of one of the largest union in Australia at the time.

Probably negotiating for productivity related improvements to conditions no doubt, amongst other things.

Problem I see with Thailand, one that is severely lacking on both sides of the debate, is the recognition that the only way Thailand is going to break through its status as a middle income country is if they see the next step as an increase in the quality of the product, and not simply a race to the bottom in terms of conditions.

Thailand's unions could do well with experience such as yours.

Edited by samran
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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

You seem a tad upset . . . and the workers didn't turn to foreign governments for help . . . they were protesting - in vain, of course

Upset? no Passionate maybe. While you studied Industrial Law/Industrial Relations at Uni. I was on the federal executive of one of the largest union in Australia at the time.

So I take it you're in your eighties or nineties? No, not passionate - you come across as being quite politically rabid.

So, the protesters were not asking foreign governments for help -

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

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Grow some balls and call for a strike.

Industrial action would definitely be counter productive for Thailand and the people. Social change is essential if Thailand is to achieve a socially just economy within a stable democracy.

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

For such an experienced commentator on this site it is somtimes hard to believe that you have ever been to Thailand. Especially when you sum-up with such perverted views of reality as those expressed in your few short words "who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence."

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

For such an experienced commentator on this site it is somtimes hard to believe that you have ever been to Thailand. Especially when you sum-up with such perverted views of reality as those expressed in your few short words "who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence."

So good you posted twice!

Not sure why you clicked the "like" button?

I have pointed out on many occasions within this forum the policies that PTP made and failed to deliver. Here are some that I haven't pointed out - but perhaps you can explain?

Rewriting the 2007 Constitution

Freeing red shirts jailed for protesting

Doing away with the lese majeste law

In fact other than feeding the red shirt fat cats, what has the PTP party done for the grass roots?

This is my 10th year here and I have watched with both eyes open

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So why isnt the PTP government, the champions of the people doing anything about this? Why isnt Thida and the red democracy movement protesting at the companies gates? Why must the workers turn to foriegn governments for help?

The red shirts are all still stuck in 2010. Rebels without a cause.

They will come out next month to protest the deaths of people when the true culprits are those who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence.

For such an experienced commentator on this site it is somtimes hard to believe that you have ever been to Thailand. Especially when you sum-up with such perverted views of reality as those expressed in your few short words "who led them there and incited arson, theft and violence."

So good you posted twice!

Not sure why you clicked the "like" button?

I have pointed out on many occasions within this forum the policies that PTP made and failed to deliver. Here are some that I haven't pointed out - but perhaps you can explain?

Rewriting the 2007 Constitution

Freeing red shirts jailed for protesting

Doing away with the lese majeste law

In fact other than feeding the red shirt fat cats, what has the PTP party done for the grass roots?

This is my 10th year here and I have watched with both eyes open

I am confused here, are you responding to yourself? smile.png Chatting to your split personality?

No offence intended I just see Moruya answering Moruya.

Edited by chooka
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I am confused here, are you responding to yourself? smile.png Chatting to your split personality?

No offence intended I just see Moruya answering Moruya.

Obviously you never talk to yourself when looking into the mirror. I do, every morning I tell myself "Oh, you handsome devil", if only for fear no one else will tell me that dayrolleyes.gif

More to the topic, any news on what happened when those labour unions were at the Embassies to appeal? Talked with Embassadors, Consuls, other personel there? Any feed back on what they might have been told?

I must admit not to hold my breath on this one ermm.gif

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