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Visa Info: Los Angeles -> India -> Thailand

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Hello all!

Im going to be traveling to India then to Thailand permanently to take a job. I have already applied for my tourism visa for Indai, but I wanted to know if there is any special protocol for me to take in terms of visas since I am not coming directly from the US to Thailand.

Any help is greatly appreaciated!


Edited by Niceinla
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When are you leaving the US and when are you leaving India to go to Thailand? Do you already have a job in Thailand or are you comming assuming that you can find a job? Makes a difference on your options.

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Working in Thailand? You'll need a "B" visa at some point, plus a Thai Work Permit? Do you have this all arranged already?


It is not impossible for an employer to arrange a Non-Immi 'B' for you within the region if you find a decent job. Interviewing on a tourist visa is not strictly legitimate, but many still do this and it tends not to cause a problem.

Working on a tourist visa is definitely not legitimate, but still happens with alarming regularity.

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I suggest you get a tourist visa before departing the states.

The best would be a 2 entry visa which would probably have a 6 month validity which means you could stay in Thailand for almost 6 months without needing a new visa by getting extensions of 30 days each 60 day entry.

If you are only going to be in India a short period of time then a single entry would be OK as long you enter Thailand with 90 days of the visa being issued.

With a tourist visa you could apply for a work permit and then travel to a nearby embassy or consulate to get a single entry non immigrant B visa with correct paperwork and then apply for an extension of stay at immigration.

If you have a confirmed job you could probably get a single entry B visa from a honorary consulate in the states with a letter from your future employer.

Contact info for honorary consulates can found at bottom of this webpage: http://www.visetkaew.com/wp/directories/

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PS you stated you will be working. Good luck pulling all that together abroad and esp convincing you enplyer you need x months holiday before arrival. Esp if they are paying one baht of it. Next you have to enter Thailand before the visa expires. It is very conceivable the exp date will be 60 esp from that wench in the LA consulate.

You will learn in your life abroad, while we like everyghing in neat little planned packages, life never delivers it that way. Your ability to think on your feet, to diy and to understand your options will empower you most in this game of uncertainty.

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