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The Secret To Dating A Western Man-The Counter Argument To The Secrets Of Dating A Thai Woman

Dr Robert

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If you're a Thai woman who is interested in finding out how to date a Western Man, then you've come to the right place. Learning how to date a western man can help cut away hours of frustration and misunderstandings. Western men are just like any other man. They want unlimited sex, booze and to be respected for their voracious, Viagra fuelled appetites. Although Western men have a reputation for being fickle, selfish and generally stupid, the truth is that the average Western man seeking a Thai girlfriend also lacks morals and most values –but hell, they are still human.

As you learn to date a Western man, you may be confused by a lot of their ways-probably by most of them, because they are so alien to the two and a half thousand years of culture which provided you with a tried and tested way to view the world. Many Western men are outspoken and blunt because they are notably under-educated. They like to be confronted, especially after a long period of drinking at the bar. They are not easily embarrassed by their insensitivities (what-d-I do?). This may be translated by a Thai woman as a lack of honesty or sincerity, which will most likely be the truth. Western men of the culture which seeks a Thai girlfriend believe that it is better to say something negative or hurtful than say nothing at all

Western men usually drop their conservatism when they reach the kingdom because they are either sexual rejects by sensible women in their own culture, or they have been ejected from a failing marriage and so they lose the filter for decency that underpinned their upbringing. The average western man will sleep with you on the first date. It is considered a very good thing for a western man to be seen as sexually promiscuous. He will receive much approbation and back slapping from his expat buddies.

Another problem that exists is prejudice. If a Western man is seen with a Thai girlfriend, a lot of people think he is an ATM or wealthy, despite the fact that he is a balding sweaty overweight behemoth who has squeezed his beer gut into cheap shorts bought outside the Nana BTS. This occurs even though she may really love her boyfriend or husband and has met him under very wholesome circumstances during a vacation on Walking Street. This prejudice is on both Thai and Western sides.

Because of all of this, you want to be sure that you treat your Western man with respect, honor and love. When he asks you out for a date, gently and discreetly accept expensive gifts, chatter incessantly on your I-phone, play face book and generally look bored (except when you are hungry) Expect sexual advances on the first, second, or even third date so he knows that you know he is no gentleman with sincere motives.

The only difference in learning how to date a Western man is understanding more about his culture and heritage, because inherently, he is still a man and therefore will love and dislike the very same things that so many other men do.

As a side note, if you are one of those Thai women, that can't seem to make things work with men from your own culture, then going to Western men, may not be an easy answer. Although western men are in general considered more masculine and sexy, at least by themselves after they have consumed a great deal of alcohol, the still have needs, wants, dreams and desires like any other man. Learning how to date a western man is not that much different than learning how to date any relatively wealthy man whose scruples have been compromised and who is out to exploit uneducated women in an impoverished third world country.

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May be our next topic will be….

The secret of dating a thai woman who doesn’t want to date a western man
The secret of dating a thai woman who wants to date a western man but is still married to a thai man

LOL biggrin.png

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If you're a Thai woman who is interested in finding out how to date a Western Man, then you've come to the right place. Learning how to date a western man can help cut away hours of frustration and misunderstandings. Western men are just like any other man. They want unlimited sex, booze and to be respected for their voracious, Viagra fuelled appetites. Although Western men have a reputation for being fickle, selfish and generally stupid, the truth is that the average Western man seeking a Thai girlfriend also lacks morals and most values but hell, they are still human.

As you learn to date a Western man, you may be confused by a lot of their ways-probably by most of them, because they are so alien to the two and a half thousand years of culture which provided you with a tried and tested way to view the world. Many Western men are outspoken and blunt because they are notably under-educated. They like to be confronted, especially after a long period of drinking at the bar. They are not easily embarrassed by their insensitivities (what-d-I do?). This may be translated by a Thai woman as a lack of honesty or sincerity, which will most likely be the truth. Western men of the culture which seeks a Thai girlfriend believe that it is better to say something negative or hurtful than say nothing at all

Western men usually drop their conservatism when they reach the kingdom because they are either sexual rejects by sensible women in their own culture, or they have been ejected from a failing marriage and so they lose the filter for decency that underpinned their upbringing. The average western man will sleep with you on the first date. It is considered a very good thing for a western man to be seen as sexually promiscuous. He will receive much approbation and back slapping from his expat buddies.

Another problem that exists is prejudice. If a Western man is seen with a Thai girlfriend, a lot of people think he is an ATM or wealthy, despite the fact that he is a balding sweaty overweight behemoth who has squeezed his beer gut into cheap shorts bought outside the Nana BTS. This occurs even though she may really love her boyfriend or husband and has met him under very wholesome circumstances during a vacation on Walking Street. This prejudice is on both Thai and Western sides.

Because of all of this, you want to be sure that you treat your Western man with respect, honor and love. When he asks you out for a date, gently and discreetly accept expensive gifts, chatter incessantly on your I-phone, play face book and generally look bored (except when you are hungry) Expect sexual advances on the first, second, or even third date so he knows that you know he is no gentleman with sincere motives.

The only difference in learning how to date a Western man is understanding more about his culture and heritage, because inherently, he is still a man and therefore will love and dislike the very same things that so many other men do.

As a side note, if you are one of those Thai women, that can't seem to make things work with men from your own culture, then going to Western men, may not be an easy answer. Although western men are in general considered more masculine and sexy, at least by themselves after they have consumed a great deal of alcohol, the still have needs, wants, dreams and desires like any other man. Learning how to date a western man is not that much different than learning how to date any relatively wealthy man whose scruples have been compromised and who is out to exploit uneducated women in an impoverished third world country.

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