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How Much Money Do We Need For Visa Extension?

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Husband and I are in Thailand on dependent visa o for our two children who are on Ed visas. We opened a joint account deposited a 800,000 baht. Is this amount enough to extend our visas or do we actually need 800,000 each as we both are guardians responsible for each child according to our original visa applications back in our country?. Thanks!

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No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

From Police order 777/2551

2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):
Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);
(2) Proof of family relationship; and

(3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or
(5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

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800,000 Baht is the amount needed for Retirement extensions.

If you are extending based on living with your children who are at school you need 500,000 each in separate accounts.

If you are over 50 you can extend for retirement purposes.

That can be done with 800,000 baht in one of your accounts. (not joint)

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as above;


if your married and one of you is over 50 than the one over obtains a retirement extension having over 800,000 in the bank or pension or combination method and you as the partner can have your extension tagged to theirs.

have a few friends that do it this way.

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No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

From Police order 777/2551

2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship; and

(3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

(5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

Yes I agree with the amount you mention but have a different understanding of what can be done so if I'm wrong please let me know. As far as I know one parent can be issued what is called a CUSTODIAN visa. That parent has to have 500,000 in the bank for a least one month on the first application and for three months on subsequent applications. If both parents are here i.e. foreigners, one can be hold a dependant of the the one holding the custodian visa.

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Clause 2.20 of Thai Police Order 777/2551 for dependent extension does not list clause 2.11 as being eligible for an extension.

OP will have to have 500,000 times 2 so that they can get an extension for each of them based upon having 2 children in school but they would need to verify this with their local immigration office. Some offices might not allow it to be done this way.

Edited by ubonjoe
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No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

From Police order 777/2551

2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship; and

(3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

(5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

II stand corrected. Everything you say is spot on. Different terms used in different places confuse things. I also believe that the parents of a child with an Ed visa can be a dependant of the child although the parent does need 500,000 in the bank. When the chils is a dependant he/she doesn't need money in the banl below the age of 20.

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Everything written is for an extension of stay not a ED visa.

You just have to read clause 2.11 carefully. It only allows for one extension for one parent per child. Thus the reason for needing two bank accounts with 500K baht in each account.

There are a lot of parents who have only one child (or not enough money for two extensions) that are making border runs every 90 days to get a new non immigrant O visa entry because only one parent can get an extension of stay.

For children whose parent(s) are on an extension of stay for study they must be under 20 to qualify and no money is needed.

Edited by ubonjoe
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No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

From Police order 777/2551

2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship; and

(3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

(5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

II stand corrected. Everything you say is spot on. Different terms used in different places confuse things. I also believe that the parents of a child with an Ed visa can be a dependant of the child although the parent does need 500,000 in the bank. When the chils is a dependant he/she doesn't need money in the banl below the age of 20.

The dependent extension of stay is section 2.20 and does not allow for 2.8, 2.9 or 2.11 extensions to count for that status.

2.20 In the case of a family
member of an alien who has
been permitted temporary
stay under clauses 2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.5, 2.6,2.7, 2.10, 2.12,
2.13,2.4, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17,
2.21, 2.22,2.26,6.29 of this
Order (applicable only to
parents, spouse, child,
adopted child or child of
his/her spouse):
Permission will be
granted for a period of
not more than 1 year at a
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Thanks for all the valuable informations.

We misundestood about the requirements right from the begining. Our visa expires May 16th, 2013. No time to open a new account.

Is there a way for us to extend our visa?.

Our joint account has 800,000 baht. Can I take my husband's name off the account so that it becomes solely my account and I apply an extension as guardian of both kids.

Husband is over 50. Can we apply him a retirement visa based on his income. Does Thai immigration accept an affidavit of income sworn at the US embassy?

Thanks again.

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Husband should not have any trouble extending for retirement with 65k per month pension document from Embassy. They may require the current bank balance to be in your name for the full period prior to issue of extension but in that case you could just cross to a Consulate in Laos/Malaysia at the end of current stay and with children birth certificate/passport copy with extension for school obtain a new visa and then extend to match children. But they may allow just with change of name so worth a try. Remember all extensions are normally only accepted during the last 30 days of current 90 day entry on a non immigrant visa.

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That would solve the immediate issue but could be a later issue if he should die and all your extensions were based on him - probably not that much of an issue really but in time of stress might not be what you would want to face. Not sure immigration would allow minor children to extend for study without an official tie to a parent/guardian (but do not know what policy would be).

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I am about to leave and meet with a visa expert to get an idea what's best for us.

If my husband dies while we are travelling, I and the kids will return to the US as soon as possible anyway. We are not planning to make Thailand our permanent home, we are just nomads travelling around for 1-2 years. Just finished our 6 months in India!.

If the kids can also tag along as dependents on their dad's retirement visa they wouldn't need ED visa right?

I like Chiang Mai and like the school where the kids are enrolled. I hope we get our visa extended.

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If your husband get his extension all of you can get extensions as his dependents. You would need marriage and birth certificates (in English or translated to English or Thai) to prove your relationship.

Why type of visas do you have now?

If tourist your husband could do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry and then after 60 days get his extension.

For you and the children you would have to make a trip of the country to get non-o visas after he gets his extension in order to get yours.

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I am about to leave and meet with a visa expert to get an idea what's best for us.

Not sure what you consider a visa expert (paying a fee will not ensure quality) but do not believe you will find better information or better advise then you can obtain on this forum. You have options as we have advised - what fits you will be a personal decision. We could say do this or that but it would not make it right.

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A visa expert from England asked $500 usd to do our extension. $500 is an ouch to me. He suggested that husband gets retirement visa and I become a follower as a wife. Kids get their education visa with school documents.

I don't know how this is all going to work out but husband already made an appointment with the US embassy for swearing of income affidavit. Appointment is on May 7 visa expires May 16, I fear time is not on our side.

I wonder what kind of a form we fill out and submit.

What are the required documents.

What kind of a letter the school should write.

Any suggestion is much appreciated.

I am about to leave for the school, pay the fees and hopefully have the letter to submit to the immigration office.

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You are saying all your 90 day non immigrant O visa entries will expire on May 16th? That means extensions can be done anytime up to then so with paperwork for children get them on extensions first and then husband can apply for retirement as soon as he has the Embassy letter (you did make appointment at the Chiang Mai Consulate)? For Chiang Mai immigration suspect you will have to arrive early in morning as not likely to be any appointments available but once seen the retirement extension is immediate and then they can do yours. The actual costs at immigration will be 1,900 baht for each extension of stay. If you believe there will be any need for travel you might want to obtain a re-entry permit once getting the extension at 1,000 baht each but that is not required if you do not travel and in most cases can be obtained later (even in most emergencies). Be sure to have 4x6cm photos for each application (may require two there) and copies of passport data page/visa/entry and departure card as well as some proof of where you live. For children the school documents and for husband the financial paper and for you marriage proof and copy of husbands extension.

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You are saying all your 90 day non immigrant O visa entries will expire on May 16th? That means extensions can be done anytime up to then so with paperwork for children get them on extensions first and then husband can apply for retirement as soon as he has the Embassy letter (you did make appointment at the Chiang Mai Consulate)? For Chiang Mai immigration suspect you will have to arrive early in morning as not likely to be any appointments available but once seen the retirement extension is immediate and then they can do yours. The actual costs at immigration will be 1,900 baht for each extension of stay. If you believe there will be any need for travel you might want to obtain a re-entry permit once getting the extension at 1,000 baht each but that is not required if you do not travel and in most cases can be obtained later (even in most emergencies). Be sure to have 4x6cm photos for each application (may require two there) and copies of passport data page/visa/entry and departure card as well as some proof of where you live. For children the school documents and for husband the financial paper and for you marriage proof and copy of husbands extension.

Thank you again! Could you tell me what forms I fill out for each of us?

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TM.7 form (suspect two will be needed in Chiang Mai but not sure on that). All extensions of stay use the same form - if you download and print do on both sides of A4 paper. You will find links in the pinned useful information post at top of this forum.

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TM.7 form (suspect two will be needed in Chiang Mai but not sure on that). All extensions of stay use the same form - if you download and print do on both sides of A4 paper. You will find links in the pinned useful information post at top of this forum.

Hopefully we have enough time for extension. Thank you again. I will give an update after May 7th or will post if I have any more questions which I am pretty sure I do:-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

All our visa have been extended. Kids ED, husband Retirement and I as dependent. We also got our reentry permits the same time. Tm 7 for extension Tm 8 for reentry. I saved $500 by doing it all myself...yipee. Thanks guys for all your help, guidance and valuable informations!

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