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Thailand Takes The Rap In U S Fake Goods Review

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Maybe you don't need it personally (and don't own any brand stuff), but that still does not make it right that others act that way. With other words: change every time i write "you" into "they" and my arguments are still the same.

And thank you for pointing out the effort/afford spelling error. It surprises me how you cannot understand what something means but you do know what word was meant. Maybe I should just take it as a remark of last resort when you don't have much to say content-wise.

Reaction to the doontp remark: I never said money does not play a role now, it just surprises me that someone proposes to introduce laws that explicitly take someones wealth into account. It has nothing to do with opening my eyes as I never denied that things do not always work perfectly now.

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in the pharma industry it looks quite different. All or almost all use the original recipes, but with a much lower concentration of the effective substances.

To get the same effect from an original one has to buy double the amount of meds, so there is not much difference at the end price.

They only hope by cutting down and label it wrong it would help. Maybe some, but with most it won't.

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Maybe you don't need it personally (and don't own any brand stuff), but that still does not make it right that others act that way. With other words: change every time i write "you" into "they" and my arguments are still the same.

And thank you for pointing out the effort/afford spelling error. It surprises me how you cannot understand what something means but you do know what word was meant. Maybe I should just take it as a remark of last resort when you don't have much to say content-wise.

Reaction to the doontp remark: I never said money does not play a role now, it just surprises me that someone proposes to introduce laws that explicitly take someones wealth into account. It has nothing to do with opening my eyes as I never denied that things do not always work perfectly now.

I believe I also stated..."this is why it happens, but I did not say that it was right or good". In my original post. Semantics about the spelling, I was assuming that's what you meant, but you 'could' have been trying to say something else. Clearly I had a lot to say content wise.

And I still state, it exists because it's a product of society. Never did I say it was Good or Right. I simply stated that it exists because of societal pressures and our existence in a consumerist society. I would also say that your (people's) understand and view of this depends on age. If you are older (say over 50-60 as a rough guide) you've been influenced LESS by the marketing then those in their 20's and 30's. How we are influenced when we are young highly dictates our behaviour when we get older (ie become adults). Again this comes down to physchology and the effects of marketing. There has been suggestions that marketing targeting children should be reduced or their exposure limited, because psychologist's realise the impact of this on them at a young age. It gets ingrained that we 'need this' or 'need that' because some celebrity, idol says it's great and subconsciously we associate that with success.

Is it right? Of course not, but the worlds economy is based on consuming and with that comes luxury goods (for the rich to consume the money on) and the middle and lower classes to want. And because of that copies exist. There's a demand for it.

Again does it make it right, in a perfect world, no. But this is the world we live in. It's really no different (without the semantics of design and being a product) to someone offering a high quality service and then a competitor copying that service (to a degree) and undercutting the price and people choosing to purchase the inferior 'copied' service. On it's highest level, its the same thing, yet we accept that as competition. Does it affect my business when an Indian does it at 1/4 the cost, sure, but they probably aren't going to be the people/customers who take value in the price associated with the service at the higher cost.

It's a quite complicated issue. And there are many opinions surrounding it. We don't live in a perfect world, so it's a matter of dealing with what is. It's not going to go away anytime soon as long as there are divisions in society. It will always exist.

It's not right, but it's how it is. Just like all the service orientated companies competing against Indian based business who have 'copied' their ideas. Yes it's a shitty thing to have to deal with, but the companies can't do anything about it, so they move on to offering more value to their customers. Maybe it's the mindset of product orientated vs service orientated companies and the visions they have of how to bet the competition/ripping off, rather than complaining about it happening.

But they are just my views of the world and we are all entitled to think how we like.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Are you just trolling to get a reaction? Or do you actually believe it's OK to steal, cheat and otherwise break the law if you're poor? If someone and his kids were truly hungry and cold then I could sympathize with their plight, but to do so for a fake designer hand bag, iPhone, DVD, etc. is something else.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

I agree with you. thumbsup.gif

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Are you just trolling to get a reaction? Or do you actually believe it's OK to steal, cheat and otherwise break the law if you're poor? If someone and his kids were truly hungry and cold then I could sympathize with their plight, but to do so for a fake designer hand bag, iPhone, DVD, etc. is something else.

I don't think, that's what he meant. I guess he was just implying about the "feel-good" effect for people who can't afford the real stuff. Psychology-wise, dressing up in branded clothes or owning something with signature names can boost confidence and level-up the happy mood whether if it's real of fake.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

I can't believe how many rationalizing, twisted minds there are on here. Stealing is stealing. Go rob a bank and use that rationalizing when you're caught. "The bank is still making boatloads of money."

Or counterfeit some money and use the same excuse and see how that works out for you.

If I was smart enough to write a song that became a hit, I'd want to be paid for every single time it was used including on CD's. Anyone ripping me off would be a thief. A thief.

Many of the people who write the songs on the fake CD's are one hit wonders who don't get that rich if rich at all, yet people still will rip them off by using their work illegally.

All of the rationalizing in the world won't change a thing. It's immoral and it's theft. And just because some guy is rich, you're still a thief if you pick his pocket.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Are you just trolling to get a reaction? Or do you actually believe it's OK to steal, cheat and otherwise break the law if you're poor? If someone and his kids were truly hungry and cold then I could sympathize with their plight, but to do so for a fake designer hand bag, iPhone, DVD, etc. is something else.

Not trolling. I do think this particular form of stealing is okay. It isn't like they are knocking someone over the head with a hammer and taking their money. They are not breaking into someone's home. It's not the same.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Are you just trolling to get a reaction? Or do you actually believe it's OK to steal, cheat and otherwise break the law if you're poor? If someone and his kids were truly hungry and cold then I could sympathize with their plight, but to do so for a fake designer hand bag, iPhone, DVD, etc. is something else.

Not trolling. There are many different forms of stealing and cheating. This one is okay. Hitting someone on the head and taking their money.......no. Breaking into someone's home.....no.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

I can't believe how many rationalizing, twisted minds there are on here. Stealing is stealing. Go rob a bank and use that rationalizing when you're caught. "The bank is still making boatloads of money."

Or counterfeit some money and use the same excuse and see how that works out for you.

If I was smart enough to write a song that became a hit, I'd want to be paid for every single time it was used including on CD's. Anyone ripping me off would be a thief. A thief.

Many of the people who write the songs on the fake CD's are one hit wonders who don't get that rich if rich at all, yet people still will rip them off by using their work illegally.

All of the rationalizing in the world won't change a thing. It's immoral and it's theft. And just because some guy is rich, you're still a thief if you pick his pocket.

Comparing bank robbery and selling fake merchandise isn't right. These are two very different forms of theft. The former involves aggression and sometimes murder.

Selling fake CDs isn't important. Using fake money is very important, hence the enforcement and stiff penalty. Not a good comparison.

One hit wonders bring in seven figures. Artists have the right to perform live their one hit wonder for the rest of their life. It's an asset. Many do so at parties, various events and small arenas. Most artists who produce a one hit wonder spent all their money thinking there would be many more hits in the future. Many of them mismanage their life/career.

You can't just have a blanket point of view and say theft is theft. Each form of theft has to be looked at.

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@Bradinasia + doontp

Im curious, in your view, who should decide the proper amount of money to be made on your copyrighted property before others can copy and sell it, ya know, "sharing love"

Maybe this is possible.....call me a dreamer, but it's never going to happen.

A court of law should decide the proper amt of money to be made on copyrighted property before others can copy and sell it.

#1 An inventor would be given the right to file a lawsuit and allow a judge/jury to determine if they are financially struggling as a result of or made no money or not enough money from their invention.

The inventor would have to prove that he/she never made millions from their invention.

It would be the inventor’s problem if he/she lost all his/her money irresponsibly and felt he/she needed more.

#2 I’d never allow a millionaire/billionaire inventor to file a lawsuit against someone who’s not a millionaire/billionaire.

There needs to be a limit on what one person should make/have while at the same time people are staving to death. Where are the laws to protect them? People really do die every minute of the day because they do not have food and water and at the same time rich people are getting richer. The powers that be could care less because they do not have to or even want to see or smell them.

I'm sure you and others can shoot holes throught this, but it's just an idea as this forum does not influence the world.

Yada yada yada,

People die every minute of the day due to no food or water. But from my experience in Thailand they usually die with a cell phone in their hand or a Karaoke machine in their house that is worth more than the house itself! Their ARE certain countries where famine etc is a problem. NOT in Thailand.

Instead of cashing in on other peoples ideas/inventions, 'poor' Thai people should grow a backbone, stop taking bribes for votes, stop getting paid to protest, and elect a government that will work for the people.

But of course that will never happen when it is to easy to get paid 300baht a day to look stupid with 'foot clappers' sitting outside some office protesting against something they have no clue about.

I would be interested to know what country you come from doontp.

I was raised in the US. The US government hasn't worked for the American people in a long time. It's the American people who work for the US government. I love America, but it's the corruption capital of Earth. America has the most of everything. It's the best and worst country at the same time. America has paid protesters too.

The point I was making about people dying is that there is too big of a gap between the rich and poor. There people selling fakes do not look very well off in my opinion.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

I can't believe how many rationalizing, twisted minds there are on here. Stealing is stealing. Go rob a bank and use that rationalizing when you're caught. "The bank is still making boatloads of money."

Or counterfeit some money and use the same excuse and see how that works out for you.

If I was smart enough to write a song that became a hit, I'd want to be paid for every single time it was used including on CD's. Anyone ripping me off would be a thief. A thief.

Many of the people who write the songs on the fake CD's are one hit wonders who don't get that rich if rich at all, yet people still will rip them off by using their work illegally.

All of the rationalizing in the world won't change a thing. It's immoral and it's theft. And just because some guy is rich, you're still a thief if you pick his pocket.

Comparing bank robbery and selling fake merchandise isn't right. These are two very different forms of theft. The former involves aggression and sometimes murder.

Selling fake CDs isn't important. Using fake money is very important, hence the enforcement and stiff penalty. Not a good comparison.

One hit wonders bring in seven figures. Artists have the right to perform live their one hit wonder for the rest of their life. It's an asset. Many do so at parties, various events and small arenas. Most artists who produce a one hit wonder spent all their money thinking there would be many more hits in the future. Many of them mismanage their life/career.

You can't just have a blanket point of view and say theft is theft. Each form of theft has to be looked at.

Are you lecturing law at a Thai Police Academy? It would explain a lot.

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Boring argument that goes around and around in circles and has done for donkey's years.

You are very correct. If selling fake merchandise (ie CDs, clothing) were as important as conterfeiting money, then they would be equally enforced.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Making money off other peoples backs and hard work/creativity is not making a living! It's laziness.

Rich folks get rich by making money off other people's backs and hard work. I agree. It's laziness. It's a form of theft. The rich don't care. They sleep very well. The average American CEOs get about $500 for every $1 an average employee in the same company gets. That's unethical.

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From a previous post:

Its quite a accomplishment to know what profits the Rolex

corporation makes since they do not report or publish their results; its a

private company, and for your information, they donate a large part of their

profits to charities. But I do agree that they probably make some serious

profits, but what kind of argument is that for allowing fakes? What if you

would be the owner of the company or you had a private business, would you also

allow others to copy your stuff just because you make a profit?

Do a google search on Rolex…..they are worth close to $5b…..

The argument for allowing fakes is that they don’t put these large corporations out of business. These corps are still making a lot of money. Civil court awards are based on what damages are done and not on what laws are broken. These millionaire corps must prove that counterfeiters are putting them out of business versus not making as many millions as they would withoutcounterfeiters.

I owned a company, I cared less about others copying my product, because I was making a good living. Spread the joy. On the other hand, I would have had a problem if they put me out of business. Note: My definition of a good living is quite different than most. I’m not greedy. Many rich people do not want to

see poor people better their lives. The rich want the poor to stay down, beause the rich can’t be rich without poor people.

I can do a lot of searches on google, but that does not make worth the same as profit.

And it is nice of you to not stop counterfeiters since you made a good living anyways. Unfortunately it is rather hard to appose this standard on the rest of the world, since what is a good living? And you would not allow it if you didn't make a good living? You only spread the joy after you have taken care of yourself to a soft-standard?

Yes, it's hard to get people to not be greedy.

In my opinion, bringing home $10,000 per month is a good living, based on the part of the US I lived in.

I would not want it allowed if I saw that cheaters were hurting me, but I did not see that.

Yes, I would want the joy spread after I am doing fine. The inventor/originator should be awarded justly first, then others can follow.

I agree 100% with what you've written above, but what would your opinion be if the inventor/originator was not rewarded justly first ?

They can present their case in court and and identify who kept them from being rewarded justly, prove it and then let a judge decide.

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People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

Please remove the "half American, half amazing" thing. You are an embarrasment to Americans.


What if you created a T-shirt company called "Ed Cardy" where you drew pictures (each picture took 5 hours to draw) and printed them on high quality cotton that you have specially created, then sold them at 50 dollars each (lets say it cost about 20 dollars to make each shirt).

Your shirts became hugely popular as people like your drawings and high quality cotton. You expand your factory and start pumping out shirts as orders from other countries come in.

You then begin noticing your shirt designs and even your name "Ed Cardy" being sold at markets around Bangkok for 200 baht (6$). You feel the shirt and notice that the cotton is shit-quality. You watch as the shop selling the shirt with your business name "Ed Cardy" and your exact drawing that you spent 5 hours on take 200 baht from a customer.

Now, be honest, would you look at that shop, smile, and say "Im so happy these poor people get to buy a shirt that has my name, uses my drawing that I spent hours doing, and is made from cotton that is of much poorer quality. Im happy these copies of my shirt will flood the market, and Im happy that when people think about "Ed Cardy", they think about a 200 bt shirt that they can get at a Thai market."

I respect peoples' opinions even if they differ from mine, but you lost me with the personal attack.

Maybe later I'll take time and read your point of view. Perhaps I'll agree with it or not.

You really should, maybe you will learn about how business works.

edit: Glad you read my post. Now please tell me what business you were in? I would like to know what kind of business lets people copy and use their "service and products".

there are many teachers in Thailand who illegally provide English teaching services in the privacy of someone's home. it's not really enforced. They photocopy lessons from books.

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