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So You Think Thai Women Aren't After You Money?

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OK my fellow online daters, these profiles are all just fakes, as yours ( just think what is real in your profile ), but I have some advice, go to thaifriendly and look for

"patchanut" find her profile, read all of it (very important) and just check out her friends on this site, real interesting and funnycheesy.gif

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I read it as a girl clearly stating that she is only interested in a serious long term relationship and hoping to discourage punters looking for freebies. Sounds like a 'once bitten twice shy' kind of scenario.

Why would she be like that with all us nice f'lungs around? w00t.gif

Actually, hats off to her, call it like it is, much better chance of success.

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bachelor's degree is held by so many thai people ,

Yes easily purchased for around 500 baht.

Doesn't cost all that much for a 'real' one.

10k a term, two terms a year for 3 years = 60kBht = $2,000

Double that for CMU or Payap.

Back in the States, it's free. When are you going back? Or, is it that you have a lot to blow simply because you are handsome and speak English?

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Oh, I forgot you are probably young. Are you first time out of your world - America - that you don't have any respect of women outside your own country? What are women in your country like? Your sisters, your nieces, and among other female relatives of yours? Cheaper there or free?

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I think there is a Thai saying: the wife is the hindleg of the family. I have seen many families like that including many of my rich Chinese Thai friends who have been friends with me back in the States. One needs only find the right one and pays her the due respect she deserves and treasures how she has her family in mind even in her difficult situations. If you can't see, condone, or afford such behavior, stay away. Go for the one night stand. Man, when you have a family, wouldn't you want a son or daughter that behaves like her, or, do you accept your way that old parents are left to die lonesome?

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bachelor's degree is held by so many thai people ,

Yes easily purchased for around 500 baht.

Doesn't cost all that much for a 'real' one.

10k a term, two terms a year for 3 years = 60kBht = $2,000

Double that for CMU or Payap.

Back in the States, it's free. When are you going back? Or, is it that you have a lot to blow simply because you are handsome and speak English?

I'm single, and intend to stay that way, far to old for fooling around with women.

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I don't understand the purpose of Dating Sites in Thailand? It's like taking a fishing rod to a fish farm.

There are millions of potential wives and lifetime partners walking around Thailand looking for a good, caring man to look after them and they want to look after him in return. There are also thousands of wiley girls looking to take a mug for an (expensive) ride ..... but it's hardly rocket science to be able to spot the difference.

I don't do bar girls so I have no interested in meeting those sorts. That means I need to find ways to meet regular girls and I often do in malls, restaurants, student bars & clubs, 7/11 etc but a lot of regular Thai girls are simply not interested in a farang or not willing to show they are so where as you go to an online dating site you'll find tons of regular girls who definitely do like farang and have signaled their willingness to date one....don't need to trawl the malls and clubs trying to find one who has a liking for farang just need to log onto the site and everyone on it is interested.

Makes perfect sense to me.

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I don't understand the purpose of Dating Sites in Thailand? It's like taking a fishing rod to a fish farm.

There are millions of potential wives and lifetime partners walking around Thailand looking for a good, caring man to look after them and they want to look after him in return. There are also thousands of wiley girls looking to take a mug for an (expensive) ride ..... but it's hardly rocket science to be able to spot the difference.

I don't do bar girls so I have no interested in meeting those sorts. That means I need to find ways to meet regular girls and I often do in malls, restaurants, student bars & clubs, 7/11 etc but a lot of regular Thai girls are simply not interested in a farang or not willing to show they are so where as you go to an online dating site you'll find tons of regular girls who definitely do like farang and have signaled their willingness to date one....don't need to trawl the malls and clubs trying to find one who has a liking for farang just need to log onto the site and everyone on it is interested.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Does it ?... seeking out a woman who has made an active decision to look for a Westerner?... To me that simply identifies that she has made this decision on a financial basis.

Surely meeting someone who has no preconceived notions of dating a Thai or a Westerner would be better. Someone who is open minded enough to accept someone as they are. Someone who is looking to date only Western men perhaps has a ulterior motives - I'm guessing these types are prevalent on dating sites... 'The Occupational Farang Hunter'...

In much a similar manner it would be logical that a man is open minded enough to meet a woman he finds attractive no matter what Country or financial background she comes from. There seems something wrong in anyone 'seeking' only Thai women thus writing off the majority of the global population based on race or nationality.

Thai women who only look for a westerner are perhaps 'tainted' by preconceived notions and financial expectation.

Open minded people who meet through friends and other more natural (non-forced) circumstances would perhaps discover that 'She's not after your money'... especially if in the first place she doesn't need it because she has a decent education, career and prospects.

Of course there will always be exceptions, but when generalising it is perhaps this latter group of open minded people who have met through friends and more conventional methods where the interfamily relationships are more tolerant and understanding of each others culture and expectations, where compromises exist, respect is mutual and money is not a factor that 'trumps all'....

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She wants a lot and offers nothing.

Why would anyone bother?

After spending quite a bit of time trawling through the various dating websites and meeting a number ladies for lunch/coffee a number of things become quite obvious:

Sixty to seventy percent of the ladies on-line are single mothers and come from a low socio-economic background in the provinces of Thailand.

Thai men aren't interested in Thai women with children from a previous relationship

The Thai government does not provide welfare

Foreigners are viewed as the welfare package.

Whenever I've asked any lady if the father of the children provides financial support, the answer is always the same; "No."

So, yes, you are correct in saying "why would anyone bother?"

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She wants a lot and offers nothing.

Why would anyone bother?

After spending quite a bit of time trawling through the various dating websites and meeting a number ladies for lunch/coffee a number of things become quite obvious:

Sixty to seventy percent of the ladies on-line are single mothers and come from a low socio-economic background in the provinces of Thailand.

Thai men aren't interested in Thai women with children from a previous relationship

The Thai government does not provide welfare

Foreigners are viewed as the welfare package.

Whenever I've asked any lady if the father of the children provides financial support, the answer is always the same; "No."

So, yes, you are correct in saying "why would anyone bother?"

Yes but I'd wager that if she was a stunner, that'd be more than enough for guys who've been knocking around with aesthetically-challenged women their whole lives.

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She wants a lot and offers nothing.

Why would anyone bother?

After spending quite a bit of time trawling through the various dating websites and meeting a number ladies for lunch/coffee a number of things become quite obvious:

Sixty to seventy percent of the ladies on-line are single mothers and come from a low socio-economic background in the provinces of Thailand.

Thai men aren't interested in Thai women with children from a previous relationship

The Thai government does not provide welfare

Foreigners are viewed as the welfare package.

Whenever I've asked any lady if the father of the children provides financial support, the answer is always the same; "No."

So, yes, you are correct in saying "why would anyone bother?"

Yes but I'd wager that if she was a stunner, that'd be more than enough for guys who've been knocking around with aesthetically-challenged women their whole lives.

True. There are many foreigners arriving on these shores with their brains situated south of their belts.

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Sounds sincere. When I was dating, I was looking primarily for non-pretentiousness. That eliminated about 90% of the profiles I saw.

As much as guys complain about the Thai dating sites (pro's and pro-Am's on the site) imagine how bad it is for any half-decent looking girl seeking a genuine relationship. They're probably swamped with all kinds of lewd offers, and wondering how can they meet a truly straight-up guy. That might well be the case here.

They may be even thinking why is a 70yo incontinent guy after a 20 yo for dating heheheheheheeheh

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I don't understand the purpose of Dating Sites in Thailand? It's like taking a fishing rod to a fish farm.

There are millions of potential wives and lifetime partners walking around Thailand looking for a good, caring man to look after them and they want to look after him in return. There are also thousands of wiley girls looking to take a mug for an (expensive) ride ..... but it's hardly rocket science to be able to spot the difference.

I don't do bar girls so I have no interested in meeting those sorts. That means I need to find ways to meet regular girls and I often do in malls, restaurants, student bars & clubs, 7/11 etc but a lot of regular Thai girls are simply not interested in a farang or not willing to show they are so where as you go to an online dating site you'll find tons of regular girls who definitely do like farang and have signaled their willingness to date one....don't need to trawl the malls and clubs trying to find one who has a liking for farang just need to log onto the site and everyone on it is interested.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Does it ?... seeking out a woman who has made an active decision to look for a Westerner?... To me that simply identifies that she has made this decision on a financial basis.

Surely meeting someone who has no preconceived notions of dating a Thai or a Westerner would be better. Someone who is open minded enough to accept someone as they are. Someone who is looking to date only Western men perhaps has a ulterior motives - I'm guessing these types are prevalent on dating sites... 'The Occupational Farang Hunter'...

In much a similar manner it would be logical that a man is open minded enough to meet a woman he finds attractive no matter what Country or financial background she comes from. There seems something wrong in anyone 'seeking' only Thai women thus writing off the majority of the global population based on race or nationality.

Thai women who only look for a westerner are perhaps 'tainted' by preconceived notions and financial expectation.

Open minded people who meet through friends and other more natural (non-forced) circumstances would perhaps discover that 'She's not after your money'... especially if in the first place she doesn't need it because she has a decent education, career and prospects.

Of course there will always be exceptions, but when generalising it is perhaps this latter group of open minded people who have met through friends and more conventional methods where the interfamily relationships are more tolerant and understanding of each others culture and expectations, where compromises exist, respect is mutual and money is not a factor that 'trumps all'....

She can make decisions based on a financial basis if she likes though she'll be sorely disappointed as I've got no money and certainly won't be spending it on her. I'll pick up the tab if need be on the date and that will be it, which is rarely more than 1000B for both of us.

I don't really care if she's seeking out a farang or not. I don't want a relationship or anything serious. I'm interested in dating and casual sex nothing more.

I also don't get guys who claim they are only interested in Thai women. I think it's more they don't get any interest from other women. I like women of all types, colours, nationalities. Farangs, Thais, Brazilians, Russians, British. There's good looking and cool ones out there everywhere.

She wants a lot and offers nothing.

Why would anyone bother?

After spending quite a bit of time trawling through the various dating websites and meeting a number ladies for lunch/coffee a number of things become quite obvious:

Sixty to seventy percent of the ladies on-line are single mothers and come from a low socio-economic background in the provinces of Thailand.

Thai men aren't interested in Thai women with children from a previous relationship

The Thai government does not provide welfare

Foreigners are viewed as the welfare package.

Whenever I've asked any lady if the father of the children provides financial support, the answer is always the same; "No."

So, yes, you are correct in saying "why would anyone bother?"

My experience has been quite different. There are some single mums but nowhere near 60%. I've met a few who had a kid and unless the rest were just hiding the fact from me then most didn't. They find out quick enough I'm not looking to be a surrogate father anyway and after one date would probably realise I'm definitely not suitable. wink.png

Edited by TheSpade
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  • 7 months later...

Age : 34

On-the-shelf : Yes

Kid by Thai Man : Yes

Ex-bargirl who's too crazy/ugly to work the scene anymore : Yes!

Run, Forrest,Run!

You can say one thing she is blunt and to the point,it's a brave man who will take her on,and her family of seven scroungers,just waiting for you to come along and start playing the stupid Farang throwing money around,like its going out of fashion.

Sounds also the guy will have to part with a sizeable wedge of cash,before he will get a leg over, which frankly doesn't sound like it will be worth the effort and expense. Someone who puts conditions and a price on intimate relations will get just that....a paying punter,who won't stick around long enough to form a worthwhile normal relationship! and sounds as uninviting as "come and meet the family" on a first date "and don't forget your wallet"

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