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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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obama is 'Moderate" compared to ... say ... Mao, Castro, Chavez, Lenin, Stalin ... ??? obama is a Moderate ... what an absolutely hysterical joke. OMG...

To Europeans, Obama is a conservative and that is a fact.

Well - I'll take your word for it - but that only supports my point of view... Good Grief ... It is what Americans think about obama that is important... obama is a leftist pushing socialism into communism - and that is pretty far off the left end of the spectrum. And it is obama's bent for leftist dictatorial control that has led him to create an Administration where the IRS becomes a political enforcement arm, the Justice Department illegally taps the phones of the Associated Press, Homeland Security and the Justice Department smuggle guns into Mexico and the State Department and the White House makes up a fantastical lie as part of the cover up to hide wrong doing in the Benghazi fiasco... But obama is a 'moderate' and now a conservative. This claim is going to become the funniest joke of the year...

No, only the right wing think Obama is a socialist bordering on communist. That just shows you how far right the conservative right has gotten in America.

Any self-respecting socialist or commie would disavow Obama, he's so far right of their ideology.

Obama is a centrist - much as Bill Clinton was. They both were willing to suck up to Republican party positions (Clinton's welfare reform, Obama's Affordable Care Act - which was first proposed by the Heritage Foundation, as implemented by Romney in Massachussettes), where as a socialist/commie wouldn't acknowledge Republican party positions as being relevant to anything. A true commie/socialist would have implemented a national health care/single payer plan and said "screw the insurance companies".

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obama is 'Moderate" compared to ... say ... Mao, Castro, Chavez, Lenin, Stalin ... ??? obama is a Moderate ... what an absolutely hysterical joke. OMG...

To Europeans, Obama is a conservative and that is a fact.

Well - I'll take your word for it - but that only supports my point of view... Good Grief ... It is what Americans think about obama that is important... obama is a leftist pushing socialism into communism - and that is pretty far off the left end of the spectrum. And it is obama's bent for leftist dictatorial control that has led him to create an Administration where the IRS becomes a political enforcement arm, the Justice Department illegally taps the phones of the Associated Press, Homeland Security and the Justice Department smuggle guns into Mexico and the State Department and the White House makes up a fantastical lie as part of the cover up to hide wrong doing in the Benghazi fiasco... But obama is a 'moderate' and now a conservative. This claim is going to become the funniest joke of the year...

No, only the right wing think Obama is a socialist bordering on communist. That just shows you how far right the conservative right has gotten in America.

Any self-respecting socialist or commie would disavow Obama, he's so far right of their ideology.

Obama is a centrist - much as Bill Clinton was. They both were willing to suck up to Republican party positions (Clinton's welfare reform, Obama's Affordable Care Act - which was first proposed by the Heritage Foundation, as implemented by Romney in Massachussettes), where as a socialist/commie wouldn't acknowledge Republican party positions as being relevant to anything. A true commie/socialist would have implemented a national health care/single payer plan and said "screw the insurance companies".

" No, only the right wing think Obama is a socialist bordering on communist "

When Andy Stern SEIU president who has openly called for communism in America visited the White House 53 times you have to do wonder what they were talking about?

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RE: 430Murci #151

It is a different IRS department processing a much smaller amount of applications - there is not intermixing of jobs - don't you get that? It is not just one big pile of paper you know...

Oh jeez. An OCD kid with a learning disability could figure this out. Let's take Steven Miller and criticism he does not know everything that happens and who directs it. What office was processing or making determinations? Cincinati. Was Steven Miller in Cincinati processing? Where was he based? Is he an idiot for not knowing everything 100,000 employees were doing? Is he annudiot for not knowing every detail about every filing, every audit and every application which perhaps numbers 200,000,000?

Intersting quote on Forbes from a CPA and his take on this issue:

As a CPA who has prepared applications for exempt status, I do not see how any tea party organization was harmed. A nonprofit can commence operations while the application is in process, and all of these applications were either approved or are still in process (except for a few withdrawn by the applicants themselves).

The IRS was criticized for not paying enough attention to political activity of exempt organizations and hit with a surge in applications. They formed a specialist group to review applications of organizations that appeared to be likely to engage in political activity. If your application got sent to the specialist group, it was slowed down. Ultimately, they became paralyzed because they could not figure out what criteria they should be using. More people got involved. The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing.


Deflect - Deflect - Deflect ... no one was injured because someone who wasn't affected said that it was okay... Interesting!!! The ones who were actually affected by the mean spirited politically punitive - biased obama bureaucrats get the say in what was important or not ... not some obama minion who would vehemently defend obama if he ate kittens for breakfast on national T.V.

Did you actually read the Forbes article? You obviously did not listen to the hearings. Have you read anything about the facts of what happened? It seems like you guys just blindly listen and follow like sheep when someone says something against Obama.

Wasn't it like only 70 of 300 applications going through higher level of review conservative groups or tea party applications? I think this and the points made in the Forbes article reveal just how ridiculous this entire thing is.

The sad part is the IRS workers that perhaps did nothing maliciously that are now in jeopardy of losing their job due to the Republican political machine. Seriously, how could any rationale person legitimately believe that a Tea Party group might try to do something below the board to avoid taxes.

The more I read and understand what happened, the more I think those looking to use this for political leverage should be ashamed of themselves.

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RE: 430Murci #151

It is a different IRS department processing a much smaller amount of applications - there is not intermixing of jobs - don't you get that? It is not just one big pile of paper you know...

Oh jeez. An OCD kid with a learning disability could figure this out. Let's take Steven Miller and criticism he does not know everything that happens and who directs it. What office was processing or making determinations? Cincinati. Was Steven Miller in Cincinati processing? Where was he based? Is he an idiot for not knowing everything 100,000 employees were doing? Is he annudiot for not knowing every detail about every filing, every audit and every application which perhaps numbers 200,000,000?

Intersting quote on Forbes from a CPA and his take on this issue:

As a CPA who has prepared applications for exempt status, I do not see how any tea party organization was harmed. A nonprofit can commence operations while the application is in process, and all of these applications were either approved or are still in process (except for a few withdrawn by the applicants themselves).

The IRS was criticized for not paying enough attention to political activity of exempt organizations and hit with a surge in applications. They formed a specialist group to review applications of organizations that appeared to be likely to engage in political activity. If your application got sent to the specialist group, it was slowed down. Ultimately, they became paralyzed because they could not figure out what criteria they should be using. More people got involved. The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing.


Deflect - Deflect - Deflect ... no one was injured because someone who wasn't affected said that it was okay... Interesting!!! The ones who were actually affected by the mean spirited politically punitive - biased obama bureaucrats get the say in what was important or not ... not some obama minion who would vehemently defend obama if he ate kittens for breakfast on national T.V.

Did you actually read the Forbes article? You obviously did not listen to the hearings. Have you read anything about the facts of what happened? It seems like you guys just blindly listen and follow like sheep when someone says something against Obama.

Wasn't it like only 70 of 300 applications going through higher level of review conservative groups or tea party applications? I think this and the points made in the Forbes article reveal just how ridiculous this entire thing is.

The sad part is the IRS workers that perhaps did nothing maliciously that are now in jeopardy of losing their job due to the Republican political machine. Seriously, how could any rationale person legitimately believe that a Tea Party group might try to do something below the board to avoid taxes.

The more I read and understand what happened, the more I think those looking to use this for political leverage should be ashamed of themselves.


“ those looking to use harassment for political advantage should be ashamed of themselves.” ?

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Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


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Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


Uhm, $ 170,000 is actually crap pay for someone that went to Yale undergrad and graduated Georgetown law in 1982, if money was her motivation, she could do a lot better. I mean seriously, how can anyone think her bonus was based on her targeting conservative groups for high scrutiny during 501 application process. Come on!

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Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


You do realize she left the tax exempt department after December 2010, but you make it sound as if she was in that department in 2011 and 2012 when she got those bonuses.

Bloomberg article states:

Sarah Hall Ingram, 55, was until December 2010 in charge of the office supervising nonprofit organizations. She shifted to her health-care role that month, before the IRS began giving the Tea Party nonprofit applications extra attention.

IRS officials have acknowledged they were wrong to target groups with the names tea party or patriot that were requesting nonprofit status. While many Tea Party groups faced intrusive questionnaires, so did some Democratic organizations. No Tea Party group has said they were denied nonpartisan status by the IRS, and many have been approved for it.


Good God, at least get facts straight before slandering people.

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A lot of persons, it seems, choose to post their comments regarding the American political scene on a Thailand (officially Singapore) based website because they don't have to be bothered about getting their facts straight beforehand.

Unlike posting on the NY Times, The Washington Post, or even The Washington Times, one can be assured that in posting here, there is almost a zero chance that anybody actually involved in the real life events will ever read it or be influenced by it.

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Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


Well, gee Chuckd - until you can show proof of a conspiracy, there is no conspiracy. Acts of stupidity by civil servants doesn't mean anything but that civil servants can do dumb stuff.

And the present Administration is no where near as good in cutouts and ducking accountability as the Bush/Cheney regime. If Obama learned from anyone, it was Bush and Cheney. Actually, Bush and Cheney learned a lot from that Reagan fellow (remember Iran-Contra?).

Of course, Nixon was just an inept crook!

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Speaking as a non US citizen who would have voted for Obama i have to say he is probably the most disappointing President i can recall. Great speaker,(He could probably sell snake oil to a snake), but a very poor doer. He appears to stand for nothing other than compromise for the sake of compromise, ignoring the mandate he received from his core vote base for progressive change in their favour. Unwavering support for the banksters in Wall St, likewise the military industrial complex, if anything even more so than his predecessor. Waging war on whistleblowers, seizing journalists communication records, absolutely shameful actions for a self professed "progressive liberal". But of course he is nothing of the kind. Any politician has to be judged ultimately on what they do, not what they say they will do, and by this yardstick he is a big failure, a fraud. When i see people describing him as a communist, or Marxist, even a socialist i have to laugh. Anyone who truly believes that, has to be way to the right of Attila the Hun. He tries to be 'all things to all men', which has inevitably led him to where he finds himself today, ie, a lame duck President. Maybe if he wants to do one honourable thing, he should hand back his Nobel Peace Prize. Could someone remind me what he received it for? All in all a massive disappointment, but a reminder to myself of how naive i can sometimes be!

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As a non-U.S. citizen you could have no idea what a huge deal it was to pass ANY KIND of expansion of health care access in the USA. Presidents since FDR have tried it. Obama did it. In a messy way yes, but history will show indeed that he did it. The concept if not yet the reality that health care is a basic right for all American citizens is a change that Obama made happen. The USA has been the advanced country with the most horrendously poor access to health care resulting in millions of premature deaths over the decades.

I agree objectively Obama is in a no way a real left winger. It's just the USA is so FAR right that he is FALSELY painted that way by the far right.

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Well, gee Chuckd - until you can show proof of a conspiracy, there is no conspiracy.

This is just getting started. Proving it will be the job of the special prosecutor.

You mean the Special Persecutor?

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"... wallow in our collective ignorance through eternity.." Wow -- that's almost as good as "Nattering nabobs of negativism" or "Hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history"

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Now, that's some nice creative writing. A little off-topic, but nice, nonetheless.

Those 2 quotes were spoken by former VP Spiro Agnew with 'creative writing' supplied by Nixon speech writers William Safire and Pat Buchanan.

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RE: F430murci # 204...

Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

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RE: F430murci # 204...

Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

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Methinks the Obama derangement syndrome sufferers are overplaying their hand ...

Yeah, those people are called Democrats and they really overplayed their hands this time.

I have no clue why you aren't concerned about at least outright abuses by the IRS. They've needed reigning in for years under various presidents including Clinton.

If they aren't cleaned up, you might be their next victim.

What abuse? All that was examined was the qualification for charitable status. The groups were not harassed, nor spied upon. They were free to continue operating. I would think that the GOP would have encouraged the verification of all these political groups seeking tax exempt status.

So being grilled about the nature of their prayers and being ask for 'back door' access to the group's website wasn't obtrusive ... interesting !!!

Thank you F430murci for 'liking' my post (# 178). Being a bit 'wordy' yourself, I thought you would like my interesting use of the word 'obtrusive' here... it actually points to the heart of the matter relative to the IRS's excessive and biased scrutiny of Conservative Groups "not for profit' tax applications ... To be intrusive is to involve oneself into the affairs of others, generally in an objectionable manner, tactlessly but not necessarily in a way that calls attention to oneself. To be obtrusive, by contrast, is to interfere without regard for propriety or subtlety. They therefore can apply to the same situation, but intrusive emphasizes the effect on the recipient of the attention, while obtrusive focuses how the attention is perceived from the outside.

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A number of off-topic posts have been deleted and it appears that it is the same posters who seem to think that they do not have to follow the rules. Either stay on topic or stop posting.

Continued nonsense, inflammatory, baiting and off-topic posts will get you a suspension.

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Methinks the Obama derangement syndrome sufferers are overplaying their hand ...

Yeah, those people are called Democrats and they really overplayed their hands this time.

I have no clue why you aren't concerned about at least outright abuses by the IRS. They've needed reigning in for years under various presidents including Clinton.

If they aren't cleaned up, you might be their next victim.

What abuse? All that was examined was the qualification for charitable status. The groups were not harassed, nor spied upon. They were free to continue operating. I would think that the GOP would have encouraged the verification of all these political groups seeking tax exempt status.

i will stand corrected if you can point to a reliable source ... but the qualifications sought were not 'charitable status' ... The tea party and other conservative groups were seeking a "not for profit' status - a very different request. They may have also had to show justification and adherence to rules to form political action committees (PACS) but 'charitable' is not part of the subject matter. There are thousands upon thousands of 'not for profit' groups that have nothing to do with charity. Example a collection of people may wish to form a formal group to raise money to stock rainbow trout in area streams - nice activity - but not a charity.

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What Triggered the IRS Targeting 'Admission'



The surprising admission by a high-ranking Internal Revenue Service official that the agency targeted tea party and other conservative groups could be seen as a tactical move designed to stave off a deeper investigation of the scandal.

Washington insiders said the Obama administration was engaged in a classic tactic called a “modified limited hangout” or MLH — a term that dates back to the Nixon presidency.

An MLH is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in hopes of ending a probe and preventing exposure of more important or damaging information.

The idea is to admit to some wrongdoing, but not all, in hopes of deflating press and public demands for more investigations.

During a March 1973 discussion between President Nixon and his top advisers, Nixon outlined to John Dean a report that Dean would create, offering a misleading view of the White House staff's role in events surrounding the Watergate burglary.

When Dean said, "It's a limited hangout," John Ehrlichman piped in: "It's a modified limited hangout."

The unfolding IRS scandal has all the earmarks of an MLH.

My editorial comment:

Good News: The White House, The Justice Department, The State Department, and the IRS have just made a combined announced that a low level government janitor has been caught and will be indicted in the IRS abuse scandal, the Benghazi coverup and the AP phone hacking incidents. :)

Edited by JDGRUEN
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RE: F430murci # 204...

Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

Watch the Congressional Hearings on this IRS fiasco - there will be more ... but you may not like those 'facts'

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RE: F430murci # 204...

Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

Watch the Congressional Hearings on this IRS fiasco - there will be more ... but you may not like those 'facts'

I did. I also cited and quoted articles that provided objective facts from reputable commentators and news sources, not political sites.

You are the one saying Ingram should be sent to jail, but you cannot cite facts and identify exactly what laws she broke, how she broke them and the dates in which she broke them.

If there are facts that she broke the law, she should get disbarred and punished for it.

Completely disgraceful, however, for politicians to be calling for her head without any facts and for no other purpose than to slow the momentum of Obamacare.

I could give a hoot less about Obamacare, but I find it disgraceful and reprehensible to go after someone's livelihood, reputation and commitment to her career for no other reason than political motivations. I almost hope there are some facts so as not to be so disappointed in human nature and our political system.

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RE: F430murci # 204...

Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

Watch the Congressional Hearings on this IRS fiasco - there will be more ... but you may not like those 'facts'

Here are facts. I dint think future congressional hearings is going to magically rewrite history or can change these facts.

Sarah Hall Ingram, 55, was until December 2010 in charge of the office supervising nonprofit organizations. She shifted to her health-care role that month, before the IRS began giving the Tea Party nonprofit applications extra attention.

That isnt stopping Tea Party advocates from insisting President Barack Obama fire her.


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I erred when using the term charitable status and should have used tax exempt status. . However, this does not take away from the fact that the political groups obtaining tax exempt status are freeloaders. A 501©(4) classification means a social welfare, tax-exempt organization. In tax law, these groups are prohibited from working on behalf of individual political campaigns and are supposed to be issue-oriented. I hardly think political groups advocating their respective views are a true social welfare organization.

IMO the typical taxpayer is going to say, <deleted>, why are these people not paying taxes. The easiest way of dealing with the problem is to eliminate the tax exempt status. Everyone should be paying their taxes, especially the political groups. This is what the issue will mean to the taxpayers. The fact that political groups can obtain this tax exempt status will come as an eye opener to many voters and will at some point become the bigger issue. A true conservative is going to oppose such tax exempt status, although it has worked wonders for the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and some of the big labour unions and business groups.


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