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N A S A's Apollo Navigator Found Dead With Rope Around Neck In Thailand


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NASA's Apollo navigator found dead with rope around neck in Thailand
By Robert Stanton

BANGKOK: -- A retired NASA official who served on the Apollo Navigation Team has been found dead inside a home in Thailand, the Bangkok Post reported Tuesday in its online editions.

Police Col. Ekarat Intasueb, chief of Mae Sot police station, told the newspaper that Paul Milford Muller, Ph.D., was found with a rope tied around his genitals and waist and another rope tied around his neck, hanging from a knob of his bedroom door.

There were no signs that Muller, 76, had been assaulted, according to the Bangkok Post.

Muller appeared to have died from asphyxiation or from a heart attack after a drug overdose, police said.

Investigators told the Bangkok Post that equipment for injecting crystal methamphetamine, five methamphetamine pills and several sex toys were also found in the room.

Police suspect that Muller had been dead about three days when his body was found in the Tak province of Thailand. The body was sent to Mae Sot hospital for a post-mortem examination.

Full story: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/NASA-s-Apollo-navigator-found-dead-with-rope-4553725.php

-- Houston Chronicle 2013-05-29

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I know nothing of the Houston Chronicle but they too don't seem to mind a misleading headline as at first glance I thought he had been a navigator on an Apollo mission whereas the story would suggest he was in a support role.

Another headline worded to catch attention and get the overly explicit story read.

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TAK – May 27, 2013 [PDN]: Police officers of Maesord Police station were informed that there was a foreigner found dead in his own bed room, Police identified the foreigner as 76 year-old Paul Milford Muller, an American national.

The bedroom’s door was locked from the inside. After the police inspected and investigated the scene, it was confirmed that were no traces of fighting. In the bed room, police found the body of Mr. Muller, kneeled on the floor, his penis was tied with his legs and waist, he then used another rope to hang himself. Police reveled that Police found equipment to consume crystal meth and other illegal drugs.


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Pity they have to include so many details, The family would probably prefer to have keep this quiet.

Well, you can't please everyone. With fewer details, all the usual guys would be out now claiming he was killed and how it's all a cover up.

Can't win, reporting news.

Right, we need details. And seeing these details it becomes obvious that he was killed. If all they need to persuade you it was not a crime is to bring sex toys and meth then you're naive. Anyway try to hang yourself with a rope around the genitals. And yes, thanks the media for reporting details. Some news need even more details.

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Ex-NASA Staff Commits Suicide in A Strange

TAK – May 29, 2013 [PDN]: Police officers of Maesord Police station were informed that there was a foreigner found dead in his own bed room, Police identified the foreigner as 76 year-old Paul Milford Muller, an American national.

They found a body of an American man, a former NASA staff, used a rope to tie his genital with his legs and waist, and used another rope to hang his neck, near the body found crystal meth and meth.

The bedroom’s door was locked from the inside. After the police inspected and investigated the scene, it was confirmed that were no traces of fighting. In the bed room, police found the body of Mr. Muller, kneeled on the floor, his penis was tied with his legs and waist, he then used another rope to hang himself. Police reveled that Police found equipment to consume crystal meth and other illegal drugs.

From further attempts to identify the American, it was known that the was a former NASA staff, and it was believed that he died from auto erotic. It is the imagination of having sex, but it’s making the person not conscious of their actions.

Source: http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/05/28/ex-nasa-staff-commits-suicide-in-a-strange/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2013-05-29

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Wow, what a disgraceful way to die... I very much doubt that Mr. Muller's family will appreciate the explicit details given in the article...

Despite the awful wording and grammar (I really wonder at times who is writing all this $#ite - is it so difficult to get editors who are in command of the language?), I'd like to quote this: "and it was believed that he died from auto erotic. It is the imagination of having sex, but it’s making the person not conscious of their actions."

Here I'd like to ask why anyone >>>IN THAILAND<<< would go through all the trouble of almost suffocating himself just to "imagine having sex" ??? Why not get a nice "escort" and really have sex??? I never get my head around these self-stranglers. The David Carradine thing really got me back then, since I as a young boy was all "Kung &lt;deleted&gt;" when his first TV series came out ages ago. For me it was shocking to read that he went to the other side by doing that sex imagination strangle thing... It's pathetic...

In my opinion, the media should not have the right to give out such details and simply announce that person X was found dead and that circumstances surrounding the death are yet to be determined. As long as family and heirs not give an ok, these details need to stay private - full stop!

RIP Mr. Muller - hope you are in a better place now.

Edited by catweazle
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