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In this age of anti discrimination, how is it that insurance companies are 'blatently' allowed to discriminate against older people. I was refused yesterday because i am over 69 even though i am fit without any pre conditions.

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Ageism isn't nice, especially when used in a discriminatory manner.

However, the GLOBAL trend for insurance companies to refuse cover for new applicants above a certain age isn't something new. The key is to get it while you can, never let it lapse and nurture it... while maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as possible.

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No offense, but why would the insure you when there is a very good acturarial chance that they are going to be paying out more money to you than you are to them? It is a business they are running.

I believe you are an Australian? Probably better looking at what insurance products down in OZ there are for people in your situation - or consider spending time back down in Australia to access medicare and other government services.

This is why more enlightened governments have these types of programmes, to take into account those who are the private sector wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

Edited by samran
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I feel for you Oldsailor. But I'm sure you're aware that (in the US), young men under 25 pay more for auto insurance than females of the same age. Smokers pay more for medical insurance. Folks with a weak credit rating pay higher mortgage interest (if they can even get it). And so forth. It's all about risk. There's an entire field of professionals who deal with this stuff (actuaries). It's not your fault, but the fault of those other old geezers who are constantly requiring medical attention. Like my parents.

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Ageism isn't nice, especially when used in a discriminatory manner.

However, the GLOBAL trend for insurance companies to refuse cover for new applicants above a certain age isn't something new. The key is to get it while you can, never let it lapse and nurture it... while maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as possible.

Right up until the insurance company decides to raise your group's rates- a bunch.

They then offer the young and healthy members in your group plan a brand new plan, at lower premiums. The young and healthy jump on that new, lower cost plan, leaving your group plan full of older and less healthy people. (The older folks don't qualify for the new plan, BTW) Which, of course, justifies raising your plan's rates- a bunch.

But don't worry, as long as you stay young and don't make any significant claims, they will always have a new and better plan for you when they raise your group's rates. But get old and/or sick, and good luck nurturing your plan.

Edited by impulse
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In Europe woman were traditionally offered lower premiums for motor insurance than men, as has already been pointed out because of risk management.

The EU called foul and outlawed the practice, premiums for male drivers stayed the same whilst premiums for women increased.

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*Average* annual health insurance costs for Americans these days is over USD $6,000 per person, $10,000 per family of four.

In theory these should be lower in Thailand due to lower treatment costs, but given the higher risk for travelers/expats it's probably a wash.

And that's average across the whole population, so obviously rates for a 69-year-old male should be much higher, likely double.

If you're willing and able to pay these realistic rates, you can probably find a carrier to cover you.

I would really like to know if anyone knows of a global insurer that offers a worldwide policy - even if it specifically excludes America - that is regulated by a good jurisdiction, to the point that they can't kick you out if you join in your 50's and continue to pay your rates throughout your lifetime.

Obviously willing to pay the kind of rates indicated above, people who think these are "too expensive" don't realize that's what it's costing them anyway, just factored into their taxes rather than seeing it directly in their insurance premiums.

This also illustrates the fact that most governments will not be able to make good on their promises and meet the expectations the politicians have set over the years, we need to be prepared to fund our own care, or be willing to accept lower standards in the future.

Edited by GottaGo
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Once past the age of 69 the annual premiums skyrocket to the point of "unaffordable". What's an uninsured Farang to do, when the diagnosis reads "lenghty and very expensive treatment required" ?

Imitate others and just jump off a high-rise building?


Edited by swissie
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Discrimination? You are using wrong word, wrong concept and looking at the situation from the wrong viewpoint.

69 is wrong age to seek health insurance. No precondition? Do not worry it will be forthcoming.

Insurance companies are in business of making money, not looking after you, me or anybody else.

They operate from viewpoint of Risk Management and statistically speaking you are not acceptable.

Be happy that they knocked your application down - they saved you money. Your premiums would be huge.

Put the equivalent to premiums aside. If you are really that healthy as you think - you save enough to insure yourself. And keep your money i.e. your options open.

Most likely scenario in your case - they take your money and than refuse to pay. They are very good at this.

Longevity is important, but quality of life is more so.

Live. Enjoy it while you can. Then die. Does it matter so much when? How is more important...

If assurances are so much needed - buy a gun.

I know what I'm talking about. I'm older than you and have a precondition.

One good thing about older people is - when we go nobody will say 'he left prematurely'.

And if you stop clinging to life maybe it will stay with you longer. Too many people die much younger than we are now.

Cheers. smile.png

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Well, OldSailor: "i am over 69 even though i am fit without any pre conditions."

If that's so true, why would you bother with insurance anyway?

I'm sure you could get some, though. Might be a payout of 100k baht with an annual premium of 1 mil baht, but would you really want it then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, OldSailor: "i am over 69 even though i am fit without any pre conditions."

If that's so true, why would you bother with insurance anyway?

I'm sure you could get some, though. Might be a payout of 100k baht with an annual premium of 1 mil baht, but would you really want it then?

He still need an insurance though

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Well, OldSailor: "i am over 69 even though i am fit without any pre conditions."

If that's so true, why would you bother with insurance anyway?

I'm sure you could get some, though. Might be a payout of 100k baht with an annual premium of 1 mil baht, but would you really want it then?

He still need an insurance though


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