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Road Rage Australian Hurls A Large Stone At Pattaya Taxi


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Well I have never been a big fan of Pattaya since my first visit there 7 years ago. It was two years later that I began to hear of the Russians being not exactly all peaches and cream. Now I am getting the feeling here on this thread that Ozzie's are not exactly peaches and cream either. I know a few who do seem to be self centered to the nth. Is that a normal Ozzie trait? In all honesty I have never heard of an Ozzie mafia.

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20.000 baht?

10.000 for the police

10.000 for the driver

Both of them smiling

Scratch a Jet Ski and you are looking at between 30 & 40K throw a rock thru the window of car and only 20K yes he got off pretty lightly. Very lucky he wasn't charged with Criminal Damage, Interfering with motor vehicle and assault.

Thats way too much paperwork for the average cop, who may not even know how to write those words in Thai. All they typically want is a fast bribe/penalty/fine so they can continue their nap

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Many who have been drunk have done some weird things that may well be out of character. It is also easier to lose your temper when drunk. You can also take things the wrong way a lot easier when drunk too.

Maybe that is all it was. We will not really know what triggered it, but if he was drunk as the 2nd report says, it is more imaginable he lost it easier than he normally would?

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@ Ohio, From now on when trying to describe a very dangerous situation I will use - " more dangerous than a Baht Bus full of Iranians " clap2.gif

I think "more dangerous than an Aussie off his trolley" sounds better. whistling.gif

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Well I have never been a big fan of Pattaya since my first visit there 7 years ago. It was two years later that I began to hear of the Russians being not exactly all peaches and cream. Now I am getting the feeling here on this thread that Ozzie's are not exactly peaches and cream either. I know a few who do seem to be self centered to the nth. Is that a normal Ozzie trait? In all honesty I have never heard of an Ozzie mafia.

Crikey cobber, an Aussie mafia? Mate we are normally to bloody pissed and trying to throw one up a few shiela's to bother getting around to organise a crime syndicate. We leave that <deleted> up to the Vietnamese, Lebanese, Sudanese and other assorted Aussie immigrants to take care of those details. Now if you want us to organise a piss up and a BBQ we probably could do that in between stubbies.

Edited by chooka
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Well I have never been a big fan of Pattaya since my first visit there 7 years ago. It was two years later that I began to hear of the Russians being not exactly all peaches and cream. Now I am getting the feeling here on this thread that Ozzie's are not exactly peaches and cream either. I know a few who do seem to be self centered to the nth. Is that a normal Ozzie trait? In all honesty I have never heard of an Ozzie mafia.

Crikey cobber, an Aussie mafia? Mate we are normally to bloody pissed and trying to throw one up a few shiela's to bother getting around to organise a crime syndicate. We leave that <deleted> up to the Vietnamese, Lebanese, Sudanese and other assorted Aussie immigrants to take care of those details. Now if you want us to organise a piss up and a BBQ we probably could do that in between stubbies.

You don't consider the Australian biker gangs mafia?

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It's hard to say what drove him to throwing the stone, so I will spare you my comment until I know.

However now that I am heresad.png .......I m just glad that I am still alive after riding around on a motorcycle for so long. I see

and hear about so many deaths. I have seen bodies on roads all over the place, something I have never seen

in my country except once, and only because it was in the early morning hours so police didn't cover the corps up right away.

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Well I have never been a big fan of Pattaya since my first visit there 7 years ago. It was two years later that I began to hear of the Russians being not exactly all peaches and cream. Now I am getting the feeling here on this thread that Ozzie's are not exactly peaches and cream either. I know a few who do seem to be self centered to the nth. Is that a normal Ozzie trait? In all honesty I have never heard of an Ozzie mafia.

Crikey cobber, an Aussie mafia? Mate we are normally to bloody pissed and trying to throw one up a few shiela's to bother getting around to organise a crime syndicate. We leave that <deleted> up to the Vietnamese, Lebanese, Sudanese and other assorted Aussie immigrants to take care of those details. Now if you want us to organise a piss up and a BBQ we probably could do that in between stubbies.

You don't consider the Australian biker gangs mafia?

Mate I wasn't being serious. I was actually bashing the Aussies. Is it against Visa rules to hang shit on your own kind? smile.png

Yes there are outlaw motorcycle clubs, can't call them gangs as that is not permitted in the politically correct era (we got a directions from command not to refer to them as gangs but as outlaw clubs) These clubs tho are actually made up of different ethnic backgrounds ie the Angels are predominantly anglo/aussies and the likes of comancheros, rebels and others are of Lebanese backgrounds. Anyway that is a whole different topic.

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Another story that sounds like there is more too it !!

Either way he must be a tourist as any expat knows that even if your in the right you still don't mess with the Thais, especially connected Thais like taxi drivers.

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@ Ohio, From now on when trying to describe a very dangerous situation I will use - " more dangerous than a Baht Bus full of Iranians " clap2.gif

I think "more dangerous than an Aussie off his trolley" sounds better. whistling.gif

Nah ! no prizes for seconds

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It does seem an odd reaction from the Oz tourist. I doubt that the report contains all the information and seems very one sided. Maybe a previous incident(s) with this taxi driver or others. He may simply be a crazed tourist.

But hurling a rock through the window of the taxi is a no-no in any country. He is lucky that those restraining him did not give him a good kicking while waiting for the police to arrive.

Absolutely we are only getting one side of the story. I wouldn't trust any of those Pattaya taxi drivers.

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A Thai friend of mine said. In Pattaya,the local Thais see all male farang as sex tourists and drunken yobos. The trouble is I think a good percentage of them are.

That's a bit rich, seeing as most of the Thais living in Pattaya are only there to suck on the money teat of the farang.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That must have been the taxi drivers story as i'm sure there was more to it than that ! but that doesn't excuse what the Aussie done.

yes..... sounds very Thai.... lost in translation. Poor Taxi bastard never speaks bad and always follows road manners a service to the Thai community.

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I don't agree with the Aussie's reaction, but I'm somewhat confussed about the news report that states a large stone was thrown through the rear driver-side window.

Maybe its just me, but it appears that from the photos on Pattaya One website, the first photo shows a broken paving stone inside the rear of car but little or no glass. Then looking at photos 2 and 3, I can clearly see the rear driver-side window is intact with light reflecting off it, not even any cracks to be seen in the glass. Not sure what to make of this.

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