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FYI all chaweng nightlife closing at 3 AM for a week

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Thai or westerner get shot ? Surprised this wasn't mentioned before

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Read some place it was a Thai...pretty sure if it had been a farang it would have been all over the media by now

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Does it really matter if it was a Thai or a foreigner? Some poor soul is dead leaving a grieving family.

The victim was shot at 4.30 am - so we close the bars at 3 am. Well noted Mole thumbsup.gif

Yeah, right, so now they're just gonna have to shoot earlier...

I realise that this might upset some posters, but aren't the bars supposed to close at midnight? whistling.gif

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As I have said before, stay far away from entertainment venues frequented by Thai men. Most of them are nice unarmed guys of course, but there is always a few who feel the need to bring a gun, get drunk/high, and shot at whoever makes them lose face first. Even if you are not personally involved, you can still end up as collateral damage.
Very few foreigners or Thai women own guns, and the few that do very rarely bring them when they go out. Many Thai men on the other hand have guns, and they often bring them when going out, either in order to settle a preexisting dispute, but more often simply in order to make sure they do not lose face no matter what the consequences are.

As the Thai guy who shot and killed his wife's lover just a few days ago said: "A true man can be killed, but he cannot be insulted". I am pretty sure most gun carrying Thai men think exactly like that!

Just to be clear, I have nothing against Thai men, just the few carrying guns. Unfortunately I cannot tell them apart until it is too late.

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As I have said before, stay far away from entertainment venues frequented by Thai men. Most of them are nice unarmed guys of course, but there is always a few who feel the need to bring a gun, get drunk/high, and shot at whoever makes them lose face first. Even if you are not personally involved, you can still end up as collateral damage.

Very few foreigners or Thai women own guns, and the few that do very rarely bring them when they go out. Many Thai men on the other hand have guns, and they often bring them when going out, either in order to settle a preexisting dispute, but more often simply in order to make sure they do not lose face no matter what the consequences are.

As the Thai guy who shot and killed his wife's lover just a few days ago said: "A true man can be killed, but he cannot be insulted". I am pretty sure most gun carrying Thai men think exactly like that!

Just to be clear, I have nothing against Thai men, just the few carrying guns. Unfortunately I cannot tell them apart until it is too late.

Remind me - when is it that Thailand finds itself plunged into ASEA?


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Just to put the record straight , a dispute that started in the Sound Club resulted in retribution being taken later in the night in the Happy Bar not the Sound Pub. Saw the body sprawled out on the entrance to HB myself so no "chinese whispers" here !

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Just to put the record straight , a dispute that started in the Sound Club resulted in retribution being taken later in the night in the Happy Bar not the Sound Pub. Saw the body sprawled out on the entrance to HB myself so no "chinese whispers" here !

Io answer everybodies questions on this issue - the young man shot was indeed thai and a local bartender in cheweng, he is not dead and is in hospital recovering from a operation to remove a bullet from his head. Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery. He was out celebrating a friends birthday. I spoke directly to the police last night and yes the shutdown is 3am until further notice, The police are doing this to stop late night problem at sound and are not aiming it at all bars in chewang. If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then bangkok will take over which will mean the royal thai police will be back on samui which will mean earlier closing. Lets hope everything calms down and business goes back to normal and the local bartender makes a full recovery !

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

I agree with your sentiment, but Samui is not that bad.

Can we please try and seperate Samui from Chaweng? They are not the same.

My personal view is that most of central Chaweng is sleazeville - akin to Soho, Patpong, Wan Chai etc. Different rules. And yes - I drink in all of them now and then.

Where I live on Samui there is law and order.

Yes, I get threats from time to time - mostly from local owners of construction companies. But I am still here. They are hot air.

I deal with the tourist police regularly. (I am responsible for security on the development where I live.) and I have dealt with the regular police on numerous occasions. I have never had trouble with either, and, as I posted earler, with only one exception in thirteen years that I have lived here, they have all behaved in a professional manner. When things have been stolen from sites/buildings here, we usually get them back.

I have never been asked for tea money, but I am aware that it goes on.

We all love to bitch and to moan about things that are our 'pet hates', but it really is very nice here. And safe. My wife has never felt threatened here on Samui. Not true about her home town of Birmingham, my home town of Slough or when we lived in Sydney!

And to all of you bar owners - I do understand your fustrations with the closing for elections, and the 'tea money' to stay open long enough to make some money. But - these are not going to change.

Now - as to taxis/jet skis/Bandit Airways etc......................

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

I agree with your sentiment, but Samui is not that bad.

Can we please try and seperate Samui from Chaweng? They are not the same.

My personal view is that most of central Chaweng is sleazeville - akin to Soho, Patpong, Wan Chai etc. Different rules. And yes - I drink in all of them now and then.

Where I live on Samui there is law and order.

Yes, I get threats from time to time - mostly from local owners of construction companies. But I am still here. They are hot air.

I deal with the tourist police regularly. (I am responsible for security on the development where I live.) and I have dealt with the regular police on numerous occasions. I have never had trouble with either, and, as I posted earler, with only one exception in thirteen years that I have lived here, they have all behaved in a professional manner. When things have been stolen from sites/buildings here, we usually get them back.

I have never been asked for tea money, but I am aware that it goes on.

We all love to bitch and to moan about things that are our 'pet hates', but it really is very nice here. And safe. My wife has never felt threatened here on Samui. Not true about her home town of Birmingham, my home town of Slough or when we lived in Sydney!

And to all of you bar owners - I do understand your fustrations with the closing for elections, and the 'tea money' to stay open long enough to make some money. But - these are not going to change.

Now - as to taxis/jet skis/Bandit Airways etc......................

yes some forangs find it hard to ajust to a different culture. I know that shootings and guns and corruption seem bad because of allot of our up bringing but u have to rememeber that out here this is very normal for the local people as they are born in to this part of the world and they have different ways of dealing with things.

Dont have to agree with it but u have to accept it unless you want to take on a whole nation.

corruption is rife all round the world including america who have the most open guns laws and most states fully supporting the death penalty.

Yet the country that is a symbol of freedom for the West has just as much if not more corruption and gun crime and money than every where in the world..

Law and order. Whos law????

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

What planet are you on the Royal Thai Police are on Samui and the DSI and the DEA even though they dont advertise it but the Royal Thai police are everywhere like bohput and nathong police station.

do you think that all the police on samui are tourist police?

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

What planet are you on the Royal Thai Police are on Samui and the DSI and the DEA even though they dont advertise it but the Royal Thai police are everywhere like bohput and nathong police station.

do you think that all the police on samui are tourist police?

No mainly traffic police that dress rather scruffy

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If there is anymore incidents like this over the coming weeks from sound or any other venues then Bangkok will take over which will mean the Royal Thai Police will be back on Samui.

If that will save lives, then so be it its about time Samui had Law and Order

What planet are you on the Royal Thai Police are on Samui and the DSI and the DEA even though they dont advertise it but the Royal Thai police are everywhere like bohput and nathong police station.

do you think that all the police on samui are tourist police?

No mainly traffic police that dress rather scruffy

well i hate to brake the news but the Royal Thai police are here just ask the poeople arrested on drug charges. there are many.

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I really don't understand why farangs open bars, and so on.

Bars=always problems. And maybe on top low revenue.

sound bar is not owned by a forang

Lots of bars in soi green mango are not thai owned, as for whether they are making money .. well with the large foot flow of tourists many many bars make very very good money. About half the bars are farang owned the other half are thai owned. Many of the bar owners employ farangs managers too, so they must be making money!

Here is a breakdown of bars and owners on soi green mango ...

Mambo - Thai owned and Managed ( same owner as green mango )

Henry Africa's - Kiwi/Thai owned (husband/wife) and English manager

Dream Girls - Aussie owned and English Manager

Our Bar - Irish owned ( 3 owners I believe) self managed

Viking Bar - Swedish owners and Thai Manager

Sugar Bar - Russian/Thai Owned (husband/wife) Thai manager

Galaxy - Russian Owned and Russian Manager

Hush Bar - Thai/Aussie owned ( business partners ) and Scottish Manager

Flow Bar - Aussie/english Owned ( 3 business Partners and English Manager

Sweet N Soul - Thai Owned and Thai Managed

Green Mango - Thai Owned and Thai Managed

Just to give you an idea of the top end bars after that you enter the bottom end of the soi and Soi sound which is about 50/50 thai to Farang ownership

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