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Bangkok monk arrested for sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl


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More monkey business.

Suddenly Buddhist monks seem to have adopted the habits of some of the Christian priests. Makes one wonder just how many more there are out there hiding under the saffron robes.

Good to see minister Paveena on hand. I hope the girls are OK and being looked after properly.

The 14 year old went out to buy alcohol? I hope it was not between 2pm and 5pm?

Monks, priests, rabbis, ministers; it makes no difference as to what religion. It has nothing to do about religion. It has everything to do with sick individuals using their cleverness to find positions of authority (which demand respect and vulnerability from the masses) as a means to finding an outlet for their sick and twisted desires.

I do not blame Buddhism here simply because I believe that Buddhism is not a person. It is an ideal. This man obviously embrace the ideal, but rather instead he used the benefits of that ideal to promote his lasciviousness.

Same with politicians, police, doctors, moms, dads, and so on.

Judge him as an individual, and disregard the ideal that he had no part in.

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The girl told police the monk lured her to visit him at his temple in April this year by promising her free food, an offer she said she accepted because her family was in poverty. The monk reportedly raped her there before paying her 80 baht and threatening her not to tell anyone.

In spite of what happened, she said, she continued to visit the monk for food, due to her family′s financial situation. But she said she had taken care not to be with the monk alone during those visits.

On 28 May, however, when Phra Mahasanan reportedly called the girl to visit him for free food again, the girl came to see the monk with her 2 friends. The monk then asked the girl to buy him some alcohol so she went out buying the alcohol, leaving her friends with the suspect, according to the victim.

There's just so much wrong with this. sad.png

Quick. Buy candles. Buy lightbulbs. Wear yellow poloshirts. Smile.

There, everything is good again.

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Any monk must abstain from this behavior or face the music, is in this case. We all have to remember the ones that do wander away from the teachings of Buddha are only being human. We have to remember monks don't have any special powers but did make very specific promises and commitments.

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The girl told police the monk lured her to visit him at his temple in April this year by promising her free food, an offer she said she accepted because her family was in poverty. The monk reportedly raped her there before paying her 80 baht and threatening her not to tell anyone.

How should this girl ever trust a monk again? Indeed sad news.-wai.gif

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I know we don't have common law Magna Carter in Thai but a fair trial, and the punishment decided by the girl and her family, would be interesting to know about. Her views. Their views. The views of the victim.

Very often the victims can be more forgiving, than the self righteous bystanders in these affairs.

I'd like to see someone like this paraded through the streets of his temple's area for a month or two and then jailed to keep

him away from minors, until he was assessed as safe. As we do in the West.

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Sorry for the poor girl and her friends. And yet another nail in the coffin of Thailand's wonderful Buddhist Monks. Castration is the minimum this asshol_e should receive.

Possibly, castration should be a condition of becoming a monk......... catholic priest..... hmmmmmmmmm

It is not normal for anyone to be celibate, no matter whether you are Buddhist, Catholic or any other faith, their priests or monks or whatever, should have the choice whether they want to be celibate or not.

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I'm tired of Thai's having an excuse for everything. The entire religious organization in this country needs a closer look. I always see monks doing things they're not supposed to be doing..........

It's all superstitious nonsense like other religions but they are all above questioning & criticism. It makes my blood boil when stuff like this happens over & over again in these corrupt religions of whatever you wanna call them.

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This old man still a lot of power 64 years old, What a shame. Monk with private jet many bad news about monks.

How about some news about good monks too doing charity works to the community?

Edited by Bkungbank
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I am waiting for Chalerm to hold a press conference with the Monk, claiming that the girl has misunderstood what rape and intercourse actually is and that a miscommunication has taken place and that the Monk was simply praying and doing the 'laying on of hands' and that the alcohol was to assist with the burning of incense and candles. The Monk has undergone a series of medical tests and has come out completely negative in terms of being pregnant, therefore he could not have raped the 14 year old girl.

Why would the Minister for Labour become involved?

Not too swift, are we?

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What a POS.

I am really proud of the girl for having the courage to speak up. Maybe it will encourage other victims as well.

I hope she recovers from this and can live a decent life, and not be a slave to poverty and predators.

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I am not one to complain but some of the comments here are plain stupid. Castration? Immolation? Hanging? Some of you need to stop drinking and taking drugs and enter the real world.

I in no way condone any such deviant behaviour (such as this) by anyone but clearly some of you people are as mad as they come, Shame on you for showing the crass idiocy of a 'farang' reaction.

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I am no expert on Buddhism but I do not believe the "person" who committed this terrible crime is a true monk. A true Buddhist monk would not do such a thing. He may have been a monk at one stage, but he ceased to be one when he decided to do what he did to this innocent young girl.

And Jingthing, I could not help noticing, but your use of the "English" language has become more dangerous than a baht bus full of drunken Iranian tourists.....................

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Sorry for the poor girl and her friends. And yet another nail in the coffin of Thailand's wonderful Buddhist Monks. Castration is the minimum this asshol_e should receive.

Possibly, castration should be a condition of becoming a monk......... catholic priest..... hmmmmmmmmm

and as most abuse occurs in a family environment, castrate all fathers immediately, everywhere.

And then go and read up on how castrated men abuse children. facepalm.gif

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Off Topic - but this is exactly what cost my favorite Ex-Wife our marriage..................she was pissed of at me one day and pointed a knife at me and said in Thai ' Del Del, Guay Dat' I didn't give her a second chance............I moved and went to a Lawyer and divorced her...........love Thai divorces, you marry on one page, and the back of the page your married on is your pre-printed Divorce.........by the way, we are still friends after 25 years but keep my distance, she re-married, two times, to Germans twice her age, winder if they still hgave their Guay's

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I always refer to 14 year old girls as wee girls, because that's what they are.

Why did you feel the need to make that comment? If she had been 6 foot tall would that have made a difference in your eyes?

A lot of 14 year olds are huge. You wouldn't call them wee. I found your wee language affected and silly in the case of ignorance of the girl's actual SIZE, so that's why I commented on it. Of course, it makes no difference from a legal or moral POV of view. Obviously.

Said it before and say it again...my Mother married in Boston at age 14, my sister married at 17 (son one year old), my sis in law had her only child at 15...........my grandmother outlived four husbands and three sons...........her first marraige in a Catholic Church was at 14 in Nawlins Loosiana, and she lived until she was 102, she was a strict, strict Catholic. It's nothing to do with Age of the girl, it's the Psych of the man and the girl = where is her mind at the time, when its time to lose the virginity, only the girl knows when its right, common sense - how many of us have gone Skinny Dipping with siblings, cousins, friends, school mates & strangers and thought about sex, but never acted it out???????? Lots of us, its the ones that have boxed their selves in their old minds (like a Monk) and one day snaps - this happens. That said,he should go to prison for a long time and reflect on what he did, she should get counseling in an environment similar to her own ............but he doesn't deserve castration, he's beyond that.............thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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More monkey business.

Suddenly Buddhist monks seem to have adopted the habits of some of the Christian priests. Makes one wonder just how many more there are out there hiding under the saffron robes.

Good to see minister Paveena on hand. I hope the girls are OK and being looked after properly.

The 14 year old went out to buy alcohol? I hope it was not between 2pm and 5pm?

Suddenly? Really? Way to act like "the Asians wanna be like the Westerners so bad, they even commit the same crimes." What a shame, the pure, pious east is falling into the same traps of debauchery as Western spiritualistic practice has been for decades.

Read some history. This stuff isn't as unheard of as you might think, just in the past it's been more or less swept under the table (just like it used to be with the Catholic priests you speak of (if you are not Catholic, then you are not a priest, there are, for example. no Methodist priests)

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When will you people learn that you cannot judge a group by the actions of an individual. That is called prejudice.

You all complain about being branded as 'foreigner' when the word is used about the Taksin threat. You cannot judge a religion by the actions of its 'supposed' adherents.

A monk is 'defeated' ...that means he is no longer a monk.... when there is entry of his penis into any orifice...of human, animal, or non-human...to the depth of a mustard seed. That means that before he even got as far as actually entering the girl, he was no longer a monk.

As we know the Thai educational system does not teach kids to have confidence in themselves, ask questions, complain, etc. These things we find easy in the West, so that is why we cannot understand why Thais do not report and pursue the disrobing of false monks, or report corruption of many kinds.

Buddhism as taught by the Buddha has little left in common with what is taught and practiced here in Thailand today. But that is not the fault of the teaching.

The Buddha knew and it is mentioned in the pali texts, that his teachings would last for only about five thousand years, so now we are over half way the decline is obvious.

That doesn't mean that his teachings change, the truth is always right, but peoples knowledge or understanding of it changes over time...all things are subject to the law of impermanence.

Also a good example of why it is taught that the fifth precept....avoiding drugs and alcohol is the most important precept...because we can easily break any others under the influence.

Edited by fabianfred
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I have no respect for monks or any kind of 'spiritual leader'. It's all a front. It's just people trying to get rich by telling other people they should give them money and it will give them a better afterlife / reincarnation etc. As I keep telling my Thai friends, 'making merit' by giving monks money is foolish, if you want to make merit, then do something that is truly meritous, help people that need help, do some volunteer work, do something nice for other people...

the blind leading the blind .... you are guilty of wrong view and therefore will find it easy to create bad karma for yourself.... you then make it worse by trying to teach others your wrong view too......

I feel sorry for you.

As the Buddha said.... the reason we all continue to be born and suffer is because of ignorance....ignorance of the truth...

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A black sheep in Buddhism. Please do not criticize religion. It is wholly the act of one man.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Religion...opium for the masses.

just the words of that Chinese official in the movie 'Seven Years in Tibet' ...when he was cordially treated as a guest and shocked everyone by deliberately scuffing his feet through the painstakingly created mandala on the floor.... perhaps you are communist too?

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Sorry for the poor girl and her friends. And yet another nail in the coffin of Thailand's wonderful Buddhist Monks. Castration is the minimum this asshol_e should receive.

Possibly, castration should be a condition of becoming a monk......... catholic priest..... hmmmmmmmmm

It is not normal for anyone to be celibate, no matter whether you are Buddhist, Catholic or any other faith, their priests or monks or whatever, should have the choice whether they want to be celibate or not.

They do have a choice...if you cannot stand the heat then get out of the kitchen ...if you cannot keep the precepts you vowed to keep then disrobe and stay as a layman.

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Glad to see the monk is not above the law. Bit of an odd question now. Did this Paveena lady actually go to wherever these incidents in person? She must get around a lot up and down the country. Who pays for her travel?

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I know we don't have common law Magna Carter in Thai but a fair trial, and the punishment decided by the girl and her family, would be interesting to know about. Her views. Their views. The views of the victim.

Very often the victims can be more forgiving, than the self righteous bystanders in these affairs.

I'd like to see someone like this paraded through the streets of his temple's area for a month or two and then jailed to keep

him away from minors, until he was assessed as safe. As we do in the West.

i wasnt going to coment on this thread, as it makes my bloody boil,

but i dont see your point in saying how we do it in the west,

if im not mistaken, there was a law trying to get through sarahs law i think i could be wrong,

that wanted people good honest working familys to have the right to know that one of these pedos were living in your area, is that how we do it in the west?

if one lived near to me i would want to know!,

he should just be locked up and forgoten about, i do believe in these cases that capital punnishment should come back for them, in the west too, if there is no dought,

and thats what 90% of the working man who ive worked with think too,

pedos dont deserve to live, when they do this to young girls they dont give them a choice, they shouldnt have any choices,

see i new i shouldnt of got involved, by god it get me bloody mad


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I find it hard to believe a 14 year old girl submitting without a fight to a 65 year old without a notion of future benefits to come...

As long as the buddhist monks irregular activities are confined to the erotics, one shouldn't worry much.

I would start worrying, if a buddhist monk decides go emulate the Middle East men of cloth.

Could you imagine, Buddhist Brotherhood or the Party of Buddha??!!

The mind boggles!

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