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Funds sent from UK to Thailand not arrived

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As Allalong said, you should be worried.

Last week I rang my UK bank for 5,000 pounds to be sent over, they said it would take two days (and there was no charge!).

Went to the bank last Friday to update my passbook and the money was there, no problems.

You do have to make sure that all details on the transfer - name, account, branch, etc. - are absolutely correct AND that there is a reason given for the transfer,

otherwise the Thai bank will hold it for a while and then send it back to the originating bank.

No charge from the UK bank....... please which bank? Sounds unbelievable! I am going to the UK in 3 days and will open an account with this bank if you let me know the name of bank and the name of the account. Much appreciated.

Hi, I am very interested too, knowing I have to pay for everything. Example: withdraw 20.000Thb from european account, ATM: Cost : 150thb local Atm charge, Exchange rate charge in European Bank (??????), 8.5 Euro ( 340Thb) per withdrawal, knowing ATM tills are limited to 20000Thb/withdrawal, if I want 50000Thb from that account the Bank cost is: not taking in account Ex-rate, +/- 1500Thb on 50000Thb. All this does not include the operation and handling Fees from Bank

I know I can make transfer, still I have to pay

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Your problem is using the bank here in Thailand They do not have branches in the UK but Bangkok Bank has branches and your funds arrive the same day With other banks you can wait like you are waiting

Good luck You will eventually get it but someone is playing with your money

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I use internet banking

Cash transfer route

UK bank ---------- Bangkok Bank(London) -----------Bangkok Bank(BKK) ------------Local Bangkok Bank branch

Money arrives within 24 hours

Never experienced any problems.

Similar for me. USA bank ->Bangkok Bank (New York) -> Bangkok Bank (BKK) -> Into my savings account. Never more than 48 hours. However, exchange rate for small amounts about 2 points below standard. (28 not 30 baht/$)

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I have only had this problem a few times, but it is quite frustrating and nerve racking when the banks lose or hold on to your money.

1st Problem was that the bank in the UK keyed in my bank account number with two digits wrong, and since Bangkok Bank was not the corresponding bank to HSBC UK, the money was sent via another bank somewhere in Europe, that was a corresponding bank to both the sending and receiving bank. At first they denied having lost it, but after I investigated the routing, I was able to demand them to check the intermediary bank and then they found it stuck.

2nd Problem was that I was working in Libya and £14,000 was transferred via Swift by my Father's Solicitor in the UK to my Bangkok Bank Account in Thailand. Problem was that BBL insisted that I had to come to their head office on Silom road and prove where the money came from (Due to the law on money laundering), before the money would be transferred to my account. They were insisting that they would return the money within 7 days (Thai AMLO Law for reporting), unless I came back immediately to sign the forms (T.I.T). After mentioning that I knew some of the Directors of Bangkok Bank and would contact them, they released the money on trust that I would come to the office on my return 3 weeks later. As Thailand is the land of all possibilities, depending on your contacts, the money was released to my account. I visited BBL head office 3 weeks later to complete the anti-money laundering paperwork. I did not however get any interest for the time the withheld my money.

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Had a similar problem about four months ago.

The Bank of ireland has been making monthly transfers to the SCB for me, here in Thailand for six years,

This time they got one number wrong in my SCB account. Called SCB and they said we have your money, we know it's your's, but your not getting it until the sender sorts it out. Took almost two weeks!

Normally though it's a couple of days. Good luck.

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The only time I ever experienced a delay in the past ten years was during the baht's extraordinary rise in value a few months ago. Normally it's a two day max but this took several days and over that time the baht equivalent dropped by around 15k. May have been a coincidence but the first day the exchange rate went in my favour it was suddenly there!

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I had a problem with Kasikorn before Thai Farmers Bank several years ago, money did not arrive after two weeks.

After promptly reverse transfer, I sent money again, arrived in four days.

Bank was pissed, they could not "borrow" my money, and told my GF, you are not allowed to reverse a transfer.

Withdrawing the transfer cost me 20%, but the result, money was never in Thailand, was most satisfactory.

A few years ago I transferred baht from my bank in Sweden and found that 500 baht was missing.

I went to the bank and asked were the missing 500 baht were, a senior bank clerk spent almost 3/4 of an hour in telephone before she found someone at the head office foreign department, that explained the this was a standard fee imposed by Standard Charter Bank in New York, only visible to a handful of people at the bank head office.

Banking in Thailand is not what you as a European would expect, but if you live her, you just have to endure it.

Unfortunately some individuals at Thai banks try to improve the results by borrowing transferred money, but my experience is that this problem is much smaller today than it was 20-30 years ago.

A money transfer should not take more than three maybe four weekdays, all communication is made by computers, but individuals at sending, intermediate and receiving bank have to approve it, other ways it could be immediate or at least the next banking day.

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I had a problem with Kasikorn before Thai Farmers Bank several years ago, money did not arrive after two weeks.

After promptly reverse transfer, I sent money again, arrived in four days.

Bank was pissed, they could not "borrow" my money, and told my GF, you are not allowed to reverse a transfer.

Withdrawing the transfer cost me 20%, but the result, money was never in Thailand, was most satisfactory.

A few years ago I transferred baht from my bank in Sweden and found that 500 baht was missing.

I went to the bank and asked were the missing 500 baht were, a senior bank clerk spent almost 3/4 of an hour in telephone before she found someone at the head office foreign department, that explained the this was a standard fee imposed by Standard Charter Bank in New York, only visible to a handful of people at the bank head office.

Banking in Thailand is not what you as a European would expect, but if you live her, you just have to endure it.

Unfortunately some individuals at Thai banks try to improve the results by borrowing transferred money, but my experience is that this problem is much smaller today than it was 20-30 years ago.

A money transfer should not take more than three maybe four weekdays, all communication is made by computers, but individuals at sending, intermediate and receiving bank have to approve it, other ways it could be immediate or at least the next banking day.

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I had a problem with Kasikorn before Thai Farmers Bank several years ago, money did not arrive after two weeks.

After promptly reverse transfer, I sent money again, arrived in four days.

Bank was pissed, they could not "borrow" my money, and told my GF, you are not allowed to reverse a transfer.

Withdrawing the transfer cost me 20%, but the result, money was never in Thailand, was most satisfactory.

A few years ago I transferred baht from my bank in Sweden and found that 500 baht was missing.

I went to the bank and asked were the missing 500 baht were, a senior bank clerk spent almost 3/4 of an hour in telephone before she found someone at the head office foreign department, that explained the this was a standard fee imposed by Standard Charter Bank in New York, only visible to a handful of people at the bank head office.

Banking in Thailand is not what you as a European would expect, but if you live her, you just have to endure it.

Unfortunately some individuals at Thai banks try to improve the results by borrowing transferred money, but my experience is that this problem is much smaller today than it was 20-30 years ago.

A money transfer should not take more than three maybe four weekdays, all communication is made by computers, but individuals at sending, intermediate and receiving bank have to approve it, other ways it could be immediate or at least the next banking day.

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Your problem is using the bank here in Thailand They do not have branches in the UK but Bangkok Bank has branches and your funds arrive the same day With other banks you can wait like you are waiting

Good luck You will eventually get it but someone is playing with your money


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I had a problem with Kasikorn before Thai Farmers Bank several years ago, money did not arrive after two weeks.

After promptly reverse transfer, I sent money again, arrived in four days.

Bank was pissed, they could not "borrow" my money, and told my GF, you are not allowed to reverse a transfer.

Withdrawing the transfer cost me 20%, but the result, money was never in Thailand, was most satisfactory.

A few years ago I transferred baht from my bank in Sweden and found that 500 baht was missing.

I went to the bank and asked were the missing 500 baht were, a senior bank clerk spent almost 3/4 of an hour in telephone before she found someone at the head office foreign department, that explained the this was a standard fee imposed by Standard Charter Bank in New York, only visible to a handful of people at the bank head office.

Banking in Thailand is not what you as a European would expect, but if you live her, you just have to endure it.

Unfortunately some individuals at Thai banks try to improve the results by borrowing transferred money, but my experience is that this problem is much smaller today than it was 20-30 years ago.

A money transfer should not take more than three maybe four weekdays, all communication is made by computers, but individuals at sending, intermediate and receiving bank have to approve it, other ways it could be immediate or at least the next banking day.

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Your problem is using the bank here in Thailand They do not have branches in the UK but Bangkok Bank has branches and your funds arrive the same day With other banks you can wait like you are waiting

Good luck You will eventually get it but someone is playing with your money


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I had a similar thing sending money from Australia to the BKB. After 5 days I went to the bank & enquired. Was told to wait as it can take up to 3 weeks, so I waited.

After that time I asked again & was referred to the international branch in BKK. They did a search & told me it had been rejected because although I had the branch number correct I had not also put the branch number as part of the account number.

Went back to the Aus bank & they more or less wiped their hands of it.

Contacted the BKB international again and got a transaction # & was told it had been sent back to the Bank of America in BKK.

Contacted them & they said it had been sent back to Bank of America in Sanfrancisco.

I contacted my bank again & gave them the information & they recovered the money.

Next time it went through in 2 days.

The moral of the story is: Banks do not give a tinker's curse wherever they are.

The people in BKB could have fixed it if they had half a brain. They had all the info including my name & contact details.

The sending bank should have been able to trace it if they wanted to.

Bank of America were happy for the money to lie in their account for ever without taking action.

... when did they send it back, after you made a visit to the bank's international division? This is crucial for fact finding ...

No, it stayed there until my AUS bank contacted them after I told the AUS bank where the funds were. I had to do the legwork myself. The Thai end only told me where they had returned it to (which was the BOA Thailand) I had to ring these people to find where they had sent it to & their transaction id. It was then returned to the Aus bank who then corrected the reason for the BKB's rejection. Next time it went straight through in 2 days.

Edited by BuriramRes
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I had a problem with Kasikorn before Thai Farmers Bank several years ago, money did not arrive after two weeks.

After promptly reverse transfer, I sent money again, arrived in four days.

Bank was pissed, they could not "borrow" my money, and told my GF, you are not allowed to reverse a transfer.

Withdrawing the transfer cost me 20%, but the result, money was never in Thailand, was most satisfactory.

A few years ago I transferred baht from my bank in Sweden and found that 500 baht was missing.

I went to the bank and asked were the missing 500 baht were, a senior bank clerk spent almost 3/4 of an hour in telephone before she found someone at the head office foreign department, that explained the this was a standard fee imposed by Standard Charter Bank in New York, only visible to a handful of people at the bank head office.

Banking in Thailand is not what you as a European would expect, but if you live her, you just have to endure it.

Unfortunately some individuals at Thai banks try to improve the results by borrowing transferred money, but my experience is that this problem is much smaller today than it was 20-30 years ago.

A money transfer should not take more than three maybe four weekdays, all communication is made by computers, but individuals at sending, intermediate and receiving bank have to approve it, other ways it could be immediate or at least the next banking day.

I'm confused by the first part of your post.

If, as you say, the money was never in Thailand, how exactly was the Thai bank trying to 'borrow' your money?

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Similar hapened to me.

Initially my bank (barclays) said BKK bank had rejected it, on disproving this, they admittd that they had not sent it and claimed it was because i had not answered all the security questions, on questioning this they eventually admitted they did not send it because they thought it was a duplicate payment of a transfer (different ammount, so not sure how it could have been a duplicate) that I made 2 days before.

JUst saying, don't necessarily trust what your UK bank says

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You will save time and your money if you ask your overseas bank which Thai bank they have an association with i.e. cut out the middle men. When I banked with the now defunct Bank of Scotland they routed the money to Barclays bank in London who sent it onwards to KTB who then passed it to UOB. The commission charges by KTB were higher than the international transfer costs. My answer was to open a KTB account and have the money sent there. On arrival I withdrew most of the money in cash, walked down the street and deposited it with UOB saving anything from 800 baht upwards. Your Thai bank is mandated by law (so I'm told by my UOB manager) to provide you with the routing instructions and you can see not only the route taken but who has snaffled from the money.

On my file with the Bank of Scotland, and now Lloyds TSB, were/are details of all transfers made and the call centre operator has all the details that are required (Swift code of KTB, account name and number) on the screen in front of them which they confirm and I am always asked why I am transferring the money. I respond by saying that I have an unbreakable addiction to eating regularly which they interpret as living expenses. I was always reminded that the money would be transferred at my risk but on the last two occasions this warning has not been laid on me. Whether this means that they now assume responsibility (and why not?) I do not know.

BOS set in motion instructions to transfer that they received before 1200 local time, and on occasions the money arrived overnight. Inquiring about the procedure adopted by your overseas bank and meeting with their requirements will speed up transfer times.

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I use internet banking

Cash transfer route

UK bank ---------- Bangkok Bank(London) -----------Bangkok Bank(BKK) ------------Local Bangkok Bank branch

Money arrives within 24 hours

Never experienced any problems.

Actually, the original poster mentions clearly that he usually has no problems.

Obviously more than 99% of transactions are fuss free. I know you mean well but he DOES NOT want to hear about how it always works out OK for you!

He wants advice on what to do when it goes wrong.

Do you think you just gave him some advice or do you limit yourself to analysing phrases and words?

yes, if you care to check you will see that I previously made a reply with practical advice.

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Simply call your UK bank and get the tracking number or transfer number then your UK bank should be able to tell where it is, Happned to me once, turned out they transferred it here when it was a long weekend it simply got stuck in New York en route,

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phone your bank in the uk.and ask them for the reference no.then go back to scb.if you cant get an answer from uk.who done the trans.in the uk.get them to send you a copy,scan or fax.

your bank has to provide something like this:


Page 1


Printed at 24 JUL 2013 11:09:46



DELIVERY ID:D20130722000716223503.MESSAGE TYPE : 103


DATE TIME SENT:20130722 17:17:29 CARRIER SEQ : 291783




:20: Sender's Reference FT1320350031

:23B: Bank Operation Code CRED

:32A: Value Date, Currency, Amount 130724EUR31095,34

:33B: Currency, Instructed Amount EUR31095,34

:50F: Ordering Customer /SG5887560651307

1/W.F.H,, A. K. H.




:57A: 'Account With' Bank DEUTDEDBMUC

:59: Beneficiary Customer



:70: Details of Payment

RECHNUNGS-NR: 80014927


:71A: Details of Charges OUR



MT103 smile.png This happened to me and the Bank was in error. Get you Bank to double check.

Edited by KhunSteven
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Your problem is using the bank here in Thailand They do not have branches in the UK but Bangkok Bank has branches and your funds arrive the same day With other banks you can wait like you are waiting

Good luck You will eventually get it but someone is playing with your money

Just hope they haven't used it to buy a hotel on Sukhamvit and if they have they haven't passed "GO" yet.

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The sending bank should be able to provide tracing documentation more substantial than " no problem here." That documentation could then be used by SCB.

I oftem transfer funds, both from Europe to Asia, as Asia-Asia and within EC, my experience is funds always arrived within 2 -3 days Max. Transfer here also arrive on SCB, no problems so far. Further, personal, experience showed many times , international transfers happen quicker than transfer within EC.

Many times money arrives next day, as within EC it may go up to 3 days, not including WE or holidays.

but in any event there is a tracebility as Suradit69 says. and banks like to hang , delay transfer, in order to play with exchange rate, unfortunately YOU don't get any profit from this.

Bestaluck with it

Yes I can believe Banks play with the Exchange rate. A few years ago I sent 390,000 baht via Bangkok Bank to my UK Bank,which got lost in the Bangkok holding system,my UK Bank Checked it out and found they had recieved nothing,they also checked the paperwork from my Bankok Bank Receipt by phone,which was correct including the Swift Code or IBAN No.Branch no etc, I was down at the Bangkok Bank every other day,and after a week of this I told them to stop the transaction,and return the money to my account,they said they couldn't do it. Two weeks later it arrived in my UK Account 36,000 baht less from the exchange rate,than it would have been,had it got sent on day one,of the Transfer,when that days exchange rate would have been used. And I never did get an explanation of what happened?

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For Allalong and Nosatisfaction:

LLoyds TSB Offshore. I use their telephone banking service.

Previously they asked if I want 'Standard' or 'Express' service.

Last year they told me they only had Express service.

Last week they said "The bank now makes no charge for a foreign transaction". Very (and pleasantly) surprised.

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Years ago transferred around 10k pound to a bank in England from a bank in Holland

Never arrived.

Contacted the bank in Holland, supplied me with all relevant proof of transfer.

The bank in England, sorry sir, never received, don't know anything

Never got the money back.

Probably fell in the Northsea.

either your bank in Holland must be a real shitty bank or you are telling us a fairy tale whistling.gif

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