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Where can I buy window air conditioner in Chiang Mai


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Hi all,

We have just moved to Chiang Mai and have a rental house and have been looking for a window mount air conditioner. I have been to Tesco, Big C and Home Pro(?) but all have split type, portable or evaporative. I have use portables before but there is so much heat come off the exhaust tube it works against itself. I could probably fit one in the window so that it exhausts directly outside but maybe not sealed sufficiently against the weather. I don't want to go through the hassles of get the owners approval for a split install.

Does anyone know where I can buy one in CM.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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If you are paying for it, the owner will be happy for the upgrade to his property.

True, but I don't want to goto the expense of getting a split installed. At least we can take the window type with us if we move.

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Everybody installs and removes A/C units in rental properties in Thailand. No worries. The installers are used to removing them. Get someone to patch and paint, etc.

Everybody, not true. Bad advice.

O.K. many people do. Not 'everybody'. Poor choice of words on my part. Bad advice to install a/C units?How could one live without them?

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Everybody installs and removes A/C units in rental properties in Thailand. No worries. The installers are used to removing them. Get someone to patch and paint, etc.

Everybody, not true. Bad advice.

O.K. many people do. Not 'everybody'. Poor choice of words on my part. Bad advice to install a/C units?How could one live without them?

Millions do live without them, why it so hard to understand?

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Millions do live without them, why it so hard to understand?

Have you been drinking? saai.gif Question is 'Where can I buy window air conditioner in Chiang Mai'

Op, haven't seem em, but don't they also make a mess of a window? I would negotiate with owner to split the cost rather than mess about moving it after. They can be had cheap and you usually get the install for free.

Aside: Yes, portable always has to be exhausted... it is a physical impossibility to cool the room otherwise (all that work being done)--law of thermodynamics.

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People can live without them and some can not. I am one of the can nots, I do need my AC and in moving to Thailand I knew power bills would be one of my high expenses, especially considering I had a 3kw solar system in Australia and had not paid a power bill in over 2 year with a credit being added to most accounts and when we moved here I received a $870 credit from the power company, but that is beside the point.

I know a bit about ACs as I used to install split systems as a hobby (plus make a few bucks) back in Oz until rules and regulations made it impractical for me.

Rarely did I see a split system installed correctly in Australia so could imagine the quality of installs here, not saying that there are not any good installers here. I used t vac my systems down until very little moisture left then did pressure test them with nitrogen which is important for the new high pressure and smaller molecule refrigerants. I also used correct tools such as flaring tools that rolled the pipe instead of squashing it, tension wrench flare nut spanners to stop over tightening of the nuts and again squashing the pipe which is a common cause of leaks.

A split is the best way to go but at this point would prefer a window unit if I can get one. They can be installed easily and do not do any damage to the window if done correctly. Worst case is you have a lump of plywood to fit cover the gap where the window does not close. Does not look the best but in my case does not matter. when you leave you just take it out and close the window.

I have measured up a portable and it would fit in the window with a little stuffing around but as mentioned in my original post not sure how well the back is sealed against the weather, would have to have a good look before buying one.

I have a 12 month contract on the house with 11 months to go so definitely want something.

Failing the window or portable in the window I will see owner and get a split fitted. Would do it myself but had to sell my tools back in Oz.

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Millions do live without them, why it so hard to understand?

Have you been drinking? saai.gif Question is 'Where can I buy window air conditioner in Chiang Mai'

Op, haven't seem em, but don't they also make a mess of a window? I would negotiate with owner to split the cost rather than mess about moving it after. They can be had cheap and you usually get the install for free.

Aside: Yes, portable always has to be exhausted... it is a physical impossibility to cool the room otherwise (all that work being done)--law of thermodynamics.

No not drinking, just chasing down electrified's bs which was misleading.

And congratulations, you were the first to have indirectly addressed the question by saying you have not seen em, but unless you have recently checked the market, that is of limited value. Your advice to speak with the owner is sound.

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Well, have not been able to find them so did what some suggested and contacted the owner to see if I could install one. Obviously as I was paying he agreed but wants to come and watch the installation which is fair enough. I bought one from from HomePro and a standard install with up to 4m of piping is included in the price. It will be installed Thursday.

Thanks for suggestions.

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