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Police in BKK might have found the answer.


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I don't know about you peep's but every time I go to BKK I get stopped for some driving error that I don't do I know it's because I've got an out of town No:Plate + they want the usual tip.

A few week's ago got stopped yet again and the cop said the usual crap about I was in the wrong lane or some such rubbish, I pointed out that my Sat/Nav told me that was the way to go, muttering something in Thai he let me off this has happened twice since then. Might be an idea if you have S/Nav to put it on and bluff it.

Edited by fredob43
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Cams are a double edged sword aren't they? Can also just as easy be used against you..GPS doesn't indicate what lane you're in or what is the proper rules/laws applied for that location. More likely you just got lucky..

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Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

Edited by richard_smith237
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Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

Edited by fredob43
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I am usually driving in Bangkok every other month....and never been stopped by police! Up country just about everytime I go somewhere I have to stop at a road block. Usually I smile and talk friendly to the police, show my licence if asked. Never any bother.

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I am usually driving in Bangkok every other month....and never been stopped by police! Up country just about everytime I go somewhere I have to stop at a road block. Usually I smile and talk friendly to the police, show my licence if asked. Never any bother.

Maybe your lucky, how about this one then I have even been stopped for going though the wrong toll booth, as we all know there are the one's you pay at and one's you have a card for I have been stopped twice and told that I used the wrong one as that's for pick up's only, I have never heard such rubbish. A mate of mine was stopped shown a photo not even the same car or number and had to pay 1,000bt fine so please don't tell me it doesn't happen N/B he didn't have his Thai licence with him so had to pay up. Edited by fredob43
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Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

If he's demanding 500b and threatening to hold it then he's talking about recording an infraction with a ticket & it being sent back to the post where you have to pick it up and pay the fine, that's not a tea money stop, but you caved so he had dinner on you.. It only works because they aren't REAL cops, they're Thai cops with little sense of the technology or interest in doing their REAL job..

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I am usually driving in Bangkok every other month....and never been stopped by police! Up country just about everytime I go somewhere I have to stop at a road block. Usually I smile and talk friendly to the police, show my licence if asked. Never any bother.

I was stopped a couple of times when I first began to live in Thailand and got sense soon after and never got stopped again thankfully..

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Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

Maybe you're just in the wrong line!! Duhh

I drive almost everyday in bkk. They are just spots where u need to be in the right line bcause BiB are always there.

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Cams are indeed a double edged sword... However, they can only be used against us when / if we are in the wrong...

I have dash cam in my car - If I am in the wrong the cam will quickly disappear ! I've not tried the CAM excuse on the BIB yet (its been over 2 years since my last stop other than my Wife and I getting stopped and waved on at an alcohol checkpoint).

Its likely this Policeman was just trying it on and once facing a little resistance where so many cave in decided easier pickings are elsewhere...

Question: If you suspect you were stopped because you have out of town plates: How did the Policeman recognise your out to town plates when you were driving towards him? (unless another Policeman you'd already passed radioed on ahead).

Unless I am certain I am in the wrong I never accept that I am - I haven't paid a bribe in many years (In a Car: but I guess I've only been stopped about 3 or 4 times of the past 6 or 7 years).... Then again, the Police pull over Motorcycles far more frequently than they do cars...

Most time's I get stopped when entering/leaving the expressway so they have time to spot Plate's well that's been the last three four time's.

I wouldn't mind if I had been in the wrong but on all occasions I've had BKK car's in front of me and at my rear so please don't tell me I'm the only one that has been wrong as the others get waved through B/ll shit. Twice using the same pay booth I've had the same copper waiting just the other side and as I go through over he come's and shouts that I'm wrong yet again, First time he took my licence and demanded 500bt to get it back I was in a hurry so had to pay up, he was the first plonker I showed the S/Nav to and he shut up at once and waved me on as well. It worked for me so worth a try.

Maybe you re just in the wrong line!! Duhh

u need to know your spots in bkk where bib is always there

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God dam_n baan nok people

I do love S/A peep's like you, for your information have been living here for over 25 years with a lot of that time in BKK and never got stopped then because my car had BKK No: plates but since I moved out I get stopped nearly every time. Off there again today and sure as egg's are egg's I'll get stopped again. I can assure you I know what I'm doing, if you have nothing interesting to add other that slag people off let me tell you you'll go a long way fast on TV.
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If you respect the lanes why would bib arrest you?

I think thats the point of the Op: The BiB appear to pull people over of any number of made up reasons.

While I hardly ever get pulled over I don't doubt that it happens frequently to others.

I have relatively light tinting on my windows (30% legal tint limit) - so the BiB can clearly see its a foreigner driving.

Long ago I dispelled the myth (to myself at least) that the BiB pay specific interest to foreigners, in my experience they don't. 99% of occasions, police stops / check points etc I'm not what they are looking for. When I have been pulled over, so have other drivers (Thai's)...

On a couple of past occasions (years ago when my Thai was terrible) after being pulled over, simply picking up my phone to call my GF to translate was enough to get waved along (I guess they figured I was calling another BiB).

On other occasions a chuckle and an explanation was enough to get waved on.

Twice I have knowingly been in the wrong and paid directly 100B and 80B to the police officer (the 80B I emptied my wallet of cash and left just 80B - all he could accept or give me a full fine, he chose 80B).

The last time I was pulled for speeding, I was speeding !... But I argued (politely) with the BiB that they had to tell me how fast I was going before they could accuse me of speeding, if the couldn't tell my speed, then what were they going to charge me with... Again, I was waved on.

I have a handful of very good friends in the BiB who could also help in tricky situations, I never intend to use their help, they were my friends before they worked for the RTP and they are not my friends because they are BiB. I don't wish to use my friends when I can quite adequately look after myself. Having a BiB friend at hand does add a little confidence when dealing with issues on the rare occasions I've been stopped.

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If you respect the lanes why would bib arrest you?

I think thats the point of the Op: The BiB appear to pull people over of any number of made up reasons.

While I hardly ever get pulled over I don't doubt that it happens frequently to others.

I have relatively light tinting on my windows (30% legal tint limit) - so the BiB can clearly see its a foreigner driving.

Long ago I dispelled the myth (to myself at least) that the BiB pay specific interest to foreigners, in my experience they don't. 99% of occasions, police stops / check points etc I'm not what they are looking for. When I have been pulled over, so have other drivers (Thai's)...

On a couple of past occasions (years ago when my Thai was terrible) after being pulled over, simply picking up my phone to call my GF to translate was enough to get waved along (I guess they figured I was calling another BiB).

On other occasions a chuckle and an explanation was enough to get waved on.

Twice I have knowingly been in the wrong and paid directly 100B and 80B to the police officer (the 80B I emptied my wallet of cash and left just 80B - all he could accept or give me a full fine, he chose 80B).

The last time I was pulled for speeding, I was speeding !... But I argued (politely) with the BiB that they had to tell me how fast I was going before they could accuse me of speeding, if the couldn't tell my speed, then what were they going to charge me with... Again, I was waved on.

I have a handful of very good friends in the BiB who could also help in tricky situations, I never intend to use their help, they were my friends before they worked for the RTP and they are not my friends because they are BiB. I don't wish to use my friends when I can quite adequately look after myself. Having a BiB friend at hand does add a little confidence when dealing with issues on the rare occasions I've been stopped.

That was exactly my point I also have light tinting and the w/screen only has a tint 30cm down from the top like you I don't think they stop me for being a non Thai I'm sure it's the No: plate. A friend of mine got so peed off with getting stopped in BKK that he has gone to all the trouble of re registering his car there since then not a problem must say something. I like many other's have been stopped when I was in the wrong and I pay up with a smile

But BKK police are a real problem re the respect the lane's I always do but I still get stopped. Take last Wednesday week I was on the right hand lane of a two lane road ready to turn right onto the express way the left hand lane was for peep's to go strait on and three BKK car's shot across our lane to enter the pay booths I waited my time and entered after them. Who got stopped well you've guessed it me excuse I was in the wrong lane absolute B/ll Sh/t pointed out the S/Nav and was told to pee off. Going again in an hour or two back there and I know I'll get the same problem. I don't really care as it's only a few Bt but it's the fact that I hate paying tea monies for thing's I don't do. Update on my return.

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The law says in your case that you should change lane not earlier than 30 prior to the entrance of the expressway. That is the legal basis, so technically, the policeman is right, even if it is not always practical to respect this rule.

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The law says in your case that you should change lane not earlier than 30 prior to the entrance of the expressway. That is the legal basis, so technically, the policeman is right, even if it is not always practical to respect this rule.

Isn't that turn on your indicator no earlier than 30 metres before a junction?

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The law says in your case that you should change lane not earlier than 30 prior to the entrance of the expressway. That is the legal basis, so technically, the policeman is right, even if it is not always practical to respect this rule.


Isn't that turn on your indicator no earlier than 30 metres before a junction?

It is also applicable for using a bus lane... prior to turning. The rule applicable in this case is to keep to the leftmost lane, and you got to go to the rightmost lane only to overtake or change direction ( but not earlier than 30 meters!).

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The law says in your case that you should change lane not earlier than 30 prior to the entrance of the expressway. That is the legal basis, so technically, the policeman is right, even if it is not always practical to respect this rule.

Isn't that turn on your indicator no earlier than 30 metres before a junction?

It is also applicable for using a bus lane... prior to turning. The rule applicable in this case is to keep to the leftmost lane, and you got to go to the rightmost lane only to overtake or change direction ( but not earlier than 30 meters!).

You might have miss read my post, picture a two lane road with a right turn off for the express way this is on S/Vit near Soi 4 the right hand lane is for entering same complete with a turn right arrow the inner lane is only for going strait on also with arrow I had been in the right hand lane indicating I was going right since the T/Light's at Soi 4 as we got to the entry point at least three BKK car's from the left lane jumped across in front of me and went to the pay booth when it was clear I also went to the booth behind them the BKK car paid and off they went up the slope I then paid only to get stopped by a cop that wait's for peep's like me who might be rich picking's and told I was in the wrong lane there were only two lanes I was in the correct one but the cop told me I had come from the left hand lane. As before B/ll Sh/t. Nothing to do with changing lane's N/B have just got back from BKK and used the same entry point didn't get stopped this time as it was just after midday and he was more than likely having lunch.
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