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Thai killer who stabbed a friend to death is allowed to stay in Britain


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Efforts to deport a Thai murderer have failed because judges have ruled it would be 'stressful' for him to be returned to his home country.

An immigration tribunal ruled that returning the man who moved to the UK from Thaliand at the age of 13 would breach his right to family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Instead it ruled that he should be allowed to stay in Britain indefinitely even though he stabbed a friend to death in what the immigration tribunal called an 'unprovoked attack.'

Tribunal judges also ruled that the man's identity should be kept secret to protect him despite his criminal past and potential threat to the community.

The 48-year-old killer moved to Britain with his mother in 1978 as a young teenager when she got a job at the Thai embassy.

Twenty years later he took a knife from the family home and a stabbed a friend to death in a drink and drug fuelled attack.

He admitted manslaughter at the Old Bailey and was sent to to a secure mental health unit but was released into the community in 2008 after serving less than a decade for the killing.

Two years later he suffered a 'relapse' and was returned to care. But in 2011 he was freed again and now lives in supported accommodation.

Now efforts by the Home Office to deport him have been blocked because it was judged that he had lived in the UK for too long to be expected to go home.

The tribunal heard that as a result of his 36 years spent in Britain he had 'extinguished' links with his home country and that the move would cause him 'stress.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2392716/Thai-killer-stabbed-friend-death-allowed-stay-Britain-deported-STRESSFUL-him.html#ixzz2bx88eDkS

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