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Thailand denies paying Tony Blair over US$640,000 fee to attend unity forum


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Blair could redeem himself to a degree by broaching the subject of reciprocating rights between Thais/UK citizens as regards company ownership and land ownership. At present Thais can own both in the UK, but farangs can own neither in Thailand. It would be a better use of his very expensive time than discussing a "reconciliation" bill that can only lead to anarchy and civil war.

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"On a visit to the Philippines, where he was reportedly paid £200,000 a time for two half-hour lectures, he and his entourage were put up free of charge at the UK ambassador’s official residence.


"The former Prime Minister has a lucrative new career as the world's best-paid public speaker.

His agents typically charge $250,000 (£164,000) for a 90-minute speech.

No freebies from this guy.

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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I wouldn't put it past Blair trying to charge that kind of money, he wrecked the country then wandered out the door to make himself a multi millionaire leaving the rest of us with the bills.

He and his horrible grasping wife were a blight on Britain, I can't believe anyone takes him seriously.

When he left office the Americans pushed for his appointment as the Middle East Envoy as a thank you for being George W's lapdog. He makes a pretty penny on lecture tours in the US as they are about the only ones who will listen to him.

The government are claiming only one invited guest wants paid and the other will give their time for free, certainly doesn't sound like Tony and this government happily throws money they don't have around.

They have no choice he was Bush's co conspirator in starting and carrying on an unwinable war based on information that was known to be false. If they don't listen to him they will look like fools. That is the Republicans will. Lord knows they have no shortage of them.

I have no idea what they expect to get out of him.

I do how ever give him credit for wjhat he said in Burma that politicians need help.

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Again. Why do they keep saying "charged with conflict of interest".?

He was convicted not charged. The verdict took 7 hours to read and covered everything so there would be no doubt in the case. He did not appeal the verdict.

there are many other charges against him.

One could easily be another conflict of interest charge,

I had heard (rumor) that there are 16 more charges hanging over his head when he returns to Thailand. If there was not he may well have stayed done a month in a 5 star resort and be a free man in Thailand today.

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Is that all this is about... if its the fear that the Yingluck government is wanting to bring Thaksin back then just issue a statement that states

i) the government has no plans or desires to bring Thaksin back

ii) the exception to this would be to serve his jail term for his conviction

iii) to demonstrate this his passport and visa's are cancelled and we have requested formal extradition proceedings begin.

iv) he is no longer welcome nor will be sought out to participate via skype or any other media on party policy

Simple.. why have a conference to try and stem the divide just issue a statement and act on it.

You beat me to it. The only change I would make would be the extraditing process as they need an agreement with the other country to do this and Thaksin has several passports.

The Thai one was just an insult to the integrity of the Government. Of course he dosen't see it that way. Your suggestion would not only work but it would save the nation a lot of money to buy more rice at a ridiculously high price at.

Her exact words were.

"The Thai prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, has said the forum, which is to include local and foreign leaders, could help "introduce a positive and forward-looking climate" to Thailand, which deeply divided between those who support her government and those who fear her party is merely attempting to bring back her brother and former premier Thaksin."

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Neither Mr Bliar or the hideous creature he's married to, do anything for free!

As for advising the Thai government , really don't they have enough problems of their own making without listening to him, just look at the mess he made in the UK and Iraq

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Toni Blair and Bill Clinton are known to be the most expensive people you can rent for about just everything.

But possible that this government try to cheat him at the end.

That's not true. Tony Blair often attends international forums and speaks for free.

But you just need to make a sizeable donation to an anonymous British Virgin Islands company.

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The Thai deputy prime minister has denied paying Tony Blair 20m baht (£410,000) for participating in a reconciliation forum next month in Bangkok, despite a local news report claiming that the latter's attendance would cost that much in fees and expenses.

I think I side with the local news report after reading the article below.

From the article: Blair becomes world's best paid speaker, pocketing £364,000 for just one hour's work

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1167682/Blair-worlds-best-paid-speaker-pocketing-364-000-just-hours-work.html#ixzz2cCvlwoUc

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emm.... tony blair.... like very much to be left alone in a room with him ...... he caused so much heart for ppl back inj the uk .... and just packed his bags and left every one to try to pick up the pices and start again ..... him and his misse's ..... thought i had heard the last of him .... shame the guy is still breathing .......bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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So Thailand picks a person that has been charged and found guilty of war crimes as a speaker for democracy. What a class act!

Obviously the Thai government has an agenda and it won't be for the benefit of the country.

Here's your money and here's what we want you to say. khap khun maak!

They should pay that useless prick NOT to come !!!

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Corruption and the abuse of funds...Why would anyone or gov't pay this pro-N.W.O Ameri(k)an lapdog one dollar to hear him spew-out anything; that is not of his own thoughts anyway? Does the Thai gov't have the interests of Thai people in mind?

Only a certain sector of the Thai people.

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Tony Blair getting paid by Thailand will make it difficult for him to disagree with any of the crazy proposals brought forth in the meeting.

What makes you think that. He is after all trained in law and will have in his employ people who can look carefully at any agreement for him to attend so that he can say what he wants. Even if he is being paid the rumoured amount of money I doubt if he'd be financially crippled if he lost it anyway.

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I'd have thought that the PTP party has enough experienced 'b' liars without having to take lessons from the master.

I notice that they denied paying him over $640k. Maybe it was just less than that figure.

True to form they couldn't have made a worse choice.

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While I find it laudable that so many express their total disdain for this opportunistic cockroach, it is with total bewilderment that I contemplate anybody with his record of mismanagement is still coining big bucks. Might I suggest to Yingluck that she would have done better to recruit the services of Chubby Brown? At least you'll get value for money and learn a few new English words - but don't use them in front of the kids. Now he really is a clown, not one impersonating an effective politician and self proclaimed statesman.

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i would hazard a guess hes hated more than mrs thatcher.......wai2.gif

Maybe so. Between the pair of them they polarised the UK, so the notion that he might offer pearls of wisdom regarding bringing two totally discrete Thai factions together is therefore total madness.

I now wait with bated breath for Yingluck to ask Gordon Brown to assist in clearing up the rice debacle. He is an operator par excellence in spending money he hasn't got and then obtaining loans that will bear down on the shoulders of several future generations.

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...............spending the Thai peoples money........to maintain control over the Thai peoples money....

.......they have nothing to lose.......everything to gain.......and nobody to stop them........

.......truth has no bearing......

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The Thai deputy prime minister has denied paying Tony Blair 20m baht (£410,000) for participating in a reconciliation forum next month in Bangkok, despite a local news report claiming that the latter's attendance would cost that much in fees and expenses.

I think I side with the local news report after reading the article below.

From the article: Blair becomes world's best paid speaker, pocketing £364,000 for just one hour's work

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1167682/Blair-worlds-best-paid-speaker-pocketing-364-000-just-hours-work.html#ixzz2cCvlwoUc

Not that it really matters if he is or isn't. It is still a tough job and some one has to do it.

The real reason I post here is I was wondering if I am correct in assuming that the Daily Mail is the same caliber of reporting as The Nation?

edot spelling

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The Thai deputy prime minister has denied paying Tony Blair 20m baht (£410,000) for participating in a reconciliation forum next month in Bangkok, despite a local news report claiming that the latter's attendance would cost that much in fees and expenses.

I think I side with the local news report after reading the article below.

From the article: Blair becomes world's best paid speaker, pocketing £364,000 for just one hour's work

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1167682/Blair-worlds-best-paid-speaker-pocketing-364-000-just-hours-work.html#ixzz2cCvlwoUc

Not that it really matters if he is or isn't. It is still a tough job and some one has to do it.

The real reason I post here is I was wondering if I am correct in assuming that the Daily Mail is the same caliber of reporting as The Nation?

edot spelling

Don't know about the Daily Mail. Will have to get the guys from the UK's input on this.

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Of course he's being paid....his regular fee would be in the vicinity of $500K for a talk....$8900/hour as reported in the int. press last night....

He needs the dosh to splash out on Judge Cherie's plastic surgery!

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I wouldn't put it past Blair trying to charge that kind of money, he wrecked the country then wandered out the door to make himself a multi millionaire leaving the rest of us with the bills.

He and his horrible grasping wife were a blight on Britain, I can't believe anyone takes him seriously.

Tony hardly wrecked Britain; he left office with the country in relatively good shape. The financial crisis was well after he left office and the sub prime crisis was caused by the bankers greed. A case for his loosening of banking supervision might be leveled against him but I remember at the time the tory's wanted far more deregulation of the financial industry!

For me it was his puppy like pandering to the US's foreign policies that marred his premiership.

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