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Nazi Symbols...


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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang? (I could tell you why, but will leave it up to you to think about it. I am sure you have time enough.) Also I do not want to spoil the illusion for you.

Unlike you, I would hate to see you leaving Thailand. There are so many poor people in the country side and someone needs to take care of them. You are doing a fantastic job - keep it up! And remember... Many people and buffalos are depending on you now.

Well, I better get back to my ladyboy and also have to pay my THB 2000 rent today. Have a great day and say hi to all your "brothers" and "sisters" from me. And God bless you! (Oh... sorry, I meant Buddha of course...)


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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang? (I could tell you why, but will leave it up to you to think about it. I am sure you have time enough.) Also I do not want to spoil the illusion for you.

Unlike you, I would hate to see you leaving Thailand. There are so many poor people in the country side and someone needs to take care of them. You are doing a fantastic job - keep it up! And remember... Many people and buffalos are depending on you now.

Well, I better get back to my ladyboy and also have to pay my THB 2000 rent today. Have a great day and say hi to all your "brothers" and "sisters" from me. And God bless you! (Oh... sorry, I meant Buddha of course...)


You're a rather small-minded little man, aren't you btwretail? Various folks have offered you reasonable explanations without having to have a go at the locals. But all you seem to want to do is insult the Thais and attack anyone who doesn't agree with you. Clearly, you're the ignorant one.

This Nazi symbol thing is not a Thai thing, but an Asian thing...and beyond. Or to put it another way, a Nazi Chic thing. (there's even a freakin name for it!) It's a fashion thing, not a hate thing. I'm not saying it's right. And I'm not saying I agree with it. But it's just the way it is. So perhaps you can take your crusade to some of these other places and leave Thailand be.





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Better not to try to lecture Thai kids about such stuff. It just encourages them ... coffee1.gif

With the education the way it is here, I believe the majority of Thai people do not know about Hitler and the atrocities. They know about Germany and other countries, as when I was teaching, there were many pictures of flags on the classroom walls, but I really believe the vast majority of Thais know very little about German history.

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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang? (I could tell you why, but will leave it up to you to think about it. I am sure you have time enough.) Also I do not want to spoil the illusion for you.

Unlike you, I would hate to see you leaving Thailand. There are so many poor people in the country side and someone needs to take care of them. You are doing a fantastic job - keep it up! And remember... Many people and buffalos are depending on you now.

Well, I better get back to my ladyboy and also have to pay my THB 2000 rent today. Have a great day and say hi to all your "brothers" and "sisters" from me. And God bless you! (Oh... sorry, I meant Buddha of course...)


You're a rather small-minded little man, aren't you btwretail? Various folks have offered you reasonable explanations without having to have a go at the locals. But all you seem to want to do is insult the Thais and attack anyone who doesn't agree with you. Clearly, you're the ignorant one.

This Nazi symbol thing is not a Thai thing, but an Asian thing...and beyond. Or to put it another way, a Nazi Chic thing. (there's even a freakin name for it!) It's a fashion thing, not a hate thing. I'm not saying it's right. And I'm not saying I agree with it. But it's just the way it is. So perhaps you can take your crusade to some of these other places and leave Thailand be.





You think it is wrong and you do not agree with it, but at the same time you just accept it.... You think the same way about pedophiles? Would that also be okay, if it was just a "fashion thing"?

Although I am not on any "crusade", I still find it amazing how much BS Thailand and Thais can get away with and still have peoples blind and unlimited support. Police kidnapping tourists... No problem... "Its just the way it is..." - right? Wow, its amazing!

PS. I do not recall being the one starting any personal attacks or telling people to go home.

Edited by metisdead
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I know the history of the swastika, but what I am seeing is not it being used in a religious perspective. I am seeing a complete ignorant use of it, with sometimes pictures of Hitler too.

What I do not understand, is that they can not get into their thick sculls that this offends many people.... That is what I do not understand.

The majority of Thais do not know much about Hitler and Nazis. What is your nationality? There were atrocities committed by a few countries throughout the centuries, what do you know about any of them? I cannot give you any examples apart from British, Irish and American history.

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I know the history of the swastika, but what I am seeing is not it being used in a religious perspective. I am seeing a complete ignorant use of it, with sometimes pictures of Hitler too.

What I do not understand, is that they can not get into their thick sculls that this offends many people.... That is what I do not understand.

The majority of Thais do not know much about Hitler and Nazis. What is your nationality? There were atrocities committed by a few countries throughout the centuries, what do you know about any of them? I cannot give you any examples apart from British, Irish and American history.

Well, based on Thailand being pretty dependent on tourists from countries that fought the Nazis, then the Thais should maybe think that is is not smart offending them, while they are here. Does Thailand gain face from people selling Nazi-stuff and their kids running around in Nazi-uniforms?

I am not Thai, but I still do not clap thai-people on their head or put my feet in their face. Why? Because I respect them and do not want to offend them. And this goes even when, I meet them in my country.

I still don't understand why the Nazi-symbols got so much media attention and the schools here apologized, if the topic is totally irrelevant to people. Doesn't make sense does it?

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We won the war so we sit in moral judgment the Americans were never fond of che yet his image is everywhere and no one complians, what about the guys walking around with stalinist and soviet tshirts? north viet red star tshirts? no ho harr?

to many people with small minds and to much time on there hands.

ive never seen the shirts but im pretty sure and safe to say nazism didnt get this far east and anyway as said before it is a hindu and buddhist sign.

you know the pics of ur family sedan with the jumbo wheels and supercharger sticking out of the bonet? just a take on your old beat box mate so go get a life.

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Some real Thai haters on this thread. Thais generally have great tolerance and perhaps those offended by a T-shirt should learn to be more tolerant of others.

This is not about hating Thais, but printing and selling e.g. T-shirts with Nazi-symbols or dressing up as Nazis.

Thailand and Thais are not perfect - same as all other nationalities/countries in the world are also not perfect. Why criticizing Thais always has to end up with someone claiming it is related to hating Thais, I will never understand? It has nothing to do with hate!

However, If there is something I really hate about living here, then it is all those "Thai-wannabe Farangs", who thinks everything related to Thailand or Thai people is just perfect. Wake up!... Thais are not perfect, same as we Farangs are not perfect. They are just human like we are and even they do mistakes.

Thais actually have very little tolerance, when it comes their beliefs and customs... If you do not believe me, then e.g. try to clap an adult Thai-person on his/her head, point your foot at a Thai or try raising your voice at a Thai in front of others. Thais are no more tolerant than any other people. Actually, they are a lot easier to offend, without you even realizing it. Look behind the smiles and you will realize, that they are just as human as we are. And don't always think a smile means they actually like you. They sometimes smile just to avoid "losing face" and having to beat the shit out of you.

So please do not play the "Thais are perfect" record again and again. Thais are wonderful people and we can learn so much from them and their culture. BUT they can also learn a lot from us... And one thing is understanding, that we can also "lose face" and they should respect that.

And to all wannabe-Thais out there... You can wear 100 Buddhas necklaces, change religion, marry a Thai, have 10 children with a Thai, go to the temple every day, speak Thai, act Thai and live in Thailand for 100 years.... BUT you will always be A FARANG in the eyes of any Thai!

Talking from a British point of view, I believe we can learn more from the Thais than they can learn from us.

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We won the war so we sit in moral judgment the Americans were never fond of che yet his image is everywhere and no one complians, what about the guys walking around with stalinist and soviet tshirts? north viet red star tshirts? no ho harr?

to many people with small minds and to much time on there hands.

ive never seen the shirts but im pretty sure and safe to say nazism didnt get this far east and anyway as said before it is a hindu and buddhist sign.

you know the pics of ur family sedan with the jumbo wheels and supercharger sticking out of the bonet? just a take on your old beat box mate so go get a life.

Please just tell me WHY then the media attention, when it comes to the Nazi-symbols and school-kids here dressing up as Nazis...??????

Why, do the media even bother? Could it be because there actually was something to report, that the media found relevant for its readers? If people could care less about someone playing Nazis, then why write stories about it?

Why did they (the Thais) apologize about the school incidents? Could it be because what they did actually was wrong? - and they did not want their country to lose face? Should they not just have said... "We do not care"...if that was the case??

Just please answer me... Why the media attention and why the apologizes?

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Take a ride through the southern USA someday and see how many confederate flags are still flying. South Carolina flys it at the state capitol building. I suspect it is hard for many to imagine how insulting this symbol of the old south, slavery and all, is to most blacks and to many whites as well.

The confederate flag in my opinion has become a "badge of honor" of redneck racists and is a way for them to let everyone know that if up to them slavery would be alive and well.

I see them and as much as I might like to confront them I am also very aware that most of them have an arsenal of guns and would just love to shoot your ass for suggesting they might want to stop dragging their knuckles and enter the 21st century.

Every country will likely always have a bunch of jerks, morons, idiots, racists, that love to display controversial images just because they can. Thailand is no exception.

This is going off topic a bit, but I feel I must have my say. The North were the oppressors in the American civil war, and it was not about slavery, that was just a small part of it. Who was the Yankee leader who freed his slaves when the war broke out?

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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang?

btwretail ... whow boy ... slow down that white stallion of yours please.

You are drawing a very long bow with that statement ... and one that I take a wee bit of offense to.

I live on a Farm just outside of Bangkok and occassionally I might spot a white western in TESCO but on the streets here, people here still whisper, smile, sometimes wave, sometimes point. I'll go a week and not see a white boy, in the shops, at the Market, on the Bus at the Temple.

Both myself and my Thai gf have Uni degrees ... mine in Business and hers in Management thus, to refer to anyone of us as intercultural nano-bytes does start to make more a reflection upon you, rather then us.

You do appear to have an axe to grind, but be careful who you choose as your target because I guarantee that mine is longer, sharper and bigger then yours ... dry.png

Now ... you've had your moan and winge ... how about doing something positive to help Thailand and promote a positive image of Farangs.

There is a collection of Orphanages located on the northern outskirts on Bangkok. Collective they are referred to the Phaya Thai Orphanage as that was where the original one was located before moving further out.



Web address and details are here ... http://www.phayathaibabieshome.go.th/en/history.php

Edited by David48
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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang?

btwretail ... whow boy ... slow down that white stallion of yours please.

You are drawing a very long bow with that statement ... and one that I take a wee bit of offense to.

I live on a Farm just outside of Bangkok and occassionally I might spot a white western in TESCO but on the streets here, people here still whisper, smile, sometimes wave, sometimes point. I'll go a week and not see a white boy, in the shops, at the Market, on the Bus at the Temple.

Both myself and my Thai gf have Uni degrees ... mine in Business and hers in Management thus, to refer to anyone of us as intercultural nano-bytes does start to make more a reflection upon you, rather then us.

You do appear to have an axe to grind, but be careful who you choose as your target because I guarantee that mine is longer, sharper and bigger then yours ... dry.png

Now ... you've had your moan and winge ... how about doing something positive to help Thailand and promote a positive image of Farangs.

There is a collection of Orphanages located on the northern outskirts on Bangkok. Collective they are referred to the Phaya Thai Orphanage as that was where the original one was located before moving further out.



Web address and details are here ... http://www.phayathaibabieshome.go.th/en/history.php


The post was a simple "hit back" towards someone here telling me to "Go Home", just because I did not agree in Thais always being perfect.

So no need to get personally offended. I realize all people are different and nobody is perfect. Just makes me sick, when some Farangs use the "then just go back home" argument, if something Thai-related is criticized.

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Can we at at least agree upon the fact that nazism, fascism and racism is morally wrong everywhere in the world ?

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee !!

Guess not, because to many here, everything is right if it relates to Thais and Thailand. If it happens in Thailand, then its okay and acceptable. (corruption, theft, murder, nazi-symbols... whatever...) Thailand and Thais have not faults. Remember, we are living in paradise.

You criticize something (anything) here and there will also be someone saying... "You thai-hater... This is Thailand not your country... How dare you say something bad about Thais?... If you can not accept it, then just go home". It never misses... here in the land of illusions...

And we Farangs are the first to create and live with the illusions... "This is my girlfriend, I met her at 7-eleven. She is a "good-girl"... Where else in the world would you find so many Farangs, who just have to tell others about their girlfriend? We all know, they did not meet in 7-eleven and she was not a "good-girl" before... (because she dresses and acts like a bargirl) So what? as long as they are happy, who cares? and I could care less where they met. But, No... we must create the illusions and deceptions of everything Thai being just perfect!

Thais dressing up as Nazis.... So what? Its Thailand and Thais are without fault! Lets never forget that and never question it.

(Now I will get the "go home" remark again for sure)

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(Now I will get the "go home" remark again for sure)

Not from me, you won't.

But does begger the opposing question, if this issue causes you so much angst ...

... why are you here?


Quite honestly, I am not worried about the Nazi-symbols. I know people wear them here out of ignorance and lack of education. I however, find it sad that they do, because it does offend many people, which is not good for Thailand or Thais. So when I see it, I feel sad on behalf of Thailand and the Thais.

I am here because, I love the country and the people here. But I am also a realist and will not give up my own basic values, just because I live here.

I am more worried about the Farangs here, that are not able to see Thailand, as it really is. A wonderful place, but also a place with many things, they could do much better... Dressing up as Nazis at schools, is not the way to improve Thailand at all. And we can help them understand that - same as we can learn a lot from them.

My posts are actually not aimed at the Thais, but aimed at the Farangs, who seem to have lost all their basic values and forgot where they came from. Many have lost their respect for their own history, culture and traditions etc. That is actually, what I find most sad.

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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang? (I could tell you why, but will leave it up to you to think about it. I am sure you have time enough.) Also I do not want to spoil the illusion for you.

Unlike you, I would hate to see you leaving Thailand. There are so many poor people in the country side and someone needs to take care of them. You are doing a fantastic job - keep it up! And remember... Many people and buffalos are depending on you now.

Well, I better get back to my ladyboy and also have to pay my THB 2000 rent today. Have a great day and say hi to all your "brothers" and "sisters" from me. And God bless you! (Oh... sorry, I meant Buddha of course...)


There you go with you Nazi philosophy again, and your delusions of grandeur, your master race perception of the population of Thailand. You are truly a mentally challenged person. I noticed in your response that you did not attempt to buttress your perception of the Thai T-shirt conspiracy.

When you have nothing more to respond to due to your limited mental capacity and your IQ of a shoe size. You attempt to change the subject by personal attacks ( which do not bother me as, I considered the source)

Are these individuals Thai's.



It is quite obvious by Harry of the Royal family, and the pictures from Manchester, and the picture of a father going to court in the US in a Nazi Uniform to ask for the custody of his kids, and the anti-Immigration rally's in Arizona. The White power movement in the US, present a problem that differs greatly from your perception of the Thai T-shirt conspiracy of Thai youth wearing swastika t-shirts.

You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and realize that you and your's are the problem, or are you to delusional to see that.


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Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


I could imagine you would be very happy living in a small village with all your "Thai-friends"... Optimal conditions for a dedicated Thai-wannabe!

Its always great to hang out with people on the same intellectual- and educational level as you. The amount of brain cells and interesting discussions, in that place must be truly mind-blowing. Did you ever wondered why, you ended up in a small Thai-village as the only Farang? (I could tell you why, but will leave it up to you to think about it. I am sure you have time enough.) Also I do not want to spoil the illusion for you.

Unlike you, I would hate to see you leaving Thailand. There are so many poor people in the country side and someone needs to take care of them. You are doing a fantastic job - keep it up! And remember... Many people and buffalos are depending on you now.

Well, I better get back to my ladyboy and also have to pay my THB 2000 rent today. Have a great day and say hi to all your "brothers" and "sisters" from me. And God bless you! (Oh... sorry, I meant Buddha of course...)


There you go with you Nazi philosophy again, and your delusions of grandeur, your master race perception of the population of Thailand. You are truly a mentally challenged person. I noticed in your response that you did not attempt to buttress your perception of the Thai T-shirt conspiracy.

When you have nothing more to respond to due to your limited mental capacity and your IQ of a shoe size. You attempt to change the subject by personal attacks ( which do not bother me as, I considered the source)

Are these individuals Thai's.

attachicon.gifHarry-Nazi.jpgattachicon.gifAz Nazi.jpgattachicon.gifAz Nazi demostrations.jpgattachicon.gifBlack shirt Nazi'si.jpg

attachicon.gifManchester, Nazi's.jpgattachicon.gifNazi's in Europe.jpgattachicon.gifs-HEATH-CAMPBELL-large.jpgattachicon.gifdefault.jpg

It is quite obvious by Harry of the Royal family, and the pictures from Manchester, and the picture of a father going to court in the US in a Nazi Uniform to ask for the custody of his kids, and the anti-Immigration rally's in Arizona. The White power movement in the US, present a problem that differs greatly from your perception of the Thai T-shirt conspiracy of Thai youth wearing swastika t-shirts.

You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and realize that you and your's are the problem, or are you to delusional to see that.


No the individuals are not Thai. But they are ignorant narrow-minded fools, just like any other nationality or race wearing Nazi-uniforms.

PS. You actually started the personal attacks... so don't whine, if you get something back.

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"""And to all wannabe-Thais out there... You can wear 100 Buddhas necklaces, change religion, marry a Thai, have 10 children with a Thai, go to the temple every day, speak Thai, act Thai and live in Thailand for 100 years.... BUT you will always be A FARANG in the eyes of any Thai!"""""

To the guy who said the above:-

Do you think that African Americans are American citizens now?

Have you ever heard of the Dred Scott v. Sandford case?

Have you ever heard of Rosa Parks?

What would have happened if the black oppressed in the USA had listened to some idiot say what you said above.

I'm applying for Thai citizenship and all I can say to people like you is bend over and continue taking it up the ***

The Chinese managed it as have the Indians. What you say is something I hear from people who feel they are a superior race to the Thais and use it as an excuse not to learn the language or try to integrate.

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I am more worried about the Farangs here, that are not able to see Thailand, as it really is. A wonderful place, but also a place with many things, they could do much better... Dressing up as Nazis at schools, is not the way to improve Thailand at all. And we can help them understand that - same as we can learn a lot from them.

My posts are actually not aimed at the Thais, but aimed at the Farangs, who seem to have lost all their basic values and forgot where they came from. Many have lost their respect for their own history, culture and traditions etc. That is actually, what I find most sad.

Try and keep up with your own thoughts old chap...

A few posts before you were slagging off the Thais who had - in your opinion - sold out to western ways..

Now it's farangs you're trying to save...

You make G W Bush look intellectual...

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You have a problem in identifying the truth, but in this case it is a matter of record that you started the personal attacks' with "the let me guess you live in the Issan, with your GF that is 30 years younger in her expensive house" in the statement before I mentioned where I thought you lived. (Look up your response)!.

You are attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill. most youth's wear the symbol as a fashion statement, and do not care what you think about it. Hitler and his crew are mostly unknown in Asia, as his final solution did not involve them, Tojo and the Japanese occupation of Asia is another thing.

On the other hand I witness in Phoenix Arizona on my last visit of uniformed Nazi's marching in formation under the Nazi battle flag at an anti-immigration rally at the state capital, which is not an isolated incident in the States!

They did so as a political statement, had not one thing to do with fashion.


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The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

Go Home Yankee!

The typical situation over and over again...

You criticizes Thais or Thailand in any way and you will always be confronted with the Thai-wannebe Farangs, who are still hit by the "Thailand Is Perfect"-illusion and will be telling you "Just go back home". Its always... Don't say anything bad or you will have to leave! BAD BAD FARANG!... How dare you criticizes the Thais! LOL!!!

Funny that I have never meet this attitude, when talking or discussing with educated Thais. Even they, can also see that Thailand and Thais are not always perfect. But present your opinions for many Farangs here and suddenly you are turned into a "Thai-hater".

Not long ago Thai-policemen kidnapped two foreign tourist and held them hostage for ransom money. Is that a perfect country and the actions of perfect people? Am I allowed to say that this is very wrong and represents a big problem for Thailand? Will it help the Thais, if someone says this is going to far in relation to corruption? Or should we just all be quiet and smile - and of course just "Go Home", if we can not accept it? Should Thailand be a place where you can not go to the police, because of the fear of never returning?

I am not Thai, I will never be Thai and I have no wish of becoming a Thai. In other words, I am not a Thai-wannabe. But that does not make me a Thai-hater, it just makes me a realist. And "Yes" I live in their country and with Thai-people. But this does not mean, that I have to just accept everything they throw at me. If they unknowingly offend me then I say so, just like they tell me if I offend them. If different cultures are to live together in harmony and understand each others way of thinking, then they must be willing to listen and respect each other.

The claims that Thais are sooooo tolerant and non-sensitive is totally BS! Unless of course you live your life in a Go-Go bar or talk about corruption. Thais are no more tolerant or non-sensitive than other people. If you think so, it is because you are still in the illusion-phase, smartly created by the Thai Tourist industry.

And where is the tolerance, in saying that people who state their own opinion about Thais and Thailand should just "Go Home"? And how will a society ever change and become better, if people are just told to "Go Home", if they come with their own opinion?

Tolerance goes both ways. The last time i checked thailand is a pretty tolerant place that's why many foreigners go there.

It's ironic you are chiding thais and being sarcastic about their tolerance when you are the intolerant one here.

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"""And to all wannabe-Thais out there... You can wear 100 Buddhas necklaces, change religion, marry a Thai, have 10 children with a Thai, go to the temple every day, speak Thai, act Thai and live in Thailand for 100 years.... BUT you will always be A FARANG in the eyes of any Thai!"""""

To the guy who said the above:-

Do you think that African Americans are American citizens now?

Have you ever heard of the Dred Scott v. Sandford case?

Have you ever heard of Rosa Parks?

What would have happened if the black oppressed in the USA had listened to some idiot say what you said above.

I'm applying for Thai citizenship and all I can say to people like you is bend over and continue taking it up the ***

The Chinese managed it as have the Indians. What you say is something I hear from people who feel they are a superior race to the Thais and use it as an excuse not to learn the language or try to integrate.

Interesting and this is the same type of logic ppl use to distance others like immigrants in other countries like black americans or say asian/black immigrants to european countries.

The difference that the OP has forgotten to mention is that all of those thoughts about farang being considered outsiders by thais and so on despite taking up the culture is HIS opinion. He didn't even ask a thai person of his opinion on that matter, while i have been reading posts by nationalists about excluding non european looking ppl from places like the US etc.

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On Wednesday, the school's website posted a letter by its director expressing an apology. "We, the entire Sacred Heart School [personnel] are deeply saddened by this incident."


"(We) would like to formally express our sincere apology for our students' 'Superhero' mural," the art school dean said in a statement. "I can assure you we are taking this matter very seriously." He said the art students who painted the banner wanted to use Hitler "as a conceptual paradox to the superheroes," to show that both good and bad people co-exist in the world. But, he adds, "This kind of thoughtless display will not happen again."

Strange why the Thais themselves, apologies and removes the symbols, when they according to most of you here have done nothing wrong at all? Why do they say sorry?

Please answer the above question. I would so much like to hear your answers.

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On Wednesday, the school's website posted a letter by its director expressing an apology. "We, the entire Sacred Heart School [personnel] are deeply saddened by this incident."


"(We) would like to formally express our sincere apology for our students' 'Superhero' mural," the art school dean said in a statement. "I can assure you we are taking this matter very seriously." He said the art students who painted the banner wanted to use Hitler "as a conceptual paradox to the superheroes," to show that both good and bad people co-exist in the world. But, he adds, "This kind of thoughtless display will not happen again."

Strange why the Thais themselves, apologies and removes the symbols, when they according to most of you here have done nothing wrong at all? Why do they say sorry?

Please answer the above question. I would so much like to hear your answers.

Cos they were forced to actually not they but rather a spokesman aka an individual the director who had to apologize least her school gets into trouble. The students most likely wouldn't have care and i think the director wasn't truly sorry just that she was forced to and was thinking f*** this shit.

Made a mistake the director is a male.

Edited by snake24
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On Wednesday, the school's website posted a letter by its director expressing an apology. "We, the entire Sacred Heart School [personnel] are deeply saddened by this incident."


"(We) would like to formally express our sincere apology for our students' 'Superhero' mural," the art school dean said in a statement. "I can assure you we are taking this matter very seriously." He said the art students who painted the banner wanted to use Hitler "as a conceptual paradox to the superheroes," to show that both good and bad people co-exist in the world. But, he adds, "This kind of thoughtless display will not happen again."

Strange why the Thais themselves, apologies and removes the symbols, when they according to most of you here have done nothing wrong at all? Why do they say sorry?

Please answer the above question. I would so much like to hear your answers.

Cos they were forced to actually not they but rather a spokesman aka an individual the director who had to apologize least her school gets into trouble. The students most likely wouldn't have care and i think the director wasn't truly sorry just that she was forced to and was thinking f*** this shit.

Made a mistake the director is a male.

That says it all then !! Funny way to prove the point of OP.

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