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Thai Defective Gender Gene?


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I was wondering if it was possible that Thai people have a defective gene that controls gender?

I have been in and around 23 countries in my time, and I have never seen such a high incidence of homosexuality and cross gender activity as I have seen here. It seems abnormally high, and I can't think why that could be except for some unstable gene or something.

I know that Asians in general have a genetic intolerance to alcohol, so could it be just as possible that genetics are the answer?

I have also seen so many who are also over flamboyant in their gayness. I am not talking about ladyboys, although they are over the top in the extreme, but a lot of guy gays, who seem to act like screaming queens.

My wife used to get notes in school from other girls flirting with her, and that was at the age of about 14 up. I never heard of that in the UK. My wife has many cousins who are lesbians and her brother is also gay. She says it is fashionable, so could this fashion be sparked by the mere social acceptance of homosexuality in Thailand?

I am not homophobic. I had a good friend in the UK all my life, who has recently passed away god bless him, who was great to go out and have a few beers with, even his gay friends were all a great bunch, and they used to really hate the over the top screaming queens. In their view, gays who acted mega camp were wrong in the head and an embarrassment to most normal gays, and that everything was an act and nothing to do with being gay. Again , I am not on about ladyboys and transgenders, I am talking about ones who present themselves as guys, but act like squeely little girls.

Anyway. I am sure that something is missing up top. But I do find them entertaining to watch sometimes.

Its a pity my mate never made it here, he would have pissed himself laughing.

Anyway, I can't figure out why people can jump around from gender to gender with such a nonchalant attitude. 'Oh, I think I will go gay tomorrow.' Two of my wife's cousins turned lesbian first one, then the other a week later... they are both straight again, might be lesbians again in a few months, who knows?

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In 1984/5 the amount of Thai shielas who jumped the fence and became lesbians overnight was phenomenal. On the back (if you pardon the pun) of the new lethal virus to hit the world.


I wonder how many stayed Lesbians to this day?

According to those in the know at this time male homosexualty in thai prisons was rather negligible, whilst Lesbianism was rife in the female prisons (apparently)

I can see where you are coming from and you do make a valid point, for what you are talking about is certainly alot more overt and prolific than it was a generation ago. I wouldn't agree about genes though. That is a dangerous path to go down since this topic has been debated by many around the world and the jury is still out as far as I believe.

I think a fair percentage has to do with it being seen as 'trendy'.

Edited by cpofc
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Do not think too much about it. I perceive that the people who are "not standard" in their choice of life in thailand are the only 1s in a tolerant but restraint country show passion about the way how they are. In 2006 i was sitting in a bar area in Chiang Mai where there is a boxing ring. At 1 moment the ladyboys finishing work from Simon Cabaret went into the boxing ring and started to sing. As i did never like them before, i sat and watched them perform. They seemed so happy to be a woman and it showed on their performance. From that moment my perception about them changed for good.

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classic op: denied homophobia and racism all neatly rolled up into one. did you also have an asian friend in the UK?

they are gay and lousy drinkers because they are genetically inferior.

does it get any better?

Lol... I was waiting for someone like you to come along... hook line and sinker mate.

If I raise a conversation based on my own personal observations and opinion. That is my business.

You need to seriously pull your head out of you over politically correct apologist arse for 10 minutes a day at least.

In the UK I bought a house and lived in the pakistani quarter of my town and all my neighbors were paki muslim, I knew where i was going and never batted an eyelid. I also stated that I have visited 23 countries to date as a guest, and also live as a foreign immigrant in Thailand. Hardly a recipe for an out and out racist.

I also stated that I had a friend who was gay, and used to drink with his friends and even visited a gay nightclub with them on a couple of occasions, had a great time too.

Never dabbled, but never disgusted by it.

But while I was writing this, I said to the missus, I wonder how long it would be till I get called a homophobic or racist by some PC donk. Congratulations on hitting reply number 3. Best part is.... I wasn't even being critical.....lol

Man, if you are suspicious of any and every post on a forum that mentions anything other than I love this and I love that about this or that country, I suggest you beg for your TV account to be deactivated, because you are certainly on the wrong forum, if you are so shit scared of having an honest opinion about anything.

Because TV is full of the stuff you really really hate.

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i write 3 glib sentences and get a novel back.

who is falling for the troll hook line and sinker here my good man?

lived amongst pakis and had a gay friend -- who could fault those credentials?

i can understand why you would want to avoid batting an eyelash, especially having been to a gay nightclub once or twice.

and my TV accounts seem to get deactivated with all by themselves with amazing frequency.

Edited by GirlDrinkDrunk
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i write 3 glib sentences and get a novel back.

who is falling for the troll hook line and sinker here my good man?

lived amongst pakis and had a gay friend -- who could fault those credentials?

i can understand why you would want to avoid batting an eyelash, especially having been to a gay nightclub once or twice

Lol.... the classic switch and reverse maneuver..... does it get any better?

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i write 3 glib sentences and get a novel back.

who is falling for the troll hook line and sinker here my good man?

lived amongst pakis and had a gay friend -- who could fault those credentials?

i can understand why you would want to avoid batting an eyelash, especially having been to a gay nightclub once or twice

Lol.... the classic switch and reverse maneuver..... does it get any better?

Please come back in, me and the wife are having a great laugh at you.

Brightened up our late evening.

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Well why couldn't it be the case.

My sister is gay and will say she was born that way. Is it nature or nurture?

Gets very difficult to discuss when trying to quantify what, "born this way" means. Bizarrely of course, on average, gay people don't have many children, so if it were genetic, evolution would on average have made the incidence very low.

But go down the nurture route and then you get into discussions about educating people not to be gay, which seems no more relevant for making people be educated to like or dislike tea or coffee.

Maybe attraction isn't genetic and not educateable, it's just an unquantifiable feeling? Part of ones spirit.

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In 1984/5 the amount of Thai shielas who jumped the fence and became lesbians overnight was phenomenal. On the back (if you pardon the pun) of the new lethal virus to hit the world.


I wonder how many stayed Lesbians to this day?

According to those in the know at this time male homosexualty in thai prisons was rather negligible, whilst Lesbianism was rife in the female prisons (apparently)

I can see where you are coming from and you do make a valid point, for what you are talking about is certainly alot more overt and prolific than it was a generation ago. I wouldn't agree about genes though. That is a dangerous path to go down since this topic has been debated by many around the world and the jury is still out as far as I believe.

I think a fair percentage has to do with it being seen as 'trendy'.

You're probably right there. I think that if it a trend thing, then that rules out genetics.

Just seemed to make me think why should there be a spike here compared to everywhere else I have been.

OK, I will accept that it is possibly more fashionable than anything else. All the evidence seems to point that way.

I missed any previous convos on the subject, maybe I should have done a better investigation on TV first.

I am trying to get my head around the possibility of it being because of the HIVAIDS fear, seeing as over 1 million Thais are infected, and that is a huge amount. It could even be seen as justified in light of those stats. But jus seems to me, that the way I see some act, it is more out of trend than anything else.

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i write 3 glib sentences and get a novel back.

who is falling for the troll hook line and sinker here my good man?

lived amongst pakis and had a gay friend -- who could fault those credentials?

i can understand why you would want to avoid batting an eyelash, especially having been to a gay nightclub once or twice

Lol.... the classic switch and reverse maneuver..... does it get any better?

Please come back in, me and the wife are having a great laugh at you.

Brightened up our late evening.

OP - I've often thought the same.

Years ago, I thought it might have something to do with hormones in crop sprays and/or pesticides. Some of the stuff they use here is banned elsewhere.

But I no longer think this is the answer.

I think it's a cultural thing.

It's just kind of okay for men to take photos of themselves. And then to Photoshop their pics. And then to make their skin white. And then to make it look as though they're wearing lipstick.

To us, it's poofy; to them, it isn't.

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As stated in the OP, sexuality is pretty "fluid" in Thailand. I put it down to Thais being about the most androgynous population I've ever seen. Not much difference in appearance between a man and a woman.

Yes, the missus is always being mistaken for a man. :)

Hoping she may swing the other way enough to get me access to a menage et trois before I die.


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i write 3 glib sentences and get a novel back.

who is falling for the troll hook line and sinker here my good man?

lived amongst pakis and had a gay friend -- who could fault those credentials?

i can understand why you would want to avoid batting an eyelash, especially having been to a gay nightclub once or twice

Lol.... the classic switch and reverse maneuver..... does it get any better?

Please come back in, me and the wife are having a great laugh at you.

Brightened up our late evening.

OP - I've often thought the same.

Years ago, I thought it might have something to do with hormones in crop sprays and/or pesticides. Some of the stuff they use here is banned elsewhere.

But I no longer think this is the answer.

I think it's a cultural thing.

It's just kind of okay for men to take photos of themselves. And then to Photoshop their pics. And then to make their skin white. And then to make it look as though they're wearing lipstick.

To us, it's poofy; to them, it isn't.

I did say that once to my gay mate, and he said if it was hormones, he would at least get tits for free

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As stated in the OP, sexuality is pretty "fluid" in Thailand. I put it down to Thais being about the most androgynous population I've ever seen. Not much difference in appearance between a man and a woman.

Yes, the missus is always being mistaken for a man. smile.png

Hoping she may swing the other way enough to get me access to a menage et trois before I die.


Take a picture of a Thai without showing the head or feet. Most times you can't tell which is the front side and which is the back. Not taking a shot, just sayin'. I'm sure your missus is lovely.

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