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Thai women and voodoo.....


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Wops almost forgot, cant get over old TGF buying several water animals forget now what they were after paying merit at a riverside temple to release back into the river, when verbalizing my take on what I just witnessed and likely outcome of said creatures the high chance they would be recaught and offered for sale again I received a bewildered look combined with a smirk, we left in silence and the subject never came up again.

Current TGF family has two ghost houses at there home when asked why she said one was for passed family and the other for god, I said but Buddhist don't have a god, she said it for angles and Brahman a Hindu god (maybe incorrect spelling) I replied what has he got to do with Buddhism her reply was oh Buddha was Indian too then I asked but Hindu have many gods...some mutterings followed with a look of boredom and that was that.

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A friend of mine visited a local "good luck holyman" voodoo/fortune teller and lost his sense of smell.

He had previously complained about the smell of his wifes mudfish.



I have been reading quite a number of threads on ThaiVisa recently,

and now I have lost my sense of humor

Are you guys using voodoo?


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I like the 2 wives idea, I can visualize it...don't think current TGF would go for it though.


Yes, i visualize it every day and every night.

wish me luck on lottery so i can get a visual rather than visualize stuff like this real soon

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I refused to put the fish into the dark green stinking mess called water at wat chai so they went to maprachan lake but one pegged out on the way despite ex tgf claiming they woukd all be ok for journey

Hope it is reborn as a dengy mossy and bites her on the a*s

Sent from my GT-S5570B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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coffee1.gif Have visit nine temples in one day,sunrise to sunset. Walking 3 times around each tempel. Besides burning kandles and praying. After advise from senior monk.

Did not work... maybe we forgot the pigs headwink.png

Se my name, maybe my middle name is ghosthunter.

They are all gone now.

Maybe i miss them thoug. Better than hunting wild ducks. Hunting seson all year long.

Vodoo and ghosts only works one those who belives is my opinion.And in Thailand they do belive..

best regards

"sorry for my english. it is not my first language"

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I had a scary experience a couple of years ago with an old mistic looking lady, but I guess it's taught me a lesson to be respectful and courteous to the elderly especially if they're worse off than you.

Whilst out drinking with friends over on a holiday visit, a pale creepy looking, hunched back old lady approached our group persistently asking for money. When she came up to me shaking her tin cup and glaring a cold, dark look through one squinted and one glass eye, I brushed her off by asking suggestively what I could "get for my money"

She Threw her tin can down against the floor in fury and snarled and spat as she repeatedly chanted what I imagine was some sort of Buddhist curse "kon law hai sam roi haa sip baht chan hai chak wao"

It really freaked me out so I left the group and went back home. That night still feeling shaken by the events and with the old lady's chant's circulating in my head like a carousel I asked my then girlfriend if she knew what a "chak wao" was? And with that she slapped me and stormed out of the house, it really affected me negatively as she was in the middle of wanking me off at the time.

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I had a scary experience a couple of years ago with an old mistic looking lady, but I guess it's taught me a lesson to be respectful and courteous to the elderly especially if they're worse off than you.

Whilst out drinking with friends over on a holiday visit, a pale creepy looking, hunched back old lady approached our group persistently asking for money. When she came up to me shaking her tin cup and glaring a cold, dark look through one squinted and one glass eye, I brushed her off by asking suggestively what I could "get for my money"

She Threw her tin can down against the floor in fury and snarled and spat as she repeatedly chanted what I imagine was some sort of Buddhist curse "kon law hai sam roi haa sip baht chan hai chak wao"

It really freaked me out so I left the group and went back home. That night still feeling shaken by the events and with the old lady's chant's circulating in my head like a carousel I asked my then girlfriend if she knew what a "chak wao" was? And with that she slapped me and stormed out of the house, it really affected me negatively as she was in the middle of wanking me off at the time.

oooh chak wao was she calling you the thai equivalent of what the british would call a "<deleted>".

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I was with a bar girl for 5 years during which time she cheated several times and i didnt find out until after we had split

We have been apart for a year and last week she told me if i spent about 3k on her in the zara shop in central we could try again

I said i would not buy her back and she told me -----this is by using messaging that she hated me for the last two years we were together and would never go back to me

She couldnt explain how the 3k would change all that

How weird is that

Sent from my GT-S5570B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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