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Has Thailand ever invented or developed something significant ?


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Well, the OP asked for information about things that Thais have invented.

It's your turn. Rattle off your long list of world shaking contributions that Thais have made to science and technology, or any other important inventions.

Next to that in column 2, list all of the things that Thailand manufactures for companies from other countries, which companies brought in not only the knowledge but the machinery and supervise the Thais while the Thais work in the factory.

Next to that in column 3, list all of the higher technology items that Thailand imports because they don't even manufacture those items for other countries.

C'mon. Put a little effort into this.

Threads like this really brings out the true Thai bashers. Either that or it exposes their true colors. Mr. Neversure, let me just ask you one simple question. Have you ever invented anything of true significance? If not, then you're no different from the random Thai. At least be honest about it.

And yes, I draw about half of my income from two patents I have. They are software patents.

Now, what has Thailand (a country) invented that is life changing?

You're killing me, but I'll play along. Let's examine the thread title..."invented or developed something significant." Do your patents qualify as a "significant" invention? I'll save you the trouble of having to lie and conclude "no." But no worries, you're really not that much different from the Thais or the other 99% of the population on this planet.

I don't know what you'd consider "significant" from Thailand vs others. Is the computer significant? Is the operating system significant? How about the refrigerator? The cell phone, the telephone, smartphones, GPS, the silicon wafer, the transistor, the airplane, the automobile, mass production, the internet, web sites and all that's behind them, putting a man on the moon and all that entailed, satellites and all they can do, the rockets that put them in place, television...

Look around your room. Electricity to your room with lights, water heater... All invented in the West. Trains, pneumatic tires, even the spark plug.

Now please tell me again the long list of things that Thais have invented?

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still nothing has come up, saying they have invented nothing of note is not negative or Thai bashing, it's just a fact.

Not for the rose tinted brigade it isnt, they have truly assimilated.

A Thai invented an affordable device that can help detect the risk of a stroke.

So no something has come up now you can post the Thai bashing below.

A. Since you have found something it must not be important.

B. OK since you have found something it is not important till you find 2 things.

C. If you find 3 things they won't be as important as wonderful Western things.

D. You are just wearing rose tinted glasses and probably had a stroke.

Edited by historyprof
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This device is about as much use as one of those bomb detectors the Thai army purchased and as far as being an significant invention, no it's not.

No Mr. Thai Basher you are wrong.

http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thai-stroke-device-wins-awards-in-Geneva-30204440.html Edited for length

Won a special prize on stage and Geneva bronze prize at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.

Ischemic stroke has killed and impaired many Thai people due to late detection of the disease.

The innovation costs only Bt50,000-Bt70,000. Its effectiveness and safety are equal to standard devices costing Bt2-3 million each that are used at big hospitals, and helps ease a problem of medical specialist shortage as it shows the results that are easy to understand for medical workers at smaller hospitals.

Edited by historyprof
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Yeah right won a special prize -but used nowhere. Every Thai beer seems to have won a special prize but it's still crap.Is that all you can come up with after all this time, give up man you are flogging a dead horse. First you claimed it was an invention but now it's suddenly an innovation, which is really little more than stealing somebody else's idea.

Edited by sms747
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Yeah right won a special prize -but used nowhere. Every Thai beer seems to have won a special prize but it's still crap.Is that all you can come up with after all this time, give up man you are flogging a dead horse. First you claimed it was an invention but now it's suddenly an innovation, which is really little more than stealing somebody else's idea.

It won, " Geneva bronze prize at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva."

Please post your link that confirms it is used nowhere and add how long medical inventions like this take to get into production.

You are the dead horse flogger first stating the invention was the same as bomb detectors.

It is an invention and has been recognized as such and significant. Please give us any links that support your contentions that it is the same as bomb detectors and not in use and not an invention.

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There are many countries that are not yet Industrialized. According to the Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book, the following nations are classified as industrialized or developed countries: Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holy See, Hong Kong – China, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

There are a lot of countries on this list with few or no notable inventions. It's apples to oranges if you put this question into perspective.


How many inventions come from Malaysia? The Auto Wudu Washer is one, but is it really an invention to make a bucket at the end of a drain?
How about the Philippines? Actually, quite a few inventions. The Karaoke Machine, Incubator, Lunar Lander, Erythromycin...really inventions though?


Holy See? Catholicism, naughty priests?
Monaco? The Casino, A pump spray bottle?

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For all the Thai basher's who think their ****Thai language removed**** doesn't stink and believe they truly are superior to those around them, I'd say suck on this but I doubt they have the mental capacity to figure out how to use the website I just listed. Let alone read and understand Thai. But try anyway.


Hint: try finding the site that has "simple search" if you can find it. Several steps to get to it. Then you'll need to exercise your feeble mind again in figuring out how to use it. There are instructions but that may be to difficult for Thai basher's understand. And then really push the boundaries in deciphering what you find. You only need to search Thai patents not the others listed. A simple search under a common industry revealed several. Maybe not earth shattering but still shows creative genius.

And once they succeed (that's stretching it) will they full comprehend the value of what they learned...Doubtful. As it has been stated many times before, this forum brings out the finest of the finest of the racist and bigots we have in this world. And that we already have too many of.

Edited by metisdead
This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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For all the Thai basher's who think their ****Thai language removed**** doesn't stink and believe they truly are superior to those around them, I'd say suck on this but I doubt they have the mental capacity to figure out how to use the website I just listed. Let alone read and understand Thai. But try anyway.


Hint: try finding the site that has "simple search" if you can find it. Several steps to get to it. Then you'll need to exercise your feeble mind again in figuring out how to use it. There are instructions but that may be to difficult for Thai basher's understand. And then really push the boundaries in deciphering what you find. You only need to search Thai patents not the others listed. A simple search under a common industry revealed several. Maybe not earth shattering but still shows creative genius.

And once they succeed (that's stretching it) will they full comprehend the value of what they learned...Doubtful. As it has been stated many times before, this forum brings out the finest of the finest of the racist and bigots we have in this world. And that we already have too many of.

Well, play the race card again. Thais, for your information are of a race called Asian. Why aren't they ahead of the same race, the Japanese and the S. Koreans? If you want to be accurate, Thais are an ethnicity or nationality within the Asian race which used to be commonly called the Mongoloid race.

The issue with Thais is cultural. It's the education system. It's a lot of things but the world we live in including your computer you're using right now, its operating system, the web page you're looking at, your modem, your router if you use one, the concept of your unique-in-all-the-world IP address, the DNS servers that convert the domain name you enter in your address bar to that site's IP address, the DHCP server in your router, and all else that we call computing and the internet including your word processor, your anti-virus software, the cloud, the jpeg digital image, other digital image types, digital music and videos, CD's and DVD's and your burner, your monitor, the connections and cabling and all else I didn't name were all invented in the West.

I love Thais but we all know some things about their culture which limits them. They are so far behind in technology that they can't even make a copy of a computer now that it's already invented.

I see nothing wrong with being honest about something that's true.

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Well, play the race card again.

I love Thais but we all know some things about their culture which limits them.

They are so far behind in technology that they can't even make a copy of a computer now that it's already invented.

I see nothing wrong with being honest about something that's true.

I don't think rule #8 is about being true or false. I think it states not to post extremely negative views of Thailand. 8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Things about their culture limit them? What?

They are so far behind in technology that they can't even make a copy of a computer?

Keeping in mind rule number 8 explain those things to me please.

Edited by historyprof
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Yeah right won a special prize -but used nowhere. Every Thai beer seems to have won a special prize but it's still crap.Is that all you can come up with after all this time, give up man you are flogging a dead horse. First you claimed it was an invention but now it's suddenly an innovation, which is really little more than stealing somebody else's idea.

It won, " Geneva bronze prize at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva."

Please post your link that confirms it is used nowhere and add how long medical inventions like this take to get into production.

You are the dead horse flogger first stating the invention was the same as bomb detectors.

It is an invention and has been recognized as such and significant. Please give us any links that support your contentions that it is the same as bomb detectors and not in use and not an invention.

So after all this time the only thing you came up with was a bronze medal winner for an improved idea that has not been taken up anywhere. And you call that significant? well maybe it is for Thailand!

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Yeah right won a special prize -but used nowhere. Every Thai beer seems to have won a special prize but it's still crap.Is that all you can come up with after all this time, give up man you are flogging a dead horse. First you claimed it was an invention but now it's suddenly an innovation, which is really little more than stealing somebody else's idea.

It won, " Geneva bronze prize at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva."

Please post your link that confirms it is used nowhere and add how long medical inventions like this take to get into production.

You are the dead horse flogger first stating the invention was the same as bomb detectors.

It is an invention and has been recognized as such and significant. Please give us any links that support your contentions that it is the same as bomb detectors and not in use and not an invention.

So after all this time the only thing you came up with was a bronze medal winner for an improved idea that has not been taken up anywhere. And you call that significant? well maybe it is for Thailand!

Ask those families who have been impacted by strokes if developments in preventative healthcare are significant or not. Or better yet, engage brain cells and consider the plight of others in this world we share.

I'm afraid to mention the work Thais have done in developing tech to work with austistic children - you'll probably tell us this work is insignificant too.

You carry on sticking two fingers up at those who are different to you and therefore occupy no space on your limited horizon.

I fear that had the West developed the stroke tech in question, you'd be saying: "Clever Western people, inventing something to improve the lives of poorer people and making real impacts on healthcare by making it affordable and useable by non-healthcare professionals".

But no, Thais worked on it, it must be dismissed at once.

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This device is merely a cheap version of something already invented and does not even appear to be in production, so it's not significant. No lives have been saved by this idea. You seem on an hysterical mission to come up with something of meaning but if this is all you can find it just proves the paucity of Thai thought, reason and invention. Like Thai education you must try much harder. The significant Thai invention is just not out there, so you had better give up, you are just making Thailand look rather silly with your claims.

Edited by sms747
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This device is merely a cheap version of something already invented and does not even appear to be in production, so it's not significant. No lives have been saved by this idea. You seem on an hysterical mission to come up with something of meaning but if this is all you can find it just proves the paucity of Thai thought, reason and invention. Like Thai education you must try much harder, but the significant Thai invention is just not out there, so you had better give up, you are just making Thailand look rather silly with your claims.

Unless you can link someone somewhere who is not a Thai Basher like yourself (lying about the invention, calling me hysterical and so on) I will assume everything you post about about the invention has the same veracity as your claim that it did not work like the bomb detectors.

He won an award from Switzerland for gosh sakes. Do you think the Thais bought the judges? Get real. He invented something good and got credit for it. You prove otherwise, go ahead find some links.

Until then you are just a Thai basher who lies (bomb detectors).

One bronze medal for a copy invention! If you want to call that 'significant' then you must have a different understanding of the word. I am not a 'Thai basher' come up with something better than this joke and I will be the first to say wow yeah that's right look what Thailand did for the world. But we both know you can't and that's it, and even this was very recently so it's entirely unproven.

The only areas Thais are very gifted in is music and dance, inventions, just forget it.

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Gee... we seem to have a lot of people who claim to be superior (I have two patents, just one example), state they love Thais yet are condescending towards them, make incredulous and ridiculous statements claims about Thai beers, or lack of education, or fast spray painting systems, and generally do not give anyone outside their own small world any respect or even the slightest amount of being treated as a human being. Those people are simply digging themselves deeper in a hole you can't get out of. Yes the education system here is behind. So what? So help them. People read your comments on this board and they form an opinion about you very quickly. You probably have the attitude, "I don't care". If you can't respect people whom are your host in their country (if you truly live here), how can you expect to receive any respect in return? By Thais or your fellow Ex-pats? Many of you do not realize how many local Thais read this board. And if I'm not mistaken, postings are posted in one of the nations newspapers.

To those people who couldn't open a simple website to learn something new? Try this...

I seriously doubt you'll actually learn anything. There are hundreds pf patents. But you see at this point I quit helping those who think Thais are inferior.

To the OP, click on the link. You'll find the answer to your question.

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This device is merely a cheap version of something already invented and does not even appear to be in production, so it's not significant. No lives have been saved by this idea. You seem on an hysterical mission to come up with something of meaning but if this is all you can find it just proves the paucity of Thai thought, reason and invention. Like Thai education you must try much harder, but the significant Thai invention is just not out there, so you had better give up, you are just making Thailand look rather silly with your claims.

Unless you can link someone somewhere who is not a Thai Basher like yourself (lying about the invention, calling me hysterical and so on) I will assume everything you post about about the invention has the same veracity as your claim that it did not work like the bomb detectors.

He won an award from Switzerland for gosh sakes. Do you think the Thais bought the judges? Get real. He invented something good and got credit for it. You prove otherwise, go ahead find some links.

Until then you are just a Thai basher who lies (bomb detectors).

One bronze medal for a copy invention! If you want to call that 'significant' then you must have a different understanding of the word. I am not a 'Thai basher' come up with something better than this joke and I will be the first to say wow yeah that's right look what Thailand did for the world. But we both know you can't and that's it, and even this was very recently so it's entirely unproven.

The only areas Thais are very gifted in is music and dance, inventions, just forget it.

End of thread as you've defeated your own argument:

Clearly the stroke detection invention is significant by definition: it was noteworthy enough to receive several awards!

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This device is merely a cheap version of something already invented and does not even appear to be in production, so it's not significant. No lives have been saved by this idea. You seem on an hysterical mission to come up with something of meaning but if this is all you can find it just proves the paucity of Thai thought, reason and invention. Like Thai education you must try much harder, but the significant Thai invention is just not out there, so you had better give up, you are just making Thailand look rather silly with your claims.

Unless you can link someone somewhere who is not a Thai Basher like yourself (lying about the invention, calling me hysterical and so on) I will assume everything you post about about the invention has the same veracity as your claim that it did not work like the bomb detectors.

He won an award from Switzerland for gosh sakes. Do you think the Thais bought the judges? Get real. He invented something good and got credit for it. You prove otherwise, go ahead find some links.

Until then you are just a Thai basher who lies (bomb detectors).

One bronze medal for a copy invention! If you want to call that 'significant' then you must have a different understanding of the word. I am not a 'Thai basher' come up with something better than this joke and I will be the first to say wow yeah that's right look what Thailand did for the world. But we both know you can't and that's it, and even this was very recently so it's entirely unproven.

The only areas Thais are very gifted in is music and dance, inventions, just forget it.

End of thread as you've defeated your own argument:

Clearly the stroke detection invention is significant by definition: it was noteworthy enough to receive several awards!

Oh I see you want the thread to end because you cannot come up with anything other than this invention, or innovation that has as yet done nothing and that nobody seems to be interested in, but hey ho it won a bronze medal so roll out the Nobel prize for Thailand!. So it's now 'several' awards is it, bit like beer Chang then that has a gold medal and is probably a lot more use than this thing.

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No, you erroneously claimed those against your position don't know what the word 'significant' means.

Your argument therefore has no weight, as you are mis-defining the word 'significant'.

The OP question is framed very clearly and can be answered with a yes, by definition, because of the word 'significant'.

Perhaps you could go and check the definition for yourself.

And yes, several awards; had you made any attempt to read about the invention, instead of being belligerent, you would know that too.

Edited by bangkockney
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You have not come up with anything of any significance, (important) so now you want to make yourself look foolish by claiming this very minor idea with it's unimportant medal that is not even in production, actually is significant, and that anyone who disagrees with you does not understand what significant means.I guess that's amazing Thailand for you

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Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.




Interesting, significant, or unusual.


remarkable - notable - noticeable

The device has won three awards. I'll allow you to join the dots.

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well I guess we will just have to disagree on whether this hijacked idea is significant or not. I say it's not and is something that will probably never even go into production. Do let us know when you can dig up any other Thai 'inventions', but do try to find something a little more convincing.

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