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Coming from Cambodia for ADHD help, questions.


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Hi all,

I've been searching for about an hour and have found a lot of helpful information, but I have a few more questions.

First off, I have a psychiatrist here in Cambodia who can write me a script for Ritalin, so i am wondering if I can just stop by with my script from him to pick up the medicine in Bangkok. I am guessing it "shouldn't" be a problem, but it's not something I know of at all. I only plan to be in Bangkok for one day (I run two businesses in Cambodia so I am very busy) so I don't want to have to find a psychiatrist, only to have them not want to write a script for some reason (I hear some are hesitant to do so).

Secondly, is there a hospital in Poipet or close to the border I can go to to pick it up? I don't mind taxiing out to the border and then getting it there.

Third, I used to take 60 mg daily (3 20 mg doses), and I read that boxes come in 10 mg tabs in quantities of 200. Is one box the "limit", or do they have higher formulations I could buy and "stock up" on? I'm not entirely keen on having to come back every month as that would be a bit pricey, and cumbersome obviously, but if I have to....

The lastly, I'm looking for L-Tyrosine supplements and Vitamin B complexes. Are these available at hospital or will I need to go to somewhere else?

Anyway, all info is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance, I've not been with my meds for a year now and my work performance has suffered tremendously.

Thank you,


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This substance is strictly controlled in Thailand.

Only available on a Thai doctors prescription from a Thai hospital pharmacy.

Attempting to import/export this medication into Thailand from Cambodia (or vise versa ) would in my view be very unwise !

Edited by Sceptict11
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I live in Cambodia, and Ritalin (or Adderall, Concerta, Strattera, anything) is not available in any shape or form, with or without prescription. It's legal to bring with you with a prescription (I've already done it before when I first moved to Cambodia), it's just that no one imports or makes it due to some regulations I don't understand.

I went to Vietnam earlier in the year on vacation, hoping they would have it, but they don't. Same story as Cambodia. That's why I'm planning to go to Thailand on vacation (amongst other things I'd like to see there).

I only plan to be in Thailand a day, maybe two, on a visitor/vacation visa and then I'll go back to Cambodia. I don't plan to sell anything (NOT AT ALL!!) I am just doing very poorly with work since I ran out. I've been drinking lots of coffee to compensate but it doesn't do the trick.

Sorry if I am not "supposed to be" on here as a "Cambodian" asking about this. I'm just desperate as I do so poorly without meds, and I really don't want to fly back to Japan for a script (I'm Japanese).

Thanks for the replies so far.

Edited by AK86
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You will have difficulty, I suspect, in securing what you want in Thailand.

Even if you manage to obtain a prescription , which will have to come from a Thai hospital doctor, you will not be able to access anything other than a minimal supply.

I suspect if Cambodia does not import this drug it is because of its addictive nature and the likelyhood of the medication being abused.

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You are more than welcome on this forum! Many of our members go back & forth between Thailand & Cambodia, myself included.

A script from a doctor in Camb will not enable you to get ritalin here, it can only be gotten from a hospital pharmacy and only on the prescription of a doctor on staff at that hospital. However any proof you may have that it has in the past been prescribed to you may help re doctors willingness to prescribe it. If you have prescriptionio bottle from Japan (or even better, a medical summary or letter from your doctor back home) that will help as may script from doctor in Cambodia.

They will most likely not prescribe more than 30 days at a time, and indeed some doctors are reluctant to prescribe it to adults at all.

I'm afraid no place anywhere near Poipet likely to work. There are no decent private hospitals until you get near Bangkok, and you would be very unlikely to get what you need at a provincial government hospital, plus the red tape and language barriers would be formidable.

You are best off at one of the "international" private hospitals in Bkk and you will indeed have to see a psychiatrist, consultation will cost you 600 - 1500 baht. Perhaps one of our members who have ADHD would be kind enough to share the name of their physician, either here or by PM to you.

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Thank you all for responding.

I'm a little discouraged, but I think if there is someone willing to refer me to their psychiatrist (who speaks Japanese or English, or maybe Korean) then I'll have a good better prospect. I know how it is with drug seekers and especially with something that isn't even entirely understood/still debated in the "Western world". Even in Japan honestly, it's not well known and looked down upon if you claim such a "disability". Fortunately for me, Ritalin was easy to get and "try" which changed my life.

Anyway, I don't mind even paying for email consults as long as the doctor gets to know me and know that I am not a drug seeker, just an adult ADHD sufferer. I'm just not wanting to spend 30500 baht worth (about 100,000 yen) every month to fly back home to pick up a month supply of medicine. I'd much rather go the "Thailand route" if possible.

Okay thanks, if anyone has a psychiatrist I can speak with that is willing to work with me, I'd be more than happy to hear from them. I don't mind paying the psychiatrist also for the "international email visit" either, as time is money of course.


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They won't usually consult with you by email (especially over something like this), you will have to come in (as will be necessary anyhow to get the meds).

I will try to contact some of the members here with ADHD and see if I can get a specific doctor recommendation for you.

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