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Room 101 (the Tv Show)


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Room 101 is a long-running (UK) TV show in which celebrities nominate 5 or so of their pet hates to be put in the room (confiscated from existence). The host then decides whether or not they'll be allowed in. (More Info)

So, what 5 things would you put in Room 101? Give reasons if you want. Your choices can be Thai related or miscellaneous (absolutely anything).

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1. All religious fanatics (will they fit through that little trap door?) - reasons are obvious I think

2. Tax collectors/agencies/offices/etc - 'cos thety waste the bloody money anyway.

3. Patriotism - it's all BS really. Causes wars and doesn't really help anyone. Created by people in power to make the rest of us think by being patriotic we are proud of our contry, when really we are just helping to keep them at the top and us below. - Geez scared myself there :D

4. Immigration rules (not just Thai, all of 'em) - Let people move around as they want. Lets all be one big happy world.

5. Old Age - 'cos I like having hair :o

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In no particular order (and assuming theire's a Thai theme to these)

1. The 7-Eleven door chime

2. Kids squeaky shoes

3. Traffic conducting whistle blowers

4. Taxi drivers who refuse to take you to your destination when you're already in the back seat of their car

5. 2 Baht coins - too close to the 1 bahts, so as to be pretty much unusable.

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1. Mobile phones - are most people's lives so important they need to be in instant contact?

2. Corned beef tins - those with the key. I cut my thumb every time

3. Cigarettes - a reformed smoker, what else can I say

4. soft porn - either have movieschildren can watch or hard porn. The stuff in between is a waste of money / time / video tape

5. Thai cream crakers with sugar on the top.. what are they all about?

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1, Robin Williams (is a reason really needed?)

2, Motor Racing/F1 (boring)

3, People who like to tell people how many posts they have done on Message boards!!!

4, Anything to do with Man United - especially those people who support them and have never lived inside a 5 mile radius of Old Trafford and also particularly Gary Nevile and of course Alex Fergusen.

5, Dogs in Thailand.

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1. All TV chefs (starting with Jaimie Oliver, closely followed by Ainsley Harriot and Gary Rhodes).

2. My kids (for an hour or so to get some peace and quiet)

3. Grit that gets stuck in your eye as you walk down the street

4. Grey hair

5. Dog turds (on pavements)

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Anything to do with Man United - especially those people who support them and have never lived inside a 5 mile radius of Old Trafford and also particularly Gary Nevile and of course Alex Fergusen.

Might aswell get rid of the team - they'd have no supporters left anyway (everyone in the area you penned off are City fans!) :D

By the way, mittheimp, that's 1,160 posts so far :o

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Off the top of my head:

1. backpackers wearing tye-dye linen.

2. chantelle houghton (only Brits will understand :D ).

3. anne robinson (again, only Brits will understand).

4. unavoidable nights out with colleagues you dont like or have anything in common with.

5. gimps in internet cafes with flash laptops. (Oooh your webcam is so manly :o ).

Edited by game4shame
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Not in any order:

1 - Davina "Im a fking annoying tw@t who thinks she's really funny" McCall

2 - Those guys that stand in shopping centres preaching at the top of their lungs to all the damned who walk past them

3 - "Office Drinks" totally agree with game4shame here!

4 - Indian tailor touts... :o

5 - Hayfever - the season is almost upon us in the UK - I can feel it in the air :D

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Tough one this as the more I think about it, the more there is on my list!

1. Religious fanatics,

Especially the ones that shout at you as you pass by. I say this as a religious person who thinks this is just NOT the way to spread the word!

2. Yeah, Man U fans

They all came out of the woodwork when Man U started winning!

3. Mid-lane hoggers on the motorway.

UK folk will know what I mean!

4. Loud Americans in Restaurants.

I am not saying every American is a loud mouth, but you know those 'types', you can hear every detail of their conversation as they hollar it out!

5. Any simple thing that doesn't work.

Tea pots that don't pour, knives that don't cut, dispensers that don't dispense, etc.

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Not in any order:

1 - Davina "Im a fking annoying tw@t who thinks she's really funny" McCall

2 - Those guys that stand in shopping centres preaching at the top of their lungs to all the damned who walk past them

3 - "Office Drinks" totally agree with game4shame here!

4 - Indian tailor touts... :D

5 - Hayfever - the season is almost upon us in the UK - I can feel it in the air :D

oh and how i forgot this one i dont know

those fcukers that travel miles up and down the country just to march on a protest rally they have nothing to do with - just because its a protest....

in England there was one recently where a bunch of these chaps climbed up trees coz Tesco's was building on some scrub land.. the developers were planting replacement trees to compensate and even the local residents were pi$$ed off as none of the protesters were local - they'd come from here and far just to be green....

666 :D - jai yen yen :D - jai yen yen :o - jai yen yen :D

Edited by rio666uk
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I can't believe I forgot:

nosey middle-aged people you barely know (usually colleagues)

'oh, I saw you the other day heading up king street - what were you doing up there?'

'nothing to do with you, now <deleted> off' :D

I can't really stand anyone who think's they have the right to comment on other people's personal lives tbh other than family and friends.

Just my opinion, of course!!


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In no particular order, and of many:

i) Bad grammar (I'm guilty as charged)

ii) Text Speak (RUOK?)

iii) Malware (<deleted> those fcukers)

iv) geckos (the missus can't stand 'em)

v) Me (choice of the missus again)

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