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Thai people's obsession with dogs


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Especially in the countryside, where the only security is you being at home, dogs can be a great deterrent. I think that is the biggest thing. The drunk guy/or bad guy coming to do no good won't enjoy being mauled by a pack of dogs, and at least you know someone is there.

I know it's annoying, but I think that is why they like to have a dog in the countryside.

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That's got to be the biggest joke AyJaydee----whats the use of having an alarm system if you don't go and see why it is ringing...(Barking)

After a while you get to know your dog's barks. I have very rarely heard it, but if they give off a certain bark, I'm out of bed and dressed in seconds.

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Mans best friend, and security. If someone is scoping for houses to break into, and see two large 30kg dogs barking like crazy, they'll probably just move onto the next house.

Man's best friend indeed..

This must be why dogs are so stupid !!

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Mans best friend, and security. If someone is scoping for houses to break into, and see two large 30kg dogs barking like crazy, they'll probably just move onto the next house.

Man's best friend indeed..

This must be why dogs are so stupid !!

The neighbor left a dog on our front porch long before we signed a lease. At first, i thought, lets get rid of it. The next day he was barking, I opened the door and a big ass snake was climbing the front steps to the house. Next it was a stray cow, then a horse. Then some people picking the leaves of our trees. It was a different bark for each occassion. I am quite amazed of Julie, and I know whats out there at night. Keeping her well fed.

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Strange thing to get annoyed about. Who walks other people's dogs.

We have four dogs. We like dogs. That's why we have them.

People have things in their lives that they like to have. It makes them happy.

That's why they have them.

Oh yes, having four dogs makes you happy.

Any idea what your neighbours might think about that?

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Amazing how some poor farang gets aggravated over something this minor and considers it important enough to post on this forum. . I have always had a dog by my side except for the 4 years I spent in the military. Even then I had a dog back home that stayed at my parents house. To me, life without a dog is empty.

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Amazing how some poor farang gets aggravated over something this minor and considers it important enough to post on this forum. . I have always had a dog by my side except for the 4 years I spent in the military. Even then I had a dog back home that stayed at my parents house. To me, life without a dog is empty.

This is so typical of some (many) dogowners.... They are many times the most inconsiderate people in sociaty... All other people must love their dogs no matter the behaviour of the doggie.... Their biting children and adults, and trheir barking at nights... nothing is a problem, and than be called "poor people" is so amazing in my eyes, so half of it would be enough...

Dogowners keep your dogs to yourself and do NOT effect the lifes of people that didn´t choose to buy a dog instead of having friends.......'


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They want to be more concerned about the thousands of poor stray dogs dying on the streets. Starved to death or dying from some painful disease. The local government should either give them treatment or "put them to sleep" and put them out of their agony.

In Chiang Mai I have seen dogs covered in paint.Obviously the work of local hooligans,and,I hate to say this,but four times I have seen stray dogs glued together with super glue. Again the work of sub-human yobbos. I apologise if this post might upset some people but it is the truth.

I never saw dogs stuck together with glue. But I often see stray dogs stuck together after having sex, then trying to bite each other. Were you possibly confusing glue with this?

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When I 1st moved to Phuket the Philipino's across the soi had a mutt that barked all day and night when any sound of any kind woke it up, I finally moved a couple blocks to a corner plex house where no one had mutts, and the rule was among the landlords there, No Mutts Allowed. But other than that everywhere else I've lived especially in Bangkok, it's like mutts rule the soi's, and many of them come from owners who have moved and tossed the mutts in the street. 95% of them bark just about all the time and poo everywhere. I can't understand how anyone can stand a mutt that is constantly barking, like most of them do that are cooped up at these house plexes with narrow streets.

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Talking of upsetting: the Weekly Guardian (UK) has just run a 3-page story(with gruesome photos) of the flourishing dog trade between Thailand and Vietnam, via Laos.

Amazing how many people are paid to look the other way, as it's an illegal trade. The Royal Thai Navy has rescued hundreds of dogs being shipped across the Mekong, and there are currently 1800 mutts in a care facility on the Thai side. No-one wants them (except the Viets).

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Walk in this heat and humidity, are you crazy?

Thats why maids were invented, couldnt get my lily white skin tarnished, why would I want to be pew kiaw dam, lose all face.


Not entirely correct, I know many farangs who walk there dogs every day, mainly in the morning, and some do it twice a day, in late afternoon or late evening.

Some Thai people do it also, but not many of them, the dogs of those that don't walk them run freely around the streets barking loudly with each other, and in addition relieve their bodies on the neighbourhoods pavements, this is a very bad activity which should really be prevented by the dog owners, but unfortunately it wont happen.

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Dogs are great companions as long as they are trained and kept inside a fenced yard. If they need to be exercised it should be on a lead with their owners, who should also have a method of dealing with the inevitable crap on the foot path or on someone's grass. They will bark if a stranger approaches the house and that is one of the reasons for having them. However a considerate neighbour will always make sure that the barking is stopped quickly. These simple rules mean that both dog lovers and dog haters get along. Unfortunately we all know that the concept of rules and consideration for your neighbours is a foreign concept to most people in Thailand. I have seen too many dogs here die a slow and lingering death in the streets as Thais are unwilling to end their suffering. A solution is required but I have little hope of one ever happening here.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Strange thing to get annoyed about. Who walks other people's dogs.

We have four dogs. We like dogs. That's why we have them.

People have things in their lives that they like to have. It makes them happy.

That's why they have them.

Oh yes, having four dogs makes you happy.

Any idea what your neighbours might think about that?

Yes, I do actually. They're fine with it. They also have dogs. They like dogs.

They also realise that our life choices are just that, ours.

Why would that bother you in the slightest?

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I saw this ad in Vietnam Craigslist today:

want to buy your dog - VND10 (hcmc) I am here to buy your dog. you expat leaving and need to get ride of dog and I here to help you. I pay good money for all dog and pay more if dog is young and fresh.

I pay 50k per kg for the young and 25k per kg for the old dog. I pay more for young because the meat more soft the old dog meat is hard and many not like this.

Why give dog to friend for free because I pay you good money. can take money and buy beer before you go and think about your dog and drink to him. everyone win like this

when email please tell me address where you keep dog so I know if far or no. then I will come and get.
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I saw this ad in Vietnam Craigslist today:

want to buy your dog - VND10 (hcmc) I am here to buy your dog. you expat leaving and need to get ride of dog and I here to help you. I pay good money for all dog and pay more if dog is young and fresh.

I pay 50k per kg for the young and 25k per kg for the old dog. I pay more for young because the meat more soft the old dog meat is hard and many not like this.

Why give dog to friend for free because I pay you good money. can take money and buy beer before you go and think about your dog and drink to him. everyone win like this

when email please tell me address where you keep dog so I know if far or no. then I will come and get.

Sick b'stards!

EDIT: There's one obsession I've noticed across SE Asia and that's with alcohol and its endless consumption.

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I really wish I had a place where I could get a dog, alas apartment living ruins that dream.

Next best thing though, made friends with a local soi dog (no, not feeding him, just kind words). He now waits outside my apartment every day for me, tail wagging when he sees me, even take him for walks (he follows me where I go).

A couple of days ago we as a team even killed a rat thats been jumping out of the bin at me everytime I throw my trash in there. My part, slowly pull the lid off not getting too close and the dog did the rest.

Obsession with dogs? Yea you could say that. Greatest friend a farang will ever have in Thailand.

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What is the point of having a maid, if she don't walk the dog(s)??rolleyes.gif

Jusa, jusa, jusa walkin'

If you don' know how to do it, now

I'll show you how to walk that dog.

Tune from about 1062? I sold one house because of neighbor's dog. I love the "howling harmony" at about 1AM at my new house. You gotta love it! If the dog barks 24 hours a day, how do you tell the difference between normal bark, and "intruder alert" bark? You know, I must add as I've often said, I think man and dogs have a symbiotic relationship that goes back to the evolution of both. Perhaps neither species would be here without the other. You need to be warned and have a fighting partner when the saber tooth tiger comes sniffing around!!

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