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Insomnia In LOS?


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Thought I would start this thread after I made a referencing comment on another thread.

Since I have been in Thailand, for some reason I have suffered with insomnia.

I literally am lost for an explanation.

Been here three and a half years, and almost as soon as I arrived here, I have been staying awake all night. If I want to get to sleep early, I have to have 4 or 5 beers in the evening, and even then I don't get sleepy till 4 or 5 in the morning and am up at about 10am. The longest I think I have slept here is about 6 hours.

I was not like this in the UK and whenever me and wifey go over there, my normal sleep pattern returns, I can go to bed at midnight no problem and sleep till 8 or 9am.

Whenever we go to a different country, I can sleep all night also. I have been to 5 different countries in the region and like I said, my sleeping pattern is fine. But then again, I also travel a lot in Thailand, and tend to not be able to sleep.

I usually spend the night working on the PC and wandering between here and the couch to watch a movie, I jump in and out of Thaivisa during the night and notice that there is still quite a bit of activity on here, so am wondering if I am not alone in this problem.

Technically, you could say my body clock is stuck in UK time.

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I would talk to a doctor about it. Without details of your lifestyle to go by any suggestions would be random guessing, but here goes.

The fact that you sleep in a more normal pattern when traveling in other regional countries leads me to believe that your regular routine in Thailand is the problem. Possibly not getting enough physical or mental exertion during the day to make you tired. Boredom can cause insomnia. When I am working I tend to sleep regular hours but when I am on down time I start staying up later and later for no real reason, just killing time doing mindless things like watching tv or playing on the computer.

I deal with a similar problem to yours every year. I spend half the year in Thailand and half twelve time zones away. I used to spend at least a week in bangkok adjusting but over the years I learned to just get up at the time I think I should be getting up (with alarm clock), and keep busy all day until it is time for bed. By the end of the day you should be pretty tired and ready to sleep. If not then keep doing the same thing every day and your body should adjust. Getting out in the sun helps me a lot. Doing this I am able to adjust my schedule in a couple of days now. It isn't easy staying busy the first day or two when all I want to do is nap but it is worth it.

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i tend to like the night because its cool and quiet and you can take some sort of remedial action if you are awake when they are most likely to push the foul smelling toxic crap through the drains and sewers. also best to be awake when the stray mozzies are likely to be about. f'en https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chikungunya it sucks big time lasts for months in me.

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I would talk to a doctor about it. Without details of your lifestyle to go by any suggestions would be random guessing, but here goes.

The fact that you sleep in a more normal pattern when traveling in other regional countries leads me to believe that your regular routine in Thailand is the problem. Possibly not getting enough physical or mental exertion during the day to make you tired. Boredom can cause insomnia. When I am working I tend to sleep regular hours but when I am on down time I start staying up later and later for no real reason, just killing time doing mindless things like watching tv or playing on the computer.

I deal with a similar problem to yours every year. I spend half the year in Thailand and half twelve time zones away. I used to spend at least a week in bangkok adjusting but over the years I learned to just get up at the time I think I should be getting up (with alarm clock), and keep busy all day until it is time for bed. By the end of the day you should be pretty tired and ready to sleep. If not then keep doing the same thing every day and your body should adjust. Getting out in the sun helps me a lot. Doing this I am able to adjust my schedule in a couple of days now. It isn't easy staying busy the first day or two when all I want to do is nap but it is worth it.

Thanks for that. I think you may have nailed it.

We are hoping to have our factory opened in 6 weeks, so I am hoping that being very active during the day will cure the problem. If not, I suppose I will have to run a night shift.

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Maybe change your diet? Eliminate any caffeine, tobacco and alcohol, at least until you feel your problem has been successfully addressed.

Get a complete physical.

Get as much outdoor exercise as possible, during daylight hours.

Work to shift your sleep/wake patterns gradually, like 30 - 60 min. every few days.

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My sleep patterns are awful here as well, it's the afternoon snooze that tinkers with my clock. Right now I'm taking care of a relative so I have to sleep lightly to ensure he doesn't do a walk about.

Couple of things, sounds like your factory opening is probably the cause, when we sold our business last year I didn't sleep for two months and it did wear me out, so couple of suggestions.

Here's what I did, it's worth a try but probably after you're factory opens then hopefully you'll be able to get your body and mind back in sync - happiness is just around the corner - keep telling yourself that it saved me.

I walked the dog for an hour before the time I would normally sleep.

No television or computer

Make a ginger tea - ginger piece the size of your thumb diced and steeped in hot water - sip away

DO NOT take the above - they are habit forming and will only make matters worse in the long run.

If you've never taken a sleeping aid start with Dimenhydrinate AKA Gravol - they are used for nausea, they come in 50 mg dose at Boots and start with 1/2 tablet. You know I'm going to say avoid alcohol :)

If we see you on TV after midnight don't expect a response and if you keep it up I'll have you call my Aunt - she'll put you to sleep in 30 minutes flat :)

Best of luck


Edited by ToddWeston
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As a middle aged chap I sometimes wake up at 3am and can't get back to sleep. I put it down to being middle aged and probably worrying over something trivial that matters not a jot.

Once or twice a week I take a Histatab antihistamine tablet so I can get a better nights sleep. Yes I know, not the best solution and I feel drowsy in the morning but it's better than sleeping tablets.

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I would talk to a doctor about it. Without details of your lifestyle to go by any suggestions would be random guessing, but here goes.

The fact that you sleep in a more normal pattern when traveling in other regional countries leads me to believe that your regular routine in Thailand is the problem. Possibly not getting enough physical or mental exertion during the day to make you tired. Boredom can cause insomnia. When I am working I tend to sleep regular hours but when I am on down time I start staying up later and later for no real reason, just killing time doing mindless things like watching tv or playing on the computer.

I deal with a similar problem to yours every year. I spend half the year in Thailand and half twelve time zones away. I used to spend at least a week in bangkok adjusting but over the years I learned to just get up at the time I think I should be getting up (with alarm clock), and keep busy all day until it is time for bed. By the end of the day you should be pretty tired and ready to sleep. If not then keep doing the same thing every day and your body should adjust. Getting out in the sun helps me a lot. Doing this I am able to adjust my schedule in a couple of days now. It isn't easy staying busy the first day or two when all I want to do is nap but it is worth it.

Thanks for that. I think you may have nailed it.

We are hoping to have our factory opened in 6 weeks, so I am hoping that being very active during the day will cure the problem. If not, I suppose I will have to run a night shift.

Well... I have the same :/

And my life style is pretty active - gym (very intensive) swimming pool in the evening but still I'm going to sleep like 4-5 AM and sleep until 12-1PM.

Even when force myself to wake up in the morning and keep busy all day I fall a sleep like 9-10 PM and wake up 3-4 AM :(

Its 1,5 year like that already...

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I take zolam, haven't read about the long term effects but I can count on 10 fingers how many times I've had an 8 hour sleep in the 15 years I'm here.

Why on earth do you take it then?

Xanax is a highly addictive dangerous drug. Dependence occurs and you need more to get an effect. It is the worst of the benzodiazepine family family.

I took diazepam when in my early years here - maye 1--20 mg a day. After a couple of years I was taking 200mg a day.

Coming off this drug is harder than coming off heroin/alcohol, especially Xanax as it has a very short half-life. There is something called Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.


I found the worst were - depersonalization,aches and pains, derealization, palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks, and confusion.

Another thing with this drug - it makes you a zombie. When you stop taking it it is like being reborn and you realize that you can't remember anything about the years you took it. Withdrawals lasted up for 3 years in myself, the worst lasted about 6 months - 1 year. And that was doing a slow taper off it. Cold turkey is a total nighmare and can cause convulsion and seizures and death.

Stay well away from this drug and stay well away from most Thai doctors as they hand the pills out like smarties.

If I could give you 10 likes I would.

This drug is highly controlled in the west and is absolutely habit forming and extreme withdrawl, a large percentage of patients who are unable to wean themselves are often placed on methadone. It is not a happy path and posting it's use is reckless.

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As Tim207 mentioned, it could be a case of you not getting enough both physical and mental exercise. If you don't run yourself down a bit, all the pent up energy stays with you.

Without knowing your physical condition, try experimenting by going for a good brisk walk (or run) in the evening.

Bedroom aerobics seem to help me sleep as well................20x20xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.6AXjMEeEEF width=20 alt=tongue.png>

if i dont do smth real, like fix the house, bike, car, get this similar feeling, cant get sleep or just a few hours a night.

time to hunt to get something real to do.

and leave the king alcohol, using longterm , causes insomnia

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Exercise at least 30 mins each day, preferably in the morning or early evening. No computer within 1 hour before bed time. Read a book instead. Try it. Avoid resorting to drugs - addiction is hard to kick not to mention unknown side effects. Stick to this routine strictly for at least 2 weeks and your internal clock will stick.

Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My exercise is is 1,5 hrs per session 4 times per week and swimming pool in the evening... No drugs at all !!! You are right - books helps very much but I've spent little fortune on books already here and now I run out of them... unless I will start read them from the beginning :D

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As Tim207 mentioned, it could be a case of you not getting enough both physical and mental exercise. If you don't run yourself down a bit, all the pent up energy stays with you.


Without knowing your physical condition, try experimenting by going for a good brisk walk (or run) in the evening.


Bedroom aerobics seem to help me sleep as well................Posted Image width=20 alt=tongue.png>

if i dont do smth real, like fix the house, bike, car, get this similar feeling, cant get sleep or just a few hours a night.

time to hunt to get something real to do.


and leave the king alcohol, using longterm , causes insomnia

I just have a blether with my gf and that sets me up nicely for a good night's sleep. :)

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As Tim207 mentioned, it could be a case of you not getting enough both physical and mental exercise. If you don't run yourself down a bit, all the pent up energy stays with you.

Without knowing your physical condition, try experimenting by going for a good brisk walk (or run) in the evening.

Bedroom aerobics seem to help me sleep as well................20x20xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.6AXjMEeEEF width=20 alt=tongue.png>

if i dont do smth real, like fix the house, bike, car, get this similar feeling, cant get sleep or just a few hours a night.

time to hunt to get something real to do.

and leave the king alcohol, using longterm , causes insomnia


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I take zolam, haven't read about the long term effects but I can count on 10 fingers how many times I've had an 8 hour sleep in the 15 years I'm here.

Why on earth do you take it then?

Xanax is a highly addictive dangerous drug. Dependence occurs and you need more to get an effect. It is the worst of the benzodiazepine family family.

I took diazepam when in my early years here - maye 1--20 mg a day. After a couple of years I was taking 200mg a day.

Coming off this drug is harder than coming off heroin/alcohol, especially Xanax as it has a very short half-life. There is something called Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.


I found the worst were - depersonalization,aches and pains, derealization, palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks, and confusion.

Another thing with this drug - it makes you a zombie. When you stop taking it it is like being reborn and you realize that you can't remember anything about the years you took it. Withdrawals lasted up for 3 years in myself, the worst lasted about 6 months - 1 year. And that was doing a slow taper off it. Cold turkey is a total nighmare and can cause convulsion and seizures and death.

Stay well away from this drug and stay well away from most Thai doctors as they hand the pills out like smarties.

"Stay well away from this drug and stay well away from most Thai doctors as they hand the pills out like smarties."

The production and abusive dispensing of these sorts of drugs is primarily in the west. The doctors who kept Michael Jackson and so many other celebrities chemically dependent were not Thai. Handing out Ritalin or other drugs to children to control their behavior is not a Thai thing.

Aside from that, one has to take some personal responsibility for what one does and not always blame others. If a doctor gives you something, especially in the Internet age, there's no excuse for just taking it without checking on its side effects. I've found the Thai doctors I've dealt with to be far less free with dispensing meds than they are in the west, but just because someone wearing a white coat hands me some happy pills doesn't mean I'm going to just scarf them down.


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I have to have 4 or 5 beers in the evening
I usually spend the night working on the PC and wandering between here and the couch to watch a movie

Seems some parts of your organism do not getting tired, try to do instead of 4 or 5 beers some exercise, even simple walking at the beach.

Seems you having stress from something and you couldn't get relaxed. IMHO

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Your mind is too busy that's why you cannot get sleep early.

Or try to shutdown your computer early, lie down, imagine that you are staying beside the sea with the soft and gentle sound of waves trying to reach you in your tent along the shore.

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I have to have 4 or 5 beers in the evening


Double the beer

..... but it will again wake you up because beer forces you to go to the CR.

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... If you've never taken a sleeping aid start with Dimenhydrinate AKA Gravol ...

Not good for the prostate, though.

Agreed in large dosage >200mg od/qd for an exisiting enlarged prostate. The maximum dosage is 400mg a day for all others, as a sleep aid 25mg does the trick for me.

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