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Halloween, Dumb and Dumber !


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Good thing the OP did not live in my neighborhood 50+ years ago. A few rolls of toilet paper in the trees and maybe a paper bag 1/2 full of dog shit lit on fire on his door step as we rang the door bell.

I'd forgotten about TPing someone's house. If you unroll the TP just enough that it has a "tail" and throw it, it will unwind in the air and fall as a streamer.

We didn't need Halloween to do it, and it was usually done to someone who was popular, often as acknowledgment of an accomplishment.

Or, maybe we didn't like them...


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Posted 2013-10-31 07:26:09

Halloween. Completely stupid waste of time. At best an American Childrens marketting opportunity. At worst, a non event celebrating nothing at all. Tonight the bars will be full of people wearing witches hats and stuff, but theres not a single person who can tell you what its all about, apart from some vaguely Pagan ritual from a thousand years ago>>

There are even people supposed adults no less, I was told about one such American down Hang Dong way who spend a couple of weeks of their life dressing up their house with fake gravestones, fake cobwebs and stuff like that......jeez, man, get a life !!

Common sense still rules in Aus, virtually no silly halloweeny crap there, and guess I ll be staying in tonight to avoid the nonsense!!!


It's hard to imagine a single post could contain such deep-seated anger, sadness, resentment, xenophobia and ignorance.

Well, Whenigetolder your very first post (hmmm) on TV is a real winner. You haven't the vaguest idea of Halloween's origins, and more importantly, what it means to children and their parents as other posters have already conveyed.

I especially enjoyed your two-exclamation-point-rant (hmmm, again) about the "...American down Hang Dong way who spend a couple of weeks of their life dressing up their house with fake gravestones, fake cobwebs and stuff like that......jeez, man, get a life !!"

Well this American in Hang Dong (the nationality seems to bother you) did indeed spend a few days creating a spooky backyard cemetery while his wife decorated the house and prepared all the food. Why? Because for the last three years we invite the children and staff from a nearby Thai orphanage. The kids love it and look forward to it. Do they fully understand Halloween? No. Do they enjoy it? Their smiling, painted faces give the answer.

Then it's our turn to have some fun - a Halloween party with adult party goers made up of fun, positive people, costumed or not. You won't find one curmudgeon in the group.

So Whenigetolder it seems it is you who really needs to 'get a life'. How truly sad.


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Sounds like the "tricks" were similar to what we did as kids in the UK on 4th November, which was called "mischief night". That was the night in history when the explosives were laid by Guy Fawkes and Co trying to blow up Parliament, hence, 4th November, mischief night, 5th November, bonfire night (commemorating Guy Fawkes being burned at the stake!!)

Mischief night was always much more fun than bonfire night, because mums & dads werent around so you could do stuff that wouldnt be approved of by parents!!

Ahhh, those were the days, bad tricks and fish and chips for a shilling....5p, thats 2.5 baht!!!

Guido Fawkes was hung drawn and quartered not burnt at the stake

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Always my fav holiday, a great mixture of dark humor and dark chocolate. So many ways to make it a win win situation. This year I had a party with over 40 kids under 10 yrs of age to raise funds for a local orphanage. Introduced them to chili cheese hot dogs, face painting and piñata and the donations collected will help pay for thier back to school needs. It was a really fun way for me to make merit on my Halloween birthday!

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Sounds like the "tricks" were similar to what we did as kids in the UK on 4th November, which was called "mischief night". That was the night in history when the explosives were laid by Guy Fawkes and Co trying to blow up Parliament, hence, 4th November, mischief night, 5th November, bonfire night (commemorating Guy Fawkes being burned at the stake!!)

Mischief night was always much more fun than bonfire night, because mums & dads werent around so you could do stuff that wouldnt be approved of by parents!!

Ahhh, those were the days, bad tricks and fish and chips for a shilling....5p, thats 2.5 baht!!!

Guido Fawkes was hung drawn and quartered not burnt at the stake

Thanks for that gruesome correction, apparently according to Wikipedia we re both slightly wrong, it seems he jumped and hanged himself just before the drawing and quartering began,lucky him, narrow escape. "Guy Fawkes Night" does however traditionally burn an affigy of Guy Fawkes. In the hysteria which followed the Catholic insurrection which failed to blow up Parliament many Priests and other prominent Catholics were indeed burned at the stake.

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