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Suthep urges people to seize government offices

Lite Beer

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Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

maybe but thats what comes of government trying to totally bulldoze amnesty through for their master and ignoring all proper ways. What you sow you shall reap. I wish Suthep all success he can get in getting rid of this evil clan and if he gets his way and becomes anyway as bad as Taksin I will eat my head.

Thank goodness someone at last for whatever reason has guts to not just fall down under Taksin's ongoing disregard for rule law and order ( except his own) and if it takes a Suthep to do it so be it.

I as a mere forang of 30 years here but more importantly my wife and a lot of our friends are totally sick and tired of one man full bent at all costs to turn Thailand into his own seftdom for all to bow and worship the mighty leader.

If it fails so be it at least someone tried and in years to come if Taksin wins those who support him will to late realise their mistake but if I'm still alive I and my family will be sadly long gone living in exile until his greatness is at last overthrown.

It would be nice however if we don't have to resort to that and if Taksin wins it wont happen quickly but a slow steady march to total dictatorship same as everywhere its happened throughout history. Think about it people in Cambodia for years watched it steadily get worse and worse under pol pot, same in hitlers Germany, Zimbabwe and rest. Some saw dangers early on then others just buried their heads and kept hoping it won't get worse but it did and then worse and worse until to late no escape.

This is the moment I've been waiting for for years knowing it will come to a head. If taksin wins it will be slow and steady. Wewill have years to sell up and get out most of our assets here. So while not over worried are ever watchful since Taksin started his plan so many years ago. I thought it would come to a head before this as in 2010 so maybe not this time but I believe this time is the last one and hope the cancer of Taksin can finally be cut out of Thailand even though it will be painful.

Hopefully the great brother/leader/saviour of poor can finally be eliminated and all Thais can just get on with normal life , normal politics and won't be dominated by a shadow for much longer.

Theirs a great misconception about this evil man. Some say at least he sorted things out (so did Hitler etc) some he's good for business ( so was Hitler and Saddam), He's done something for poor ( so did Hitler, Gaddafi and others and much much more than Taksin ever did), he's no worse than others and thats worst one because yes he is since the others only wanted money Taksin wants total 100% control of all and total 100% giving way to his will.

By any measure by any judgement when compared with all other dictators and would be dictators the world gas or has had he is amongst the top at that table.

Of course I could be wrong andy hes just a misunderstood lovely man whose only care is the people of Thailand and whats best for them and he'd love to give it all up but the people cry our for him so he must answer the call.

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ISA has been expanded to include other parts of Bangkok and surrounding provinces...

YL broke the gripping soap opera Lamyong to announce this...

Sounds like 2010, in reverse and sans violence - for the time being...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

True ...except the part with the "gripping soap- opera"....thumbsup.gif

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BREAKING: Yingluck Shinawatra has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas amid anti-government protests #Thailand

Which means what? she can now order the police to fire explosive tear gas directly at peaceful protesters just like big brother did.

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CORRECTION: Thai PM this evening invoked the Internal Security Act, not a state of emergency

BREAKING: Yingluck Shinawatra has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas amid anti-government protests #Thailand

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Protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban has urged people throughout the country to seize government officials with their bare hands in a bid to overthrow the Thaksin regime.

What a load of crap.

He urged people in other provinces to follow the example at the ministry by seizing government agencies to protect themselves from the "illegitimate administration".

Nothing about seizing government officials with their bare hands.

More stupidly twisted alarmist reporting.

I suppose you only believe what you want to believe....naive at best if you think Suthep and his supporters are not capable of massive wrongs and violence.

+I would say that the only naivity being displayed here is by YOU.

The position that Suthep has spent a month getting his rally to is very favourable and showing great signs of success.

You seriously think that he is going to get into this position while begging everyone to remain non-violent and not damage any property all along the way... Then go and blow it all and then come out with a statement such as seize government officials with your bare hands...

Man you have a cheek to call ME naive.

It is you that is naive, and also a very selective believer which you have been called out on many many times on this board.

You truly are naive.

The plan is to remove this government we are told in 3 days by fair means or foul.

What also is becoming clear and has been alluded to on other sites is there are NO plans for further elections and that a new order is being planned.

"He announced that the protesters wanted to set up a government of the people which will set a new order for the country – one which is truly democratic with the King as the head of state.

He said the protesters would not demand anything from the government “because the government is already null and void because it does not respect the Constitution Court.”


good Taksin himself said he is no believer in democracy and if it keeps him away ill support it 100%. Better that than Taksin land with no rule, no laws and rest except for hi mans his scan and hangers on. The time for kids gloves is over now is time to take control away from this megalomaniac and I have far more faith in balances and checks that will result than any Taksin has proved and shown to buy off or disregard. As you sow so shall you reap.

Its to late for niceties and is a all our struggle. No use sitting on the fence any longer its one side or the other and I prefer the non Taksin side warts and all although not ideal lets be fair Taksin and his lot have shown the way and thank goodness we have someone who can learn from that and maybe do it better. This is not the west and I wish people would stop trying to compare it.

You cannot compromise with a scorpion or snake as Taksin and the red thugs have shown themselves to be.

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ISA has been expanded to include other parts of Bangkok and surrounding provinces...

YL broke the gripping soap opera Lamyong to announce this...

Sounds like 2010, in reverse and sans violence - for the time being...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

True ...except the part with the "gripping soap- opera"....Posted Image

It is gripping... Not in the farang sense of the word.. But the backlash YL will cop for that stunt, phwoar, no wonder she imposed the ISA for the entire Bangkok province and surrounds!


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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CORRECTION: Thai PM this evening invoked the Internal Security Act, not a state of emergency

BREAKING: Yingluck Shinawatra has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas amid anti-government protests #Thailand

Hope she does not order to disperse them or she might be charged

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced in the live broadcast today that the government would enforce the national security law in Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Bang Phli in Samut Prakan and Lad Lumkaew in Pathum Thani.

She said the enforcement is necessary following the invasion into government buildings, which disrupts government operations and threatens the national security.

She also insisted that in restoring control in the areas, the government assures no violence. International standards will be strictly followed, she said.

Yingluck also urges former Democrat MPs, who led protesters to government buildings, to solve conflicts through parliamentary procedure.
Also... the ISA has been extended to a 50 KM radius around BKK. Making all gatherings of people illegal.
I have one comment.
Horse.... bolted.... stable door.
Edited by Thainy Tim
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Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

maybe but thats what comes of government trying to totally bulldoze amnesty through for their master and ignoring all proper ways. What you sow you shall reap. I wish Suthep all success he can get in getting rid of this evil clan and if he gets his way and becomes anyway as bad as Taksin I will eat my head.

Thank goodness someone at last for whatever reason has guts to not just fall down under Taksin's ongoing disregard for rule law and order ( except his own) and if it takes a Suthep to do it so be it.

I as a mere forang of 30 years here but more importantly my wife and a lot of our friends are totally sick and tired of one man full bent at all costs to turn Thailand into his own seftdom for all to bow and worship the mighty leader.

If it fails so be it at least someone tried and in years to come if Taksin wins those who support him will to late realise their mistake but if I'm still alive I and my family will be sadly long gone living in exile until his greatness is at last overthrown.

It would be nice however if we don't have to resort to that and if Taksin wins it wont happen quickly but a slow steady march to total dictatorship same as everywhere its happened throughout history. Think about it people in Cambodia for years watched it steadily get worse and worse under pol pot, same in hitlers Germany, Zimbabwe and rest. Some saw dangers early on then others just buried their heads and kept hoping it won't get worse but it did and then worse and worse until to late no escape.

This is the moment I've been waiting for for years knowing it will come to a head. If taksin wins it will be slow and steady. Wewill have years to sell up and get out most of our assets here. So while not over worried are ever watchful since Taksin started his plan so many years ago. I thought it would come to a head before this as in 2010 so maybe not this time but I believe this time is the last one and hope the cancer of Taksin can finally be cut out of Thailand even though it will be painful.

Hopefully the great brother/leader/saviour of poor can finally be eliminated and all Thais can just get on with normal life , normal politics and won't be dominated by a shadow for much longer.

Theirs a great misconception about this evil man. Some say at least he sorted things out (so did Hitler etc) some he's good for business ( so was Hitler and Saddam), He's done something for poor ( so did Hitler, Gaddafi and others and much much more than Taksin ever did), he's no worse than others and thats worst one because yes he is since the others only wanted money Taksin wants total 100% control of all and total 100% giving way to his will.

By any measure by any judgement when compared with all other dictators and would be dictators the world gas or has had he is amongst the top at that table.

Of course I could be wrong andy hes just a misunderstood lovely man whose only care is the people of Thailand and whats best for them and he'd love to give it all up but the people cry our for him so he must answer the call.

bad english

clearly not from around here

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Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

I do not see anything wrong with seizing government houses and offices as long as its done in a peaceful manner.

You are a nutcase just like suthep he should be immediately arrested and thrown in jail


Firstly you should know by now not to cut up my post

Secondly, you do not need to shout, as i can read well

Thirdly, not really sure how bought votes become democratically elected

And last, since it is so democratic as you claim, any reason why those who WILLINGLY voted have not come out to defend it?

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the protesters have taken over the finance ministry buildings and are sitting on the floor peacefully not destroying anything..fact....

Whether they've destroyed anything or not isn't really the point.

What they're doing is undemocratic.

To physically take over government ministries is an act of revolution. Which is fair enough, if you are a revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the government.

But to pretend that it is being done to protect democracy is just laughable.

Why not come straight out and say it? 'We want to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with one that we like instead'.

Welll, if majority want the government out, do you not think it is democratic for people to take control? Government offices do not belong to Shinawatra family, it belongs to the people.

So even assuming this government was democratically elected, it would seem it is now democratically removed.

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Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

I do not see anything wrong with seizing government houses and offices as long as its done in a peaceful manner.




You are a nutcase just like suthep he should be immediately arrested and thrown in jail







Corrupt elections involving vote buying and populist policies aimed at a certain demographic and not the people in general is NOT DEMOCRATIC!!!


And a Suthep appointed administration is because that is what he wants as replacement for PT?

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What is more democratic than an elected government?

Government elected by people's choice NOT by the amount of 500 baht handed out?

Every political party buys votes it's a sad fact of electoral life in Thailand.

Then perhaps some people should NOT be using words like "democratically elected"wai2.gif

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the protesters have taken over the finance ministry buildings and are sitting on the floor peacefully not destroying anything..fact....

Whether they've destroyed anything or not isn't really the point.

What they're doing is undemocratic.

To physically take over government ministries is an act of revolution. Which is fair enough, if you are a revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the government.

But to pretend that it is being done to protect democracy is just laughable.

Why not come straight out and say it? 'We want to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with one that we like instead'.

Welll, if majority want the government out, do you not think it is democratic for people to take control? Government offices do not belong to Shinawatra family, it belongs to the people.

So even assuming this government was democratically elected, it would seem it is now democratically removed.

some leap of faith to suggest there is a majority wishing for mob rule.

"even assuming this government was democratically elected" well what to say. Just wetting yourself. See how this plays out

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the protesters have taken over the finance ministry buildings and are sitting on the floor peacefully not destroying anything..fact....

Whether they've destroyed anything or not isn't really the point.

What they're doing is undemocratic.

To physically take over government ministries is an act of revolution. Which is fair enough, if you are a revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the government.

That's exactly what it is

But to pretend that it is being done to protect democracy is just laughable.

You are talking about Yingluck and the PTP recent statements here yes?..... I agree, it's laughable.

Why not come straight out and say it? 'We want to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with one that we like instead'.

'We want to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with one that we like instead'..... Because we HATE this one.

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the protesters have taken over the finance ministry buildings and are sitting on the floor peacefully not destroying anything..fact....

Whether they've destroyed anything or not isn't really the point.

What they're doing is undemocratic.

To physically take over government ministries is an act of revolution. Which is fair enough, if you are a revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the government.

But to pretend that it is being done to protect democracy is just laughable.

Why not come straight out and say it? 'We want to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with one that we like instead'.

Welll, if majority want the government out, do you not think it is democratic for people to take control? Government offices do not belong to Shinawatra family, it belongs to the people.

So even assuming this government was democratically elected, it would seem it is now democratically removed.

some leap of faith to suggest there is a majority wishing for mob rule.

"even assuming this government was democratically elected" well what to say. Just wetting yourself. See how this plays out

Yes, but if so many here believe in democracy and keep on bringing it up, then mob rule may well be democratic, NO?

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Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

I do not see anything wrong with seizing government houses and offices as long as its done in a peaceful manner.

You are a nutcase just like suthep he should be immediately arrested and thrown in jail



Corrupt elections involving vote buying and populist policies aimed at a certain demographic and not the people in general is NOT DEMOCRATIC!!!

Which makes about every government ever "elected" in Thailand, not democratically elected!

This one was as democratically elected as you can have it in this country!

Happy now?

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What is more democratic than an elected government?

 Government elected by people's choice NOT by the amount of 500 baht handed out?


Every political party buys votes it's a sad fact of electoral life in Thailand.



Then perhaps some people should NOT be using words like "democratically elected"Posted Image

Who knows?

Here's a little story. There was a local election a while ago and wifey got more than 2k bht from the newly elected mayor and her team.

They were democrats.

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What is more democratic than an elected government?

Government elected by people's choice NOT by the amount of 500 baht handed out?

As opposed to the 2000 bahts handed out by the dems in the south and they still didn't have a chance

Whats the difference who hands out what? Point was and is, there is no democratically elected government, please try to keep upthumbsup.gif

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BREAKING: Yingluck Shinawatra has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas amid anti-government protests #Thailand

Which means what? she can now order the police to fire explosive tear gas directly at peaceful protesters just like big brother did.

don't you mean like "Abhisit did" ? oh hang on his soldiers shot at "peaceful protesters" I think she's showing ENORMOUS constraint

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Who knows?

Here's a little story. There was a local election a while ago and wifey got more than 2k bht from the newly elected mayor and her team.

They were democrats.

I never said dems were or are democratically elected, what i said was and say it again, there is no democratically elected government in Thailand and never was.

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