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Jarupong confident Pheu Thai will win next general election


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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...


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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

"PT certainly haven't violated the constitution".

I see in another thread a Thaksin lover was complaining about the crap their postings cop from most on this board. One does not need to wonder why when idiotic statements like this are the base of pro Pheau Thai debates.

To you and the other person that blocked me: instead of dismissing it out of hand, why don't you produce evidence of how you think PT has violated the constitution? I was ready to believe they had when the case when to the Constitutional Court, but after reviewing the constitution and court statement, I came to a different conclusion. So on the basis of the evidence I've seen, it is my opinion they haven't violated the constitution.

But I'm willing to discuss this if someone wants to offer another opinion - preferably based on evidence backed up with reference to the constitution - instead of a priori dismissal of the argument on the basis that anyone defending PT must be a mindless 'Thaksin lover'.

Blocked you? I do not have anybody blocked in my settings so I do not know where you are getting that fallacy from. And I give the moderators full authorisation to show that to you. Oh wait yes I do know where your and the rest of the Thaksin and Pheu Thai lackey's fallacies come from. It's from the same selective or imagined memory that most of the rest comes from. Perhaps if you refer back to the 20 November 2013 News item "constitutional court handed down its verdict that the Pheu Thai party has violated the constitution by attempting to revise it to pave the way for a fully elected Senate body".

My accusation stands of the idiotic statements made on this site in support of these criminals mismanaging this country along with the observation that with such idiotic statements being the base of future discussion then who the hell would want to bother.

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The winning of the next election will indeed be a poisoned chalice as the birds are coming home to roost financially and the true cost of this governments populist self enriching scams schemes is soon to be rendered as an''account payable.''

Irrespective of what faction or factions may assume power it is going to be extremely rough ride financially and politically and with a high probability of yet more serious civil disorder.

Be careful in what you wish for acting Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan, the leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party,you may well get that which you desire. However it isn't going to be just beer and skittles all the way, more like flying skittles that hurt when they hit you and brickbats too.

Exactly my thoughts on his Quote, great post SP

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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...



Got it in one.

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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...


I have just woken up thanks, Thaksins " only sin" quote "was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Issan"

Who's proceeds ??? from where ??? NOW please tell me what he gave out to the people of Issan ??? facts.

He arranged red villages, so anyone with different idea would have to conform, the village head man saw to that.

Look at the corruption table, and where Thailand stands in the world, they have just hit an all time high, after Yingluck stated that her government were fighting it, looks like they were fighting to keep it.

During the dems 2 years here corruption dropped--look at the chart. FACT. near all local government is corrupt as the government Knows about it and turns a blind eye--it has to because they are well in the trough.

I can see from my 32 years here, who is what, and now is the worst time ever. So many of the people here in Issan are taking what they can, from who they can, it's a beautiful area and some great people but much more greedy than years ago---they LEARN from their government how to do it--you can't blame them.

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"PT certainly haven't violated the constitution".

I see in another thread a Thaksin lover was complaining about the crap their postings cop from most on this board. One does not need to wonder why when idiotic statements like this are the base of pro Pheau Thai debates.

To you and the other person that blocked me: instead of dismissing it out of hand, why don't you produce evidence of how you think PT has violated the constitution? I was ready to believe they had when the case when to the Constitutional Court, but after reviewing the constitution and court statement, I came to a different conclusion. So on the basis of the evidence I've seen, it is my opinion they haven't violated the constitution.

But I'm willing to discuss this if someone wants to offer another opinion - preferably based on evidence backed up with reference to the constitution - instead of a priori dismissal of the argument on the basis that anyone defending PT must be a mindless 'Thaksin lover'.

Blocked you? I do not have anybody blocked in my settings so I do not know where you are getting that fallacy from. And I give the moderators full authorisation to show that to you. Oh wait yes I do know where your and the rest of the Thaksin and Pheu Thai lackey's fallacies come from. It's from the same selective or imagined memory that most of the rest comes from. Perhaps if you refer back to the 20 November 2013 News item "constitutional court handed down its verdict that the Pheu Thai party has violated the constitution by attempting to revise it to pave the way for a fully elected Senate body".

My accusation stands of the idiotic statements made on this site in support of these criminals mismanaging this country along with the observation that with such idiotic statements being the base of future discussion then who the hell would want to bother.

I was referring to the other posted that said he'd blocked me, not you. Sorry for the confusion.

If you read the verdict combined with relevant section of the Constitution, it's clear that it makes sense from both a political perspective (to those who want to limit the power of PT & Thaksin anyway), and perhaps even a moral perspective. Those are seperate arguments one could make, but the issue at stake is simply a legal one, surely? My point is purely from a legal POV, I can't make sense of how an attempt to have an all elected senate constitutes an attempt to 'No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution'. To me it appears nonsensical.

It seems whether you agree with the court's decision depends on which side you're on politically, rather than it being a clear cut case of the Constitution being contravened. Don't forget that even to accept the case, a strange interpretation of what the Constitution says was required on behalf of the court: http://asiancorrespondent.com/83904/thailand-how-the-meaning-of-and-starts-a-constitutional-crisis/ - there were also two other very controversial questions of whether the bill was in fact a bill:

'According to Dr. Worachet, the Constitutional Court has authority to accept petitions on the budget bill but it does not have the authority to accept any petition on the charter amendment. Section 154 does not apply to constitutional amendment legislation, as it is not just “any” bill. So the Constitutional Court should not have accepted any petition on the charter amendment under this section in the first place.'

And to whether the parliament constitutes a 'person'. So you can see it's far from clear cut as to whether the court even had the authority to rule on this. Furthermore, the court itself admits to making political decisions: '“If the country at that time had been peaceful, the government and the opposition could have joined hands, the country could have moved forward, and I believe most of the judges would have decided not to dissolve the parties,” he said. “But the country at that time was chaotic and the Constitution Court had to use its judgement to maintain law and order,” he said, adding however that the court was under no pressure.'


This supports what legal scholar Bjorn Dressel wrote in his essay on the politicization of the judiciary in Asia last year: “Many significant political verdicts in Thailand have been hard to reconcile with accepted standards of procedural justice. It is in fact tempting to argue that the Constitutional Court has moved beyond judicialization into areas that suggest abuse of justice or ‘un-rule’ of law“.

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They'll win....and the yellows won't be happy so they'll protest......and round and round we go.

I agree they'll win again but for the peace and mind of the country PM Yingluk should resign her post and give it to someone seen as independant from the Thaksin family. Maybe that's tongue in cheek? Maybe nothing will satisfy the opposition minority being on the losing side again.

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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...


I have just woken up thanks, Thaksins " only sin" quote "was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Issan"

Who's proceeds ??? from where ??? NOW please tell me what he gave out to the people of Issan ??? facts.

He arranged red villages, so anyone with different idea would have to conform, the village head man saw to that.

Look at the corruption table, and where Thailand stands in the world, they have just hit an all time high, after Yingluck stated that her government were fighting it, looks like they were fighting to keep it.

During the dems 2 years here corruption dropped--look at the chart. FACT. near all local government is corrupt as the government Knows about it and turns a blind eye--it has to because they are well in the trough.

I can see from my 32 years here, who is what, and now is the worst time ever. So many of the people here in Issan are taking what they can, from who they can, it's a beautiful area and some great people but much more greedy than years ago---they LEARN from their government how to do it--you can't blame them.

I've been here slightly longer than you but that doesn't make me an expert. Far from it. But to give your comments the benefit of the doubt I'd be interested to see if you can come up with some facts of your own especially viz-a-viz ' He arranged red villages..." How do you know that? Where's the evidence? Were you there or did you read it somewhere? It would make very interesting reading. I say this politely as I'd like a positive response from you.

What about the 'chart' re corruption? Now that would be something to see. I didn't know there was one. Does it have the source from where the corruption information comes from? Who is involved? How long they've been at it? I'd like to know how one determines corruption is measured. Is it based on personal income against asset wealth etc.? It really is a fascinating subject. and I look forward to you reply.

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Unfortunately my friend, I rather doubt that there will be an election, for a very long time. Suthep is dead set on taking power, and I fear that he is going to do so. Once he is in the driving seat, this poor country will turn into Burma with a tourist industry. The Thai people will not have a say in things, and if there are any protests, well the snipers will be deployed on the skytrain tracks. No hesitation to kill, they have done it before. Sad isn't it.

Sadly, things are looking that way. NACC looks set to ban PT politicians yet again. Next step is elections being postponed for various bullshit reasons, until they can come up with yet another constitution that works around that inconvenience called the universal suffrage.

And the saddest thing of all is none of this was necessary: PT has lost voter's confidence with their flood management, and now their rice scheme is falling apart too and farmers aren't getting paid. If the democrats were actually any better than the Shinnawatras, as they say, they should have no problem winning elections in that context. Unfortunately they can't be bothered.

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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...


I have just woken up thanks, Thaksins " only sin" quote "was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Issan"

Who's proceeds ??? from where ??? NOW please tell me what he gave out to the people of Issan ??? facts.

He arranged red villages, so anyone with different idea would have to conform, the village head man saw to that.

Look at the corruption table, and where Thailand stands in the world, they have just hit an all time high, after Yingluck stated that her government were fighting it, looks like they were fighting to keep it.

During the dems 2 years here corruption dropped--look at the chart. FACT. near all local government is corrupt as the government Knows about it and turns a blind eye--it has to because they are well in the trough.

I can see from my 32 years here, who is what, and now is the worst time ever. So many of the people here in Issan are taking what they can, from who they can, it's a beautiful area and some great people but much more greedy than years ago---they LEARN from their government how to do it--you can't blame them.

I've been here slightly longer than you but that doesn't make me an expert. Far from it. But to give your comments the benefit of the doubt I'd be interested to see if you can come up with some facts of your own especially viz-a-viz ' He arranged red villages..." How do you know that? Where's the evidence? Were you there or did you read it somewhere? It would make very interesting reading. I say this politely as I'd like a positive response from you.

What about the 'chart' re corruption? Now that would be something to see. I didn't know there was one. Does it have the source from where the corruption information comes from? Who is involved? How long they've been at it? I'd like to know how one determines corruption is measured. Is it based on personal income against asset wealth etc.? It really is a fascinating subject. and I look forward to you reply.

OK, I'll do my best to answer you honestly. sort of reverse order --Chart re Thailand world corruption the last week Topic--Thailand SLIDES in the corruption chart--refers back to before the last problems, you find it in the topics.

Re red villages, Who started the reds to "FAME" who paid for their expences to take over the capitol ??? All the red leaders are Thaksins followers but you seem unaware of it ???

I have lived in 5 different RURAL villages in the last 12 years, and in Udon now. Do you actually think I am making this up--if so for what-and to gain what??

The village chiefs in all the areas I have been in control the villagers, he takes care of them --in return they vote him in. Now who takes care of him ??? How do you think they can get away with proclaiming a village a "red shirt area" and why would they do this ??? the promise from our dear fugitive was follow me and I will take care of you.

General election promises---how many have benefitted from this.???

A thread today says that Central and N/E area farmers are going to block all main roads because of UNPAID RICE. Why unpaid if the government are helping them ??/

I hope I have given you my personal view and it fits. You MAY have experienced different in your neck of the woods.

My areas are rural Khorat--Udon-Nongbualampoo. cross the board villages. No sides taken really despite my Anti Thaksin family feelings. Governments of any colour are not my business I speak about wrongs MEGA only.

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Wonderful to see Suthep's worshipers on TV twisting and turning in horror as they realise that YL has completely upstaged them. New elections? Oh my God, we are going to be humiliated again by those nasty peasants!

Nasty bit of business this democracy stuff, you actually have to let the majority of the citizens impose their willsad.png It must be very frustrating for this corrupt bast@rd suthep to know that he and his revelers will once agin be dmolished by the will of the Thai electoratewai2.gif Suthep and Abhisit have already been indicted for murder, it is about time they get the trail started and clean up this mess once and for all!

OK. but along with the Shinawatta clan.

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Wonderful to see Suthep's worshipers on TV twisting and turning in horror as they realise that YL has completely upstaged them. New elections? Oh my God, we are going to be humiliated again by those nasty peasants!

Nasty bit of business this democracy stuff, you actually have to let the majority of the citizens impose their willsad.png It must be very frustrating for this corrupt bast@rd suthep to know that he and his revelers will once agin be dmolished by the will of the Thai electoratewai2.gif Suthep and Abhisit have already been indicted for murder, it is about time they get the trail started and clean up this mess once and for all!

Unfortunately my friend, I rather doubt that there will be an election, for a very long time. Suthep is dead set on taking power, and I fear that he is going to do so. Once he is in the driving seat, this poor country will turn into Burma with a tourist industry. The Thai people will not have a say in things, and if there are any protests, well the snipers will be deployed on the skytrain tracks. No hesitation to kill, they have done it before. Sad isn't it.

What a sad post, joke of the day

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I really can not believe all of the poster's who keep stating that "Pheu Thai" have kept winning all the past elections due to "Vote Buying".... Obviously these individuals have not spent much time outside of Bangkok / Pattaya during the elections periods...

Having lived in Thailand / Isaan for almost 12 years, I can assure you that for years every political party offers and pays villagers either baht, gifts or free services during every election.... The Thai people up here are not as stupid as those in Bangkok would like you to believe, they just take what every is offered from whomever is offering, then just vote their personal choice regardless of any "incentives" which were given...

And as for Thaksin, his sister or family being "corrupt", wake up, I think that we all know that almost every politician / government official in Thailand is in some way involved in or has profited from corruption... That is the reason that they fight so hard to remain in such positions... I feel that Taksin's only "sin" was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Isaan, thus giving himself a very loyal following and support from this area...


I have just woken up thanks, Thaksins " only sin" quote "was that he shared the proceeds from such a position with the poorer people in Issan"

Who's proceeds ??? from where ??? NOW please tell me what he gave out to the people of Issan ??? facts.

He arranged red villages, so anyone with different idea would have to conform, the village head man saw to that.

Look at the corruption table, and where Thailand stands in the world, they have just hit an all time high, after Yingluck stated that her government were fighting it, looks like they were fighting to keep it.

During the dems 2 years here corruption dropped--look at the chart. FACT. near all local government is corrupt as the government Knows about it and turns a blind eye--it has to because they are well in the trough.

I can see from my 32 years here, who is what, and now is the worst time ever. So many of the people here in Issan are taking what they can, from who they can, it's a beautiful area and some great people but much more greedy than years ago---they LEARN from their government how to do it--you can't blame them.

I've been here slightly longer than you but that doesn't make me an expert. Far from it. But to give your comments the benefit of the doubt I'd be interested to see if you can come up with some facts of your own especially viz-a-viz ' He arranged red villages..." How do you know that? Where's the evidence? Were you there or did you read it somewhere? It would make very interesting reading. I say this politely as I'd like a positive response from you.

What about the 'chart' re corruption? Now that would be something to see. I didn't know there was one. Does it have the source from where the corruption information comes from? Who is involved? How long they've been at it? I'd like to know how one determines corruption is measured. Is it based on personal income against asset wealth etc.? It really is a fascinating subject. and I look forward to you reply.

Posted earlier but because of some stupid post a few were taken out as well.

Anyway here goes, will do my best. this last week we had a topic on Thai corruption levels, 'Something like Thailand slip down /up the scale, but meaning they scored lower than last year-hence corruption increased over the years, BUT during the Abhisit 2 years it actually dropped, but now at an all time high. So much for 2 years ago Yingluck photo and TV. corruption to end with her.

Villages from Khorat-Nongbualampoo-Udon over 12 years. lived next to the head man, he was paid by the town head man and therefore this big wig controlled him or he would be out. his orders in the village was for all to conform with their red style or lose benefits. this gagged the other party's supporters..

Not unlike the great TV Thai rak Thai news--he said about the people in the south of Thailand who didn't vote for him he would see to it they got nothing--this is well known.

Known fact who started the Reds on the band wagon--re BKK siege and deaths incurred on both sides, but the reds were paid to go , masses of pick ups countless tour busses all free, with food to boot. Who Paid ???? the red leaders under Thaksin command were with them in BKK.

All I'm saying is what little I knew.

I will say I would have the lesser of 2 evils anytime.

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