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Farang Pricing At Its Worst.


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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

That is because it is a load of crap. I've been here a long time and no Thai is going to lose money to make some imaginary point. They may try to charge you more in the first place, but not refund money and make no sale at all to "get" a farang after something is already sold. rolleyes.gif

This is correct, losing a sale to prove a point is a farang concept.

Bearing in mind that you are making generalizations about entire populations. (this can never be 100% accurate)

Lots of Thai people lose money to gain face all the time. I do believe it could happen after a sale also.

It usually happens before the sale (to the point that the sale doesn't actually take place at all). Many Thai vendors have watched my "farang money" walk away because i would not succumb to the "farang price"

Edited by Water Buffalo
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I don't know about the particular post , but double pricing is rampant at hotels in Thailand....

Maybe, but they don't chase you down the street demanding that you pay more after you have already checked out. tongue.png

More cherry picking from something that isn't there.

Please point out where I said we were chased down the street.

"After she had paid (450 baht) she left the shop, and approached the car. The shop assistant glanced over and saw that I was a farang, and she literally came trotting out of the shop and demanded another 200 baht from the missus."


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I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


Your personal experience would be different as you have stated several times that you are not a white person. A lot of these price differentials are targeting more towards white foreigners. So if it is really true you project as not white, how can you possibly know the personal experience of a white person living in Thailand any more than I could know the experience of a non-white person living in the USA?

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Anyway, I am waiting around for 10 minutes or so, and decide to get out of the car for a quick cigarette, and see my wife standing at the checkout paying for the trousers. After she had paid (450 baht) she left the shop, and approached the car. The shop assistant glanced over and saw that I was a farang, and she literally came trotting out of the shop and demanded another 200 baht from the missus.

well, now you know that smoking is BAD for you wink.png

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

That is because it is a load of crap. I've been here a long time and no Thai is going to lose money to make some imaginary point. They may try to charge you more in the first place, but not refund money and make no sale at all to "get" a farang after something is already sold. rolleyes.gif

This is correct, losing a sale to prove a point is a farang concept.

Bearing in mind that you are making generalizations about entire populations. (this can never be 100% accurate)

Lots of Thai people lose money to gain face all the time. I do believe it could happen after a sale also.

It usually happens before the sale (to the point that the sale doesn't actually take place at all). Many Thai vendors have watched my "farang money" walk away because i would not succumb to the "farang price"

Yep I know that, I was only implying that it's highly unlikely. I was thinking of your point about losing face when I wrote that but in my experience they tend to back track with a smile pretending it never happened.

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Even though i hate this a lot for me this happens less then 100-1 i think when buying stuff. Mainly because most of my purchases are at regular shops and at the market I just think i get a good price. No way i can check it.

It certainly happens but i doubt its something that happens to most people every day.

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I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


No.. you misread, or you have completely taken the statement out of context and what it was in response to.

'But seeing as you have been here 30 years, then I suppose every single incident that has happened to almost all farang here,, you will have had first hand experience too? ... Yes? Just because you have escaped something, then that is no testament to say it is impossible to happen to others.'

You clearly seem to have cherry picked that comment and removed the vital context either side of it. Beetlejuice was saying it was highly unlikely because it had not happened to him personally. So I was asking if every other incident that happens to ALL farangs has to happen to HIM first before he considers it believable?

You need to re-read rather than selectively read. I said it was 'unusual' hence my title 'at its worst'. Minor cases of farang pricing happen all the time, and I accept it would never bother to make a thread about it, but this was beyond the pail because it was so crass I couldn't believe it and had to make a thread. i knew there would be naysayers, I don't really give a darned.

For some one to base his response, and indicate, I have misread your post and then state "But seeing you have been here 30 years" it is quite clear you misread mine, as I clearly posted that I lived in Thailand 13, years. Your Statement "just because you have escaped something, then that is no testament to say it is impossible to happen to others"

you need to get a pair of glasses As I "clearly" stated "I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as widespread as some say it is on this forum" Maybe to you that would imply it is impossible to happen to others" to me it means exactly as i wrote it!

You need to go back and re-read what in fact I did post that you quoted to, it is there to reread correctky,.

I did not place in my original reply, I do in fact "not" believe the incident happened, as another poster already stated the transaction was already completed, the pants were purchased and already paid for, your wife already left the store property,

You just handled the situation very badly, Need I say more!


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I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


More statistical evidence:

I have spent more than half of last twenty years in Thailand, and this kind of thing has occurred (aside of government or tourist business systematic double pricing) about yearly. I have to agree it has much depended on the partners I had each time. For example, with my ex-wife they would often try suggesting she should "share" the perceived wealth of her rich foreign husband, and she always let them quite vocally know how bad they had misjudged her. Later, one gf occasionally mentioned something like this happening, but never confronted any shop owner. Another gf "candidate" I caught making deals right in front of me, unaware I understood. My wife now (and for several years) on the other hand never gets these kind of suggestions, I guess they don't take her as the type that would be receptive to such deals.

So, much depends on who you are with, and whether you or your wife are perceived as being potential targets for this kind of BS. But it does happen all the time.


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Years ago I just had our house built and the builder said he would take us in the city 90kms away to buy furniture and things in general for the house, we had no transport at the time and the builder had a pick up and a van etc...went in to a large shop the owner sat us down at the counter and asked what we wanted. at the time I didn't understand any Thai what so ever ?? after about 30 seconds the builder jumped up and had some heated words with the shop owner then grab my arm and lead my and the wife out of the shop...I didn't know what had happened but then my wife explained that the shop owner had thanked our builder for bringing me to his shop and he was going to put 2000 bht on my bill which he was going to give the builder......we ended up buying from another shop the otherside of the city.....not only did our builder do a marvellous job on the house but what a marvellous guy as well......

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Before metered taxis in Bangkok you had to negotiate the price. Wife would stand on kerb, wave down taxi, agree the price then I would jump out of hiding and get in. A driver told her, instead of 60 baht, lets charge him 100 baht and we split the difference. She said that we were married and the drivers reaction was "so what ?"

Another occasion. I asked a nephew to take me to town on the back of his motorbike - he isn't the sharpest tool in the box - needless to say we rounded a corner and there was a Police check and guess what, he was given a ticket for 200 baht. When we got home, i told the wife and asked how much for the ticket, I immediatey gave him 200 baht and told him to pay. He returned half hour later saying the cops wanted ot know who the Felang was, he said "Uncle', so the ticket went up to 500 baht. The wife gave him a slap and told him he was stupid.

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I also find it exceedingly hard to believe!

As I have been living in Thailand for 13 years, shopped all over Thailand except for the deep south and nothing like the OPs story has ever happened to me.

Let me rephrase that, "has never happened to me where fix prices were posted" In Pattaya I would ask a vendor "how much" many times I received a high price quote, never said a word put the item back and left.

Also in 13 years never had anyone say,"Farang price is more"

I am not implying that it could not happen, but to be as wide spread as some say it is on this forum and I take issue with the OP's statment "every single incident that has happened to almost every Farang here"

Eight (8) different posters stated that has never happened to them, at least five of them are long time residents of Thailand, and aside from the very vocal anti-Thai poster that champions the OP , the majority sentiment is that it has not happened to them.

As it has also never happened to me, I would have to side with the majority opinion!


Here we go again; it has happened to you; you are just too oblivious and misguided to notice.

Your last comment says it all; "I would have to side with......"

There are no sides; just a poster telling us about his experience, and I for one find it hard to believe that he would just make it up.

This is the problem, you feel that you have to "take a side." There is more to the world than "Thais" and "falang." You should get out morethumbsup.gif

Again you, your infinite wisdom and shoot from the hip, undocumentable statements. I know you are unable to but please show me where as you state "it has happened to you, you are too oblivious and misguided to notice" I have never had the displeasure of meeting you yet you know so much,

"Do not argue with the ignorant, as they will drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience".


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I can also retell a shocking case of different pricing for a 'farang'.

A few days ago I went to the local hairdresser for a simple haircut that took all of 5 minutes.

After completing the cut, the young assistant demanded 100 baht from me. However, her superior immediately interrupted and said '80 baht, farang only have little hair'.

I guess that as I grow older, I can look forward to more 'farang pricing'.


Now, I call that, Thainess. Good for her. My haircut has risen from Bt.30 ti Bt. 60 in just 25 years. Scandalouswhistling.gif

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I don't know about the particular post , but double pricing is rampant at hotels in Thailand....

Maybe, but they don't chase you down the street demanding that you pay more after you have already checked out. tongue.png

More cherry picking from something that isn't there.

Please point out where I said we were chased down the street.

"After she had paid (450 baht) she left the shop, and approached the car. The shop assistant glanced over and saw that I was a farang, and she literally came trotting out of the shop and demanded another 200 baht from the missus."


'Literally trotting out of the shop' is not 'chasing us down the street'.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Maybe ... just maybe ... the wife mentioned her husband was farang.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

That is because it is a load of crap. I've been here a long time and no Thai is going to lose money to make some imaginary point. They may try to charge you more in the first place, but not refund money and make no sale at all to "get" a farang after something is already sold. rolleyes.gif

What the OP would gain from saying something that has not happened ?

You're the one talking crap with your assumptions on how Thais conduct business. They are not all alike as you seem to think. Wife indicated she would not buy at inflated prices, end of deal.

Have to agree with paz, disagree with beetle and UG.

Being in Thailand almost five years I certainly have more positive than negative stories to tell. But there were some negative ones.

About going shopping on the market, my wife tells me to stay far away from her so the seller don't see the farang's wife in her and charge her more because of that. She knows her people better...

That is exactly how we escape it most of the time.

The wife is always saying 'wait me here'. I never complain, I get to sit in my air conditioned car and listen to music or step out for a ciggy. We rarely walk through the market together. She knows we are a target for paying more, and this goes for her too if someone knows she is married to a farang, as in the case with the beautician katoey.

If we are making purchases of 5000+ the wife will go with her dad instead and we will save money almost every time.

The big retail chains are never a problem.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beauticians know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

"Incredibly hard to believe" ??? Are you from Mars? That happens every day in Thailand.

Then, learn to read the FULL posting, not just what makes your apologetic, drunk response.

No beauty salon, clothing store. And the OP was just there outside having a cig, and Thais, you know, got eyes.

+1 Completely agree

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'Literally trotting out of the shop' is not 'chasing us down the street'.

What sort of 'trot' was it?

Jog trot

Collected trot

Slow trot

Working trot

Medium trot

Park trot

Lengthened trot

Extended trot

Racing trot


I will ask you again, why didnt you refuse to pay it, and tell her to phone the police.

Based on what you have provided further, If your wife really is as qualified as you say, there is no way she would take shit from some salesperson, pee/nong status, the Thai pecking order and loss of face.

May well have been the Bangkok shuffle.

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Some might say, if you find what you read hard to believe,

then just move on to the next article.

Why waste your time with expression?

Double charging happens all the time,

some restaurants in Samui,

even have Thai menus and Foreign menus,

and we think it's just the language within it that's changed,

but it's not the only thing...prices too.

We make this issue or situation possible because,

tourist love to say how cheap everything is here,

or they used to say it more often.

Now that the locals have heard it so many times,

they've adjusted their prices,

just look at the little sticker over the prices on the menu...

They don't even bother to make new menus to go with their new prices.

That cost money and they don't wish to spend any extra money to earn the extra charge.

Tourist have done this damage to all of us foreigners with their boasting about how cheap things were,

and now they are surprised?

Thai's are not stupid people,

they just don't go around showing off how smart they are,

that takes energy, and we all know how they wish to save that energy for family & friends.

We are of little interest to them really, just revenue.

How can we blame them,

we are for the most part just here and then gone soon after.

It's different to some degree, after they see you here for long periods of time.

Then relationships can grow and build,

more respect can transpire between the local people and yourselves.

Other mentioned here, why not ask for discount?

I think if the sticker or price tag is on the product,

what gives me the right to ask for that price to be lowered?

I wouldn't do it in my home country.

On the other hand if I bought a large amount of trousers,

or anything that's considered the same items,

then I might approach the subject of a bulk discount,

and the locals see that as reasonable or understandable,

and respond with respect to the request.

I've seen several foreigner tell the shop clerks what they are going to pay for a single item,

and expect to be given that price, as if it's their shop,

and they have the right to determine the price.

This does't appear to be respectful in any way,

and I would escort the customer out my door,

and ask that they don't return.

The shop owner comes to work everyday,

buys her products to sell to the public,

marks the prices for all to see,

which is certainly an improvement over the way it was before.

Only to be asked or even worse told time & time again,

all day long, by tourist mostly, what the price is going to be for the transaction.

It gets tiring, I'm sure of this,

and no I don't own a shop or retail outlet,

but I can certainly see the exhaustion on their faces,

and share in their frustrations.

Yes the local people haggle, but it's a social thing mostly,

and never to the degree of disrespect I've seen we foreigner bestow onto the shop owners.

Especially when we sit back and consider,

this haggling would never be done in the country we're from.

The price is marked,

the cost has been determined,

we except it or we shop else where looking for a cheaper sticker on the same items.


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I have experienced overcharging in Thailand but not since I have a Thai wife.

However some of the guy's living temporarily do suffer because their Thai girl encourages vendors to charge their farang more. Maybe such 'wife' split the farang part of the price with the vendor.

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