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Suthep calls people to rise up together against Yingluck after New Year celebrations


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Suthep should be arrested, he is only there for his own selfish needs, he does not respect elections or the majority and should be campaigning to win the people over not to bring down the elected government. Now he has blood on his hands, beating up a defenceless taxi driver just shows his followers are just street thugs and is nothing to do with Yingluck.I thought in any endeavour sport etc if you win more points you win, if you lose you do not beat up the referee an claim victory.Even if you boycott the game you still don't win.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

Try having your own IQ checked if you think Yingluck is the better option.

There is no good side here for the Thai people to vote for only the least bad side.

But if Suthep and his mates get their way, voting will not come into it

PS, Black shirt and arm outstretched says it all really!

Edited by JAG
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Like I have said before; Why call for an uprising against the caretaker government when all this idiot has to do is wait 6 more weeks for the election then the Thais will make their own decision who they want running their country.

Seems quite stupid to me really. I mean why doesn't he just spend the next 6 weeks on his campaign stratagy and follow the King's ruling?

Very simple really; an election has been called so let the people elect.

The thing is he doesn't want the people to have a say. He wants to speak for them and make the country his own.

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Like I have said before; Why call for an uprising against the caretaker government when all this idiot has to do is wait 6 more weeks for the election then the Thais will make their own decision who they want running their country.

Seems quite stupid to me really. I mean why doesn't he just spend the next 6 weeks on his campaign stratagy and follow the King's ruling?

Very simple really; an election has been called so let the people elect.

The thing is he doesn't want the people to have a say. He wants to speak for them and make the country his own.

Yes, he does not want the people to vote because they refuse to vote the way he wants. Thus, he advocates an undemocratic council to run the country and protect the Sino-Thai elites from the people - the rural Thais in the north, northeast and other parts of the country. We should not forget that urban people in the north and northeast also do not support him.

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Like I have said before; Why call for an uprising against the caretaker government when all this idiot has to do is wait 6 more weeks for the election then the Thais will make their own decision who they want running their country.

Seems quite stupid to me really. I mean why doesn't he just spend the next 6 weeks on his campaign stratagy and follow the King's ruling?

Very simple really; an election has been called so let the people elect.

The thing is he doesn't want the people to have a say. He wants to speak for them and make the country his own.

Yes, he does not want the people to vote because they refuse to vote the way he wants. Thus, he advocates an undemocratic council to run the country and protect the Sino-Thai elites from the people - the rural Thais in the north, northeast and other parts of the country. We should not forget that urban people in the north and northeast also do not support him.

We should not forget that urban people in the north and northeast also do not support him.

May i know who are the urban people you mentioned? Which area? Does they represent the others?

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If PT comes back after elections with Yingluck, Somchai or another Thaksin nominee as PM, everything will remain in chaos and they won't be able to make much money or bring the old fart home anyway. Suthep is crazy and a corrupt sob himself but he is just a catalyst for the deep revulsion felt by middle class people and Southerners that won't go away, even if Suthep is arrested or killed. Someone else would take his place and it would go on. PT needs to forget about Thaksin and his clan, move on and find a new leader like Chaturon or someone who is willing to work for the good of the country. The Dems also need to move on and find new leaders who can appeal to Isaan and Northern people.

The Dems are unelectable by the majority and the Shins are unacceptable to a very large minority. Something is going to have to crack to force individuals to give up their personal interests to let the country move on.

Excellent post

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If PT comes back after elections with Yingluck, Somchai or another Thaksin nominee as PM, everything will remain in chaos and they won't be able to make much money or bring the old fart home anyway. Suthep is crazy and a corrupt sob himself but he is just a catalyst for the deep revulsion felt by middle class people and Southerners that won't go away, even if Suthep is arrested or killed. Someone else would take his place and it would go on. PT needs to forget about Thaksin and his clan, move on and find a new leader like Chaturon or someone who is willing to work for the good of the country. The Dems also need to move on and find new leaders who can appeal to Isaan and Northern people.

The Dems are unelectable by the majority and the Shins are unacceptable to a very large minority. Something is going to have to crack to force individuals to give up their personal interests to let the country move on.

Superb analysis and I agree completely.

But the practical problem in Thailand, as elsewhere, is that politicians pursue their own interest at the expense of the misgoverned.

Neither faction or the interests they represent will back down.There are now two countries not one & neither can tolerate being governed by the other.

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends how squeaky clean you want it ... currently Denmark rank top with most G8 in the top 20 along with the other main economic powers http://www.worldaudit.org/corruption.htm hint Thailand can be found down in 81 and 97 respectively whistling.gif

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends how squeaky clean you want it ... currently Denmark rank top with most G8 in the top 20 along with the other main economic powers http://www.worldaudit.org/corruption.htm hint Thailand can be found down in 81 and 97 respectively whistling.gif

As far as Asia goes i'd rank Siam ahead of PI, North Korea, China, Vietnam, etc.

Of course some of those are communist nations. There isn't much democracy in the area. Even Singapore is like a dictatorship.

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Funny how he says "sieze the power from the regime back to the people", and this same simple minded man does not want to engage in an election. Guess he knows he has no chance of winning, so a fascist form of government is his only option? Let us destroy any semblance of democracy, so that I can lead the country. Sounds a bit like something Mussolini, or Franco would have said. I do not like Yingluck, but the prospect of removing a democratically elected Premier, and installing a fascist leader is a disturbing prospect at best. Where is this all going to end one wonders?

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

Abhisit was formally endorsed as Prime Minister on 17 December 2008.

Key appointments in Abhisit's government included PAD leader (of Suvarnabhumi Airport fame) Kasit Piromya as Foreign Minister, (yes the guy who tells foreigners to "shut up" and the same guy who thought he could bully the German government by showing up in Berlin unannounced just to be met by some deputy and told to go home as Germany is following the rule of law... hahaha)

- construction tycoon Chaovarat Chanveerakul as Interior Minister, (no of course he did not profit from this position .......and investment banker and former Abhisit classmate Korn Chatikavanij as Finance Minister.(no nepotism here at all....... hey they where only classmates!!!)

Massage Parlor tycoon Pornthiva Nakasai was appointed Deputy Commerce Minister. (yes we all know that prostitution is illegal and does not exist in Thailand!!!

Abhisit's government saw unemployment increase by 63 percent.

Thailand's government budget went into deficit for the first time since 2003. By 2010, the government's debt had bloomed and reached -4.8% of GDP, the largest budget deficit since the government of Chuan Leekpai To help the people, Abhisit subsidized the price of diesel, LPG cooking gas, and household electricity. Public bus and train rides were provided for free........ so much for populist policies!?

He administered two economic stimulus packages: a $40 billion, three-year infrastructure improvement plan, and a more than $3 billion program of cash subsidies and handouts ......oh yes I remember very well the cash handouts was it around 100 billion baht ???? The rice pledging scam dwarfs in comparison!!!! - At least it benefits hard working farmers!!!

Human Rights Watch called Abhisit "the most prolific censor in recent Thai history" and Freedom House downgraded Thailand's rating of media freedom to "not free." - not surprising as the military puppet masters where pulling the strings behind the scenes skimming off billions of tax payers money since the coup in 2006.....

Abhisit also advocated for stronger anti-corruption measures, although several members of his Cabinet resigned due to corruption scandals and parts of his economic stimulus packages were criticized for instances of alleged corruption.

Large-scale fighting erupted several times between Thai and Cambodian troops near Preah Vihear leaving dozens dead - because this is what happens if Fascists pull the strings behind the scenes!

The Thai military admitted to using Cluster munitions in the conflicts. The Southern Thailand insurgency worsened, and Abhisit's government was condemned by several international human rights groups for the routine and systematic torture of suspected insurgents Thailand's military budget reached its highest level in over a decade.......big surprise here.....

Abhisit's information and communications technology (ICT) policy included increased censorship of Internet sites the government considered deemed offensive to the monarchy..........and anything "offensive" to his government - cancellation of 3G 2.1 gigahertz spectrum license auctions, and larger budgets for government-owned TOT...........(re-negotiating the kickbacks after all they have to go into the "right" pockets!!!)

I think the democrats had their chance - and not a single reform which the gangster Suthep is now crying about has been introduced during their time in power!

So much for a clean and democratic system............welcome to Thailand!!!!

Yes reforms are badly needed......yes things should change ...but it looks like the "Democrats" and especially Suthep are not the right people for the job.......I just feel sorry for Chuan Leekpai to be associated with all these gangsters...... he is still the least corrupt and most honest Thai PM Thailand has ever had in my humble opinion.....

Brilliant record of the joys of living under the Dems squeeky clean government, CNX. Sorry you missed out that Parliamentary whore Newin who sold out to them in return for getting a fat wad of cash and the Transport Ministry (always regarded as the most lucrative source of kick-backs - remember the top civil servant's millions of bahts in cash stolen from under his bed during his daughter's wedding?)

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

"Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!" Dead right. That's the first thing that came to my mind when looking at the photo and yes he is a real nutter.

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This will get a lot worse before it gets better. Hopefully the constitutional court will this time ban the entire PTP including yingluck and half the thaksin influenced senate before too much more blood is spilled. No point relying on the army for help on this one, butwe will hear what they have to say at 1pm when they hold their press conference, but I suspect it will just be more crap about remaining neutral.

This madman calls for revolution and you still point at Yingluck? Are you insane or what?

Yingluk is the one who is instating the revolution by not resigning.

No, Yingluck is doing the job she was elected to do. Because some psycho tells her to resign does not mean she has to resign. If she resigns as a direct of bullying and muppets blowing whistles then she has let down every person who voted for her.

Yingluck has NEVER done the job that she was put into by her brother. The PM of Thailand is the PM of the whole country and not just the bit that supports her and her tribe. Look up her attendances in parliament, how many times has she gone head to head with any of the opposition MPs. How many votes has she missed because whe was abroad pretending to be the Foreign Minister whose job it really is.

She is the head of the rice committee yet admits to NEVER having been to a meeting in her life.

She promoted herself to the position of Defence Minister but has no idea what that is about.

She is a disgrace to the country in any political position let alone the first Minister of the country.

Actually ONLY 265 people voted for her and they were the 265 PTP MPs. It would not have made any difference if they all voted against her as the 266th vote was the most important vote.

That one came from Thaksin and ALWAYS trumps everybody elses vote.

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The Kingdom of Thailand is not a poor country; the Kingdom is managed under a tribute system.

The corrupt "tribute system" serves as the model for both official and unofficial allocation of the Kingdom's official and unofficial wealth.

Both sides to this conflict are corrupt; there is no other way to prosper or to "maintain" in the Kingdom.

There is a two trillion baht (2,000,000,000,000 baht) loan on the table and this massive "kill" has been on the table for two or three years. There have been others; dribs and drabs from the IMF, the Great US payout during the completely unnecessary Southeast Asian conflicts.

Over the years both sides have worked hard to establish the type progressive tax system that will be needed to gouge ordinary Thai people for money to forever pay the interest on this huge debt. This kind of Tax Slavery is only ONE of the conditions that the "international banks" impose on jurisdictions like Thailand to make them eligible for "loans" of this size.

The insatiable poo yai on BOTH sides of this current civil disruption are cut from the same cloth.

Remember; they will eat it all up during the 5 or ten years it takes to execute the infrastructure projects that were ostensibly the reason for incurring this debt.

It is no secret that in every other jurisdiction on the planet, BOTH sides will eat from these types of loan because both sides are guilty of cobbling this progressive tax system together. (Non-co-operation-ists or nationalists are booted from the game as "communists" and/or terrorists.)


Who will eat.? How will they eat ? and How much they will eat has been "under discussion" for the past few years. These questions are "currently under discussion" through useful idiot stooges in the streets.

Anything this has to do with the public good is coincidental.

The current government (in the typical greedy, over-reaching style of Thaksin,) made a huge tactical error when they behaved as business people rather than as politicians. The very idea that an amnesty could be bargained out of any sharing arrangement was naive to the point of winged human flight (wax melts close to the sun ;-)

They set up a power play in which their counterparts in this Thai version of the democratic charade would have had to crawl to them on their hands and knees to get their feed and their entitlements. And, of course, they tacked on this jive-@ss amnesty claptrap.

The smart thing to do would have been to acknowledge the other side's need to feed and to have set up a sharing mechanism wherein BOTH brands could have put their snouts into this trough. In the US for example this is done through the corporations and the local banks.

With each side eating and swoggling itself into a gastronomic stupor, and with the poor rank-and-file hoople-headed slave citizens of EITHER stripe having been once again hypnotized into thinking they'd had a hand in the magical Thainess of this feast there could have been peace in the valley.

But O-o-o-o-o-h N-o-o-o-o-o-o.

This IS a fine mess you've got us into, Ollie.

(Somebody's going to lose a nail if this keeps up)

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends how squeaky clean you want it ... currently Denmark rank top with most G8 in the top 20 along with the other main economic powers http://www.worldaudit.org/corruption.htm hint Thailand can be found down in 81 and 97 respectively whistling.gif

As far as Asia goes i'd rank Siam ahead of PI, North Korea, China, Vietnam, etc.

Of course some of those are communist nations. There isn't much democracy in the area. Even Singapore is like a dictatorship.

Actually, the Singapore concept of democracy is the type of democracy that many feel Thaksin originally was aiming for.

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Like I have said before; Why call for an uprising against the caretaker government when all this idiot has to do is wait 6 more weeks for the election then the Thais will make their own decision who they want running their country.

Seems quite stupid to me really. I mean why doesn't he just spend the next 6 weeks on his campaign stratagy and follow the King's ruling?

Very simple really; an election has been called so let the people elect.

There is no way Suthep or the Dems can win an election in the 100 coming years.

That's why they resort unconstitutional and criminal actions.

North of Bangkok millions of people have only one wish for new year: To have Suthep vanish from this world forever.

I wonder if their wish will become true... :rolleyes:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

Abhisit was formally endorsed as Prime Minister on 17 December 2008.

Key appointments in Abhisit's government included PAD leader (of Suvarnabhumi Airport fame) Kasit Piromya as Foreign Minister, (yes the guy who tells foreigners to "shut up" and the same guy who thought he could bully the German government by showing up in Berlin unannounced just to be met by some deputy and told to go home as Germany is following the rule of law... hahaha)

- construction tycoon Chaovarat Chanveerakul as Interior Minister, (no of course he did not profit from this position .......and investment banker and former Abhisit classmate Korn Chatikavanij as Finance Minister.(no nepotism here at all....... hey they where only classmates!!!)

Massage Parlor tycoon Pornthiva Nakasai was appointed Deputy Commerce Minister. (yes we all know that prostitution is illegal and does not exist in Thailand!!!

Abhisit's government saw unemployment increase by 63 percent.

Thailand's government budget went into deficit for the first time since 2003. By 2010, the government's debt had bloomed and reached -4.8% of GDP, the largest budget deficit since the government of Chuan Leekpai To help the people, Abhisit subsidized the price of diesel, LPG cooking gas, and household electricity. Public bus and train rides were provided for free........ so much for populist policies!?

He administered two economic stimulus packages: a $40 billion, three-year infrastructure improvement plan, and a more than $3 billion program of cash subsidies and handouts ......oh yes I remember very well the cash handouts was it around 100 billion baht ???? The rice pledging scam dwarfs in comparison!!!! - At least it benefits hard working farmers!!!

Human Rights Watch called Abhisit "the most prolific censor in recent Thai history" and Freedom House downgraded Thailand's rating of media freedom to "not free." - not surprising as the military puppet masters where pulling the strings behind the scenes skimming off billions of tax payers money since the coup in 2006.....

Abhisit also advocated for stronger anti-corruption measures, although several members of his Cabinet resigned due to corruption scandals and parts of his economic stimulus packages were criticized for instances of alleged corruption.

Large-scale fighting erupted several times between Thai and Cambodian troops near Preah Vihear leaving dozens dead - because this is what happens if Fascists pull the strings behind the scenes!

The Thai military admitted to using Cluster munitions in the conflicts. The Southern Thailand insurgency worsened, and Abhisit's government was condemned by several international human rights groups for the routine and systematic torture of suspected insurgents Thailand's military budget reached its highest level in over a decade.......big surprise here.....

Abhisit's information and communications technology (ICT) policy included increased censorship of Internet sites the government considered deemed offensive to the monarchy..........and anything "offensive" to his government - cancellation of 3G 2.1 gigahertz spectrum license auctions, and larger budgets for government-owned TOT...........(re-negotiating the kickbacks after all they have to go into the "right" pockets!!!)

I think the democrats had their chance - and not a single reform which the gangster Suthep is now crying about has been introduced during their time in power!

So much for a clean and democratic system............welcome to Thailand!!!!

Yes reforms are badly needed......yes things should change ...but it looks like the "Democrats" and especially Suthep are not the right people for the job.......I just feel sorry for Chuan Leekpai to be associated with all these gangsters...... he is still the least corrupt and most honest Thai PM Thailand has ever had in my humble opinion.....

I was with this all the way until you said that Chuan Leekpai was the most honest PM they've had. Apart from that "accolade" hardly being worth much in the scale of things he wasn't called "The Painter" for nothing. He surrounded himself with corrupt politicians and was forever "whitewashing" their activities.

Edited by fab4
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It will be a very limited uprising on a Nationwide Basis, They have limited support as the elections show the vast majority of the population do not support him. Basically it will be mass disruption in Bangkok again. Still baht is now 54 to the £ every cloud has a silver lining.

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

Abhisit was formally endorsed as Prime Minister on 17 December 2008.

Key appointments in Abhisit's government included PAD leader (of Suvarnabhumi Airport fame) Kasit Piromya as Foreign Minister, (yes the guy who tells foreigners to "shut up" and the same guy who thought he could bully the German government by showing up in Berlin unannounced just to be met by some deputy and told to go home as Germany is following the rule of law... hahaha)

- construction tycoon Chaovarat Chanveerakul as Interior Minister, (no of course he did not profit from this position .......and investment banker and former Abhisit classmate Korn Chatikavanij as Finance Minister.(no nepotism here at all....... hey they where only classmates!!!)

Massage Parlor tycoon Pornthiva Nakasai was appointed Deputy Commerce Minister. (yes we all know that prostitution is illegal and does not exist in Thailand!!!

Abhisit's government saw unemployment increase by 63 percent.

Thailand's government budget went into deficit for the first time since 2003. By 2010, the government's debt had bloomed and reached -4.8% of GDP, the largest budget deficit since the government of Chuan Leekpai To help the people, Abhisit subsidized the price of diesel, LPG cooking gas, and household electricity. Public bus and train rides were provided for free........ so much for populist policies!?

He administered two economic stimulus packages: a $40 billion, three-year infrastructure improvement plan, and a more than $3 billion program of cash subsidies and handouts ......oh yes I remember very well the cash handouts was it around 100 billion baht ???? The rice pledging scam dwarfs in comparison!!!! - At least it benefits hard working farmers!!!

Human Rights Watch called Abhisit "the most prolific censor in recent Thai history" and Freedom House downgraded Thailand's rating of media freedom to "not free." - not surprising as the military puppet masters where pulling the strings behind the scenes skimming off billions of tax payers money since the coup in 2006.....

Abhisit also advocated for stronger anti-corruption measures, although several members of his Cabinet resigned due to corruption scandals and parts of his economic stimulus packages were criticized for instances of alleged corruption.

Large-scale fighting erupted several times between Thai and Cambodian troops near Preah Vihear leaving dozens dead - because this is what happens if Fascists pull the strings behind the scenes!

The Thai military admitted to using Cluster munitions in the conflicts. The Southern Thailand insurgency worsened, and Abhisit's government was condemned by several international human rights groups for the routine and systematic torture of suspected insurgents Thailand's military budget reached its highest level in over a decade.......big surprise here.....

Abhisit's information and communications technology (ICT) policy included increased censorship of Internet sites the government considered deemed offensive to the monarchy..........and anything "offensive" to his government - cancellation of 3G 2.1 gigahertz spectrum license auctions, and larger budgets for government-owned TOT...........(re-negotiating the kickbacks after all they have to go into the "right" pockets!!!)

I think the democrats had their chance - and not a single reform which the gangster Suthep is now crying about has been introduced during their time in power!

So much for a clean and democratic system............welcome to Thailand!!!!

Yes reforms are badly needed......yes things should change ...but it looks like the "Democrats" and especially Suthep are not the right people for the job.......I just feel sorry for Chuan Leekpai to be associated with all these gangsters...... he is still the least corrupt and most honest Thai PM Thailand has ever had in my humble opinion.....


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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

name one country in the world with a clean non corrupt democratic system !!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends how squeaky clean you want it ... currently Denmark rank top with most G8 in the top 20 along with the other main economic powers http://www.worldaudit.org/corruption.htm hint Thailand can be found down in 81 and 97 respectively whistling.gif

As far as Asia goes i'd rank Siam ahead of PI, North Korea, China, Vietnam, etc.

Of course some of those are communist nations. There isn't much democracy in the area. Even Singapore is like a dictatorship.

Someone needs to teach you the difference between a wealth distribution system like communism, socialism, or capitalism and a political system like monarchy, parliamentary democracy, oligarchy, and totalitarianism etc.

Your confusion of these two categories is not helpful.

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The Kingdom of Thailand is not a poor country; the Kingdom is managed under a tribute system. The corrupt "tribute system" serves as the model for both official and unofficial allocation of the Kingdom's official and unofficial wealth. Both sides to this conflict are corrupt; there is no other way to prosper or to "maintain" in the Kingdom. There is a two trillion baht (2,000,000,000,000 baht) loan on the table and this massive "kill" has been on the table for two or three years. There have been others; dribs and drabs from the IMF, the Great US payout during the completely unnecessary Southeast Asian conflicts. Over the years both sides have worked hard to establish the type progressive tax system that will be needed to gouge ordinary Thai people for money to forever pay the interest on this huge debt. This kind of Tax Slavery is only ONE of the conditions that the "international banks" impose on jurisdictions like Thailand to make them eligible for "loans" of this size. The insatiable poo yai on BOTH sides of this current civil disruption are cut from the same cloth. Remember; they will eat it all up during the 5 or ten years it takes to execute the infrastructure projects that were ostensibly the reason for incurring this debt. It is no secret that in every other jurisdiction on the planet, BOTH sides will eat from these types of loan because both sides are guilty of cobbling this progressive tax system together. (Non-co-operation-ists or nationalists are booted from the game as "communists" and/or terrorists.) So: Who will eat.? How will they eat ? and How much they will eat has been "under discussion" for the past few years. These questions are "currently under discussion" through useful idiot stooges in the streets. Anything this has to do with the public good is coincidental. The current government (in the typical greedy, over-reaching style of Thaksin,) made a huge tactical error when they behaved as business people rather than as politicians. The very idea that an amnesty could be bargained out of any sharing arrangement was naive to the point of winged human flight (wax melts close to the sun ;-) They set up a power play in which their counterparts in this Thai version of the democratic charade would have had to crawl to them on their hands and knees to get their feed and their entitlements. And, of course, they tacked on this jive-@ss amnesty claptrap. The smart thing to do would have been to acknowledge the other side's need to feed and to have set up a sharing mechanism wherein BOTH brands could have put their snouts into this trough. In the US for example this is done through the corporations and the local banks. With each side eating and swoggling itself into a gastronomic stupor, and with the poor rank-and-file hoople-headed slave citizens of EITHER stripe having been once again hypnotized into thinking they'd had a hand in the magical Thainess of this feast there could have been peace in the valley. But O-o-o-o-o-h N-o-o-o-o-o-o. This IS a fine mess you've got us into, Ollie. (Somebody's going to lose a nail if this keeps up)

Very astute observation - Thaksin upset the apple cart by getting greedy and using the charade of caring for the poor to garner his share of the spoils and cut out the other troughers - therein lies his strategic mistake. I seem to remember some cabinet meeting he had I think in Phuket way back where he haranged his cabinet about morality and having mia-nois and I remember thinking then he was playing with fire. Business as usual will be the poor scratching a living and being grateful for their lot and all the local rigged games and economies back to their disorderly order. Starting to think this might be favourable to anarchy in the Kingdom where everybody loses.

Meanwhile can we put Khun Suthep back in his box...

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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I hope, for Suthep's sake, that he suffers from Alzheimers later.

Not being mean, being kind.

Who wants to remember, in one's dotage, just what a knob you used to be?

Same goes for the British born and Oxford educated Abhisit.

Edited by SebD
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I hope, for Suthep's sake, that he suffers from Alzheimers later.

Not being mean, being kind.

Who wants to remember, in one's dotage, just what a knob you used to be?

Same goes for the British born and Oxford educated Abhisit.

Your avatar seems very apt to the animal instincts that govern politics the world over and particuarly Thailand at this troubled time.

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I hope, for Suthep's sake, that he suffers from Alzheimers later.

Not being mean, being kind.

Who wants to remember, in one's dotage, just what a knob you used to be?

Same goes for the British born and Oxford educated Abhisit.

What the hell would you know?

You don't even understand the basic fundamentals of a democracy or any form of politics.

Most childish poster I have met so far.

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